Hematologic Toxicity of Drug Therapy


  • Q63.1 What are two enzymes for which baseline testing serves to predict patients at risk for hematologic toxicity from drugs commonly used in dermatology? (Pgs. 690, 694, 695)

  • Q63.2 What are some of the mechanisms by which hydroxylamine metabolites induce hematologic toxicity in patients on either dapsone or sulfonamides? (Pgs. 690x2, 695)

  • Q63.3 What are several drugs that induce antibodies specific to platelets or neutrophils? (Pg. 690x2)

  • Q63.4 What are some issues important to proper analysis of large population studies on hematologic toxicities, including factors leading to overestimates and underestimates of risk? (Pg. 690)

  • Q63.5 Using multiple large population studies, what are some of the most important drugs (dermatologic and nondermatologic) with an increased risk of agranulocytosis? (Pg. 691)

  • Q63.6 Between antimetabolites and alkylating agents, which are more likely to induce hematologic malignancies? (Pg. 692)

  • Q63.7 Between drug-induced lymphoproliferative malignancies and leukemias, which are more likely to be reversible on cessation of drug therapy? (Pg. 692)

  • Q63.8 What is the proposed mechanism of action for inducing hematologic toxicities for the following drugs: (1) cyclophosphamide, (2) trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and (3) colchicine? (Pgs. 694, 696x3)

  • Q63.9 What are some of the numerical guidelines for drug dosage reduction or drug cessation with reduced counts for: (1) neutrophils, (2) total white blood cells, and (3) platelets? (Pg. 698)

  • Q63.10 What are some of the guidelines for (1) hospitalization, (2) transfusion, and (3) administration of various colony stimulating factors for agranulocytosis and/or thrombocytopenia? (Pg. 698x2)

Abbreviations used in this chapter




N -acetyl-serine-aspartic acid-lysine-proline


Adverse event/effect


Cytochrome P-450


Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase


Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor


Granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor


Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase




Mean corpuscular volume


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(s)


Rheumatoid arthritis




Thiopurine methyltransferase


World Health Organization


Xanthine oxidase


Hematologic toxicities from drugs used in dermatology are infrequent, but potentially life-threatening, adverse reactions. Avoidance of hematologic complications is enhanced by knowledge of drug metabolism, interactions, adverse effect (AE) profile, and patient risk factors, including the effects of age and concomitant medical diseases. Awareness of possible hematologic AE, and their most likely timing of occurrence, can direct monitoring for toxicity. Monitoring guidelines are established for individual drugs based on the incidence of AE observed during clinical trials, including the timing of these complications.

The first section of this chapter deals with general principles, such as mechanisms of development of hematologic toxicities, their timing, and their predictability (or lack thereof). The second section provides an overview of the most important specific hematologic AE. The third section reviews individual drugs, including cytotoxic agents and other drugs commonly used in dermatology. Finally, in the fourth section management of hematologic toxicities is addressed.

General Principles

Mechanisms of Hematologic Toxicities

AE from drugs may be expected (pharmacologic) or unpredictable (idiosyncratic). In addition, AE may be secondary to direct toxicity to cells or to immunologic reactions. In general, toxic reactions are insidious in onset, developing over weeks to months, although some toxic hematologic reactions may be seen earlier. With drug rechallenge, there is a latent period before onset of symptoms. On the other hand, immunologic reactions appear relatively early in the course of therapy. These reactions take days to weeks to develop, and, once established, often follow a more explosive course. Immunologic reactions recur promptly after re-exposure to even small doses of the causative agent.

Cytotoxic agents are examples of drugs that commonly and predictably produce cytopenias. In cancer therapy, these can be used as a marker of response and/or survival in patients undergoing treatment. Most cause cell death through apoptosis, although the pathways to that end vary by class of drug. In general, cytopenias from cytotoxic agents represent toxic reactions that are dose dependent and fairly predictable. A unique situation exists with azathioprine. Q63.1 The hematologic toxicities from this drug are determined not only by the dose of the drug, but also by the level of an enzyme, thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), that is important in the metabolism of the drug (see ‘Azathioprine’ section in this chapter).

Idiosyncratic reactions from drugs also may be either toxic or immunologic. They often are related to genetic variability in metabolism of drugs, particularly from common enzyme polymorphisms. Q63.2 For example, sulfonamides undergo N -acetylation in the liver, as a major part of their metabolism. Over 90% of patients demonstrating hypersensitivity to sulfonamides are slow acetylators. In these patients, metabolism of sulfonamides shifts to greater formation of nitroso and aryl-hydroxylamine metabolites, which can be directly toxic to cells of various organs, including bone marrow cells. Ascorbic acid deficiency has been demonstrated to potentiate this effect. A surrogate marker for sulfonamide antibiotic hypersensitivity has been proposed with a lymphocyte toxicity assay, however results were not found to be significantly different between drug-tolerant controls and patients who exhibited hypersensitivity reactions. A major limitation of this study was the small number of patients recruited, but it was suggested that the test was more sensitive in patients with more serious systemic organ involvement. This could potentially be used to predict which patients may be more prone to hypersensitivity reactions.

Q63.3 Idiosyncratic immunologic reactions account for certain adverse hematologic reactions. They are common mechanisms for drug-induced thrombocytopenia from noncytotoxic agents, such as quinidine, quinine, and heparin. In addition to the previously mentioned toxic mechanisms, immune mechanisms may play a role in hypersensitivity because of sulfonamides. Q63.2 The aniline structure (4-amino) of sulfonamide metabolites may alter antigen presentation by immune cells, and thus render a patient more susceptible to immunologic reactions from this class of drugs. Q63.3 In some cases of drug-induced agranulocytosis, including those associated with β-lactam or antithyroid medications, drug-dependent antineutrophil autoantibodies have been demonstrated. For most noncytotoxic drugs though, the mechanism causing hematologic toxicities is not well defined.

Timing of Hematologic Toxicity

The type and onset of various cytopenias from cytotoxic drugs depends on the category of drug. The cytotoxic drugs used in dermatology, especially the antimetabolites and alkylating agents, have leukopenia as their most common hematologic effect. The half-life of neutrophils is only 6 to 8 hours, compared with half-lives of 5 to 7 days for platelets and 60 days for red blood cells (RBC). A fall in the white blood cell (WBC) count often begins 5 to 14 days after initial administration of a cytotoxic agent, and recovery usually starts 7 to 10 days, after cessation of drug use. Drugs that are cell cycle-specific (such as antimetabolites) generally show earlier onset, and shorter duration, of myelosuppression. In contrast, cytopenias from busulfan or from the nitrosoureas (such as carmustine [BCNU]) occur later, typically starting 4 to 6 weeks after initiation of therapy. This applies to topical BCNU, as well as to systemic BCNU for mycosis fungoides.

The onset of idiosyncratic reactions is quite variable and depends on both the causative agent and the type of hematologic toxicity. These hypersensitivity reactions may be either metabolic or immunologic idiosyncratic reactions. The minimum time required for development of drug-induced immunocytopenias is about 6 days, if the drug is administered for the first time, but occurs within minutes to hours if the drug is readministered.

Agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, and thrombocytopenia are often acute reactions occurring in the first month of therapy. However, there are notable exceptions. Sulfasalazine- and dapsone-induced agranulocytosis generally occurs between weeks 3 and 12. Levamisole may produce autoantibodies against any of the blood cell lines after several months of therapy. Cytopenias from these drugs may persist for months, rather than the expected several weeks, after the offending drug is stopped.

Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are unlikely to be related to a drug if they develop more than 1 month after cessation of the drug. However, aplastic anemia can show a different time course. It sometimes occurs after months to a year of drug use. It may also appear 4 months or occasionally longer after cessation of the drug, and often does not resolve despite stopping the suspected drug.

Prediction of Risk for Hematologic Toxicities

Determination of the exact risk ratio for hematologic toxicity from drugs used in dermatology is difficult; estimates can be inferred from knowledge of pharmacogenetics and from epidemiologic studies. Drug toxicities are typically either dose dependent or idiosyncratic. In general, cytotoxic agents produce toxicities that are dose dependent and follow a sigmoid-shaped curve. At low drug levels, myelosuppression may not occur. With increasing drug doses, cell death is proportional to drug concentration. With very high drug levels, the myelosuppressive effect plateaus.

The incidence of idiosyncratic reactions, whether caused by genetics or by random events, can be estimated from population studies. There are several large population studies of drug-related blood dyscrasias. Q63.4 The ability to extrapolate the relative risk of a drug’s toxicity from these reports depends on the following:

  • 1.

    Completeness of the reported data;

  • 2.

    Frequency of the various drugs’ use;

  • 3.

    The population studied; and

  • 4.

    The ability to choose one culprit drug in patients on multiple medications.

Studies that report the number of AE from a drug per population per year, ideally use case controls and account for the number of prescriptions written for a particular drug during the study period. If not, the study will likely underestimate the incidence of problems, from less frequently prescribed medications, and overestimate the incidence, from drugs that are frequently prescribed.

Major Categories of Drug-Induced Hematologic Toxicity


Agranulocytosis is defined as a neutrophil count of less than 500/mm 3 (although significant caution is advised at levels 2 to 3 times this definition in dermatologic drug therapy) in the absence of significant anemia and thrombocytopenia. It is often accompanied by fever, pharyngitis, dysphagia, and oral ulcerations. Mortality, which is often secondary to septicemia, has decreased to 5% (0%–23%), likely from earlier recognition and the availability of new antibiotics and granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF). Advanced age, severe infections, renal failure, and other serious comorbid conditions are associated with a poorer prognosis.

Q63.5 In up to 97% of cases, drugs are implicated as ‘probable’ or ‘possible’ causes of agranulocytosis, using the World Health Organization (WHO) definitions. The incidence is one to nine cases per million individuals per year, although an unexpectedly low incidence of 0.38 cases per 1 million per year was found in Latin American countries. In Hong Kong, the incidence ranged up to 15.4 cases per 1 million per year. In a recent pediatric study, incidence of agranulocytosis secondary to medications was 3.92 cases per 10,000 pediatric patients.

In a review of population-based studies on the incidence of drug-induced agranulocytosis, covering years 1960 to 2001, Garbe noted that the drugs presenting the greatest risk were antithyroid drugs, dipyrone, macrolides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), and anticonvulsant drugs ( Table 63.1 ). Very similar data were obtained from Saskatchewan, where antithyroid drugs, sulfasalazine, chlorpromazine, carbamazepine, TMP-SMX, and β-lactam antibiotics showed the strongest association with agranulocytosis. Andersohn reviewed case reports of drugs definitely or probably related to agranulocytosis. Drugs for which more than 10 reports were available included dapsone, penicillin, rituximab, sulfasalazine, and anticonvulsants, antithyroid and antiplatelet agents. A study in Spain found the annual incidence of drug-induced agranulocytosis to be 3.46 cases/1 million patient-years. Ticlopidine, calcium dobesilate, antithyroid drugs, dipyrone, and spironolactone were most strongly associated with agranulocytosis. Other drugs with a significant risk included sulfonamides, phenytoin, β-lactam antibiotics, erythromycin, and diclofenac. In Hong Kong, a total of 59 drugs were identified to have an association with agranulocytosis. Antithyroid drugs caused the majority, with carbimazole being the most commonly implicated drug, followed by antimicrobials and anticonvulsants. Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) alleles have been shown to be associated with drug-induced agranulocytosis. For example two alleles, HLA-B∗ 38:02 and HLA-DRB1∗ 08:03, seemed to be associated with antithyroid drugs. Huerta and colleagues estimated the risk of blood dyscrasia in patients on the full spectrum of antibiotics to be 3.3/100,000 person-years. The relative risk increased if the patient was over 60 years of age, was taking phenothiazines, or receiving more than one antibiotic simultaneously.

Table 63.1
Causes of Drug-Associated Agranulocytosis
Data from Garbe E. Non-chemotherapy drug-induced agranulocytosis. Expert Opin Drug Saf . 2007;6(3):323–335.
Drug Relative Risk Estimates From Epidemiologic Studies a 95% Confidence Interval
Dipyrone 25.8 8.4–79.1
Indomethacin 8.9 2.9–27.8
Diclofenac 3.9 1.0–15.0
Antithyroid drugs 114.8 60.5–218.6
Clomipramine 20.0 6.1–57.6
Antibacterial agents
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole b 14.0 4.0–42
25.1 11.2–55.0
Macrolides b 50.0 5.1–500.0
Erythromycin b 7.6 1.1–51.1
β-lactams b 4.7 1.7–12.8
Penicillins b 3.1 1.3–7.9
Other drugs
Ticlopidine 103.2 12.7–837.4
Sulfasalazine b 74.6 36.3–167.8
24.8 2.2–282.8
Spironolactone b 20.0 2.3–175.9

a The article reviews several epidemiologic studies. Selected data included in this table. See article for complete summary of findings.

b Drugs used commonly in dermatology.

Aplastic Anemia (Pancytopenia)

Aplastic anemia results from a severe decrease in bone marrow production of blood cells, resulting in pancytopenia. In general, the neutrophil count is less than 1500/mm 3 , the platelet count less than 50,000/mm 3 , and the hemoglobin concentration less than 10 g/dL. The mortality rate is 46%. The International Agranulocytosis and Aplastic Anemia Study reported that 27% of their cases of aplastic anemia were likely drug-related. Penicillamine, gold, and carbamazepine were most commonly implicated ( Table 63.2 ). A French group compared drug use in patients with aplastic anemia to hospitalized patients and neighborhood control groups. The use of gold, d -penicillamine, or colchicine was associated with higher risk of aplastic anemia. The Swedish Blood Dyscrasia study also found that 25% of their cases of aplastic anemia were probably drug associated. TMP-SMX had a reported risk of 13 cases/10 6 patient-years. However, concomitant viral disease might have played a role in the development of aplasia in some patients. The risk of aplastic anemia from TMP-SMX was much lower in other studies (1.4 cases/10 6 users per 5-month period (see ‘Sulfonamides’ section). Other drugs used in dermatology and associated with risk of aplastic anemia include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), dapsone, β-lactam antibiotics, and chloroquine.

Table 63.2
Drug-Associated Aplastic Anemia: Relative Risk From Drugs Used Days 29–180 Days Before Onset
Data from Kaufman DW, Kelly JP, Jurgelon JM, et al. Drugs in the aetiology of agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia. Eur J Haematol . 1996;57(Suppl 60):23–30.
Drug Relative Risk 95% Confidence Interval a
Penicillamine 49 5.2–464
Gold b 19 3.6–97
Carbamazepine 13 3.3–54
Allopurinol 4.6 1.7–12
Naproxen b 3.9 1.6–9.7
Butazones 3.7 1.6–8.3
Diclofenac 3.0 1.3–7.0
Indomethacin 2.8 1.1–6.8
Chloramphenicol 2.7 0.8–8.7

a Case control study. Risk is relative to no use of drug in days 29–180 before onset of aplastic anemia.

b Drugs possibly used in dermatology.

The larger studies cited addressing drug causation of aplastic anemia are from decades ago. Interestingly, the most recent review of aplastic anemia mentions drugs, only as causation of chemotherapy related and usually reversible pancytopenia. In addition, they emphasized increasing evidence for mutations leading to genetic predisposition to aplastic anemia and the induction of probable immune mechanisms of cytopenia, triggered by chemical, viruses, drugs, or antigens.


Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count of 100,000/mm 3 . Reviews of published case reports looked at medications implicated in five or more reports of drug-induced thrombocytopenia ( Table 63.3 ). Heparin, quinidine, gold, certain antibiotics (linezolid, rifampin, sulfonamides, vancomycin), anticonvulsants, cimetidine, certain analgesics (acetaminophen, diclofenac, naproxen), and thiazide diuretics were the most commonly implicated drugs. A Dutch case-control study looking at nonheparin-related drug-induced thrombocytopenia, between 1990 and 2002, found an odds ratio of 7.8 for β-lactam antibiotic users and a odds ratio of 5.7 for those taking TMP-SMX. In the Swedish registry study, TMP-SMX had a risk of 96 cases of thrombocytopenia per 10 6 patient-years. Concomitant viral illness might have been a confounding factor in some cases. Severe thrombocytopenia (<20,000/mm 3 ) warrants aggressive treatment with platelet transfusions to prevent intracranial bleeding. Recovery usually starts 1 to 2 days after cessation of the causative drug.

Table 63.3
Drug-Associated Thrombocytopenia: Those with Five or More Published Reports of Definite or Probable Causal Relationship
Modified from George JN, Aster RH. Drug-induced thrombocytopenia: pathogenesis, evaluation, and management. Hematol Am Soc Hematol Educ Program . 2009;2009(1):153–158. Available at: http://asheducationbook.hematologylibrary.org/cgi/content/full/2009/1/153 . Accessed February 1, 2019. Data from www.ouhsc.edu/platelets .
Drug Definite Probable
Quinidine 26 32
Cimetidine 1 5
Danazol 3 4
Diclofenac 2 3
Gold 0 11
Interferon-α 1 6
Ranitidine 0 5
Rifampin 5 5
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole 3 12
Vancomycin 3 4
With the exception of quinidine, the drugs listed previously are those used most commonly in dermatology. See full article for complete listing.


The potential for induction of neoplasia is of special concern. For most cytotoxic drugs, hematologic malignancies and cutaneous carcinomas are more likely than are other solid tumors. The incidence of malignancy also depends on the agent used. Q63.6 Therapy-related myeloid neoplasms include acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome. Hematologic malignancies are seen less commonly with antimetabolites (methotrexate, azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine [6-MP]) than with alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil), because the former do not directly affect the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). However, a recent multicenter, case-control study showed a seven-fold risk of proven therapy-related myeloid neoplasms with azathioprine. Rare cases of myelodysplastic syndrome after treatment with cyclophosphamide have also been reported. In some instances, it is difficult to calculate the relative risk for development of malignancy because data on the potential association between a drug and neoplasm consist predominantly of individual case reports. Also, different patient populations may have inherently higher risks of developing malignancies, despite using the same drug at similar doses. For instance, a study of psoriasis patients found that they have a 2.95 relative risk (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.83–4.76) for developing lymphoma. This risk changed little when patients who used methotrexate were excluded.

Q63.7 Patients who develop a lymphoproliferative disorder while on immunosuppressive therapy may show regression of disease on withdrawal of the immunosuppressive drug. This is especially true for lymphomas demonstrating the Epstein–Barr viral genome. Therefore a period of watchful waiting after cessation of the immunosuppressive drug(s) is appropriate in this setting, before deciding on the need for chemotherapy. However, acute leukemia, developing during or after immunosuppressive or cytotoxic drug use, virtually never shows spontaneous regression. These leukemias are often associated with cytogenetic abnormalities of chromosomes 5 or 7 and have a very poor prognosis. Development of solid tumors in association with drug use is discussed elsewhere in this book. (See Chapter 64 .)

Drugs Prescribed by Dermatologists—Risk of Hematologic Toxicity

Box 63.1 lists various dermatologic drugs and their potential for hematologic toxicity. The greatest emphasis is given to cytotoxic and/or immunosuppressive agents.

Box 63.1
Various Dermatologic Drugs—Potential for Hematologic Toxicity

Relatively High-Risk Drugs Lower-Risk Drugs

  • Methotrexate

  • Azathioprine

Alkylating Agents

  • Cyclophosphamide

  • Chlorambucil

Other Cytotoxic/Immunosuppressive Drugs

  • Hydroxyurea

  • Interferons a


  • Dapsone


  • Sulfasalazine

  • Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole

Anti-inflammatory Drugs

  • Antimalarials

  • Colchicine

  • Gold

  • Penicillamine

Other Immunosuppressive Drugs

  • Mycophenolate mofetil

Miscellaneous Drugs (Very Low Risk)

  • Terbinafine

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents

  • Antibiotics—ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, cephalosporins

  • H 2 Antagonists—ranitidine, cimetidine

  • Interleukin-17 inhibitors—ixekinumab, secukinumab, brodalumab

  • Tofacitinib

The table represents the sequence of discussion of these drugs or drug groups in this chapter.

a In general, interferon-induced neutropenia is dose-related and is of mild-moderate severity.


Mechanism of Toxicity

Methotrexate is an antifolate antimetabolite. Studies indicate a probable dissociation between its mechanism of hematologic toxicity and its anti-inflammatory effects. Methotrexate and its polyglutamate derivatives inhibit dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthetase. This interference with folic acid metabolism affects cells with rapid turnover, especially gastrointestinal mucosa and bone marrow, giving the characteristic toxicities of mucositis and cytopenias, particularly leukopenia. Methotrexate also causes an intracellular buildup of adenosine that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects. In addition, methotrexate inhibits chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, blocks inflammation induced by C5a, and impairs leukotriene B 4 –induced intraepidermal granulocyte penetration. Prophylactic administration of folic acid 1 to 5 mg daily may lessen toxicity, especially hepatic AE, without interfering with efficacy. However, effect on mucocutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms are debateable. However, this regimen has not been shown to definitively reduce hematologic toxicity, perhaps because myelosuppression from low-dose methotrexate is uncommon. Nonetheless, because folic acid is safe and does not interfere with methotrexate efficacy, it is prudent to use folic acid routinely in patients receiving methotrexate for dermatologic diseases.

General Risk of Hematologic Toxicity

Bone marrow toxicity is dose-dependent and related to the mechanism of folate antagonism. Isolated thrombocytopenia, from methotrexate, occurs in 4% of rheumatologic patients and pancytopenia in 1% to 4%. Megaloblastic erythropoiesis in bone marrow is common with methotrexate, but macrocytic anemia is not. The risk is greatest in elderly patients or those with renal insufficiency or hypoalbuminemia. Those who lack folate supplementation or who are on medications with significant drug interactions are also at increased risk. Cytopenias may occur as a late complication, even in patients on a stable dosage, suggesting a cumulative effect. In a study of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, taking methotrexate, the median delay to neutropenia was 16.9 months and the delay to thrombocytopenia was 9.4 months. These late-onset cytopenias are often the result of drug interactions involving methotrexate. Therefore, it is important to use test doses of methotrexate and to continue to monitor complete blood counts (CBC) and renal function long term.

Drug Interactions

A number of drugs interact with methotrexate and patients should be advised of specific agents to avoid. Severe cytopenias can occur in patients receiving concomitant TMP-SMX, although prophylactic doses of TMP-SMX may not cause this reaction. TMP binds to dihydrofolate reductase, causing increased blockade of this enzyme. Sulfonamides can displace methotrexate from albumin, increasing the drug’s bioavailability. NSAID may contribute to nephrotoxicity, thereby reducing excretion of methotrexate. There have also been case reports of cytopenias with concurrent proton-pump inhibitor administration, however with regular blood count monitoring, this does not contraindicate their use in rheumatologic patients.

Management of Cytopenias

If a patient on methotrexate develops life-threatening cytopenias, serum levels of the drug should be measured and leucovorin administered at 15 mg/m 2 intravenously, every 6 hours, until the serum methotrexate level becomes undetectable. Higher doses of leucovorin may be needed in patients with renal insufficiency.

Malignancy Risk

Early studies looking at psoriasis patients treated with methotrexate found no increase in the incidence of internal malignancies. However, there have been increasing reports of lymphoproliferative disorders in patients taking methotrexate, not only for RA or dermatomyositis, but also for psoriasis. Examination of peripheral lymph nodes every 3 to 6 months is advisable in patients taking methotrexate, although over 50% of the methotrexate-induced lymphomas appear in extranodal sites.


Mechanism of Toxicity

Azathioprine is a purine analog antimetabolite with immunosuppressive properties. It is converted to 6-MP, then subsequently metabolized by xanthine oxidase (XO), TPMT, and hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT). Between 2% and 17% of patients develop hematologic toxicity, especially neutropenia. Because cytopenias may be delayed, it is recommended that CBC be obtained weekly for the first 4 weeks of treatment, then biweekly for the next month. Q63.1 Severe myelosuppression may be seen in patients with homozygous TPMT deficiency, which is transmitted as an autosomal-recessive trait and is found in 0.3% of the Caucasian population. Approximately 11% of individuals are heterozygotes who show intermediate activity of the enzyme. Studies show inverse correlation between TPMT activity and accumulation of pharmacologically active 6-thioguanine metabolites in erythrocytes, leading to marked myelosuppression, when azathioprine or 6-MP is given at conventional doses to enzyme-deficient patients. Pretreatment assays for TPMT activity (or genotype) help predict which patients will develop severe cytopenias, who will develop cumulative toxicity, and which group might be resistant to drug effect, requiring higher drug doses because of rapid metabolism of azathioprine to inactive metabolites. Azathioprine has been administered safely to children with severe atopic dermatitis, when pretreatment TPMT levels were normal. However, in lupus patients, receiving azathioprine, there can be poor correlation between TPMT levels and the incidence of neutropenia. CBC should be monitored closely in this group.

Drug Interactions

Drug interaction between allopurinol (or febuxostat) and azathioprine or 6-MP is of particular importance. Inhibition of XO by allopurinol greatly enhances the myelotoxicity of these antimetabolites, so it is prudent to avoid allopurinol in combination with either drug. If they must be used together, the dose of the antimetabolite should be reduced by 75%.

Thrombocytopenia Risk

Thrombocytopenia and macrocytic anemia are uncommon with azathioprine. Pure red cell aplasia, which reverses on drug withdrawal, has been recorded in solid organ transplantation patients.

Malignancy Risk

Azathioprine has been associated with a 1% to 8% incidence of malignancy in transplant patients who receive other immunosuppressive drugs concomitantly. When used as monotherapy in RA, inflammatory bowel disease or multiple sclerosis, azathioprine shows a slight increase in leukemia, lymphoma, and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. There are no large studies in dermatology patients addressing their risk of carcinogenicity from azathioprine.


Mechanism of Toxicity

Q63.8 Cyclophosphamide is a potent immunosuppressive alkylating agent that inhibits both the induction and the effector phases of the immunologic reaction. The drug suppresses B cells, and also inhibits CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells. The phosphoramide mustard metabolite of cyclophosphamide causes cytotoxicity in cells, such as lymphocytes, low in the detoxifying enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase. Despite the drug’s efficacy, dermatologists use cyclophosphamide infrequently because of its relatively high incidence of potentially severe AE.

General Risk of Hematologic Toxicity

Neutropenia occurs in 15% of rheumatology patients treated with cyclophosphamide. However, unlike the occasional permanent aplasia, seen with some of the other alkylating agents, marrow suppression from cyclophosphamide is typically reversible. This stem-cell-sparing effect is secondary to high levels of aldehyde dehydrogenase in these cells. Although thrombocytopenia may occur, cyclophosphamide is generally platelet sparing. Obesity (>20% over ideal body weight) slows the clearance of cyclophosphamide from the body. However, there is no correlation between the myelosuppressive or therapeutic effects of cyclophosphamide and the drug’s clearance, so at present, there are no specific recommendations on adjusting the drug dose in obesity.

Preventative Measures

A synthetic tetrapeptide, AcSDKP ( N -acetyl-serine-aspartic acid-lysine-proline) has been shown to minimize hematologic toxicity from cyclophosphamide and a variety of other chemotherapeutic drugs, with diverse mechanisms of action. Likewise, amifostine, an inorganic thiophosphate, acts as a free radical scavenger and inducer of cellular hypoxia to selectively protect normal tissues from myelotoxicity, mucositis, pneumonitis, neurotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity caused by radiation and many chemotherapeutic agents. Amifostine is approved for use with radiation and cisplatin, but it also protects from cytotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide. Severe cutaneous toxicities, including Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, have been seen with amifostine.

Malignancy Risk

Cyclophosphamide has been associated with several neoplasms. Bladder cancer, lymphomas, acute nonlymphocytic leukemias, and myelodysplastic syndromes developed in patients receiving cyclophosphamide as a single agent. Most unique to cyclophosphamide therapy is the risk of developing transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. This risk may continue even 17 years after discontinuation of cyclophosphamide.


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