Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Abbreviations cABC I chondroitinase ABC I CNS central nervous system CS chondroitin sulfate CSPG chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan CSPGs chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans DS dermatan sulfate DSPG dermatan sulfate proteoglycan ECM extracellular matrix GAGs glycosaminoglycans GBM glioblastoma HA hyaluronic acid Hep heparin…
Introduction There is at present no biological cure for chronic paralysis following spinal cord injury (SCI). A medley of experimental approaches have been tried over the years, and, despite some improvement in some patients, no full recovery has been observed…
List of abbreviations SCI spinal cord injury ICSHT international classification of surgery for the hand in tetraplegia PIN posterior interosseous nerve AIN anterior interosseous nerve ECRL extensor carpi radialis longus ECRB extensor carpi radialis brevis BR brachioradialis FDS flexor digitorum…
List of abbreviations NPIAP National pressure injury advisory panel PI Pressure injury SCI Spinal cord injury Introduction After a spinal cord injury (SCI), individuals often remain with limitations that will impede mobility and functional independence. Presence and severity of the…
Abbreviations AC augmentation cystoplasty AD autonomic dysreflexia AUS artificial urinary sphincter BNR bladder neck reconstruction BNS bladder neck sling BOO bladder outlet obstruction BoNT-A type A botulinum toxin CIC clean intermittent catheterization DO detrusor overactivity DSD detrusor sphincter dyssynergia DU…
Abbreviations AD autonomic dysreflexia BC bowel care CTT colonic transit time NBD neurogenic bowel dysfunction DRF digital removal of feces DRS digital rectal stimulation EAS external anal sphincter ENS enteric nervous system LMN lower motor neuron NB neurogenic bowel SARS…
Abbreviations AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale CRPS complex regional pain syndrome EES epidural electrical stimulation EMG electromyography FBSS failed back surgery syndrome IPG implantable pulse generator MRI magnetic resonance imaging SCI spinal cord injury SCS spinal cord stimulation…
List of abbreviations AD autonomic dysreflexia AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale FDA Food and Drug Administration IDE Investigational Device Exemption L lumbar (referring to spinal cord level) scES spinal cord epidural stimulation SCI spinal cord injury T thoracic…
List of abbreviations AIS ASIA Impairment Scale ASIA score American Spinal Injury Association score CCS Central Cord Syndrome CES Cauda Equina Syndrome CMS Conus Medullary Syndrome CRHSCIR Canadian Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry CSM cervical spondylotic myelopathy ESD early…
List of abbreviations ABC Scale Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale BBS Berg Balance Scale CB&M Scale Community Balance and Mobility Scale COM center of mass COP center of pressure FRT Functional Reach Test IMU…