Venous Thromboembolism

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) encompasses deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). DVT commonly affects the deep veins of the legs, and infrequently involves veins at other anatomical sites (such as upper extremity, splanchnic, or cerebral veins). Thrombotic occlusion of the deep veins impairs drainage of blood, thereby resulting in pain and swelling distal to the obstruction. Embolization of thrombus from deep veins in the leg to the pulmonary arteries is the leading cause of PE. About two-thirds of patients with symptomatic VTE present with DVT, whereas the remainder present with PE, and about 1 in 20 patients with DVT and 1 in 10 with PE die within 30 days. In patients who survive, long-term complications, such as post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS) and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), are important causes of morbidity in up to 50% of patients with DVT and 4% of those with PE, respectively. Thrombosis can also affect superficial veins. Although the condition is self-limiting when superficial veins in the arms are involved as a complication of intravenous catheters or drug delivery, thrombi in the superficial veins of the lower extremities, particularly those in the thigh close to the saphenofemoral junction, can propagate into the deep veins, thereby resulting in DVT and PE.


VTE affects 1 to 2 in 1000 individuals annually and is the third most common cause of vascular death after myocardial infarction and stroke. In the United States, about 900,000 people are diagnosed with VTE each year, with more than half related to hospitalization or institutionalization. Consequently, VTE is considered the number one cause of preventable death in hospitalized patients.

The incidence of VTE increases with age, from 1 case per 10,000 persons per year in individuals younger than 40 years of age to 5 to 10 cases per 1000 persons per year in those 80 years of age or older. Although men and women are affected equally overall, the incidence is higher in women of childbearing age than in men of similar age; for those 45 years of age or older, the incidence of VTE is higher in men than in women. The incidence of VTE is higher in Whites and African Americans and is lower in Asians, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. The incidence of VTE is twofold higher in high-income countries than in low-income countries even after adjustments for baseline characteristics and risk factors.

Pathogenesis of Venous Thromboembolism

Except in pregnancy (see Chapter 141 ), DVT usually starts in the deep veins of the calf where it forms in the valve pockets. Although most calf DVT spontaneously resolves, there is propagation into more proximal veins in about 20% of the cases. These more proximal clots have the potential to break off and embolize to the lungs, resulting in PE. Thus, PE can be detected in about 40% of patients with proximal DVT and at least 50% of patients with PE have evidence of DVT.

DVT in pregnancy usually involves the iliofemoral vein, spares the distal veins, and affects the left leg in greater than 80% of cases (see Chapter 141 ). Localization to the left iliofemoral veins likely reflects a May-Thurner-like syndrome, as the enlarging uterus exaggerates the compression of the left iliac vein where it is crossed by the right iliac artery.

The pathogenesis of VTE involves an interplay among hypercoagulability of the blood, sluggish blood flow, and damage or activation of the vessel wall, which are the components of the so-called Virchow triad. Hypercoagulability of the blood triggers a systemic increase in thrombin generation, whereas stasis and damage or activation of the vessel wall explain why DVT usually occurs in the deep veins of the leg.


Many hereditary and acquired disorders are associated with hypercoagulability. Hereditary disorders that are potent risk factors for VTE include deficiencies of natural anticoagulants such as antithrombin, protein C, and protein S (discussed in Chapters 125 and 138 ). With reduced levels of these endogenous anticoagulants, there is increased thrombin generation and the potential for clot formation. Moderate genetic risk factors for VTE include factor (F) V Leiden and the prothrombin gene mutation. FV Leiden, an FV variant that is resistant to inactivation by activated protein C, is found in about 5% of individuals of European descent. The prothrombin gene mutation, which is found in about 3% of those of European descent, is a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region that increases prothrombin synthesis. Delayed inactivation of FVa Leiden and elevated prothrombin levels lead to increased thrombin generation. Although these inherited thrombophilic disorders increase the risk of the first episode of VTE, their impact on the risk of recurrence is unclear. Consequently, routine thrombophilia testing is not recommended in patients with VTE because such tests rarely influence long-term management (see Chapter 138 ).

Up to 50% patients with the first episode of VTE have no identifiable major risk factors and are described as having unprovoked VTE. The remainder develops VTE secondary to risk factors and these episodes are considered provoked. Acquired risk factors for VTE can be divided into those that are transient or persistent and major or minor. Examples of major transient risk factors are surgery, trauma and hospitalization for COVID-19, whereas minor transient risk factors include immobilization, long-distance travel, pregnancy, and estrogen therapy. Common examples of major persistent risk factors are cancer and antiphospholipid syndrome, whereas minor persistent risk factors include advanced age, obesity, renal impairment, and chronic inflammatory disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with both hereditary and acquired risk factors are at particularly high risk of VTE because risks tend to be multiplicative rather than additive. Local factors explain why DVT usually starts in the calf.

Stasis, Hypoxia, and Endothelial Dysfunction

Most venous thrombi originate in the valve pockets of the calf veins where there is stasis and hypoxia. Consistent with slow blood flow, contrast dye lingers in the valve pockets after venography. Hypoxia occurs because the valve leaflets are avascular and the oxygen tension in the valve pockets rapidly decreases when blood flow stops because of immobility. Endothelial cells lining the valve pockets express antithrombotic proteins such as thrombomodulin and endothelial protein C receptor on their surface (see Chapter 125 ). Expression is downregulated by local hypoxia or inflammation and by reduced expression of the oscillatory shear-dependent transcription factors that endow perivalvular venous endothelial cells with an antithrombotic phenotype (see Chapters 121 and 122 ). In addition, stasis and hypoxia induce a pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic endothelial phenotype by the upregulation of adhesion molecules such as P- and E-selectin, intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and von Willebrand factor. Therefore, stasis and hypoxia in the valve pockets of the veins in the lower extremities promote a hypercoagulable microenvironment, which explains why DVT starts in this site. In contrast, upper extremity DVT is often triggered by central venous catheters or by extrinsic compression of the arm veins (e.g., Paget-Schroetter syndrome). Indwelling catheters or extrinsic compression retard blood flow, whereas delivery of chemotherapy, or antibiotics via the catheters, induces local activation of the endothelium. Regardless of whether DVT occurs in the upper or lower extremities, however, the initiators of coagulation are likely to be similar.

Initiators of Coagulation in Venous Thromboembolism

Tissue factor initiates coagulation in patients with VTE, but the source of the tissue factor remains elusive. Overt damage to the vessel wall is rarely seen with DVT. However, hypoxia and inflammatory cytokines upregulate tissue factor expression by endothelial cells and circulating monocytes and induce endothelial cell expression of adhesion molecules such as P-selectin. The importance of endothelial cell tissue factor is uncertain, but P-selectin tethers tissue, factor-bearing monocytes, and microparticles onto their surface via interaction with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand. By preventing such binding, P-selectin inhibitors attenuate venous thrombosis in animal models. Statins and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors attenuate tissue factor expression by monocytes, which may explain why they reduce the risk of recurrent VTE. Therefore, adhesion of tissue factor expressing leukocytes and microparticles to the activated endothelium appears to be an important driver of DVT.

In addition to tissue factor, emerging data suggest that the contact system also plays a part in the initiation of coagulation in VTE. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) extruded from activated neutrophils trapped within venous thrombi provide a scaffold for platelet adhesion and activate FXII, thereby initiating coagulation via the intrinsic pathway (see Chapters 121 and 125 ). Likewise, inorganic polyphosphate released from activated platelets enhances FXII activation. Thrombin feedback activation of FXI, a reaction enhanced by polyphosphate, amplifies coagulation via the intrinsic pathway. With increasing evidence that the contact system is involved in the initiation of VTE, FXI has emerged as a target for new anticoagulants that have the potential to be safer than those that inhibit FXa or thrombin (see Chapter 143 ).

There is mounting evidence that platelets play a part in the pathogenesis of VTE. Venous thrombi consist of a central core that lies adjacent to the vessel wall and is rich in fibrin and trapped red blood cells and an overlying shell composed of platelet-rich layers. There is evidence from mouse models that platelets are important in the initiation and propagation of venous thrombosis. Thus, P-selectin-dependent recruitment of platelets and leukocytes is essential for thrombus formation after incomplete ligation of the inferior vena cava because inhibition or depletion of platelets or neutrophils suppressed thrombus formation in this model. Likewise, platelet depletion abrogated spontaneous venous thrombosis induced by concomitant knockdown of antithrombin and protein C. In addition, antiplatelet agents such as aspirin or clopidogrel attenuated thrombosis in a murine venous stasis model. Findings in mice may be translatable to humans because patients with acute VTE have evidence of systemic platelet activation and increased levels of platelet-derived soluble P-selectin. Therefore, platelets likely contribute to VTE, which explains why aspirin is effective for its prevention, albeit less so than anticoagulants.

Stabilization, Embolization, and Resolution of Venous Thrombi

In patients with DVT, the risk of PE appears to be dependent on the size and the stability of the thrombus. The importance of thrombus size is highlighted by the fact that calf DVT rarely causes PE, whereas up to 50% of patients with proximal DVT have associated PE. Clot stability also influences the risk of PE. Thrombin activates FXIII, which stabilizes the clot and renders it more resistant to lysis by crosslinking the fibrin polymers and by facilitating retention of red blood cells in the thrombus. Enhanced thrombin generation and subsequent FXIII activation in patients with FV Leiden could explain the epidemiological evidence that DVT is more common than PE in such patients. This concept is supported by the results of studies in mice. Thus, treatment with dabigatran after ferric chloride-induced femoral vein thrombosis enhanced PE by suppressing thrombin-mediated FXIII activation. Conversely, FXIII supplementation reduced the risk of PE without promoting thrombus growth.

Thrombus resolution depends on fibrinolysis, which occurs when plasminogen is converted to plasmin. Degradation of thrombi by plasmin likely explains why most calf DVT resolve spontaneously. Migration of leukocytes into the thrombus promotes fibrinolysis and contributes to early thrombus resolution by releasing clot digesting enzymes. Impaired fibrinolysis has been linked to recurrent VTE and up to 50% of patients with proximal DVT have ultrasound evidence of residual vein occlusion 1 year after their index event. Reduced blood flow contributes to PTS, which is the major long-term complication of DVT.

Clinical Manifestations of Venous Thromboembolism

Deep Vein Thrombosis

DVT typically causes swelling, pain, and erythema of the affected extremity. DVT in the proximal veins of the lower extremity is more likely to be symptomatic than DVT confined to the calf veins. Extensive thrombosis involving the iliac and femoral veins can cause phlegmasia cerulea dolens, an uncommon limb-threatening syndrome characterized by severe leg pain, swelling, venous gangrene, and arterial ischemia with loss of distal pulses.

The differential diagnosis of patients with suspected DVT includes musculoskeletal disorders (muscle or tendon strains or tears), lymphatic obstruction, venous insufficiency, a ruptured popliteal (Baker) cyst, cellulitis, sciatica, muscle hematoma, and post-thrombotic syndrome.

Pulmonary Embolism

The most common symptoms and signs of PE include dyspnea on exertion, chest pain which is often pleuritic in nature, tachypnea, and cough. Many patients with PE have concomitant symptoms and signs of DVT. Less common symptoms and signs include fever, hemoptysis, cyanosis, hypotension, and shock. Other non-specific symptoms include palpitations, anxiety, and lightheadedness.

Patients with severe PE often have dyspnea at rest and hypotension, and they may present with syncope because of hypoxemia and low cardiac output. Central and peripheral cyanosis can occur, and the jugular veins may be distended if right heart failure develops. The second heart sound can be widely split, and the pulmonic component may be loud because of delayed emptying of the right ventricle. A right ventricular heave may be present with severe PE because of acute pulmonary hypertension.

When patients present with chest symptoms suggestive of PE, the differential diagnosis includes pulmonary disorders, such as pneumonia, an exacerbation of chronic obstructive lung disease or asthma, pleurisy secondary to connective tissue disease, cardiac disorders such as heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, or pericarditis; and musculoskeletal disorders such as rib fracture.

Diagnosis of Venous Thromboembolism

In patients with suspected VTE, rapid and accurate diagnosis is essential because failure to institute anticoagulant therapy in those with VTE can result in thrombus progression and PE, which can be fatal, whereas unnecessary anticoagulation in those without VTE can cause bleeding. Clinical diagnosis of DVT or PE is unreliable because no individual symptom or sign is sufficiently predictive for confirming or excluding the diagnosis. Therefore, non-invasive imaging tests are often needed.

Compression ultrasound is used for the diagnosis of DVT and CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) or, less frequently, ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) lung scanning is used for the diagnosis of PE. The challenge with the reliance on imaging tests for ruling out VTE is that most patients with suspected VTE do not have it. Of those with suspected DVT and PE, the diagnosis is confirmed in only about 20% and 5%, respectively. Therefore, relying on imaging in all patients with suspected VTE is problematic because of the cost to healthcare systems, the unnecessary exposure to radiation for many patients with suspected PE, and the potential for overdiagnosis of events of uncertain clinical significance, such as calf DVT and subsegmental PE. Instead, a sequential diagnostic approach that starts with the determination of the pretest probability of DVT or PE using validated risk assessment models enhances reproducibility and testing efficiency because it guides the need for imaging, thereby minimizing unnecessary testing.

Although clinical risk assessment tools categorize patients according to their pretest probability of VTE with reasonable accuracy, they should not be used as a standalone to exclude or confirm VTE diagnosis. Instead, risk assessment models should be combined with D-dimer testing, which if negative, excludes the diagnosis of VTE in patients with a “VTE-unlikely” pretest probability. If the D-dimer test is positive or if VTE is likely, the diagnosis of DVT or PE requires confirmation with compression ultrasonography or lung imaging (CTPA or V/Q scan), respectively.

Diagnostic Tests


D-dimer is a plasmin-derived breakdown product of cross-linked fibrin and is a biomarker that reflects coagulation activation and fibrinolysis (see Chapters 121 and 125 ). D-dimer levels are elevated in most patients with VTE. D-dimer assays vary in their sensitivity and specificity. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent and advanced turbidimetric D-dimer assays have sensitivities greater than 95%. With highly sensitive assays, the combination of a negative D-dimer test and a ‘VTE-unlikely’ pretest probability effectively rules out DVT or PE, thereby obviating the need for imaging. However, the test is non-specific because D-dimer levels are increased in a variety of conditions, including malignancy, inflammatory disorders, and infections. Therefore, patients with a positive D-dimer test require imaging to confirm a diagnosis of VTE. Consequently, the D-dimer test is most useful as a tool to rule out suspected VTE.

Compression Ultrasonography

Compression ultrasonography with or without Doppler imaging is the most widely used non-invasive test for the diagnosis of DVT. Noncompressibility of the proximal leg veins on ultrasonography is diagnostic of DVT in symptomatic patients and is an indication for treatment. Compared with venography, venous compression ultrasonography has a sensitivity and specificity for detection of proximal DVT (femoral or popliteal veins) of about 95%; the sensitivity and specificity for detecting calf DVT are lower. Consequently, some centers examine only the veins above the trifurcation in the calf, whereas others examine both the proximal and calf veins. A normal whole leg ultrasound effectively excludes the diagnosis of DVT because the risk of missing DVT is less than 2% at 3 months. If only the proximal veins are examined, the ultrasound should be repeated in 1 week to exclude extension of possible calf DVT into the proximal veins.

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