Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care

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Trauma outcomes

Based upon the Dr. Avedis Donabedian’s model for quality in health care, the outcome of care can be considered the result of the processes of by which that care was delivered and the specific health care structure in which it…

Trauma rehabilitation

Overview In 2010, the number of deaths in the United States associated with unintentional injury was 120,859. The leading cause of death in 2010 in age group 1 to 44 continues to be unintentional injury. It was the third leading…

Palliative care in the trauma intensive care unit

Despite recent advances in trauma resuscitation and surgery, surgeons continue to care for critically injured patients who will succumb to their injuries. The mortality rate for trauma patients who require admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) remains at 10%…

Anesthesia in the critical care unit and pain management

Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) present with increased levels of anxiety, agitation, and pain. This often requires intense support and invasive monitoring. To ensure the comfort and safety of these patients, the use of sedative, analgesic,…

Surgical procedures in the surgical intensive care unit

This chapter is not intended to provide a comprehensive review of all the bedside procedures that can be performed in the ICU. Rather, it will illustrate the indications, management, and complications of common surgical procedures that can be performed outside…