Vascular Medicine: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

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Peripheral Vascular Anomalies, Malformations, and Vascular Tumors

Nonmalignant vascular anomalies can be functionally divided into two groups: vascular tumors and vascular malformations. Unfortunately, this distinction is not universally appreciated, due to “terminologic imprecision.” Despite efforts by vascular anomalies specialists to publicize the accurate lexicon, the term hemangioma…

Vascular Compression Syndromes

Vascular compression syndromes are uncommon conditions caused by narrowing or occlusion of vascular structures by adjacent tissues in disparate regions of the body. This chapter will focus on the anatomy, pathophysiology, and management of the more commonly encountered vascular compression…

Vascular Trauma

Vascular trauma occurs in varying injury patterns, with involved structures ranging from large caliber, high-flow central vessels to small, peripheral extremity vessels. Due to the variability in affected vessels and concomitant injuries, management strategies can vary considerably. Often, evaluation and…

Lower Extremity Ulceration

Ulceration of the lower extremity is a relatively common condition that causes significant discomfort and disability. An ulcer is defined as a disruption of the skin with erosion of the underlying subcutaneous tissue. This breach may extend further to the…

Dermatological Manifestations of Vascular Disease

In the modern-day era of medical diagnosis facilitated by sophisticated radiographic imaging and/or comprehensive serological testing, a thorough physical examination remains vital in recognizing the dermatological manifestations of chronic vascular diseases. Accurately identifying cutaneous signs of lymphovenous hypertension and peripheral…

Vascular Infections

Vascular infections represent difficult diagnostic and technical challenges for even the most experienced physicians. Multiple comorbidities frequently afflict the patients, resulting in nutritional and immunologic deficiencies. Patients are often near the end of life as well, further complicating the decision-making…

Fibromuscular Dysplasia

Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a nonatherosclerotic vascular disease that primarily affects medium-sized arteries but can be observed in nearly every artery of the body. It is not known to involve the venous system. Although FMD most commonly presents in middle-aged…

Diseases of the Lymphatic Circulation

Diseases of the lymphatic circulation reflect either intrinsic, presumptively heritable (primary) defects or the aftermath of an acquired (secondary) disruption of lymphatic structure or function. Primary lymphatic disorders are thought to arise from faulty development of the lymphatic vasculature or…