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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Summary of Key Points Sonography is the imaging modality of choice for evaluation of the myometrium, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reserved as a problem-solving technique. Many müllerian duct anomalies can be accurately diagnosed with sonography, and three-dimensional (3D) imaging…
Summary of Key Points Abnormal uterine bleeding is most commonly due to dysfunctional anovulatory bleeding in premenopausal women and endometrial atrophy in postmenopausal women. Approximately 90% of endometrial cancer occurs after age 50, with the most common symptom being abnormal…
Summary of Key Points Transabdominal sonography (TAS) and transvaginal sonography (TVS) are often complementary, providing different diagnostic information. TAS provides a wider field of view and better visualization of superficial structures and large pelvic masses but has limited resolution. The…
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Summary of Key Points Sonography has transformed the field of fetal therapy and serves as the widely available, necessary diagnostic and intraoperative guidance tool. The potential benefits of open maternal-fetal surgery must be weighed against the potential maternal and fetal…
Summary of Key Points Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not use ionizing radiation, and no known biologic risks are associated with this imaging modality. MRI is an important tool for the evaluation of maternal complications in pregnancy, including the evaluation…
Summary of Key Points Absent or reverse flow during diastole in the umbilical artery represents an advanced stage of placental compromise and is associated with more than 70% of placental arterial obliteration. In the presence of fetal hypoxemia, central redistribution…
Summary of Key Points The goal of antepartum testing is to prevent fetal death. Antepartum testing is most commonly performed in pregnancies identified as high risk due to maternal conditions or following the identification of fetuses at risk for intrauterine…
Summary of Key Points The pathways influencing amniotic fluid volume (AFV) are dynamic and complex and are not completely understood. The balance of maintaining the overall AFV occurs at three key areas: fetal urine production and fetal swallowing, the intramembranous…
Summary of Key Points Assessment of the relationship between the placenta and the internal cervical os is an essential component of sonography in the second and third trimesters. Placenta previa is identified in 1% to 5% of second-trimester sonograms but…