Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury

Nerve and tendon transfers in tetraplegia: A new narrative

List of abbreviations SCI spinal cord injury ICSHT international classification of surgery for the hand in tetraplegia PIN posterior interosseous nerve AIN anterior interosseous nerve ECRL extensor carpi radialis longus ECRB extensor carpi radialis brevis BR brachioradialis FDS flexor digitorum…

Bowel dysfunction in spinal cord injury

Abbreviations AD autonomic dysreflexia BC bowel care CTT colonic transit time NBD neurogenic bowel dysfunction DRF digital removal of feces DRS digital rectal stimulation EAS external anal sphincter ENS enteric nervous system LMN lower motor neuron NB neurogenic bowel SARS…

Treating spinal cord injury with implanted spinal cord stimulators

Abbreviations AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale CRPS complex regional pain syndrome EES epidural electrical stimulation EMG electromyography FBSS failed back surgery syndrome IPG implantable pulse generator MRI magnetic resonance imaging SCI spinal cord injury SCS spinal cord stimulation…