Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring

Common Misconceptions

  • Invasive hemodynamic monitoring should be used in all patients in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU).

  • The pulmonary capillary wedge pressure is always a surrogate for left ventricular end-diastolic pressure.

  • Mixed venous oxygen saturation can be sampled from any right heart chamber.

  • Hemodynamics is derived hydrodynamics, the physics of the motion and action of water.

  • The dimensions of hemodynamics include flow, pressure, static resistance, dynamic impedance, reflectance and compliance, branching effects, viscosity, fluid friction, turbulence, and other physical characteristics.

  • The goals of hemodynamic assessment and manipulation in the critically ill patient are to ensure adequate organ blood flow, oxygen supply, and, ultimately, to improve survival.

  • Noninvasive parameters to measure organ perfusion include systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, urine output, and respiratory frequency.

  • The development of bedside intravascular catheterization procedures allowed, for the first time, meaningful application of hemodynamic monitoring in the care of selected critically ill patients.

Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure

  • The continuous measurement of arterial pressure is essential in hemodynamic monitoring of critically ill patients.

  • Arterial pressure is the input pressure for organ perfusion.

  • In the CICU, insertion of an indwelling arterial catheter into either the arm (brachial or radial sites) or groin (femoral arterial site) is often used to provide more precise monitoring.

  • The advantages of arterial catheterization over noninvasive techniques are continuous monitoring of arterial pressure and its waveform and providing a site for repetitive blood sampling.

  • Arterial pressure is a function of both vasomotor tone and cardiac output (CO).

  • Local metabolic demands determine local vasomotor tone that, in turn, determines blood flow distribution.

  • Perfusion pressure and local vascular resistance determine organ perfusion of all capillary beds.

  • Flow is proportional to local metabolic demand if there is no hemodynamic instability to cause increased sympathetic tone.

  • CO primarily determines arterial pressure in the setting of varying degrees of local blood flow and, because it is proportional to local metabolic demand, there is no normal value in an unstable, metabolically active patient.

  • The literature currently suggests maintaining patients who were previously nonhypertensive at a mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) of 65 mm Hg, consistent with the initial MAP target recommended by the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines.

  • In a clinical trial that examined the effects of resuscitative efforts with fluid and vasopressors in patients with circulatory shock to varying MAP targets, ranging from 60 to 90 mm Hg, no increased organ blood flow could be determined above a MAP of 65 mm Hg.

  • However, evidence in the septic shock literature indicates that a MAP of 75 to 85 mm Hg may reduce the development of acute kidney injury in patients with chronic arterial hypertension.

  • As a result, it has been suggested to consider more individualized targets for older patients with hypertension or atherosclerosis and in patients with septic shock.

  • The indications for arterial catheterization ( Table 23.1 ).

    Table 23.1
    Arterial Catheterization
    Modified from Polanco PM, Pinsky MR. Practical issues of hemodynamic monitoring at the bedside. Surg Clin North Am . 2006;86(6):1431–1456.
    Probable Indications for Arterial Catheterization
    • Guide to management of potent vasodilator drug infusions to prevent systemic hypotension

    • Guide to management of potent vasopressor drug infusions to maintain a target mean arterial pressure

    • As a port for the rapid and repetitive sampling of arterial blood in patients in whom multiple arterial blood samples are indicated

    • As a monitor of cardiovascular deterioration in patients at risk for cardiovascular instability

    Useful Applications of Arterial Pressure Monitoring in the Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Insufficiency
    • Differentiating cardiac tamponade (pulsus paradoxus) from respiration-induced swings in systolic arterial pressure; tamponade reduces the pulse pressure but keeps diastolic pressure constant. Respiration reduces systolic and diastolic pressure equally, such that pulse pressure is constant.

    • Differentiating hypovolemia from cardiac dysfunction as the cause of hemodynamic instability. Systolic arterial pressure decreases more following a positive pressure breath as compared with an apneic baseline during hypovolemia. Systolic arterial pressure increases more during positive pressure inspiration when left ventricular (LV) contractility is reduced.

  • In most cases, the choice of location for insertion of the catheter is the radial artery because femoral artery cannulation is more often associated with displacement during patient movement and hemorrhage that is more difficult to control.

  • Although arterial catheterization is an invasive procedure with inherent risks (temporary vascular occlusion 20% and hematoma 14%), most complications are not severe, with permanent ischemic damage, sepsis, and pseudoaneurysm occurring in less than 1% of cases.

Pulmonary Artery Catheterization

  • Pulmonary artery (PA) catheterization permits additional measurements of CO, right heart, and pulmonary pressures that make it possible to calculate other derived hemodynamic parameters, such as cardiac work indices and systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance.

  • These fundamental hemodynamic variables help further describe the disordered physiologic state with sufficient precision to enhance management decisions and aid in the care of critically ill patients.

  • The PA catheter allows for determination of various fundamental hemodynamic parameters, including measurement of CO by thermodilution (TD), right atrial (RA), right ventricular (RV), PA, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures (PCWP), and sampling of blood from the PA, RV, and RA.

  • Pulmonary vascular and systemic resistance, as well as RV and left ventricular (LV) stroke work, can then be derived.

Pulmonary Artery Catheter

  • The most commonly used PA catheter is a 7.5 Fr thermodilution, triple-lumen, radiopaque catheter, 110 cm long made of polyvinylchloride.

  • Most catheters are heparin coated to reduce thrombogenicity.

  • The outside is marked with black rings every 10 cm from the tip that allow determination without fluoroscopy of the appropriate catheter length at which to inflate the distal balloon.

  • The distal lumen terminates at the tip of the catheter, whereas the RA lumen terminates 30 cm proximal to the tip. There is a venous infusion lumen 1 cm proximal to the RA lumen.

  • A thermistor bead located 3 to 5 cm from the tip is connected to an external thermistor connector by a wire.

  • The external thermistor is, in turn, linked to a computer that allows for determination of CO by the TD method.

  • A soft latex balloon with a maximum inflating capacity of 1.0 to 1.5 mL is affixed to the distal tip of the PA catheter.

  • Upon inflation, the balloon engulfs the catheter tip, cushioning the transmitted force, limiting injury of endocardial surfaces, and reducing the frequency of arrhythmias.

  • The inflated balloon facilitates flow-directed advancement of the catheter through the right heart into the PA.

  • Once inflated in a distal branch of the PA, the balloon occludes the vessel and allows for measurement of PCWP through the catheter tip.

  • The catheter can serve multiple functions, including measurement of CO by TD, PA temperature, and intracardiac pressures (RA, RV, PA, PCW).

  • Blood sampling can be done through the active lumens of the catheter.

Equipment and Signal Calibration

  • The fluid-filled PA catheter is connected via semirigid pressure tubing to pressure transducers.

  • These transducers consist of a fluid-filled dome, a diaphragm, and a strain gauge Wheatstone bridge arrangement.

  • An electric current directly proportional to the fluid motion is amplified and transmitted to the oscilloscope equipment for display.

  • The system must have a frequency response of flat to 15 to 20 Hz to be adequate for human studies.

  • Pressure waveforms are not reliable in patients with excessively rapid heart rates of greater than 180 beats/min.

  • The length of the pressure tubing determines the natural frequency of fluid-filled systems.

  • Excessively long tubing will drop the natural frequency to below physiologic range, causing an overamplification of signal, resulting in falsely elevated pressure readings.

  • The recommended length of pressure tubing is 3 to 4 feet.

  • Damping is the opposite effect, with a loss of physiologic signal that most commonly results from air trapped in the circuit.

  • Damping of the PA pressure signal may make it difficult to discern from the PCWP tracing.

  • Catheter whip artifact from motion imparted to the catheter with each cardiac contraction can be eliminated by high-frequency filters.

  • Accurately measuring pressure signals requires proper calibration of the monitoring system.

    • With a patient supine, the pressure transducer is aligned with the fourth intercostal space midway between the front and back of the chest.

    • This site serves as the standard zero reference point.

    • The calibration of the monitor involves the introduction of a known pressure signal. This can be done either internally or externally.

    • Zero reference and calibration should be checked each day of hemodynamic monitoring.

  • Required equipment for PA catheter insertion ( Table 23.2 ).

    Table 23.2
    Equipment Required for Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion
    Appropriate PA catheter
    Dilator-sheath-side arm assembly
    Three-way stopcocks
    Pressure tubing
    18-gauge, thin-walled Cook needle
    Sterile gowns, drapes, gloves
    1% lidocaine
    Heparinized saline
    J-tipped guidewire
    Towel clips, syringes, suture material
    Electrocardiography and pressure-monitoring equipment
    Intravenous line
    Defibrillator unit
    21-gauge Micropuncture Access Set (Cook Medical)

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