Cardiovascular Specimens

For structural issues in cardiac pathology, the gross findings are often more critical than microscopic features to render a specific etiologic diagnosis for some cardiac tissues (e.g., valves and hearts). However, for changes in the myocardium, histologic analysis of endomyocardial biopsies may reveal an underlying process (e.g., inflammation, extracellular deposition) or etiology (e.g., infection). Many helpful resources are available for gross specimen evaluation and diagnosis. ,

Endomyocardial Biopsies

Biopsies of the heart taken percutaneously by catheter (typically from the right ventricle) are most often performed to evaluate graft status in cardiac transplant patients or to evaluate unexplained cardiac failure or arrhythmias. Rarely, an endomyocardial biopsy will be performed to diagnose an intracavitary or myocardial tumor. If the patient is symptomatic, expedited processing and reporting may be requested.


Processing the specimen

  • 1.

    Describe the specimen, including the number of fragments (carefully check lid and sides of container), size, and color (myocardium = tan, scar = white, clot = red/brown, friable).

    • Transplant biopsies (evaluation for rejection): At least three to four fragments of ≥50% myocardium should be processed for light microscopy.

    • Nontransplant biopsies: At least three to four fragments of ≥50% myocardium should be processed for light microscopy and, in some cases, additional biopsies may be processed for electron microscopy (EM) and saved frozen.

  • 2.

    Wrap in lens paper and submit in one cassette. Three H&E stained sections are routinely cut on all tissue received in formalin. Masson’s trichrome, iron, or amyloid stains may be ordered if indicated.

    Additional biopsies may be submitted in order to perform special studies:

    • Electron microscopy (EM): Tissue is fixed in glutaraldehyde (Karnovsky’s fixative is often used and is a mixture of glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde). The laboratory prepares semithin sections.

    • Immunofluorescence (IF) microscopy or freezing: Tissue is sent from the clinic fresh on saline moistened gauze for processing for IF or freezing.

Special studies for specific diseases

  • Anthracycline (Adriamycin) Cardiotoxicity. Semithin (plastic) sections prepared prior to electron microscopy are necessary for the evaluation of myocyte vacuolization and myofibrillar lysis. Histologic features of anthracycline induced cardiotoxicity are best seen on semithin sections rather than H&E.

  • Amyloidosis. All forms of amyloidosis are characterized by deposition of extracellular fibrils resulting from protein misfolding into an extended β-pleated sheet. The β-pleated sheet conformation can be highlighted by Congo red staining (amyloid: orange staining with apple-green, orange, or yellow birefringence under polarized light) or sulfated Alcian Blue (amyloid: sea-foam green; myocytes: yellow; connective tissue: red-purple). The most common types of amyloid affecting the heart are:

Primary (AL) amyloid Immunoglobulin light chains
Senile cardiac amyloid Transthyretin (or less commonly atrial natriuretic peptide)
Hereditary amyloid Mutated transthyretin protein
Chronic inflammation Serum amyloid A protein (SAA) causes amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis

  • Determining the type of amyloid protein deposited has become increasingly important for patient treatment and prognosis.

  • Histochemical stains —identify the presence of amyloid but not the type of amyloid

    • Congo red—amyloid stains orange and shows apple-green, orange, or yellow birefringence under polarized light

    • Sulfated Alcian Blue (SAB)—sea-foam green staining of amyloid, connective tissue stains red-purple, and myocytes stain yellow

    • Trichrome—amyloid stains brick red, collagen and reticular fibers stain blue-green, and myocytes stain yellow

  • Immunofluorescence studies —can identify some types of amyloid

    • IgG, IgA, IgM, kappa, lambda

    • Serum amyloid A protein (SAA)

    • Transthyretin

  • Mass spectroscopy —this is the best method for specific identification of the type of amyloid

  • A paraffin block (with formalin or B5-fixed tissue) can be sent to Mayo Clinic Laboratories for analysis ( ; Email:; telephone: 800-533-1710 or 507-266-5700)

  • Hemochromatosis and Hemosiderosis. Iron deposition can be diagnosed using iron stains on fixed tissue.

  • Metabolic Disease. Frozen and/or glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue may be useful for the evaluation of metabolic disease.

  • Mitochondrial Myopathies. Electron microscopy is necessary for evaluation. However, the changes in the mitochondria are typically nonspecific.

  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. This disease is more appropriately diagnosed by clinical imaging studies (e.g., echocardiography), molecular genetic studies, or on an explanted heart. Biopsy material will almost never reveal diagnosable myocyte disarray due to the superficial nature of the resected myomectomy specimen. Even if disarray is present, it is not pathognomonic for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Occasionally, characteristic features may be present on a septal myectomy.

Pathologic features sign-out checklist

  • Nontransplant

Site Right ventricle
Adequacy At least three to four fragments of evaluable ≥50% myocardium
Myocyte Hypertrophy Present or absent, mild, moderate, or severe
Interstitial and/or Perivascular Fibrosis Present or absent, mild, moderate, or severe
Subendocardial Myocyte Vacuolization Present or absent, focal or diffuse (suggestive of chronic ischemia)
Replacement Fibrosis Present or absent (consistent with healed ischemic injury)
Myocardial Infarction Present or absent, acute or organizing
Scattered Necrotic Myocytes/Inflammation Present or absent (consistent with catecholamine effect)
Endocardial Thickening Present or absent, focal or diffuse
Active Myocarditis Present or absent, focal lymphocytic, diffuse lymphocytic, eosinophilic (hypersensitivity), giant cell, toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus (CMV), granulomatous
Mesothelial Cells Present or absent, indicates cardiac perforation
Other Amyloid, iron deposition, carcinoid plaque, anthracycline cardiotoxicity, old biopsy site, contraction bands, thrombus

  • Transplant

Site Right ventricle
Adequacy At least three to four fragments of evaluable ≥50% myocardium should be present
Time Since Transplantation Interval since operation
Rejection Give International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT) grade19,20
Coagulation Necrosis Present or absent, focal, multifocal, confluent
Healing Ischemic Injury Present or absent, focal, multifocal, confluent
Subendocardial Myocyte Vacuolization Present or absent, mild, moderate, or severe (suggestive of chronic ischemia)
Endocardial Infiltrate Quilty lesions
Mesothelial Cells Present or absent, indicates cardiac perforation
Other Old biopsy site, fat necrosis, foreign body giant cell reaction, dystrophic calcification

Sample sign-outs


  • Six months S/P cardiac transplantation.

  • No evidence of rejection; ISHLT Grade 0R.

  • Old biopsy site.

  • Four fragments of diagnostic myocardium.


  • Four weeks S/P cardiac transplantation.

  • Multifocal interstitial infiltrate with associated myocyte damage (ISHLT Grade 2R).

  • Focal healing ischemic injury.

  • Four fragments of diagnostic myocardium.

  • One fragment of blood clot.


  • Myocyte hypertrophy, moderate.

  • Interstitial and/or perivascular fibrosis, mild.

  • No evidence of active myocarditis, granulomatous inflammation, acute or recent myocardial infarction, amyloid heart disease or iron deposition (Congo red and iron stains examined).

  • Four fragments of diagnostic myocardium.

Note: These findings are entirely nonspecific and could result from the right-sided changes secondary to left-sided heart disease of numerous etiologies (e.g., ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease), a global cardiac process such as idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, or the right-sided changes secondary to primary pulmonary disease.

Native Valves (Aortic, Mitral, Pulmonic, Tricuspid)

In the majority of cases, the most important diagnostic information is derived from the gross examination and dissection removed valves. , , Although all specimens (excluding mechanical valves) are sectioned, histologic study is particularly valuable to address a specific question such as endocarditis. It is helpful to document all prosthetic valves, intact native valves, and any unusual lesions (e.g., vegetations or endocardial fibroelastomas) with close-up photographs. Both acute and underlying chronic lesions should be documented.

The most common native valves received are aortic and mitral valves. Native aortic valves are most frequently replaced due to calcific degeneration of normal valves (three cusps) or bicuspid valves (two cusps). Mitral valves are replaced for rheumatic valve disease or because of myxomatous degeneration. Pulmonic and tricuspid valves generally do not suffer degenerative changes except in the setting of congenital heart disease. Any of the valves can be involved by the vegetations of endocarditis, which has become increasingly common due to the current opioid epidemic.


Specimen examination, dictation, and processing

  • 1.

    Examine the specimen grossly and determine the type of valve (aortic, mitral, pulmonic, or tricuspid).

    Leaflets or cusps: Number of recognizable leaflets (atrioventricular valves) or cusps (semilunar valves), size, consistency (thickened, fibrotic, calcified, thinned, redundant (ballooned), perforated), additional fragments. If an abnormality is present describe the distribution (focal or diffuse), surface (atrial or ventricular or both), and location (free edge or base).

    Commissures: Relationship to each other (not fused, fused completely, fused partially).

    Chordae tendineae (tendinous cords): Length (shortened, elongated), status (intact, thickened, ruptured, fused). Mitral and tricuspid valves, but not aortic or pulmonic valves, have cords.

    Papillary muscles: Dimensions, abnormalities (hypertrophied, elongated, scarred).

    Vegetations: Color, size, location, consistency (firm, friable), presence or absence of destruction of underlying tissue.

    Endocarditis is a life-threatening disease and any indication that acute endocarditis is present should be immediately brought to the attention of the clinician if not already clinically known (see description under “Gross Differential Diagnosis”). Histologic stains for bacteria and fungi should be ordered if there is a possibility of endocarditis, either from clinical information or after gross or histologic examination.

  • 2.

    Submit one cassette with representative sections taken from the free edge to the annulus. It may be necessary to decalcify some specimens.

Gross differential diagnosis

The gross evaluation is important for determining the etiology of valvular disease ( Tables 13.1 and 13.2 ; and Figs. 13.1 , 13.2 , and 13.3 ).

  • Calcific aortic valve stenosis. Calcific deposits are present within the cusps, primarily at the base (attachment margin). The free cuspal edges are usually not involved. The cusps may be heavily fibrosed and thickened but are not fused.

  • Congenital bicuspid valves are predisposed to degenerative calcification. Usually one of the cusps is larger with a midline raphe resulting from the incomplete separation of two cusps. The raphe extends from the base of the cusps at the aortic wall toward the edge, but does not reach the free edge. The free edge is often horizontal without an indentation. Less frequently the cusps may be of equal size. The raphe is often a site of extensive calcification.

  • An acquired bicuspid valve results fusion of two normal cusps due to inflammation (see “aortic postinflammatory scarring” below). The two fused cusps are two times the size of the remaining cusp. The fibrocalcific ridge at the site of the fusion extends from the base to the free edge and the free edge usually shows an indentation between the fused cusps.

  • Mitral Annular Calcification. Calcifications occur in the annulus of the mitral valve. The chordae are uninvolved.

  • Myxomatous Degeneration of the Mitral Valve. The leaflet is enlarged, thickened, and redundant. The cords may be elongated and thinned and sometimes ruptured.

  • Aortic Postinflammatory Scarring (Rheumatic Type). The cusps are fused at the commissures. Diffuse thickening and calcification is rather evenly distributed and includes the free cuspal edges. The mitral valve is also involved in the majority of patients.

  • Mitral Postinflammatory Scarring (Rheumatic Type). The leaflets are thickened and there is commissural fusion and shortening ( Fig. 13.1 ). The cords are thickened and fused. Calcification is often present. Small warty vegetations are present along the lines of closure of the valve leaflets.

  • Endocarditis. The types of endocarditis have different gross appearances ( Fig. 13.1 ). In acute bacterial endocarditis, large friable vegetations are found on the valves and may be single or multiple. They may extend onto the chordae. There is often perforation or erosion of the underlying valve. The vegetations of nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE) are small, bland, and typically attached at the line of closure on the flow surfaces of the valve. Systemic lupus erythematosus may be associated with small to medium size bland vegetations that can be located on both surfaces of the valve or on the cordae (Libman–Sacks endocarditis).

TABLE 13.1
For all valves
Valve weight Increased Normal or slightly increased or decreased
Fibrous thickening Diffuse Diffuse, focal, or none
Calcific deposits None to heavy Minimal (if any)
Tissue loss (perforation, indentation) None May be present
Vegetations Minimal May be present
Commissural fusion May be present Minimal (if any)
Annular circumference Normal Normal or increased
For aortic valves
Number of cusps One to three Two or three
For mitral or tricuspid valves
Abnormal papillary muscles No May be present
Chordae tendineae
Fusion Usually present Absent
Elongation Absent May be present
Shortening Usually present May be present
Rupture Absent May be present
From Schoen FJ. Surgical pathology of removed natural and prosthetic cardiac valves. Hum Pathol. 1987;18:558.

TABLE 13.2
Gross features
Leaflet/cuspal thickening 0 0/+ + 0 0
Calcification + 0 0/+ 0 0
Commissural/chordal fusion 0 0 + 0 0
Leaflet/cuspal redundancy 0 + 0 0 0
Leaflet/cuspal defects 0 0 0 + 0
Chordal rupture 0 0/+ 0 0/+ 0
Histologic features
Preservation of layered architecture + + 0 0/+ +
GAG accumulation in spongiosa 0 + 0 0 0/+
Thinned fibrosa 0 + 0 0 0
Neovascularization 0 0 0/+ 0/+ 0
Superficial fibrosis only 0/+ 0/+ 0 0/+ 0/+
Abbreviations and symbols: 0, absent; +, present; 0/+, present in some cases; GAG, glycosaminoglycan.From Schoen FJ. Surgical pathology of removed natural and prosthetic cardiac valves. Hum Pathol. 1987;18:558.

Figure 13.1, (A and B) Evaluation of operatively excised cardiac valves: etiologic determination of valvular heart disease. IE , infective endocarditis; LSE , Libman–Sacks endocarditis; NBTE , nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis; RHD , rheumatic heart disease. ( A modified from Waller BF, et al. Cardiol Clin. 1984;2:687. B modified from Schoen FJ. The heart. In Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins SL, eds. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. 5th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1994:554.)

Figure 13.2, Overview of major diagnostic considerations in aortic valve disease. (From Schoen FJ: Evaluation of surgically removed natural and prosthetic heart valves. In Virmani R, Fenoglio JJ, eds. Cardiovascular Pathology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1991:404.)

Figure 13.3, Overview of major diagnostic considerations in mitral valve disease. (From Schoen FJ. Evaluation of surgically removed natural and prosthetic heart valves. In: Virmani R, Fenoglio JJ, eds. Cardiovascular Pathology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1991:404.)

Sample dictations


The specimen is received fresh, labeled with the patient’s name, unit number, and “aortic valve,” and consists of three semilunar valve cusps, measuring 2.5, 2.6, and 2.3 cm along the free edges and 1.0 cm from free edge to base. The outflow surfaces of all three cusps contain numerous irregular yellow/tan calcific deposits up to 1.0 cm. There is no evidence of commissural fusion. No vegetations are present. The specimen is fixed and decalcified prior to processing and is entirely submitted for microscopic evaluation.

  • Micro 1: Aortic valve cusp, three frags.


The specimen is received fresh, labeled with the patient’s name, unit number, and “mitral valve leaflet,” and consists of an atrioventricular valve leaflet measuring 4.0 cm along the free edge and 1.4 cm from free edge to base. There is diffuse myxomatous thickening of the leaflet which appears billowing and redundant. The chordae are thin and elongated and there is rupture of one chorda. The specimen is entirely submitted for microscopic evaluation.

  • Micro 1: Mitral valve leaflet, three frags.


The specimen is received fresh, labeled with the patient’s name, unit number, and “mitral valve leaflet,” and consists of an atrioventricular valve leaflet measuring 3.5 cm along the free edge and 1.5 cm from free edge to base. The leaflet is diffusely thickened to 0.4 cm and fibrotic. The surface of the leaflet is white/tan and smooth without vegetations or perforations. Focal calcific deposits are located toward the annulus. The attached chordae are thickened, measuring up to 1.8 cm in length and 0.2 cm in thickness, and are focally fused. The specimen is entirely submitted for microscopic evaluation.

  • Micro 1: Mitral valve leaflet, three frags.

Pathologic features sign-out checklist

Type of Valve Aortic, pulmonary, mitral, tricuspid
Disease Process Calcific degeneration; congenitally bicuspid aortic valve; myxomatous degeneration; postinflammatory scarring, rheumatic type; endocarditis
Papillary Muscle Infarcted or scarred
Vegetations Present or absent, type

Sample sign-outs

  • Mitral Valve

    Diffuse leaflet thickening, commissural fusion, and chordae fibrosis; transmural fibrosis and neovascularization, consistent with postinflammatory scarring, rheumatic type.

  • Aortic Valve

    Calcific degeneration.

    Probable congenitally bicuspid aortic valve.

  • Aortic Valve


    Valve with extensive necrosis, acute inflammation, and neovascularization.

    Gram-positive cocci identified (Gram and MSS stains examined).

Prosthetic Mechanical and Tissue Heart Valves

The goals of the examination of prosthetic heart valves are to document the valve type, size, location, and functional state and to correlate these findings with the clinical setting, when possible. Valves most commonly malfunction due to thrombosis, infection, or mechanical failure. Numerous resources are available to assist in the evaluation of these specimens. , , , , ,

Multiple different types of valves are used ( Figs. 13.4 13.7 ). The types of valves used has changed over time. Currently, bileaflet tilting disk designs are the most common. However, older designs may be encountered in valves explanted after many years of use.

A pathologist who is the first to discover harm or death due to a malfunctioning cardiovascular device must initiate the reporting process (through his or her institution) to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The requirement to report was mandated by the USA Federal Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990 (PL 101-629).

The gross evaluation is critical for the evaluation of these specimens ( Table 13.3 ). Photographs are essential for documentation. The unique device serial number for the device is usually located under the sewing ring at the valve base and is important to include. However, it is also important to recognize changes that may have been made to the valve during the surgical procedure (e.g., cut sutures, sewing ring tears, cracks, and scratches). The operative note and discussion with the surgeon can be helpful in such cases.

TABLE 13.3
Identification (e.g., porcine aortic [Hancock or Carpentier–Edwards], pericardial) Aortic versus pericardial tissue Identification
Vegetations Vegetations/Organisms CalcificationDegreeLocalization
Thrombi Thrombi
Paravalvular leak Host cell interactions
Tissue overgrowth Endothelialization
Cuspal stiffness Pannus overgrowth
Cuspal hematomas Degeneration
Calcification CalcificationDegreeMorphologyLocation
Cuspal fenestrations and tears
Cuspal abrasions
Cuspal stretching
Strut relationships
Extrinsic interference or damage
Tissue separation from strut


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