Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Overview This chapter reviews the key components of the Mammography Quality Standards Act and American College of Radiology (ACR) accreditation programs, including personnel qualifications, imaging and equipment standards, reporting requirements, and the medical audit . Mammography Quality Standards Act Origins…
Overview This chapter covers breast imaging in special patient populations, including the young, pregnant, lactating, male, transgender, or combinations thereof. This includes management guidelines, common imaging findings, and pathologies that breast radiologists should be familiar with . The Breast Imaging…
Overview This chapter reviews the normal and abnormal imaging appearances of the augmented and reconstructed breast. This includes implants and autologous flap reconstructions, as well as associated early, delayed, and rare complications. Breast surgeries, whether for cosmetic intent or for…
Overview This chapter provides a framework for the diagnostic approach to axillary lymphadenopathy and its differential considerations including unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy, bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy, and axillary nodal calcifications. A brief overview of the evaluation and management of axillary lymph nodes…
Overview This chapter will review the definition of breast conservation therapy, indications for this therapy, principles of preoperative tumor localization and surgical specimen radiography, surveillance after breast conservation therapy, expected changes after breast conservation therapy, and typical imaging findings of…
Overview This chapter reviews the imaging and molecular tumor profiling used in the eighth edition of the TNM staging system developed and maintained by the American Joint Committee on Cancer. The aim of staging is to guide treatment and provide…
Overview This chapter reviews the imaging evaluation and differential considerations in patients with breast symptoms, including the scenarios of palpable lump, nipple discharge, other nipple changes, breast pain, and breast swelling . Despite early detection of asymptomatic cancers from screening…
Overview This chapter outlines a systematic approach to the diagnostic evaluation of noncalcified findings identified at screening mammography, including masses and asymmetries. Modalities discussed include mammography, tomosynthesis, and ultrasound. For asymptomatic patients, the purpose of the diagnostic workup is to…
Overview This chapter will review the science behind screening mammography including a summary of different screening guidelines and discussion of controversies surrounding screening recommendations. The second part of this chapter will review how to systematically approach screening mammography interpretation. Why…
Overview This chapter discusses screening guidelines for women at average risk and elevated risk, and supplemental screening tools beyond full-field digital mammography (FFDM). Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed nonskin cancer and is the second leading cause of cancer…