The Patient with a Tumor or a Tumor-Like Lesion of Bone

Tumors are typically detected on radiographs. A tumor is a space-occupying lesion. It may be neoplastic or non-neoplastic. The non-neoplastic tumor is also referred to as a tumor-like lesion. The group of tumor-like lesions is very heterogeneous and contains normal variants, fibrous dysplasia, osteomyelitis, posttraumatic changes, and so on. The tumor or tumor-like lesion may be detected easily, with difficulty, or even not at all, depending on the quality of radiographic examination, level of suspicion, location, presence of radiographically detectable, tumor matrix (such as ossification or calcification), amount of cancellous and/or cortical bone destroyed, and other host reactions, such as reactive bone formation and periosteal reaction. Tumors are rare. Therefore, diagnosis is challenging and requires a systematic as well as a multidisciplinary approach. It is a well-accepted axiom that the center of this approach is the collaboration between the pathologist, orthopedic surgeon, and radiologist. This ensures that all available information is used when diagnosing and treating these rare conditions.

The first task of the radiologist is to identify any potential lesion. Many patients will not have a lesion, and most patients with an abnormality on the radiograph will not have a tumor. Because this setting decreases the level of suspicion, the radiologist should be aggressive in his or her diagnostic approach and should also be aware of the hazard of an undetected malignant tumor that is allowed to continue to grow and metastasize ( Fig. 90-1 ).

A , Subtle presentation of an osteosarcoma. There is irregularity of metadiaphyseal cortex (arrows) on the medial site, displaying osteolysis and sclerosis. B , The tumor is easily detected on this fat-suppressed Gd-DTPA enhanced, T1-weighted MR image. Gd-DTPA, Gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid.

The first concern that needs to be addressed when an observation is made is whether it is dealing with a true lesion or whether the observation is a normal finding or normal variant ( Table 90-1 ). Apparent lucencies representing paucity of bone mass are seen at typical locations, such as in the humeral head, calcaneus (see eFig. 90-1 ), and the neurocranium (impressions of venous lakes or pacchionian depressions [see eFig. 90-2 ]).

TABLE 90-1
Anatomic Variants That May Mimic Tumor
Location Appearance and Explanation
Distal posteromedial femoral metaphysis Irregularity at origin of gastrocnemius muscle
Proximal diaphysis of humerus Irregularity at insertion of deltoid muscle
Proximal radius Irregularity at insertion of biceps muscle
Ischial-pubic synchondrosis Irregularity, fragmentation at synchondrosis
Anterior ribs Irregular ossification of cartilage
Parietal, occipital bone Lucency because of thin neurocranium
Squamosal part temporal bone Lucency because of thin neurocranium
Iliac bones Lucency because of thin bone
Iliac bones Apparent lucency because of gas in bowel
Scapula Lucency because of thin bone
Calcaneus lateral view Lucency because of paucity of cancellous bone
Humeral head Lucency because of paucity of cancellous bone
Distal humerus anterior Supracondylar process (see Fig. 90-6 )
Radial tuberosity Lucency because of paucity of cancellous bone
Femoral neck (Ward triangle) Lucency because of paucity of cancellous bone
Neurocranium Small lucencies because of vascular impressions
Anterior clinoid process Lucency because of pneumatization
Petrous bone Lucency because of pneumatization
Vertebral body Apparent osteochondroma due to elongated transverse process

eFIGURE 90-1
Normal calcaneus with central lucency representing normal paucity of trabecular bone.

eFIGURE 90-2
Venous lakes of Pacchioni on CT ( A ) and T2- weighted MR ( B ) images.

Variants in the growing skeleton are of particular importance because primary osseous neoplasms are mainly found in this age group. Irregular chondral ossification with fragmentation and sclerosis at the side of a synchondrosis developing in a synostosis, for instance, at the interface of the inferior pubic ramus and ischial bone, is frequently mistaken for a neoplasm. The clue to this diagnosis is the location in relation to the age of the patient ( Fig. 90-2 ).

Normal synchondrosis developing into a synostosis. A , The radiograph shows a pseudotumor on the right side where the inferior pubic ramus meets the ischial bone. B , CT shows the synchondrosis. C , High signal intensity is seen surrounding the synchondrosis on this T2-weighted MR image. D , One year later, the synchondrosis matured into a normal synostosis.

Another normal variant that can be mistaken for a neoplasm is an irregularity at the insertion or origin of a muscle observed in an adolescent ( Fig. 90-3 ; see eFig. 90-3 ). The location in combination with the appearance of a small, well-demarcated scalloped periosteal defect allows a confident diagnosis to be made. In true osteochondroma, the bone marrow of the host is continuous with that of the exostosis. In addition, the cortex of the host bone flares into that of the exostosis. In added lesions, such as those secondary to muscle traction (tug lesions), the bone marrow is not contiguous, and cortical bone can be seen between the host and the lesion (see eFig. 90-4 as well as the next paragraph and online examples).

A , Cortical desmoid. Irregularity at the posteromedial side where the medial gastrocnemius muscle originates from the femur. B , The lucency may be quite large on the anteroposterior view. CT ( C ) and MR ( D ) images show the relationship of the gastrocnemius muscle to the irregular site of origin.

eFIGURE 90-3
Bilateral scalloping at the origin of the rotator muscles of the hip (in particular, the quadratus femoris muscle).

eFIGURE 90-4
Lateral ( A ) and anteroposterior ( B ) views of the distal humerus shows the anteriorly located supracondylar process pointing toward the joint. The joint in this patient is affected by nonrelated rheumatoid arthritis.

The second category consists of the non-neoplastic or tumor-like lesions. The most important lesions in this category are fibrous dysplasia (see eFig. 90-5 ), hemangioma (see eFigs. 90-6 and 90-7 ), cysts, nonossifying fibroma, osteomyelitis, and posttraumatic sequelae, such as old avulsion injuries (see eFig. 90-8 ) and stress fractures ( Fig. 90-4 ). This category is included in the differential diagnosis when appropriate. The final category consists of true benign or malignant neoplasms.

A , The transversely oriented stress fracture is hard to appreciate, but callus formation is visible. Callus formation has an appearance that may raise concern because of its resemblance to tumor osteoid formation. B , Several weeks later, bone resorption and maturation of callus reflect fracture healing. At this stage, the irregularity of callus may still raise suspicion. C , Two months later, the fracture has healed, and a mature, solid callus allows a confident diagnosis of fracture healing; therefore, tumor is excluded.

eFIGURE 90-5
Examples of the many faces of fibrous dysplasia in three different patients. The lesion can be completely lytic or cyst-like in the first patient on the radiograph ( A ) and a T1-weighted MR image ( B ). Evident is a pathologic fracture. In the second patient, the lesion in the femur has many sclerotic components after multiple fractures and surgeries, whereas fibrous dysplasia in other bones is mainly osteolytic ( C ). Bone scintigraphy shows the numerous locations ( D ). In the third patient, the typical shepherd's crook deformity is seen ( E ).

eFIGURE 90-6
Typical hemangioma consisting mainly of fat. It has a high signal on T1-weighted MR ( A ), and the low density of fat is seen in combination with thickened primary trabeculations on CT ( B ).

eFIGURE 90-7
Hemangioma with a vascular component shows the fatty component on T1-weighted MR ( A ), the high signal intensity of the vascular component on fat-suppressed T2 ( B ), and fat-suppressed Gd-enhanced MR images ( C ). On CT ( D ), the fat and thickened trabeculations are depicted. Gd , Gadolinium.

eFIGURE 90-8
Old, completely ossified avulsion fracture.

The required systematic approach should include the analysis of not only radiographs, but also other imaging studies. A biopsy specimen should be taken only after all imaging studies (that are thought to be necessary, based on initial clinical and radiographic findings) have been completed and analyzed. If malignancy is included in the radiographic differential diagnosis, MRI should routinely be performed as the next diagnostic step. The systematic approach should follow the steps listed in Table 90-2 ; also see the following discussion. The final diagnostic step before treatment is started frequently and is an image-guided biopsy (see discussion online on bone biopsy).

TABLE 90-2
Systemic Approach in Diagnosing Osseous Tumors or Tumor-Like Lesions
  • 1.

    Categorize the radiograph (normal, variant, tumor-like lesion, tumor).

  • 2.

    Determine prevalence of lesions in relation to the age of the patient.

  • 3.

    Determine prevalence of lesions in affected bone.

  • 4.

    Is the lesion solitary, or are there multiple lesions?

  • 5.

    Determine prevalence of osseous lesions in affected part of the bone.

  • 6.

    Analyze radiograph in detail.

  • 7.

    Analyze additional information (MR, CT, clinical and laboratory data, and so on).

  • 8.

    Perform biopsy, if needed, based on comprehensive imaging findings.

Prevalence and Epidemiology

Prevalence and epidemiologic data, such as location and age of the patient, are important parameters in the analysis of a patient presenting with a possible osseous tumor (see Table 90-2 ). However, specific tumors do occur outside of their preferred locations, or age ranges. Although primary osseous neoplasm is rare in the general population, the incidence is significant in subpopulations. The incidence of primary osseous benign and malignant neoplasm is 2 to 3 cases per 100,000 population per year. The incidence of lung cancer and breast cancer are approximately 60 times higher than that of bone sarcoma. Bone sarcoma comprises only approximately 0.3% of newly diagnosed malignancies. Malignant primary bone tumors occur mainly in children and adolescents and have an annual incidence of 5 to 6 cases per 100,000 population of children younger than 15 years of age. Malignant lymphoma, including the more common extraskeletal lymphoma, is the most common, and bone sarcoma is the second most common solid malignant neoplasm in adolescence.

Myeloma, by far, is the most frequent osseous malignancy in adults, accounting for 45% of all malignant osseous tumors. Lymphoma is the other nonsarcomatous malignancy found in bone, accounting for 8% of malignant osseous tumors. These entities are discussed respectively in Chapters 92 and 93 . The most frequently encountered sarcomas, benign osseous tumors, and tumor-like osseous lesions are listed in Table 90-3 . Many benign lesions that are frequently asymptomatic, such as nonossifying fibroma, hemangioma, enchondroma, and fibrous dysplasia, are underreported and, therefore, much more frequently encountered as an incidental finding.

TABLE 90-3
Incidence, in Decreasing Order, of Lesions That May Present as a Primary Bone Tumor
Lesion Incidence of All Tumors (%) †,
Osteosarcoma 17
Chondrosarcoma 11
Enchondroma * 6
Fibrous dysplasia * 6
Giant cell tumor 6
Nonossifying fibroma/fibrous cortical defect * 5
Ewing sarcoma 5
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma/fibrosarcoma 5
Osteochondroma * 4
Aneurysmal bone cyst 4
Metastasis 4
Osteomyelitis 4
Solitary bone cyst 3
Osteoid osteoma 3
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (eosinophilic granuloma) 3
Chondroblastoma 2
Others 12

* Lesions are often asymptomatic and therefore much more frequent than suggested in the table.

Data are based on 6873 tumors on file in the Netherlands Committee on Bone Tumors.

Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions, in general, are underreported in these frequency distributions.

Many lesions present within a specific age range, and, therefore, age is an important parameter to consider when a lesion that may be a primary bone tumor is analyzed. Myeloma and metastases are much more frequent than primary bone sarcoma when a patient is older than 40 years of age. Multiple osseous lesions are frequently found in young children with neuroblastoma (see Chapter 97 ). Bone sarcoma and benign osseous tumors typically present in the second decade of life. There is a second smaller peak late in the sixth decade. Age distribution of the more common lesions is presented in Tables 90-4 and 90-5 .

TABLE 90-4
Median Age in Increasing Order and 95% and 75% Prevalence of Malignant Tumors *
Tumor Median Age 90% Prevalence Age 75% Prevalence Age
Neuroblastoma 2 0–6 0–10
Ewing sarcoma 14 5–30 5–20
Osteosarcoma conventional 17 5–55 5–25
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma 17 6–45 10–40
Adamantinoma 25 10–60 10–40
Synovial sarcoma 25 5–60 10–55
Chondrosarcoma central, grade III 26 10–60 10–55
Juxtacortical osteosarcoma 27 10–60 10–40
Chondrosarcoma peripheral, grade I (atypical cartilaginous), grade II 32 15–55 20–55
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 35 10–70 20–70
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, fibrosarcoma 44 10–80 10–75
Chondrosarcoma central, grade I (atypical cartilaginous) 44 15–75 20–70
Hemangioendothelioma (epithelioid) 47 20–80 35–75
Chondrosarcoma central, grade II 55 25–80 30–80
Chordoma 58 30–80 40–75
Metastatic carcinoma >40 40–80
Myeloma 60 40–80 45–75

* Data are based on 6873 tumors on file in the Netherlands Committee on Bone Tumors.

Absence of accurate data.

TABLE 90-5
Median Age in Increasing Order and 90% and 75% Prevalence of Benign Osseous Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions *
Lesion Median Age 90% Prevalence 75% Prevalence
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 10 1–35 1–20
Solitary bone cyst 11 1–30 1–15
Chondroma, multiple 12 1–60 10–45
Aneurysmal bone cyst 14 1–25 1–20
Fibrous cortical defect, nonossifying fibroma 14 5–20 10–20
Osteoblastoma 15 1–30 5–25
Chondromyxoid fibroma 17 1–40 1–25
Osteoid osteoma 17 5–35 5–30
Chondroblastoma 17 10–30 10–20
Osteochondroma 20 1–50 5–30
Fibrous dysplasia 21 1–50 1–35
Myositis ossificans 22 1–45 5–40
Giant cell granuloma 24 1–55 1–40
Chondroma juxtacortical 26 1–60 10–45
Fibromatosis (desmoid type) 29 1–70 1–45
Giant cell tumor (pigmented villonodular synovitis) 31 10–60 15–50
Hemangioma 33 10–65 10–60
Desmoplastic fibroma 34 10–60 10–50
Chondroma solitary 35 6–65 10–60
Ganglion cyst 38 10–70 30–60
Epidermoid cyst 42 25–60 30–55
Brown tumor (hyperparathyroidism) 52 40–70 45–70

* Data are based on 6873 tumors on file in the Netherlands Committee on Bone Tumors.

Includes soft tissue tumors invading bone.

In the next step of the analysis, the location within the body is considered. As shown in Table 90-6 , some tumors have a preference for certain locations within the body. Based on frequency distribution only, a tumorous lesion in the hand, and more specifically in the phalanges, is almost always an enchondroma because of the preference for this location in combination with the relatively high prevalence of enchondroma, in general. Adamantinoma is almost exclusively found in the tibia. However, a tumor in the tibia is more likely to be an osteosarcoma or nonossifying fibroma than adamantinoma, based on frequency distribution only. The reason is that osteosarcoma and, especially, nonossifying fibroma are relatively common and have a much higher prevalence than the extremely rare adamantinoma. Relatively common lesions are found much more frequently in aspecific or even uncommon locations than rare lesions are found in their preferential locations.

TABLE 90-6
Frequency Distribution of Osseous Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions *
Skull Sternum Clavicle Rib Spine/Sacrum Pelvis Scapula Humerus Radius Ulna Hand Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Foot
Osteosarcoma 17 7 3 9 5 9 2 17 9 9 1 30 0 23 17 2
Chondrosarcoma (atypical cartilaginous tumor included) 8 57 4 27 10 24 8 8 5 11 9 8 0 5 1 8
Ewing sarcoma 1 4 3 14 6 15 3 6 6 8 0 3 0 3 16 4
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 7 2 6 2 2 5 2 5 2 0 0 8 0 3 2 0
Adamantinoma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Chordoma 2 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other malignancies 9 7 14 4 9 8 2 4 3 3 0 5 15 4 2 9
Osteoid osteoma 0 0 0 0 7 1 0 3 6 3 5 3 0 4 3 8
Osteoblastoma 1 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 8
Enchondroma 0 2 4 5 1 1 0 4 6 8 42 3 0 2 3 6
Osteochondroma 0 0 0 2 3 3 8 7 3 3 4 3 0 3 5 5
Chondroblastoma 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 3 23 3 1 10
Giant cell tumor 1 0 1 1 13 3 0 5 24 18 4 7 8 11 11 6
Other benign tumors 3 0 1 4 6 3 0 1 2 2 10 3 8 3 0 5
Aneurysmal bone cyst 2 0 20 2 9 4 3 3 8 10 4 2 15 4 10 7
Solitary bone cyst 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 17 2 1 1 3 15 0 2 4
Fibrous dysplasia 22 0 3 16 1 4 1 4 4 7 1 5 0 5 2 1
Nonossifying fibroma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 0 14 11 1
Eosinophilic granuloma 7 0 9 5 4 5 3 2 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0
Other tumor-like lesions 20 7 27 5 7 8 6 7 16 13 15 9 15 2 6 14

* For each location, the distribution of the various histologic diagnoses is given as a percentage. Data are based on 6873 tumors on file in the Netherlands Committee on Bone Tumors.

In the final step of analyzing epidemiologic data, one needs to determine whether the lesion is solitary or multifocal. This may be apparent from the beginning, for instance, when multiple lesions are seen on bone scintigraphy, on large field-of-view MRI, or on radiographs taken from symptomatic parts of the skeleton. It may also be necessary to start a search for other lesions using MRI, bone scintigraphy, or PET. The most important lesions that are typically, but not always, multifocal are myeloma and metastasis. If these are combined with age, it is fairly straightforward to suggest a differential diagnosis, without even analyzing the images, of myeloma or metastasis in a patient older than 40 years of age with multiple osseous lesions. Other lesions that may be multifocal are listed in Tables 90-7 and 90-8 .

TABLE 90-7
Malignant Osseous Tumors That May Be Multifocal
Ewing sarcoma

TABLE 90-8
Benign Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions That May Be Multifocal
Fibrous dysplasia
Synovial cysts
Brown tumors in hyperparathyroidism
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (eosinophilic granuloma)
Bone islands, osteoma (Gardner syndrome)
Fibrous cortical defect, nonossifying fibroma
Giant cell tumor
SAPHO, chronic multifocal osteomyelitis
SAPHO , Synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis.

Although some tumors have a higher incidence in males, gender does not play a critical role in diagnosing bone tumors. There are some exceptions to this. Multiple myeloma and osteoid osteoma occur two to three times more frequently in males than in females. Examples of conditions that occur slightly more often in females than in males are hemangioma and giant cell tumor.

Clinical Presentation

Radiographs, displaying findings that may reflect the presence of a tumor, are typically made because of local clinical symptoms, such as pain, dysfunction, and/or swelling. These clinical signs may be misleading in children because of referred pain. For instance, the patient may present with pain in the knee with or without a limp (dysfunction) secondary to a lesion in the hip region. The radiographic finding of a tumor may also be incidental or not related to the patient's symptoms.

Pain and/or local swelling are the most common, although nonspecific symptoms. Typically, pain has been present for several weeks or months. The onset is often gradual, and the patient may not recall when the pain started. Sudden onset of pain without adequate trauma occurs in pathologic fractures. In malignant tumors, pain may be rapidly progressive and may also be aggravating. When the tumor or tumor-like lesion is not fractured, pain is not related to physical activity and may be continuous or intermittent. Pain may be worse during the night. This is typically seen in osteoid osteoma in combination with good response to treatment with salicylates. When the tumor is located close to a joint or when it is extending into a joint, the symptoms may erroneously be attributed to joint disease. Posttraumatic sequelae in and around joints are clearly much more frequently encountered in this young age group. This may even tempt the clinician to choose arthroscopy rather than radiography as a first diagnostic test, for instance, when reactive synovitis is found at the clinical examination.

Fever and general malaise may be present in high-grade malignancies, especially in Ewing sarcoma. Because Ewing sarcoma may look radiographically like osteomyelitis, it is important to realize that, also clinically, the differentiation between infection and high-grade sarcoma may be challenging ( eFig. 90-9 ). Temperature, sedimentation rate, and blood cultures may be normal in patients with osteomyelitis and, with the exception of blood cultures, may be abnormal in patients with Ewing sarcoma.

eFIGURE 90-9, A , Atypical presentation of osteomyelitis in a child. The periosteal reaction (arrow) consisting of Codman triangle and interrupted lamellar periosteal reaction is far more commonly seen in sarcoma. Because of this periosteal reaction, the predominantly diaphyseal location, the pattern of bone destruction, and the age of the patient, Ewing sarcoma should be included in the differential diagnosis. B , Ewing sarcoma in a young adolescent presenting with fever, high sedimentation rate, and elevated white cell count. Although this radiograph should raise the suspicion of Ewing sarcoma, the periosteal reaction in Ewing sarcoma usually is less solid than in this patient. Osteomyelitis should be included in the differential diagnosis because of this periosteal reaction and the absence of visible soft tissue mass.

During a physical examination, the soft tissue swelling is typically firm; it may be warm, but there is no discoloration of the skin. Specific skin abnormalities are seen during inspection in various syndromes, such as neurofibromatosis. Dysfunction of joints or muscles may be observed.


Imaging techniques may visualize the tumor, the host's response to the tumor, or both. Radiographs typically visualize the host's response. Parts of the tumor are only directly depicted using radiographs when there are calcifications within the tumor (e.g., in cartilaginous tumors), when tumor matrix is ossified (e.g., in osteosarcoma), or when there is a substantial soft tissue extension. Often more evident is the host's response, including osteoclast activity (osteolysis), osteoblast activity (sclerosis), and periosteal reaction. Of these, osteolysis is the hardest to detect, especially in the diaphysis where there is a paucity of trabecular bone. Osteolysis becomes visible only when there is marked destruction of cortical bone and/or when more than 40% to 50% of trabecular bone is destroyed. There is a complex and only partially understood interaction between tumor and host, using multiple signaling pathways, that initiates and maintains this dynamic process. The ensuing growth rate of the tumor has an important impact on the radiographic appearance (see the discussion on disease manifestations).

In addition to these radiographically detectable reactions, angiogenesis is an important part of this interaction between tumor and host that can be visualized using only MRI, ultrasonography, and early-phase bone scintigraphy.

Altered hemodynamics in the vicinity of the tumor and even in large parts of the affected extremity, cause increased tracer uptake, seen on 99m Tc bone scintigraphy. Early cellular proliferation in the cambium layer of the periosteum that is not yet ossified can be observed on MRI and not on radiographs ( eFig. 90-10 ). Inflammatory response and edema surrounding the tumor may be best seen on MRI, but the intraosseous component of this may be seen as rarefaction on radiographs. Periosteal reaction and inflammatory reaction are usually found close to the tumor but may be quite extensive, resulting in periosteal reaction seen away from the tumor, for instance, in chondroblastoma. Extensive inflammatory reaction, as seen in osteoid osteoma and Langerhans cell histiocytosis, may even obscure the original lesion.

eFIGURE 90-10, A , Sagittal Gd-DTPA, fat-suppressed MR image of Ewing sarcoma in the humerus. The high signal intensity line (arrows) represents the cellular layer of the periosteum. B , Destruction of bone, including cortex, is seen on this radiograph of Ewing sarcoma in the proximal fibula. Ossification of periosteal reaction is very limited and is therefore not well appreciated on this radiograph. The tumor is shown originating in the fibula. C, There is soft tissue extension and the low signal intensity of the fibrous component of the periosteum. The periosteum is interrupted at multiple sites. Axial Gd-DTPA enhanced MR image showing the tumor (arrows) . Gd-DTPA , Gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid.

Imaging Techniques

Clinical findings and symptoms or a finding on another imaging study such as 99m Tc bone scintigraphy or MRI are reasons to take radiographs. Good quality radiographs taken in two orthogonal directions, with important exceptions ( eTable 90-1 ), can be used to confidently diagnose or exclude the presence of a tumor. Sometimes, the cause of symptoms is not identified on radiographs also, when symptoms are secondary to pathology other than bone tumor, such as early osteomyelitis, intraarticular lesions, or soft tissue tumor.

eTABLE 90-1
Causes of a Missed Tumor on Radiographs
Cause Solution
Referred pain Radiography of adjacent body parts, technetium (Tc) bone scintigraphy
Poor quality radiograph Repeat exposure
Lesion not included in field of view Larger field of view, Tc bone scintigraphy
Superimposing structures in pelvis Oblique views, CT, MRI
Complex anatomy in axial skeleton Oblique views, CT, MRI
Cortical bone not involved MRI
Paucity of cancellous bone (diaphysis, osteoporosis) MRI
Small size of lesion (osteoid osteoma) Tc bone scintigraphy, CT, or MRI
Growth pattern of myeloma MRI

The main reason to perform MRI in osseous lesions is local staging and monitoring of chemotherapy. In addition, dynamic gadolinium-chelate-enhanced MR can be used to differentiate benign from malignant cartilaginous tumors and to localize recurrent disease. Dynamic MR is a controversial topic because of mainly two reasons. First is improper indications. Dynamic MR is useful in monitoring chemotherapy, in assisting to differentiate between benign and malignant soft tissue tumors, and in differentiating between benign and malignant cartilaginous tumors. In general, it cannot be used to differentiate between benign and malignant osseous tumors. The second issue is improper technique. The temporal resolution should be at least 3 seconds. If the time interval between images acquired exceeds the 3-second margin, the parameter becomes useless. This is explained in the two- or three-compartment pharmacokinetic modeling described by Tofts.

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