Cartilage is an extracellular matrix rich in aggrecan, a proteoglycan that retains a large amount of water. The matrix consists of approximately 65% water, 15% proteoglycan, 15% collagen (predominantly type II), and less than 5% cells. Cartilage is unique in that it receives nutrients and oxygen by simple diffusion rather than a capillary network, thus limiting the extent of growth of native cartilaginous structures to, at most, 1 to 2 cm. The assessment of the presence of cartilage matrix is best made on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections where hyaline cartilage has a smooth, basophilic or amphophilic quality with clearing around individual chondocytes ( Fig. 17.1 ). Elastic cartilage has a similar appearance, with the addition of elastic fibers within the matrix that provide increased tissue elasticity ( Fig. 17.2 ). Fibrocartilage tends to be richer in collagen, imparting a pinker fibrillary quality on H&E staining ( Fig. 17.3 ).

Fig. 17.1
Hyaline cartilage is the most common type of cartilage in the body and within cartilaginous tumors. It is characterized by glassy, variably purple to pink or amphophilic matrix and chondrocytes in clear spaces termed lacunae.

Fig. 17.2
Elastic cartilage is similar to hyaline cartilage but has an abundance of elastin fibers within its matrix. These fibers lend increased elasticity to the tissue and may or may not be visible on hematoxylin and eosin stain. Characteristically seen in the pinna and larynx, tumors do not recapitulate elastic cartilage.

Fig. 17.3
Fibrocartilage shows scattered chondrocytes in linear arrays in a background of abundant collagenous matrix. Fibrocartilage is characteristic of menisci and tendoligamentous insertions and is very rarely found within tumors.

Chondrocytes are round with indistinct cytoplasmic borders and small, dark nuclei with perinuclear clearing. Benign chondrocytes typically demonstrate regular, albeit darkly staining, nuclei that are too small to make out nuclear detail of at intermediate (200X) magnification ( Fig. 17.4 ). Nuclear atypia in chondrocytes is generally defined as the ability to detect nuclear detail, vesicular chromatin or macronucleoli, especially at intermediate magnification. Although cellularity and cytologic atypia are not typical of benign cartilage tumors, enchondromas located in the small bones of the hands and feet can show increased cellularity and slight atypia. Periosteal chondromas and enchondromas in patients with enchondromatosis also characteristically show more cytologic atypia and hypercellularity when compared with other benign cartilage tumors and may demonstrate myxoid change. Although binucleation of chondrocytes has historically been correlated with cytologic atypia, this finding is nonspecific. Many benign tumors (e.g., synovial chondromatosis, periosteal chondroma, enchondroma) demonstrate binucleated chondrocytes. Mature chondrocytes have little to no proliferative capacity, but it is thought that undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells can undergo chondrocyte differentiation.

Fig. 17.4
Benign chondrocytes have small, dark nuclei at intermediate magnification (200X). The nuclear detail is not easily discernable.

As for all bone tumors, evaluation of a cartilage lesion requires adequate correlation with radiographic findings. Frequently plain films (two views) of the lesion are sufficient to guide the diagnosis. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are useful adjuncts to further evaluate the pattern of mineralization, cortical involvement, and presence or absence of soft tissue involvement. Positron emission tomography (PET) may also have a role as benign cartilaginous tumors have lower maximum standardized uptake values (SUVs) than chondrosarcomas.



Clinical Features

Osteochondroma is a cartilaginous neoplasm composed of a bony projection covered by a cartilaginous cap arising on the surface of bone, containing a marrow cavity and cortices that are continuous with that of the underlying bone. It most commonly arises in the distal femoral, proximal tibial, or proximal humeral metaphysis of adolescents and young adults (peak incidence in the second decade of life). It is more frequently seen in men than in women (2:1). Osteochondromas may be an incidental finding on imaging or present as a symptomatic, slow-growing mass of long duration. It may cause pain due to compression of nearby structures, associated bursitis or, less commonly, from fracture of the stalk. A recent and rapid growth of a preexisting osteochondroma, especially in a proximal skeletal location, raises the suspicion for malignant transformation.

Most patients have a solitary osteochondroma. Less commonly, it occurs as multiple lesions in patients with the autosomal dominant disorder, multiple osteochondromas (also known as hereditary multiple exostoses or multiple hereditary osteochondromatosis). The rate of malignant transformation for solitary osteochondromas is approximately 0.4%–2%. This is in contrast with patients with multiple osteochondromas who have higher rates of malignant transformation (0.2%–5%). Rates as high as 25% have been reported in multiple osteochondromas; however, these data are from large referral centers and likely overestimate the true incidence secondary to selection bias.

Radiologic Features

An osteochondroma presents as an exophytic, sessile, or pedunculated projection of bone capped by cartilage ( Fig. 17.5 ). It demonstrates both medullary and cortical components contiguous with the medulla and cortex of the underlying bone. These features are seen in each exostosis in patients with multiple osteochondromas ( Figs. 17.6 and 17.7 ). Features that have been associated with malignant transformation include irregularity of the margin, inhomogeneous mineralization ( Fig. 17.8 ), an associated soft tissue mass, and a thick cartilaginous cap ( Fig. 17.9 ).

Fig. 17.5, Radiograph shows a sessile osteochondroma arising from the cortex of the proximal humerus. There is contiguity between the cortex of the lesion and that of the underlying humerus.

Fig. 17.6, A pedunculated osteochondroma involving the right femoral neck ( large arrow ). Several smaller osteochondromas are visible throughout the surface of the proximal femur ( small arrows ), and each lesion shows cortico-medullary continuity with the underlying bone.

Fig. 17.7, Innumerable osteochondromas are present in a patient with multiple hereditary exostoses. The multiple exostoses involve bilateral distal femurs, proximal tibias, and proximal fibulas, and many characteristically point away from the adjacent knee joint.

Fig. 17.8, Radiograph of a large osteochondroma of the posterior tibia shows irregular mineralization. The tumor was surveyed over time radiographically and showed growth over several years.

Fig. 17.9, MRI of this osteochondroma demonstrates a large T2 hyperintense cartilaginous cap ( arrow ), raising suspicion for chondrosarcomatous transformation. The areas of low signal intensity correspond to mineralization on plain radiographs.

Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

Grossly osteochondroma shows a thin (1 to 2 cm), pale blue, smooth cartilage cap overlying cortical and medullary bone ( Fig. 17.10 ). The thickness of the cartilaginous cap decreases with age. It may be a single dome-shaped cap with a mushroom-like configuration or be composed of multiple excrescences, imparting a bosselated appearance ( Fig. 17.11 ). A pedunculated osteochondroma demonstrates a prominent stalk, whereas the sessile form shows a broad attachment to the underlying bone. Lesions that have ceased active growth will show increasing amounts of endochondral ossification ( Fig. 17.12 ) and may be composed principally of bone.

Fig. 17.10, Gross resection of an osteochondroma shows a well-demarcated, broad-based mass. The surface is smooth and glistening (left), and cross-sections demonstrate a white-blue cartilage cap covered by fibrous perichondrium (right).

Fig. 17.11, Gross image of a resected osteochondroma shows cauliflower-like architecture with numerous protruding, firm, white, nodular excrescences.

Fig. 17.12, This resected osteochondroma shows prominent bone deposition at the base of the cartilage cap (arrow). This mineralization is indicative of endochondral ossification and tumor growth cessation.

Microscopic Findings

In general, osteochondroma mimics an epiphyseal growth plate beginning with a thin (usually <1 cm) cartilaginous cap superficially, a zone of endochondral ossification followed by lamellar trabecular bone, and fatty or hematopoietic marrow ( Fig. 17.13 ). The chondrocytes may be somewhat haphazard superficially but are arranged in orderly columnar growth at the ossification zone ( Fig. 17.14 ). Scattered zones of residual cartilage may be seen among the trabeculae. The chondrocytes lack nuclear atypia ( Fig. 17.15 ). Occasionally, degenerative change and calcification are seen in the cartilage cap. In the growing skeleton, osteochondromas have conspicuous endochondral ossification ( Fig. 17.16 ) with prominent regions of primary spongiosa-like tissue ( Fig. 17.17 ).

Fig. 17.13, Low power highlights the orderly histologic arrangement of this osteochondroma. The cartilage cap is surfaced by fibrous perichondrium and the base has undergone endochondral ossification.

Fig. 17.14, The growth of osteochondroma recapitulates growth plate architecture, with chondrocytes organized in columns.

Fig. 17.15, At high power, the chondrocytes within osteochondroma are small with dark nuclei and lack cytologic atypia.

Fig. 17.16, This osteochondroma from a pediatric patient demonstrates cellular hyaline cartilage with endochondral ossification reminiscent of primary spongiosa. These features are seen in tumors affecting the growing skeleton.

Fig. 17.17, At high power, the primary spongiosa-like tissue of a growing enchondroma consists of cartilaginous cores sandwiched by bone and fibrovascular tissue.

Ancillary Studies


Immunohistochemical studies are not useful in the diagnosis of osteochondroma.


Osteochondromas are caused by biallelic loss of the tumor-suppressor genes EXT1 or EXT2 . In the setting of multiple osteochondromas, somatic loss of the wild-type allele occurs in the background of a germline alteration in EXT1 or EXT2 . In the sporadic setting, homozygous EXT1 deletions are present in a subset of chondrocytes within the cartilage cap of an osteochondroma. Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 are absent.

Differential Diagnosis

Rarely, secondary chondrosarcoma can arise from an osteochondroma. The distinction between these entities requires clinical, radiographic, and pathologic correlation. Clinical or radiographic evidence of recent growth, pain, the involvement of the proximal skeleton, irregular mineralization, or soft tissue destructive growth are concerning features. The thickness of the cartilage cap (usually <1 cm) has long been reported as an indicator of potential malignancy with malignancy suspected in cases with a cartilage cap of >2 cm in thickness. The best feature to confirm a diagnosis of malignancy is histologic evidence of permeative growth of bone or adjacent soft tissue. Other helpful microscopic features that suggest malignant change include prominent myxoid cystic change in the matrix, wide fibrous bands, increased cellularity, and loss of the normal columnar arrangement of chondrocytes at the ossification zone ( Fig. 17.18 ) along with mitotic activity and nuclear pleomorphism, if present. The diagnosis is difficult to make on biopsy specimens.

Fig. 17.18, Rarely, chondrosarcoma develops as a form of biologic progression in an osteochondroma (secondary peripheral chondrosarcoma). The diagnosis can be suggested by multinodular growth, cystic change, disorganization, and increased cellularity.

Osteochondroma – Fact Sheet


  • ▶▶

    Benign, exophytic tumor of cartilage and bone that recapitulates a growth plate

Incidence and Location

  • ▶▶

    Syndromic form (multiple osteochondromas) estimated at 1 in 50,000

  • ▶▶

    Sporadic form (solitary) six times more common than those in the setting of multiple osteochondromas

  • ▶▶

    Most common in metaphysis of long bones, especially distal femur, proximal tibia, and proximal humerus

  • ▶▶

    Pelvic bones and scapula are uncommon sites

Sex, Race, and Age Distribution

  • ▶▶

    More common in male than female sex (2:1); peak in second decade of life

Clinical Features

  • ▶▶

    Asymptomatic or painless mass of long duration

  • ▶▶

    May be found incidentally on imaging for unrelated complaints

  • ▶▶

    Pain may be present due to local effects or fracture of lesion; rarely pain signals malignant transformation

Prognosis and Treatment

  • ▶▶

    Asymptomatic lesions can be observed

  • ▶▶

    Surgical excision is curative for symptomatic lesions

  • ▶▶

    Malignant transformation < 1% (sporadic form) and ∼5% (multiple osteochondromas syndrome)

Osteochondroma – Pathologic features

Gross Findings

  • ▶▶

    Thin (< 2 cm), pale blue, firm cartilage cap overlying a stalk composed of hard bone

  • ▶▶

    Cut surface reveals medullary and cortical bone contiguous with underlying bone

Microscopic Findings

  • ▶▶

    Cartilage cap undergoing endochondral ossification with orderly arrangement of chondrocytes

  • ▶▶

    Higher cellularity of cartilage cap in skeletally immature individuals

  • ▶▶

    Endochondral ossification increases with time; lesions of longstanding duration show prominent mineralization

  • ▶▶

    Cancellous bone beneath the cartilage cap

  • ▶▶

    Intertrabecular spaces filled by fat and hematopoietic marrow

  • ▶▶

    Occasionally, degenerative changes in cartilage cap

Differential Diagnosis

  • ▶▶

    Chondrosarcoma arising in osteochondroma

  • ▶▶

    Parosteal osteosarcoma

  • ▶▶

    Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (Nora lesion)

  • ▶▶

    Periosteal chondroma

Parosteal osteosarcoma may also demonstrate a cap of cartilage with underlying bone. However, radiographically and grossly, the bone is not contiguous with the medullary cavity of the native bone. Most importantly, the intertrabecular space within parosteal osteosarcoma is occupied by a spindle cell proliferation with nuclear atypia rather than fat and hematopoietic marrow, as is typically seen in osteochondroma.

Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (Nora lesion) differs clinically in the age of presentation (adults) and location (hands and feet). Although the lesion is composed of a mixture of bone and cartilage, it is not contiguous with the underlying medullary cavity, nor does it show the organization of a growth plate.

Periosteal (surface) chondroma is composed exclusively of lobules of cartilage and lacks endochondral ossification and growth plate-like architecture.

Prognosis and Treatment

Surgical excision should be curative treatment for osteochondromas, though recurrence is possible if a portion of the cartilage cap or perichondrium is left behind.

Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation

Clinical Features

Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP) or Nora lesion is an uncommon osteochondromatous proliferation involving the surface of the bone, in particular the small bones of the hands and feet (75% of cases). Approximately 25% of cases involve the long bones. BPOP tends to affect adult patients in the third to fourth decades of life. There is no sex predilection, and the typical presentation is one of a localized swelling, with or without pain. Some examples demonstrate rapid growth.

Subungual exostosis is a distinct lesion with similar morphologic features but with different genetic abnormalities.

Radiographic Features

Radiographic studies show a well-marginated, mineralized mass attached to the surface of the affected bone with an intact underlying cortex ( Fig. 17.19 ).

Fig. 17.19, Plain radiograph of the hand shows bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP) as a well-delineated, mushroom-shaped, partially mineralized, exophytic mass arising from the surface of the first proximal phalanx. The underlying cortex is intact, and there is an associated soft tissue swelling.

Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

Macroscopic exam shows a lobulated cartilage cap with attached bony stalk. Lesions range from 0.5 to 3 cm.

Microscopic Findings

BPOP demonstrates a disorganized proliferation of fibrous tissue, cartilage, and bone. The surface is composed of fibrous tissue overlying a cartilaginous component that undergoes endochondral ossification. The cartilage may be hypercellular with enlarged and binucleated chondrocytes (atypical or “bizarre”) and undergoes endochondral ossification manifested by distinctive basophilic mineralization (so-called “blue bone”), which can remain after decalcification ( Fig. 17.20 ). Marked nuclear hyperchromasia and atypical mitotic figures are absent. Similar features are seen in subungual exostosis ( Fig. 17.21 ). The fibrous tissue ( Fig. 17.22 ) ranges in cellularity and may be hypercellular.

Fig. 17.20, Histologically bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP) shows hypercellular hyaline cartilage undergoing endochondral ossification and a transition to woven bone. The mineralization has a basophilic appearance.

Fig. 17.21, On low power, subungual exostosis is a pedunculated osteocartilaginous proliferation extending from the cortex of the distal phalanx.

Fig. 17.22, Subungual exostosis demonstrates spindle cells associated with osteoid that focally mineralizes.

Ancillary Studies


Several reports have documented the expression of a range of different growth factors in BPOP; however, immunohistochemical stains are generally not useful in diagnosing BPOP.


Most cases demonstrate a t(1;17) or variant thereof. A subset of cases demonstrates inv(7) or inv(6).

Differential Diagnosis

Osteochondroma demonstrates cortical and medullary continuity with the involved bone, whereas the cortex is intact in BPOP and related lesions; radiographic features are helpful to distinguish these entities. Histologically, in osteochondroma, the cartilage demonstrates growth plate-like architecture, and the lesion lacks a fibrous tissue component.

A subungual exostosis is a morphologically similar process that generally lacks “blue bone.” It exclusively affects distal phalangeal bones, typically the great toe, and genetically harbors a distinct translocation, t(X;6).

Parosteal osteosarcoma is very rare in the small bones of the hands and feet. The spindle cells in parosteal osteosarcoma show cytologic atypia and are oriented around trabeculae of tumor bone. The amplification of MDM2 seen in parosteal osteosarcoma is absent in BPOP.

Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation – Fact Sheet


  • ▶▶

    Benign chondro-osseous matrix-forming tumor that arises on the surface of bone beneath periosteum

Incidence and Location

  • ▶▶

    Rare; exact incidence unknown

  • ▶▶

    Most common in small bones of hands and feet (75%)

  • ▶▶

    Long bones of upper and lower extremities (25%); rarely in craniofacial skeleton

  • ▶▶

    Diaphysis or metaphysis

Sex, Race, and Age Distribution

  • ▶▶

    Equal sex distribution; wide age range, predominantly third to fourth decades of life

Clinical Features

  • ▶▶

    Small, rapidly growing mass on the surface of tubular bones

  • ▶▶

    May mimic a range of other neoplasms

Prognosis and Treatment

  • ▶▶

    Asymptomatic lesions can be observed

  • ▶▶

    Frequently treated by simple excision; 50% recur

Bizarre Parosteal Osteochondromatous Proliferation – Pathologic features

Gross Findings

  • ▶▶

    Cartilage cap with bony stalk, similar to osteochondroma; lesions range from 0.5 to 3 cm

  • ▶▶

    Cortex and medulla of underlying bone are not contiguous with those of the lesion

Microscopic Findings

  • ▶▶

    Composed of disorganized fibrous tissue, cartilage, and bone

  • ▶▶

    Hyaline cartilage is hypercellular with enlarged chondrocytes and frequent binucleation

  • ▶▶

    Cartilage undergoes endochondral ossification (with a “blue bone” pattern) leaving bony trabeculae lined by plump osteoblasts

  • ▶▶

    Fibrous tissue can be hypercellular or occasionally absent

  • ▶▶

    Mitotic activity may be present without atypical forms

Differential Diagnosis

  • ▶▶


  • ▶▶

    Subungual exostosis

  • ▶▶

    Parosteal osteosarcoma

Prognosis and Treatment

Asymptomatic lesions can be observed. Most cases are treated by simple surgical excision. Approximately 50% of cases recur, likely due to incomplete removal. Multiple, non-destructive recurrences are possible. Metastasis does not occur.

Periosteal Chondroma

Clinical Features

Periosteal chondroma (surface chondroma or juxtacortical chondroma) is a relatively uncommon benign cartilage tumor that arises on the surface of bone beneath the periosteum, frequently eroding the underlying cortex. It most commonly involves the small bones of the hands and feet or the long bones of the appendicular skeleton, in particular the proximal humerus. Periosteal chondroma affects all age groups with a peak in the second and third decades of life, demonstrates a male predilection (1.5:1), and is usually asymptomatic, solitary and found incidentally on radiographs obtained for other reasons. Patients can also present with a painful, palpable mass.

Radiographic Features

Periosteal chondromas are small (1 to 3 cm), radiolucent masses attached to the cortex with cortical erosion (saucerization) and underlying cortical sclerosis ( Fig. 17.23 ). Variable degrees of internal mineralization may be noted ( Fig. 17.24 ). Periosteal reaction with peripheral buttressing may be seen. MRI findings show a surface tumor that is bright on T2-weighted sequences ( Fig. 17.25 ), similar to other benign cartilage tumors.

Fig. 17.23, Plan radiograph of a periosteal chondroma shows a pedunculated mass on the surface of the proximal humerus with a well-defined, sclerotic margin.

Fig. 17.24, CT images of a large periosteal chondroma show a lobulated mass on the surface of the anterior fourth rib with internal calcification. The cortex of the rib appears intact (left). Core biopsy of surface cartilaginous tumors (right) may be challenging to interpret as surface tumors may demonstrate increased cellularity and needle biopsies can impede the ability to assess architecture.

Fig. 17.25, On MRI, periosteal chondroma is a lobular, surface-based, heterogeneously T2-bright tumor.

Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

The mass is firm, translucent, and pale blue, indicative of hyaline cartilage. The interface between the tumor and the underlying cortex is sharp with a zone of sclerotic bone ( Figs. 17.26 and 17.27 ). The medullary cavity may be impinged upon my reactive endosteal bone but is not invaded.

Fig. 17.26, Gross resection of a periosteal chondroma shows a multinodular tumor composed of glistening white cartilaginous nodules. The tumor is located on the surface of the rib and focally impinges upon the medullary cavity with a smooth border.

Fig. 17.27, A periosteal chondroma presents as a glistening blue-white cartilaginous nodule on the surface of the bone. The tumor arises beneath the periosteum and is associated with cortical buttressing.

Microscopic Findings

The tumor consists of lobules of hyaline cartilage of low-to-moderate cellularity ( Fig. 17.28 ). Focal myxoid matrix can be present. The tumor has a sharp interface with the underlying bone ( Fig. 17.29 ) and does not permeate Haversian canals or the medulla. Chondrocytes are generally bland but mild to moderate atypia, binucleated chondrocytes, and chondrocyte drop out ( Fig. 17.30 ) may be present. Rare examples can be hypercellular in comparison to enchondroma ( Fig. 17.31 ).

Fig. 17.28, A low-power histologic image of periosteal chondroma shows a subperiosteal surface cartilaginous tumor. The tumor is multinodular and demonstrates a well-demarcated border between the lesion and the underlying cortex.

Fig. 17.29, The base of this periosteal chondroma shows a sharp, undulating interface with the underlying cortical and cancellous bone.

Fig. 17.30, On high power, periosteal chondroma demonstrates low to moderate cellularity, small chondrocytes, and scattered regions of chondrocyte drop out.

Fig. 17.31, Some cases of periosteal chondroma show hypercellularity, a feature that does not in isolation denote malignancy.

Ancillary Studies


Immunohistochemistry is not helpful in the diagnosis.


Many periosteal chondromas harbor mutations in IDH1 . Chromosomal aberrations in 12q13-15 may also represent a recurring molecular event.

Differential Diagnosis

Periosteal (juxtacortical) chondrosarcoma demonstrates some clinical and morphologic overlap. Like periosteal chondroma, periosteal chondrosarcomas arise from the surface of the bone and may erode the cortex but usually does not involve the medulla. However, these tumors are typically large (>5 cm) with poorly defined margins and demonstrate greater cellularity and cytologic atypia. Infiltration of underlying bone is diagnostic of periosteal chondrosarcoma.

Periosteal osteosarcoma is a surface lesion that contains cartilage. However, it also contains neoplastic bone or osteoid production, typically in the center of the cartilage lobules, and surrounding spindle cells with significant cytologic atypia.

Parosteal osteosarcoma may contain a cartilaginous cap that is disorganized and may undergo endochondral ossification. Like periosteal osteosarcoma, it additionally contains malignant spindle cells and neoplastic bone.

Prognosis and Treatment

Surgical removal is the treatment of choice by curettage or simple excision. Local recurrence is uncommon. Malignant transformation is exceedingly rare.

Periosteal Chondroma – Fact Sheet


  • ▶▶

    Benign tumor of cartilage that involves the surface of the bone

Incidence and Location

  • ▶▶

    Most common in small bones of hands and feet and long bones, especially femur and humerus

Sex, Race, and Age Distribution

  • ▶▶

    More common in male than female sex (1.5:1); all ages involved with peak in second and third decades of life

Clinical Features

  • ▶▶

    Painless or painful mass present for years

  • ▶▶

    Mass may be present for years

  • ▶▶

    May be found incidentally on imaging for unrelated complaints

Prognosis and Treatment

  • ▶▶

    Asymptomatic lesions can be observed

  • ▶▶

    Surgical excision or curettage is curative for symptomatic lesions

Periosteal Chondroma – Pathologic features

Gross Findings

  • ▶▶

    Small (1 to 3 cm), pale blue, firm cartilage attached to cortical surface

  • ▶▶

    Sclerotic interface with cortex, no medullary involvement

Microscopic Findings

  • ▶▶

    Lobular cartilage of moderate cellularity, variable nuclear atypia

Differential Diagnosis

  • ▶▶

    Periosteal chondrosarcoma

  • ▶▶

    Periosteal osteosarcoma

  • ▶▶

    Parosteal osteosarcoma


Clinical Features

Chondroblastoma is a rare (<1% of primary bone tumors) benign chondroid matrix-producing tumor that affects the epiphyses (or apophyses) of skeletally immature individuals, adolescents, and young adults with a slight male predominance (1.5:1). It may occasionally present in older individuals. The most common complaint is several months to years history of pain involving a joint that may be accompanied by gait abnormality, swelling or decreased mobility. Although most chondroblastomas occur in the epiphyses of long bones, the small bones of the hands and feet are involved in approximately 10% of cases. A range of other sites, including temporal bone, ribs, the base of the skull, iliac crest, acetabulum, patella, and calcaneus, have also been reported. Almost all chondroblastomas are unifocal.

Radiographic Features

The lesion is sharply marginated, predominantly lytic, and rimmed by sclerotic bone ( Fig. 17.32 ). In long bones, it involves the epiphysis but may cross the physis into the metaphysis. Approximately 25% of cases are apophyseal ( Fig. 17.33 ). Periosteal reaction is uncommon. Matrix calcifications within the tumor are seen in 25% of cases. MRI often demonstrates tumor-associated reactive changes.

Fig. 17.32, Chondroblastoma is the prototypical epiphyseal lesion of skeletally immature individuals. This tibial epiphyseal lesion is lytic with a well-defined sclerotic margin.

Fig. 17.33, Radiograph of chondroblastoma shows a lytic lesion with a sclerotic margin, narrow zone of transition, and internal septations. While chondroblastoma characteristically involves the epiphysis, approximately one-quarter of tumors arise in the apophysis, such as this case in greater trochanter of the femur.

Pathologic Features

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