Grading Systems and Surgical Risks


  • Surgical risk at experienced centers can be accurately determined.

  • Preoperative use of functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and Wada testing along with routine MRI, CT angiography, and digital subtraction angiography greatly facilitates interventional risk assessment.

  • Location, size, venous drainage, perforating vessels, and diffuseness are key to surgical risk assessment in association with age, medical comorbidities, and acuteness in surgical episode.

  • Multimodality therapy is often employed, but currently there is no combined risk assessment scale.

  • Considering all variables—location and vascular anatomy are the key risk factors in intervention.


Intracranial arteriovenous malformations (iAVMs) have an incidence of 1.12–1.42 per 100,000 person-years, and patients most commonly present with hemorrhage (38%–86%), followed by seizures and headaches. The annual risk of iAVM hemorrhage is 2.1%–4.14%, and these lesions account for 40% of all intracerebral hemorrhage in patients between 14 and 45 years old. Following iAVM hemorrhage, morbidity and mortality rates are as high as 50% and 10%, respectively.

Due to the high prevalence and severity of this pathology in a preferentially young population, clinicians and patients seek aggressive treatment options to lessen, and ideally eliminate, the high morbidity and mortality of iAVMs. Treatment options include endovascular embolization, radiosurgery, and microsurgery or a combination of these modalities with the overall goal of complete eradication of the iAVM, thereby eliminating the risk of hemorrhage and subsequent neurologic deficit. To aid in multidisciplinary discussion and clinical decision-making and to provide evidence-based prognostication, AVM grading systems—most notably the Spetzler-Martin system—are utilized ubiquitously. Since the introduction of the Spetzler-Martin grading system in 1986, there have been a plethora of validated grading paradigms to help the neurosurgeon develop the ideal treatment plan for each iAVM. Although many of these grading systems focus on AVM location (supratentorial or infratentorial), presence of hemorrhage, or treatment modality (microsurgery, radiosurgery, or endovascular treatment), all of them utilize a combination of similar clinical and radiographic factors, such as patient age, AVM size, location, venous drainage, arterial feeders, nidus morphology, and previous hemorrhage. Here, we aim to detail and describe the most noteworthy AVM grading systems, demonstrate their application toward predicting surgical risk, and highlight their evidence-based utility as demonstrated by both landmark publications and the most up-to-date literature.

The Spetzler-Martin Grading System

The Spetzler-Martin grading system is an anatomic classification that assesses AVM size, location, and venous drainage pattern ( Table 19.1 ). The size of the AVM (< 3 cm, 3–6 cm, > 6 cm) is determined using a nonmagnified diagnostic cerebral angiogram and measuring maximum nidus diameter. This measurement includes the AVM nidus, but also indicates factors relating to the difficulty of AVM resection, including number of feeding arteries and degree of vascular steal. The AVM location as it relates to eloquent cerebral locations is of significant prognostic importance. Those AVMs that present in eloquent territory—as defined by Drs. Spetzler and Martin as sensorimotor, language, and visual cortex; hypothalamus; thalamus; internal capsule; brainstem; cerebellar peduncles; or deep cerebellar nuclei—earn an additional point, reflecting the increased risk of surgical morbidity and mortality. Finally, the venous drainage pattern is evaluated for deep venous drainage, especially the internal cerebral veins, basal vein of Rosenthal, or precentral cerebellar vein (vein of the cerebellomesencephalic fissure). Deep venous drainage is considered to further add to the risk associated with resection. Overall, using this system generates grades of I–V, which correlates, both retrospectively and prospectively, with morbidity and mortality following microsurgical intervention ( Table 19.2 ). Radiographic examples of each Spetzler-Martin grade are presented in Figs. 19.1–19.5 . Of note, a Spetzler-Martin grade of VI is reserved for untreatable lesions, cases in which treatment would unavoidably be associated with disabling morbidity or mortality.

Table 19.1
Spetzler-Martin Grading System
Graded Feature Points
Size a
Small (< 3 cm) 1
Medium (3–6 cm) 2
Large (> 6 cm) 3
Eloquence b
Noneloquent 0
Eloquent 1
Pattern of Venous Drainage c
Superficial only 0
Deep 1

a Largest diameter as seen on diagnostic cerebral angiogram.

b Eloquent locations are defined as sensorimotor, language, visual cortex; hypothalamus, thalamus; internal capsule; brainstem; cerebellar peduncles; and deep cerebellar nuclei.

c Venous drainage is superficial if all drainage is via the superficial system. Drainage is deep if it involves any of the deep veins, including internal cerebral veins, basal vein, precentral cerebellar vein, etc.

Table 19.2
Correlation of AVM Grade With Surgical Results
Reproduced from Spetzler RF, Martin NA. A proposed grading system for arteriovenous malformations. J Neurosurg . 1986;65(4):476-483. Published with permission. The footnotes (a–d) were added for clarification, based on the article, and are not present in the original table.
Grade a No. of Cases NO DEFICIT b MINOR DEFICIT c MAJOR DEFICIT d Death (%)
No. % No. % No. %
I 23 23 100 0 0 0 0 0
II 21 20 95 1 5 0 0 0
III 25 21 84 3 12 1 4 0
IV 15 11 73 3 20 1 7 0
V 16 11 69 3 19 2 12 0
Total 100 86 86 10 10 4 4 0

a Grade VI is reserved for untreatable lesions that would unavoidably be associated with disabling morbidity or mortality.

b Complications lasting less than 3 days were not included in morbidity.

c Major morbidity is defined as hemiparesis, increase in aphasia, homonymous hemianopsia, severe deficit with major aphasia and hemiparesis.

d Minor morbidity is defined as mild increase in brainstem deficit, temporary increase in visual field deficit, temporary increase in aphasia and weakness, mild increase in aphasia only detectable with rapid speech, temporary mild increased weakness, increase in trigeminal nerve deficit, mild temporary increase in hemiparesis, mild residual ataxia, temporary mild dysphagia.

Fig. 19.1, Spetzler-Martin grade I AVM. ( A ) T2-weighted MR image and ( B ) lateral digital subtraction angiogram demonstrating a Spetzler-Martin grade I AVM with a small (< 3 cm) nidus in a superficial, noneloquent location with superficial venous drainage.

Fig. 19.2, Spetzler-Martin grade II AVM. ( A ) Anterior-posterior and ( B ) lateral digital subtraction angiograms demonstrating a Spetzler-Martin grade II AVM with a medium-size (3–6 cm) nidus in a superficial, noneloquent location with superficial venous drainage.

Fig. 19.3, Spetzler-Martin grade III AVM. ( A ) Lateral digital subtraction angiogram and ( B ) 3D reconstruction of Spetzler-Martin grade III AVM with a medium-size (3–6 cm) nidus in a superficial, eloquent location with superficial venous drainage via cortical veins of Troland (arrow) and Labbé (arrowhead) into the superior sagittal sinus and transverse sigmoid sinus, respectively.

Fig. 19.4, Spetzler-Martin grade IV AVM. ( A ) Late arterial phase and ( B ) early venous phase lateral (left) and anterior-posterior (right) view digital subtraction angiograms displaying a Spetzler-Martin grade IV AVM with a large (> 6 cm) diffuse nidus in an eloquent location with superficial venous drainage. ( C ) T2-weighted MR image showing the extent of the nidus and the surrounding brain parenchyma.

Fig. 19.5, Spetzler-Martin grade V AVM. ( A ) Axial T2-weighted MR image showing a large right temporal-parietal-occipital AVM with a diffuse nidus. ( B ) Lateral-projection digital subtraction angiogram highlighting the features of a Spetzler-Martin grade V AVM with a large (> 6 cm) nidus, involvement of eloquent territory, and deep venous drainage.

Although the Spetzler-Martin grading scale remains ubiquitous in clinical practice for neurosurgical discussion, assessing surgical risk, and predicting the outcome of microsurgical resection, clinicians often use it in conjunction with the Spetzler-Ponce classification or the supplementary grading scale of Lawton et al. described below.

In 2010, Lawton et al. proposed a supplementary grading scale that was developed with the intention of expanding the Spetzler-Martin grading system by focusing on additional factors that would help predict neurologic outcome following resection and thereby further refine patient selection for surgery. This supplementary AVM grading system awards points for clinical and AVM characteristics that are not covered by the original Spetzler-Martin grade, including patient age, ruptured AVM status, AVM diffuseness, and inclusion of a deep perforating artery, which are all predictors of worse outcome. This supplementary model was found to be more predictive of outcome than the Spetzler-Martin grade alone; however, the new scale was only intended as a supplement and not as a replacement for the already well-established Spetzler-Martin grading system.

Shortly thereafter, in 2011, Spetzler and Ponce proposed a three-tier simplification of the original Spetzler-Martin grading scale. In this three-tier system, Spetzler-Martin grades I and II are combined into class A, grade III is class B, and grades IV and V are class C ( Fig. 19.6 ). This model, known as the Spetzler-Ponce classification, was intended to help guide treatment decisions as well as predict outcomes. Spetzler and Ponce retrospectively applied their three-tier classification to seven surgical case series in which results had been stratified by Spetzler-Martin grade and concluded that the predictive accuracies for surgical outcomes were equivalent in the original five-tier Spetzler-Martin grading system and the newly proposed three-tier classification. Based on their analysis, they further concluded that combining Spetzler-Martin grades I and II and combining grades IV and V were justified because of the small amount of difference in outcome between the individual grades in each of these two combined categories. Furthermore, this Spetzler-Ponce model also proposed a treatment paradigm according to the AVM class, where resection, multimodality treatment, and no treatment were proposed for class A, class B, and class C AVMs, respectively.

Fig. 19.6, Diagrammatic representation of the combinations of graded variables (size, eloquence, and venous drainage) for each class of AVM. The Spetzler-Martin system assigns a score of 1 for small AVMs (< 3 cm), 2 for medium (3–6 cm), and 3 for large (> 6 cm). The eloquence of the adjacent brain is scored as either noneloquent (0) or eloquent (1). The venous drainage is scored as superficial only (0) or including drainage to the deep cerebral veins (1). Scores for each feature are totaled to determine the grade. In the Spetzler-Ponce modification, class A includes Spetzler-Martin grades I and II; class B includes grade III; and class C includes grades IV and V.

Additional AVM Grading Systems

In addition to the foundational and widely employed aforementioned iAVM grading systems (the Spetzler-Martin grading system, the supplemental system proposed by Lawton et al., and the Spetzler-Ponce classification), several additional grading classifications have been proposed for iAVMs, especially for those lesions with particular clinical and radiographic criteria. Table 19.3 presents a summary of the grading systems, their significant contributing factors, and the outcome metrics used. Fig. 19.7 presents a flow diagram showing how some of the grading systems may be applied depending on the characteristics of the individual patient’s AVM and the treatment considerations. Here, we briefly explore additional AVM grading systems, specifically those focused on ruptured AVMs, posterior fossa AVMs, and AVMs in eloquent territory.

Table 19.3
Summary of AVM Grading Systems
Author Score Grading System Factors Outcome
Size Loc/ Eloq Venous Drainage Age Nidus Comp Hem Pres Other/ Comments
Spetzler and Martin Spetzler-Martin X X X Morbidity
Spears et al. Toronto model X Internally validated
Lawton et al. Supplementary X X X Externally validated mRS score
Spetzler and Ponce Spetzler-Ponce X X X Externally validated Morbidity/mortality and mRS score
Nisson et al. Posterior fossa X X Preop exam, emergency surgery mRS score
Jiao et al. HDVL X (LED) X X X mRS score
Neidert et al. AVICH X X X X X X GCS, ICH volume, IVH mRS score
Silva et al. RAGS X X X Hunt and Hess score mRS score
Pollock et al. RBAS X a X X 18.9 Gy (15–25 Gy) AVM obliteration and clinical
Hattangadi-Gluth et al. PRAS X a X 15 Gy AVM obliteration
Milker-Zabel et al. Heidelberg X X 18 Gy (12–22 Gy) AVM obliteration
Starke et al. VRAS X a X X 25 Gy Clinical
Dumont et al. Buffalo X No. of vascular pedicles, pedicle diameter, externally validated Validated to predict complication occurrence and procedural risk as component of multimodality treatment (not cure); > 85% AVM nidus reduction
Lopes et al. AVMES X X X (no. of draining veins) No. of vascular pedicles Complete obliteration and complication; > 85% AVM nidus reduction
Feliciano et al. Puerto Rico X Fistula present, no. of vascular pedicles Risk assessment and outcome stratification; > 85% AVM nidus reduction
AVICH , AVM-related intracerebral hemorrhage (score); AVMES , AVM embocure score; Comp , compactness; Eloq , eloquence; GCS , Glasgow Coma Scale; HDVL , hemorrhagic presentation, nidus diffuseness, deep venous drainage, lesion-to-eloquence distance (LED); Hem , hemorrhagic; ICH , intracerebral hemorrhage; IVH , intraventricular hemorrhage; Loq , location; mRS , modified Rankin Scale; No ., number; PRAS , proton radiosurgery AVM scale; Pres , presentation; RAGS , Ruptured AVM Grading Scale; RBAS , radiosurgery-based AVM score; VRAS , Virginia Radiosurgery AVM Scale.
Clinical outcome assessed using mRS with an mRS score ≤ 2 indicating a good outcome.

a Volume used for size.

Fig. 19.7, Flow chart for AVM grading systems. AVICH , AVM-related intracerebral hemorrhage; HDVL , hemorrhagic presentation, nidus diffuseness, deep venous drainage, lesion-to-eloquence distance (LED).

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