Fetal Surgery


The authors would like to acknowledge the literature research and editorial assistance of Alexandra M. Iavorovschi in completing this chapter and Dr. Sarah Chen for making the illustrations for this chapter.

The Birth of a New Surgical Specialty

Not long ago, the idea of a surgeon operating on a human fetus within the womb was considered radical and heretical by the medical community. Pioneers and disciples of the burgeoning field of fetal surgery faced numerous obstacles, not the least of which was the charge that it would be unethical to violate the sanctity of the womb. Nevertheless, surgeon scientists persisted with diligent preparation, rigorous large animal modeling, and frank multidisciplinary conversation. Now, thirty years after the first human fetal intervention, fetal surgery is the standard of care for many congenital conditions.

The first open fetal surgical intervention was performed in 1981 by Dr. Michael Harrison at the University of California, San Francisco, in a fetus with obstructive uropathy. Prior to this landmark event, intrauterine procedures were limited to diagnostic interventions such as amniocentesis or limited percutaneous treatments such as intrauterine transfusion for Rh erythroblastosis. The first successful placement of a fetal vesicoamniotic shunt by Dr. Harrison and his team proved that surgeons could successfully and safely accomplish an operation in a pregnant mother and maintain the pregnancy. While the first fetal patient unfortunately died shortly after birth, the second operation was successful for both the mother and the fetus, and that second fetal patient is now a young man in his fourth decade of life.

Fetal surgery is unique in that there are two patients in every intervention. As in living-related living donor translation, one patient undergoes a life-threatening surgical procedure for no benefit to herself. The ethical considerations of the pregnant woman as an “innocent bystander” are complicated and the stakes are high. Maternal safety was, and has always been, paramount in the development of fetal surgery as a discipline. Furthermore, maternal morbidity at the time of fetal surgery and for future pregnancies is one of the most important considerations that need to be weighed against the potential benefits to the fetus. To address maternal safety, the technical aspects of fetal surgery—opening the gravid uterus without maternal hemorrhage, maintaining uterine relaxation, closing the hysterotomy in a water-tight manner, and limiting postoperative preterm labor—were all developed in rigorous animal models. Each step in the development of this discipline was a challenge and an opportunity for innovation, and it was here in the development of open fetal surgical techniques that true innovation occurred. Through multidisciplinary collaboration with neonatologists, perinatologists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists, innovation with biomedical partners, and an army of bright surgical residents, the largely nonfunded vision of open fetal surgery became a reality. Over the ensuing decades, fetal surgery techniques evolved, and the development of fetal surgery has paralleled the rise of other minimally invasive procedures in a constant attempt to balance the benefit for the fetus with the risks to the pregnant mother.

Fetal surgery is now the standard of care for several conditions, such as advanced twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) and certain cases of myelomeningocele (MMC). As the safety for women and fetuses improves and as techniques evolve, more indications will undoubtedly emerge.

Although there have been thousands of fetal procedures to date, there are few known maternal deaths worldwide that are remotely referable to a fetal procedure. This is a remarkable safety record and a credit to the slow and careful development of the field. Notably, the existence of fetal surgery is due in large part to the extraordinary bravery of the many women who were willing to endeavor something new and unknown for the improved prognosis of their future child.

Prenatal Pathophysiologic Considerations and Rationale

The original rationale for fetal surgery was based on the concept that simple anatomic defects in utero could lead to disastrous consequences in postnatal life. The hypothesis was that if one could reverse or repair the anatomy, then the physiology would also normalize once born. It turns out that this is not as straight-forward as originally postulated, as simple anatomic repairs turned out to be more complicated in practice, with fetal access and uterine closure remaining a crucial obstacle. Included in the original rationale for fetal surgery is the overarching concept that maternal safety is paramount. Originally, fetal interventions were carried out only for conditions that were uniformly lethal, as saving the fetus was thought to be of enough benefit to warrant the surgical risks to the mother. Once techniques of fetal access were standardized, open, fetoscopic, or needle-based procedures were developed based on the anatomy and subsequent physiology of each anomaly ( Box 73.1 ).

Box 73.1
Conditions amenable for fetal interventions.

  • Myelomeningocele (MMC)

  • Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)

  • Twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence

  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)

  • Tumors causing hydrops:

    • Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT)

    • Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)

    • Cervical teratoma

  • Airway obstruction/congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS)

  • Amniotic band syndrome

  • Urinary tract obstruction

  • Renal agenesis

  • Congenital heart disease

  • Fetal anemia

What Has Led to the Success of Open Fetal Surgery?

Over the years, open surgical techniques were revised, and other minimally invasive surgical procedures were developed in a constant attempt to balance the benefit for the fetus with the morbidity for the mother. The advent of a disruptive technology—the ultrasound—introduced a unique method to observe the developing fetus noninvasively. It took the wide-spread use of fetal ultrasonography to radiographically delineate normal fetal development and subsequently document the anomalous variants. Due to prenatal ultrasonography, we learned that a fetus may develop symptoms or complications that spontaneously resolve with no ill effect, while other findings are indicative of more serious developing disorders. It thus became important to test the hypothesis that fixing the defect before birth might change the developmental fetal pathophysiology. The work to investigate the effect of fetal intervention on fetal development was performed in many animal models, but most successfully in the fetal ovine model due to the sheep’s unique resistance to preterm labor and spontaneous abortion. This model allows for multiple fetal interventions with neither the loss of the pregnancy nor the need for sophisticated tocolysis. Without rigorous scientific investigation in various animal models, including lambs, rodents, and primates, the transition to human fetal surgery would have been neither safe, nor successful.

Maternal Considerations and Morbidity

Unlike most operations, fetal surgery, by definition, involves two patients undergoing surgery simultaneously. The risks and benefits between the mother and fetus must be examined closely and the benefits for the fetus must justify the risk to the mother, who gains no medical benefit from the operation. In addition, mothers must be in reasonable health in order to undergo fetal surgery. Specifically, for open fetal surgery, mothers should have no major comorbidities or contraindications for surgery. Maternal risks of fetal surgery include: bleeding, chorioamnionitis, placental abruption, preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), preterm labor, and premature delivery. Furthermore, mothers undergoing open fetal surgery are subject to a hysterotomy similar to a classical Cesarean section, rather than the method of a low transverse uterine incision that is preferred for modern Cesarean sections. Due to this hysterotomy, a woman undergoing open fetal surgery is at increased risk of uterine dehiscence and uterine rupture for not only the current, but also all future pregnancies. A registry review by the North American Fetal Therapy Network (NAFTNet) demonstrated a 9.6% uterine rupture rate in a subsequent pregnancy following prior open MMC repair. While these results are similar to classical Cesarean section rates, they are no less of a concern to fetal surgeons. Due to the significant maternal risks, new techniques for minimally invasive fetoscopic repair of MMC are being developed and studied. Currently, the fetoscopic approach for MMC repair is practiced by numerous centers, with the only potential downfall of the fetoscopic approach being that it may not allow for water-tight closure of the defect as well as the open surgical approach. It remains to be seen if the fetoscopic technique can be improved to allow the same developments in the fetus as open fetal surgery. It is also the case that surgical approaches must be reoptimized with every emerging treatment innovation.

In the infancy of fetal surgery, there was an emphasis on first developing the techniques for accessing the fetus. As such, in the early days, a standard thoracoabdominal stapler was tested in nonhuman primates to be able to open the gravid uterus while preventing the mother from hemorrhaging. However, it was later discovered that the staples acted similarly to an intrauterine device, and the primates could not get pregnant again. In order to address the fertility problem, a unique absorbable stapler was developed (in partnership with Ethicon – no patents were filed). A recent survey of mothers who had undergone fetal surgery and had subsequent pregnancies demonstrated no difference in fertility following fetal surgery compared to prefetal surgical rates. Due to these other maternal considerations including a higher rate of preterm labor and delivery in mothers who have had fetal surgery, improved surgical outcomes for the mother constitute an optimal portion of the standard of fetal surgery and arise as much from technique innovations as from medical innovations.

Overall, the Achilles heel for fetal surgery was and remains the control and prevention of preterm labor. Until the issue of preterm birth after fetal surgery is solved, the potential addition of prematurity to the fetus’ underlying diagnosis must be weighed against any potential benefit of prenatal intervention.

Fetal Surgery by System

What follows is an introduction to active areas of fetal intervention as categorized by organ system. The reader should note that this is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all disease processes that are amenable to prenatal intervention, as that is beyond the scope of this chapter.

Neurologic System

Myelomeningocele or Spina Bifida

In the United States, roughly four children are born daily with MMC, making it one of the most common congenital defects resulting in paralysis. MMC is characterized by the incomplete closure of the neural tube during early embryonic development, resulting in exposed neural tissue and resultant leakage of cerebrospinal fluid. Depending on the vertebral level of the spinal defect, patients with MMC display a wide range of lifelong clinical consequences, which affect multiple organ systems and may lead to lifelong paralysis, bowel and bladder incontinence, musculoskeletal deformities, and cognitive disabilities. The most immediate postnatal consequence of incomplete closure of the neural tube is hindbrain herniation (Arnold-Chiari II malformation) and resultant hydrocephalus. Before the advent of ventriculoperitoneal shunting, hydrocephalus was the main cause of mortality among these patients. Even so, shunt malfunction and infection can result in multiple future operative revisions.

Rationale for prenatal surgery

The wide spectrum of neurologic deficits of MMC can be explained by a “two-hit hypothesis” of injury. The concept explains the first “hit” as the embryonic anomaly of the neural placode itself, resulting in an open spinal cord. This is presumed to be caused by a variety of complex genetic and environmental factors. In addition, leakage of cerebrospinal spinal fluid from the spinal defect results in hindbrain herniation and hydrocephalus. The second “hit” occurs by acquired injury to the exposed neural elements due to mechanical trauma from the uterine wall, as well as chemical trauma from amniotic fluid toxicity. This hypothesis was supported by prenatal findings of fetuses with MMC who were seen to have worsening distal neurologic function on serial ultrasounds. Logically, the ideal treatment for MMC would be to prevent the first hit from ever occurring. In order to achieve proper neurulation, folic acid supplementation, which is known to prevent neural tube defects, are now routinely administered in prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. However, folic acid supplementation does not completely eliminate the incidence of spina bifida, and children are still born with this devastating defect, likely due to other factors. Therefore, the significant persisting lifelong morbidity of MMC inspired surgeons to close the spinal cord defect prior to birth to protect the neural elements from the secondary trauma.

Open fetal repair of MMC and the MOMS trial

Current fetal repair of MMC consists of maternal laparotomy, uterine hysterotomy, and watertight closure of the spinal defect. Repair is targeted to mid second trimester, late enough to allow technical prenatal repair, yet early enough to mitigate the damage done by the second in utero hit. Early reports compared fetal repair with historical postnatal controls and found the reversal of hindbrain herniation and a decreased need for ventriculoperitoneal shunting with fetal repair. Despite these initial promising results, further single institution studies showed mixed results regarding neurologic outcomes in these patients treated prenatally. With unclear benefit to the child and potential substantial risk to the mother, a more rigorous study was needed to prove the benefit of fetal surgery over postnatal repair.

In 2003, the University of California, San Francisco, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Vanderbilt University, and George Washington University collaborated with the National Institutes of Health to conduct a randomized, controlled study comparing fetal versus postnatal MMC repair. This landmark study, Management of Myelomeningocele (MOMS), randomized patients to open fetal repair of the MMC or repair after delivery based on strict inclusion and exclusion criteria ( Table 73.1 ). The trial demonstrated that prenatal closure of the defect does in fact ameliorate the morbidity associated with spina bifida by improving distal neurologic function and decreasing hindbrain herniation and the need for cerebrospinal fluid shunting. In fact, the study proved that prenatal repair was so much more efficacious than postnatal repair that the safety monitoring committee stopped the planned goal enrollment of 200 patients at 183 patients.

Table 73.1
Complete inclusion and exclusion criteria for the management of myelomeningocele study.
Adapted from Adzick NS, Thom EA, Spong CY, et al. A randomized trial of prenatal versus postnatal repair of myelomeningocele. N Engl J Med . 2011; 364:993-1004.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
  • 1.

    Singleton pregnancy

  • 2.

    MMC lesion between T1 and S1 with hindbrain herniation

  • 3.

    Normal karyotype

  • 4.

    Maternal age of 18 or older

  • 5.

    Gestational age at randomization of 19.0–25.9 weeks

  • 1.

    Nonresident of the United States

  • 2.

    Insulin-dependent pregestational diabetes

  • 3.

    Fetal anomaly unrelated to MMC

  • 4.

    Kyphosis in the fetus of 30 degrees or greater

  • 5.

    Current or planned cerclage or documented history of incompetent cervix

  • 6.

    Risk of preterm birth (shortened cervix)

  • 7.

    Placental abruption or placenta previa

  • 8.

    BMI ≥35

  • 9.

    Previous spontaneous delivery prior to 37 weeks’ gestation

  • 10.

    Maternal-fetal Rh isoimmunization, Kell sensitization, or neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia

  • 11.

    Maternal HIV or hepatitis B status positive

  • 12.

    Known hepatitis B positivity

  • 13.

    Uterine anomaly such as large or multiple fibroids or Müllerian duct abnormality

  • 14.

    Other maternal medical conditions, which is a contraindication to surgery or general anesthesia

  • 15.

    Patient does not have a support person

  • 16.

    Inability to comply with travel and follow-up requirements

  • 17.

    Patient does not meet other psychosocial criteria to handle the implications of the trial

  • 18.

    Participation in another intervention study that influences maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality or participation in this trial in a previous pregnancy

  • 19.

    Maternal hypertension, which would increase the risk of preeclampsia or preterm delivery

BMI , Body mass index; HIV , human immunodeficiency virus; MMC , myelomeningocele.

The primary outcomes of the MOMS trial were fetal or neonatal death, or the need for a ventriculoperitoneal shunt by 12 months of age. There were no maternal deaths and two perinatal deaths in each group. The need for ventriculoperitoneal shunting in the prenatal and postnatal surgery groups at 12 months of age were 68% and 98%, respectively ( P <0.001). Actual shunt placement was 40% in the prenatal group and 82% in the postnatal group ( P <0.001). Additionally, the MOMS trial reported significant functional and neurologic improvement at 30 months of age in the prenatal surgery group ( P = 0.007). The prenatal surgery group had numerous other benefits in post-hoc analyses. The most notable included the improved ability to walk without devices or orthotics in the prenatal surgery group (42% vs. 21%, P = 0.01) and decreased hindbrain herniation at 12 months in the prenatal surgery group (64% vs. 96%, P <0.001). Additionally, even though the prenatal surgery group had more severe anatomic lesion levels, this group had improved motor function compared to the postnatal surgery group. Significant maternal morbidity related to prenatal surgery included uterine dehiscence, oligohydramnios, placental abruption, spontaneous rupture of membranes, and chorioamniotic separation. The study investigators continue to follow the long-term outcomes of these children by assessing the lasting effects prenatal surgery has on motor and neurologic development, and on bowel and bladder continence.

In summary, prenatal repair of MMC contributes to improved outcomes in children with reduction of hindbrain herniation and enhanced motor outcomes. The results of the MOMS trial are one of the most important milestones in the clinical success of fetal surgery, as it demonstrated efficacy in treating a nonlethal condition. Further research and improved techniques continue to be investigated to minimize the risks to both the fetus and mother, as well as to further improve the neurologic outcomes of fetal repair.

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