Green's Skeletal Trauma in Children

Rehabilitation of the Child with Multiple Injuries

Introduction Trauma is the most common cause of death and disability for children in the United States, with up to half of injuries resulting in long-term sequelae. Children with multiple injuries present particular challenges to both their families and the…

Skeletal Trauma in Young Athletes

Introduction In the words of Mercer Rang, “children are not small adults.” Epidemiology of Youth Sports The popularity of youth sports continues to grow and increasing participation of children at younger ages is being seen. Approximately 30 to 44 million…

Fractures and Dislocations of the Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

Introduction Upper extremity injury is one the most common presenting complaints after trauma in the pediatric population. Fractures of the forearm represent 40% of fractures in all age groups of children. Upper extremity fractures and dislocations are slightly more common…

Fractures and Dislocations about the Elbow

Acknowledgment The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Neil E. Green and Dr. Nathan L. Van Zeeland for their contributions to the previous versions of this chapter. Introduction Fractures about the elbow are extremely common, and injuries about…

Fractures and Dislocations about the Shoulder

Clavicle Relevant Anatomy The clavicle, or collar bone, is an S-shaped bone anterior to the base of the neck. Through articulations with the sternum medially and with the scapula at the acromion process laterally, it serves as an osseous connection…

Fractures and Dislocations of the Foot and Ankle

Acknowledgement The expertise and contribution of this chapter’s prior authors (Drs. Alvin C. Crawford and Charles T. Mehlman) are greatly appreciated. Introduction Fractures and injuries about the foot and ankle in children are common and can have an important functional…

Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

Introduction Nonphyseal fractures of the tibia and fibula are among the most common injuries involving the lower extremities in children and adolescents. They are second only to fractures of the femur as a cause for hospital admissions for pediatric trauma.…

Fractures Around the Knee in Children

Introduction Traumatic forces applied to an immature knee result in fracture patterns that differ from those seen in adults. As in other anatomic regions in a growing child, the cartilaginous structures around the knee are weaker than the ligaments and…