Chromoendoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease



autofluorescence imaging


blue-light imaging


colitis-associated neoplasia


Crohn’s disease


Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity


confidence interval


colorectal cancer


dye chromoendoscopy


confocal laser endomicroscopy


the Frankfurt Advanced Chromoendoscopic IBD LEsions


flexible spectral imaging color enhancement


high definition




inflammatory bowel disease


image-enhanced endoscopy


ileal pouch-anal anastomosis


magnification endoscopy


the Mayo Endoscopic Score


narrow-band imaging


the Narrow-band Imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic (classification)


optical coherence tomography


odds ratio


the Paddington International Virtual Chromoendoscopy


primary sclerosing cholangitis


the Surveillance for Colorectal Endoscopic Neoplasia Detection and Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients


standard definition


ulcerative colitis


white-light endoscopy


Endoscopy plays a key role in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, assessment of response to treatment, and surveillance of colitis-associated neoplasia (CAN). Endoscopy is the most reliable and commonly used modality for the measurement of disease activity. Mucosal healing (MH) has become a treatment goal. MH has been mainly defined with conventional white-light endoscopy (WLE). Therefore the terminology of MH and endoscopic healing has been used interchangeably. The availability of various image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) technologies may further define MH, one step closer to histology level.

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide with more than 1.8 million new cases diagnosed annually . In the United States, CRC is the second leading cause of cancer death among men and women . Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn’s disease (CD) of the colon are at twofold higher risk of the development of CRC than the general population . Cancer in patients with UC occurs at a younger age and the incidence increases with time, approaching 18% after 30 years of disease . Apart from disease duration, other risk factors for CAN include younger age at diagnosis, increased inflammatory activity, greater extent of chronic inflammation, coexisting primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and a family history of a first-degree relative with CRC . Patients with left-sided or extensive UC and those with CD involving at least one-third of the colon or more than one segment of the colon are the target population for the surveillance program . Colonoscopy plays key role in surveillance of CAN . Guidelines recommend colonoscopy surveillance for CAN 8–10 years after disease diagnosis and continued surveillance every 1–3 years thereafter and the surveillance of UC patients at the time of diagnosis of PSC .

In the prior era of standard-definition (SD) or high-definition (HD) endoscopy, the practice pattern of endoscopic surveillance of dysplasia in patients with UC or CD of the colon used to be random biopsies in four quadrants every 10 cm of throughout the colon and targeted biopsies of any aberrant, raised or strictured areas with a total of at least 32–33 samples. The random biopsy technique is expensive, time-consuming, and invasive . Even with the extensive biopsies, less than 0.1% of the surface area of the colon is surveyed and the detection rate has been low (<2 per 1000 biopsies taken). The multiple random biopsies may still miss dysplastic lesions .

Over the past decade, endoscopic technology has evolved to improve the surveillance of dysplasia in long-standing IBD. HD-WLE provides images with a resolution of more than 1 million pixels, in comparison to SD-WLE with a resolution of 100,000–400,000 pixels. HD-WLE has been instrumental in identifying polyps (especially sessile polyps) that may have been missed by SD-WLE . However, even HD endoscopy is not able to characterize mucosal structure at microscopic level. Efforts, therefore, are being made to develop modalities to guide or even replace standard tissue biopsy. The terminology of optical biopsy has been used .

Corresponding to the evolution from SD and HD endoscopy to magnification endoscopy (ME), other imaging techniques have been developed. Various forms of IEE have been developed to characterize mucosal and submucosal features. IEE enhances surface, tone, and contrast. The modalities include ME, dye chromoendoscopy (DCE), dye-less narrow-band imaging (NBI), blue-light imaging (BLI), confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) , endocytoscopy, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Applications of CLE, OCT, and ME in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are detailed in Chapter 20 , Confocal endomicroscopy and other image-enhanced endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease. The enhanced quality of endoscopic imaging provides better tools to characterize disease activity and CAN. Currently main applications of IEE are the assessment of disease activity and response to treatment, and characterization of CAN.

Disease scoring systems

A variety of instruments have been developed for the measurement of disease activity in CD and UC, for example, the Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS) and the Mayo Endoscopic Score (MES). These disease instruments are detailed in Chapter 14 , Endoscopic scores in inflammatory bowel disease. These scoring systems were developed based on WLE. Due to the limitation of WLE, currently available disease activity instruments characterize edema, erythema, vascular pattern, bleeding, erosions, and ulcers. None of these instruments included the specific endoscopic features for the definition of MH.

With IEE, attempts have been made to further characterize mucosal (such as scars and drop out of crypts) and superficial vascular structure in IBD, particularly in UC. For example, the Paddington International Virtual Chromoendoscopy (PICaSSO) was proposed to quantify the disease activity in UC . The PICaSSO Classification consists of two categories, mucosal architecture (including erosions, crypt abscess, and erosions) and vascular architecture (including vessel dilation and bleeding), accounting extent and distribution of the abnormalities ( Figs. 19.1 and 19.2 ; Table 19.1 ). The development of IEE-based disease activity scores may help further define MH, endoscopic remission or deep remission.

Figure 19.1, PICaSSO-mucosal architecture on narrow-band imaging or blue-light imaging: (A) Normal, (B and C) microerosions ( green arrow ), ulcers ( yellow arrow ), (D) mucosal scars ( blue arrow ), (E) mucosal edema, and (F) bleeding ( red arrow ). PICaSSO , The Paddington International Virtual Chromoendoscopy.

Figure 19.2, PICaSSO-vascular architecture on narrow-band imaging or blue-light imaging: (A) Normal subepithelial vascular network, (B) mildly dilated subepithelial vessels ( green arrow ), (C–E) crowded epithelial blood vessels, and (F) edema with crowed subepithelial blood vessels ( blue arrow ). PICaSSO , The Paddington International Virtual Chromoendoscopy.

Table 19.1
The Paddington International Virtual Chromoendoscopy Score (PICaSSO) in ulcerative colitis .
Category Subcategory Description
PICaSSO mucosal-architecture 0—No mucosal defect A: Continuous/regular crypts
B: Crypts not visible (scar)
C: Discontinuous and or dilated/elongated crypts
I—Microerosion or cryptal abscess 1: Discrete
2: Patchy
3: Diffuse
II—Erosions size <5 mm 1: Discrete
2: Patchy
3: Diffuse
PICaSSO vascular-architecture 0—Vessels without dilatation A: Roundish following crypt architecture
B: Vessels not visible (scar)
C: Sparse (deep) vessels without dilatation
I—Vessels with dilatation A: Roundish with dilatation
B: Crowded or tortuous superficial vessels with dilatation
II—Intramucosal bleeding A: Roundish with dilatation
B: Crowded or tortuous superficial vessels with dilatation
III—Luminal bleeding A: Roundish with dilatation
B: Crowded or tortuous superficial vessels with dilatation

The main application of IEE has been the surveillance of CAN in patients with UC. The Kudo Classification of the pit pattern of non-IBD colorectal neoplastic lesions was proposed based on ME in 1996. The classification consists of five categories: Type I round pits; Type II stellar or papillary pits; Type III-L large tubular or roundish pits; Type III-S small tubular or roundish pits; Type IV branch-like or gyrus-like pits; and Type V nonstructural pits Kudo pit pattern Types III–V is considered as being dysplastic and Kudo pit pattern Types I–II is considered as being nondysplastic or predictors of dysplasia in patients with long-standing IBD ( Figs. 19.3 and 19.4 ; Table 19.2 ) . The Kudo Classification was initially designed to depict non-IBD colonic neoplasia. The application of the Kudo Classification in IBD can be challenging, as regenerative hyperplastic villous mucosa with inflammation-associated elongated and irregular pits, making the distinction between inflammatory, hyperplastic, and neoplastic changes difficult.

Figure 19.3, Illustration of the Kudo pit classification: (A) Type I—round pits (normal pattern), (B) Type II—stellar or papillary pits, (C) Type III-L—large tubular or roundish pits that are larger than normal pit pattern, (D) Type III-S—small tubular or roundish pits that are smaller than normal pit pattern, (E) Type IV—branch-like or gyrus-like pits, and (F) Type V—nonstructural pits.

Figure 19.4, Illustration of the Kudo pit classification in inflammatory bowel disease with high-definition white-light colonoscopy: (A) Type I—round pits, (B) Type II—stellar or papillary pits, (C) Type III-L—large tubular or roundish pits, (D) Type III-S—small tubular or roundish pits, (E) Type IV—branch-like or gyrus-like pits, and (F) Type V—nonstructural pits.

Table 19.2
The Kudo Pit Pattern for colorectal tumorous lesions .
Description Explanation
Type I Round pits Normal pit pattern
Type II Stellar or papillary pits
Type III-L Large tubular or roundish pits Larger than normal pit pattern
Type III-S Small tubular or roundish pits Smaller than normal pit pattern
Type IV Branch-like or gyrus-like pits
Type V Amorphous or nonstructural pattern
L , Large; S , small.

Other classification systems of colon polyps have been proposed, including the Narrow-band Imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic (NICE) Classification and the Showa Classification . The NICE Classification was proposed to differentiate nonneoplastic from neoplastic lesions, based on lesion color, microvascular architecture, and surface pattern . It classifies colorectal lesions into three categories: Type I as a hyperplastic lesion, Type II as an adenoma, and Type III as invasive cancer.

In addition to the pit pattern, morphology of mucosal structure and depth of CAN lesions may be categorized by the Paris Classification, which was designed for endoscopic classification of superficial neoplastic lesions in the colon as well as esophagus and stomach ( Fig. 19.5 ; Table 19.3 ) . The application of the Kudo Classification and Paris Classification are enhanced with the availability and application of various IEE. The Paris Classification was modified in a statement by the Surveillance for Colorectal Endoscopic Neoplasia Detection and Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients (SCENIC): International Consensus Recommendations ( Fig. 19.6 ; Table 19.4 ). The SCENIC consensus statement guides colonoscopic surveillance of CAN which was endorsed by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and American Gastroenterological Association. The endoscopic features of the modified Paris Classification listed in the SCENIC statement help clinicians to make decision on endoscopic resection versus surgical intervention.

Figure 19.5, Superficial neoplastic lesions in inflammation bowel disease according to the Paris Classification.

Table 19.3
Adopted from the Paris Classification of neoplastic lesions with “superficial*” morphology (type 0).
Morphology Category Subcategory Description
Type 0 Polypoid 0-I 0-Ip Pedunculated polypoid
0-Is Sessile polypoid
Nonpolypoid and nonexcavated 0-II 0-IIa Slightly elevated
0-IIb Flat
0-IIc Slightly depressed without ulcer
Nonpolypoid with a frank ulcer 0-III Excavated (ulcer)
“Superficial” is defined the depth of penetration in the digestive wall by the neoplasia is not more than into the submucosa, that is, there is no infiltration of the muscularis propria. P , Pedunculated; S , sessile.

Figure 19.6, Components of the SCENIC Classification: (A) Descriptor- ulceration ( green arrow ), (B) distinct border, (C) indistinct border ( yellow arrow ), and (D) strictured ileal pouch-anal anastomosis with poorly defined surface structure. Histology showed adenocarcinoma (D). SCENIC , the Surveillance for Colorectal Endoscopic Neoplasia Detection and Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients.

Table 19.4
SCENIC terminology for reporting findings on colonoscopic surveillance of patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Source: Modified from the Paris Classification. The Paris endoscopic classification of superficial neoplastic lesions: esophagus, stomach, and colon: November 30 to December 1, 2002. Gastrointest Endosc. 2003;58:S3–43.
Term Definition
Visible dysplasia Dysplasia identified on targeted biopsies from a lesion visualized at colonoscopy
Polypoid Lesion protruding from the mucosa into the lumen ≥2.5 mm
Pedunculated Lesion attached to the mucosa by a stalk
Sessile Lesion not attached to the mucosa by a stalk: entire base is contiguous with the mucosa
Nonpolypoid Lesion with little (<2.5 mm) or no protrusion above the mucosa
Superficial elevated Lesion with protrusion but <2.5 mm above the lumen (less than the height of the closed cup of a biopsy forceps)
Flat Lesion without protrusion above the mucosa
Depressed Lesion with at least a portion depressed below the level of the mucosa
General descriptors
Ulcerated Ulceration (fibrinous-appearing base with depth) within the lesion
Distinct border Lesion’s border is discrete and can be distinguished from surrounding mucosa
Indistinct border Lesion’s border is not discrete and cannot be distinguished from surrounding mucosa
Invisible dysplasia Dysplasia identified on random (nontargeted) biopsies of colon mucosa without a visible lesion
SCENIC , The Surveillance for Colorectal Endoscopic Neoplasia Detection and Management in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients.

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