Ultrasound Assessment Following Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair


Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) uses endografts, also called endovascular grafts, covered stent-grafts, or transluminally placed endovascular grafts to isolate an aortic aneurysm from the circulation. EVAR is preferred to open abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. Patients undergoing EVAR will probably require routine, lifelong follow-up, and imaging surveillance.

Frequent assessment and objective follow-up are critical following EVAR. Color Doppler ultrasound has been used for aortic endovascular graft evaluation and has the advantage of being noninvasive, inexpensive, rapid, safe, nontoxic, easily repeatable, and well tolerated by patients. This technique has already become an important tool in both the planning and the postoperative evaluation of endovascular grafts placed for a variety of vascular lesions and complications. Color Doppler imaging combines many of the ideal features of both angiography and computed tomography (CT). It allows the examiner to make both quantitative and qualitative assessments of blood flow through the endovascular graft. The combination of color Doppler imaging and Doppler waveform analysis can easily differentiate normal blood flow patterns from abnormal patterns associated with various pathologies. Because color Doppler is relatively inexpensive, easily repeatable, and without known risks, it has played an important role in the postprocedure surveillance follow-up of endovascular interventions (see Chapter 16 ).

The primary objectives of the color Doppler examination following endovascular AAA repair will be:

  • to assess blood flow patterns through the main graft conduit and limbs, including the identification of any kinking, stenosis, or thrombosis

  • to measure maximal residual aneurysm sac diameter

  • to determine whether there is any blood flow in the aneurysm sac (endoleak)

  • to characterize the type of endoleak, if present

Overview of EVAR

General principles

As discussed in Chapter 24 , intervention on the enlarging AAA is undertaken to reduce, if not eliminate, the risk of catastrophic aneurysm rupture.

Endografts are a combination of metallic stents and affixed prosthetic graft materials. The stent portion gives radial strength to the stent-graft, and the graft material covers it and makes it impermeable. In essence, a perfectly anchored stent-graft only permits blood to flow through its conduit. The stent portion also stabilizes the position of the stent-graft by anchoring it to healthy portions of the aorta and iliac arteries. Instead of using sutures to stabilize the position of the graft and its limbs, the net radial force exerted by the metallic components of the stent pushes outward against the aortic and arterial segments selected for placement. The stent can be made of nitinol, stainless steel, or a cobalt-chromium alloy. The fabrics typically used as the prosthetic graft material component of the endograft include Gore-Tex (PTFE) and Dacron.

Once the endograft is fixed into position above and below an aneurysm, blood should only flow through the graft. The endograft effectively excludes the aneurysm sac from the effects of blood pressure and blood flow ( Fig. 25.1 ). Endovascular grafts come in many types and configurations ( Fig. 25.2 ).

FIG. 25.1, Principle of endograft placement. (A) A large infrarenal aneurysm is present. The aneurysm is filled with flowing blood. (B) A straight tube graft is placed across the aneurysm as both the proximal and distal aorta offer good anchoring sites. After stent placement, the aneurysm is now called an aneurysm sac and the blood within it should thrombose.

FIG. 25.2, Examples of some of the different endograft designs that have been used. Newer designs are regularly added to these models, and some of them have been removed from the market because of long-term failure rates.

The endovascular placement of a stent-graft is currently favored over open surgical intervention because it reduces the relatively high morbidity and mortality associated with traditional open operative repair. The first series of endovascular placed stent-grafts for the repair of AAAs in high-risk patients was reported in 1991. Since then, significant advances in the design of endografts have facilitated their deployment for the treatment of aortic and aortoiliac aneurysms.

Although many devices have been granted US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the treatment of aortoiliac aneurysms and are available for widespread use in the USA, the list keeps growing with various fenestrated models now available for suprarenal implantation.

Because most aortic aneurysms are infrarenal, the typical stent graft is deployed in an infrarenal location. The proximal anchor point is in the infrarenal aorta immediately below the lowest renal artery and the inferior anchor points are in both common iliac arteries ( Fig. 25.3 ). It is not uncommon for endovascular aortic aneurysm repair to be supplemented by other ancillary procedures such as graft extension, femorofemoral artery bypass, intra-arterial coil vessel occlusion, or other vessel occlusion procedures ( Fig. 25.4 ). The device has an uncovered metal component when there is need for suprarenal fixation. The uncovered proximal metal component of the stent can cross the orifices of the renal arteries. This design is thought to provide better fixation of the graft to the surrounding aortic wall, thereby reducing the potential for graft migration and providing a better proximal seal. The uncovered component also allows perfusion of the kidneys. Newer endovascular grafts can treat a variety of complex arterial pathologies, and their surveillance becomes more complex. Examples include fenestrated endografts that allow coverage of the renal arteries as well as the celiac axis and superior mesenteric arteries if needed.

FIG. 25.3, Typical steps for using endograft. (A) An appropriately sized aneurysm with suitable arterial access is identified. (B) The first part of the endograft is inserted and consists of a proximal component, an iliac component, and a gate through which the other iliac component is to be inserted. (C) The second iliac component has been inserted into the gate and should form a strong seal that will isolate the aneurysm sac from the effects of blood pressure. CIA , Common iliac artery; EIA , external iliac artery; IIA , internal iliac artery; Renal A , renal artery.

FIG. 25.4, (A) The simplest endograft configuration is a tube graft. Both common iliac arteries ( CIAs ) are of normal diameter, and there is enough length of aorta with normal diameter above and below the aneurysm to insert and anchor a tube graft. (B) The aortic diameter below the aneurysm does not return to a normal diameter over a sufficient length to use a tube graft, and the distal limbs of the endograft need to be inserted into the CIAs. (C) A right CIA aneurysm is present. The bifurcated graft is extended ( Extension ) to the right external iliac artery ( EIA ) beyond the aneurysm. The right internal iliac artery ( IIA ) needs to be occluded with coils to prevent a type 2 endoleak because of retrograde blood flow through pelvic collaterals.

Although the endovascular repair of AAAs offers many benefits ( Table 25.1 ), there are several potential complications specific to this technique. The most significant of these complications are endoleaks and, in early series, graft migration. Although endoleaks are still common, endograft migration, deformation, or occlusion are uncommon because of new designs and broader experience with the technique.

TABLE 25.1
Advantages of Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
Procedure is performed from a remote site and avoids laparotomy
Small incisions (femoral, brachial, or rarely carotid artery cut-down for access)
No prolonged aortic clamping and potential for spinal cord ischemia
Decreased length of stay or no need for stay in intensive care unit
Decreased length of hospitalization (1–2 days for endovascular vs. 6–8 days for open repair)
Decreased recovery time (to resumption of normal activity level)

Endograft placement is performed to reduce pressure in the aneurysm sac and therefore prevent aneurysm rupture. An endoleak is an undesired source of pressure within the aneurysm sac and is defined as blood flow outside the endovascular graft but within the aortic aneurysm sac. These leaks might increase intrasac pressures and make it more likely for the aneurysm sac to rupture because the pressure can cause aneurysm enlargement, and the presence of blood flow makes it likely to have active hemorrhage when the aneurysm sac ruptures. The presence of an endoleak therefore negates the primary goal of the endovascular procedure and indicates that the aneurysm remains inadequately treated. Considerable progress in patient selection and endovascular technique has reduced the overall rate of all types of complications seen after EVAR ( Table 25.2 ). The optimal method of follow-up following endograft placement is contrast-enhanced CT with delayed imaging. However, this method is relatively invasive because of the need of intravenous access, is expensive, involves radiation exposure to the patient, and has increased risk for possible contrast nephrotoxicity. Color Doppler ultrasound and contrast-enhanced ultrasound are increasingly and successfully being used to follow patients following endograft placement. Patients who may require further intervention can be readily identified.

TABLE 25.2
Complications Associated With Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
Aneurysm growth
Endoleak a
Fabric tears
Graft infection
Graft migration a
Limb thrombosis
Limb separation
Stent and/or attachment site fracture

a Common to all endovascular grafts used to date.

It is important to try to determine the origin of any blood flow signals identified within the aneurysm sac ( Table 25.3 ) because the source of the blood flow signals (endoleak) and associated characteristics will help determine subsequent treatment options.

TABLE 25.3
Endoleak Classification.
Type of Endoleak Description Outcome
1a, 1b Endoleak whose origin is at the proximal (1a) or distal (1b) endograft attachment site. Needs intervention
2 Endoleak originating from a branch vessel. Possible sources include patent lumbar (posterior aspect of the aorta), inferior mesenteric (anterolateral to the aorta), accessory renal or hypogastric (internal iliac) arteries, or other patent branches of the abdominal aorta such as the right gonadal artery. These are best seen on transverse imaging. Significance unknown. Monitoring of aortic aneurysm sac size needed.
3 Endoleak that originates at the junctions between components of modular devices or from fabric tears within the graft. Needs intervention
4 Blood flow through the endograft or filling of the aneurysm sac because of endograft porosity. Usually a transient phenomenon that is self-limited and resolves spontaneously once blood clots in the aneurysm sac.
5 Unknown origin or endotension Close monitoring needed. If aneurysm size continues to increase, consider reinforcing the inside of the endograft or performing an open procedure.

Cross-sectional diameter measurements are recorded at each visit to determine maximum aneurysm size. When an aneurysm sac is excluded from the circulation, it should remain stable or decrease in size over time. Any increase in size suggests that there is preserved blood flow into the aneurysm sac (endoleak) with associated increase in blood pressure, which is a continued risk for rupture. However, increases in size have been reported without CT, angiographic, or color Doppler evidence of endoleak (endotension). Endotension is defined as persistently elevated pressures within the aneurysm sac, without a known source, and can be documented by direct pressure measurements made within the sac.

It is also important to determine whether the distal arterial circulation has been preserved by ensuring that there are no kinks or obstructions within the body of the endovascular graft, the graft limb(s), and the inflow and outflow arteries. This can be done using a well-defined protocol. When abnormalities are detected by color Doppler imaging, contrast arteriography and CT may be used to characterize the abnormality further. The following section describes a protocol for assessing endovascular grafts performed for the repair of isolated aneurysms of the abdominal aorta as well as aortoiliac aneurysms.

Practical Tips

  • Endovascular repair is now the preferred approach to the treatment of AAAs.

  • Once an endograft is placed in an aneurysm:

    • the excluded portion is called the aneurysm sac

    • the aneurysm sac is isolated from the effects of the circulation and blood flow, but more importantly from the effects of pressure

  • Proper placement of the endograft is required to seal off the aneurysm sac from the effects of the circulation.

  • There are many types of endografts, each adapted to specific anatomy of the aneurysm, the native aorta, and the iliac arteries.

  • Endoleaks occur at attachment sites, within the endograft, or through native artery branches.

  • Following successful endograft placement, the aneurysm sac diameter should stabilize or decrease.

Ultrasound Examination

An endograft evaluation can be as short as 30 minutes or up to 2 hours depending on the complexity of the intervention and the patient's body habitus. This allows enough time to prepare the patient and room, to perform the imaging, and to provide a preliminary report for the interpreting physician.

Patient preparation

As with all abdominal scanning, the quality of the examination may be degraded in patients with a large body mass index or when abundant bowel gas is present. Patient preparation may be necessary. The patient should fast overnight or for at least 8 hours before the study. This will decrease the amount of intestinal gas and facilitate visualization of the graft and attachment sites. Usually, no other patient preparation is necessary.

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