Tag Thomas Brenn MD PhD FRCPath

Cutaneous cysts

Although a wide variety of cysts may present in the skin, usually these turn out to be epidermoid (infundibular), trichilemmal, or glandular in nature ( Table 34.1 ). It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether a structure is a…

Tumors of the sweat glands

Apocrine nevus Clinical features Apocrine nevus as defined by an excess of normal apocrine glands (apocrine hamartoma, hamartomatous apocrine gland hyperplasia) is a very rare and clinically heterogeneous condition. Most often it presents with a fleshy axillary swelling. Erythematous or…

Tumors of the hair follicle

Hair nevi Clinical features Localized variations of hair growth or hair follicle numbers are more easily appreciated clinically than histologically. Increased growth of terminal hairs may be seen over a spina bifida defect and also occurs in hairy congenital melanocytic…

Tumors of the surface epithelium

Epidermal nevi Clinical features Epidermal nevi are of the following three subtypes, which are histologically identical and differ only in the degree of clinical involvement: nevus verrucosus, nevus unius lateris, ichthyosis hystrix (this has no relationship to ichthyosis). Lesions, which…

Disorders of pigmentation

Disorders of Hypopigmentation Vitiligo Clinical features Vitiligo is a common acquired disease of unknown etiology characterized by loss of melanocytes resulting in macular areas of leukoderma that progressively enlarge and often become confluent. The incidence has been calculated as between…

Vascular diseases

Introduction Vasculitis and other forms of vascular damage are the subjects of this chapter. Although minimal criteria for the diagnosis of vasculitis may differ among experts, the presence of inflammation and some evidence of vascular damage in the form of…