Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography

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Fetal Skeleton

Objectives On completion of this chapter , you should be able to: Describe in detail the embryology of the fetal skeleton Describe the variety of musculoskeletal anomalies that can occur in the fetus Differentiate sonographically among the most common skeletal…

Fetal Urogenital System

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to : Discuss the development of the urogenital and genital system Describe the sonographic appearance of the fetal kidneys and bladder Detail the complications of renal agenesis Describe the sonographic…

The Fetal Abdomen

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the development of the digestive system and list the unique features of the fetal abdomen Describe normal development of the stomach and the importance of its sonographic visualization…

The Fetal Anterior Abdominal Wall

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the embryology of the abdominal wall Define and describe the anterior abdominal wall abnormalities discussed in this chapter List the sonographic findings for an omphalocele and for a…

The Fetal Thorax

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the development of the thoracic cavity List the normal sonographic features of the thorax and diaphragm Describe the development and consequences of pulmonary hypoplasia Differentiate between solid and…

Fetal Neural Axis

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to : Describe the embryology of the neural tube fetal brain development Discuss the anomalies that can occur in the fetal head and spine Recognize the sonographic appearance of fetal…

Fetal Face and Neck

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Discuss basic embryology of the face Describe how to sonographically evaluate the fetal face and neck for normal features Define the most common face and neck congenital anomalies discovered…

Amniotic Fluid and Fetal Membranes

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Describe how amniotic fluid is derived Describe the production of amniotic fluid List the functions of amniotic fluid Describe methods for assessing amniotic fluid volume Determine abnormal volumes of…

The Umbilical Cord

Objectives On completion of this chapter, you should be able to: Describe the development and normal anatomy of the umbilical cord Predict obstetric problems that may be associated with abnormal umbilical cord dimensions Discuss the umbilical cord disorders presented in…