
  • Description: Nabothian cysts are retention cysts of the cervix that are made up of endocervical columnar cells and that result from the closure of a gland opening, tunnel, or cleft by the process of squamous metaplasia.

  • Prevalence: Normal feature of the adult cervix.

  • Predominant Age: Reproductive age.

  • Genetics: No genetic pattern.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

  • Causes: A cervical gland opening, tunnel, or cleft that is covered by the process of squamous metaplasia.

  • Risk Factors: Chronic inflammation of the cervix.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Asymptomatic

  • Translucent or opaque, white to blue to yellow, raised bumps on the ectocervix (3 mm to 3 cm in diameter)

Diagnostic Approach

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