The Facial Bones – Supplement (Online Only)


FIGURE 2S-1, Simulated destruction of the lateral wall of the orbit resulting from through-projection of the transverse venous sinus.

FIGURE 2S-2, The anterior clinoid processes superimposed on the superior orbital fissures.

FIGURE 2S-3, Ethmoid air cell simulating trauma in a patient with facial trauma. A, Plain film. B, Tomogram.

FIGURE 2S-4, Asymmetric supraorbital foramina. This may be confused with a localized destruction of the orbital rim.

FIGURE 2S-5, Asymmetric supraorbital foramina.

FIGURE 2S-6, A, B, Two examples of normal asymmetry of the superior orbital fissures.

FIGURE 2S-7, Factitial increased density of the left orbit caused by a slight rotation of the head and a prominent superimposed external occipital protuberance.

FIGURE 2S-8, The shadow of the eyelid seen unilaterally.

FIGURE 2S-9, The edge of the superior orbital fissure, not to be mistaken for calcification in the globe.


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