Vascular Biology of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Diabetes: Hyperglycemia, Insulin Resistance, and Hyperinsulinemia

Diabetes and Accelerated Atherosclerosis

Scope and Complexity of the Problem

One of the most deadly complications of types 1 and 2 diabetes is accelerated atherosclerosis, the consequences of which include more frequent and more deadly heart attacks and strokes, as well as myocardial dysfunction. The latter occurs both secondary to myocardial infarctions and as a result of innate diabetes-mediated damage to the myocardium. With the worldwide rise in both types 1 and 2 diabetes, an epidemic of cardiovascular complications in diabetes is almost certainly on the horizon. Together with the cost of affected individuals’ productivity and the very high costs to already heavily burdened health care systems, the cardiovascular complications of diabetes have many potentially devastating consequences for personal well-being and global economies. Hence, it is essential to delineate the diabetes-specific mechanisms that accelerate cardiovascular disease to identify the optimal therapeutic regimens to combat these heterogeneous diseases.

Hyperglycemia is both defining and common to types 1 and 2 diabetes, yet there are common and distinct threads in these two syndromes. The potential underlying mechanisms linking diabetes and cardiovascular complications may differ, at least in part, between these two most common forms of diabetes. Specifically, insulin resistance is significantly more common in type 2 diabetes, but it may appear in later stages of type 1 diabetes as well. Furthermore, hyperinsulinemia is more associated with type 2 diabetes, because type 1 diabetes, at least in the absence of therapies, is caused by a reduction in naturally produced and circulating insulin. In this chapter we review the evidence supporting, or not, the roles of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in cardiovascular complications. Note that this chapter does not consider in depth the influences of dyslipidemia, inflammation, hypercoagulability, or endothelial dysfunction in diabetes; these are the focus of Chapter 10 .

Diabetes and Atherosclerosis: What Is the Role of Hyperglycemia?

Long-term intervention studies have begun to answer the critical question of whether strict control of hyperglycemia imbues protection or at least reduction in cardiovascular consequences in diabetes. The answer to this question may depend on the cause of diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes, reviewed more extensively in Chapter 11 by Dr. Maahs , the results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study have provided clear answers. In the original DCCT study, type 1 diabetic subjects were adolescents versus young adults at the time of entry into the study. Specifically, of the adolescents, the mean age of subjects randomized to either arm of strict versus standard glycemic control was age 15 years (a total of 87 patients). Of the adults, the mean age of patients randomized to either arm of glycemic control was age 28 years (a total of 191 patients). Strict control of hyperglycemia was shown early in the study to reduce microvascular complications of diabetes compared with standard regimens of glycemic control. However, because of the delay in cardiovascular events in this population, most likely a result of the younger age at entry into the study, the answer to the question of cardiovascular complications was revealed years later and particularly in the follow-up study to the DCCT, the EDIC study. Both surrogate markers of atherosclerosis (carotid intima-media thickness) and myocardial infarction, stroke, and death from cardiovascular consequences were shown to be reduced in the group of patients treated with strict versus standard regiments of glucose control. , It is important to note that the reduced cardiovascular complications were evident years after the levels of glycosylated hemoglobin between both groups became indistinguishable, suggesting a “legacy” effect. The legacy effect—mechanisms and implications—is discussed later.

In type 2 diabetes, current epidemiologic data have identified that the overall risk of cardiovascular complications is twofold to fourfold greater than that observed in nondiabetic patients, even after accounting for the traditional risk factors. In type 2 diabetes, the heterogeneous nature of the concomitant ailments and exposures, such as hyperlipidemia, hypertension, obesity, smoking, and environmental pollutants, has rendered the question of the specific role of hyperglycemia more difficult to address unequivocally. The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) in type 2 diabetic patients was originally composed of 3867 patients randomized to strict versus standard glycemic control. After 10 years the study showed that levels of glycosylated hemoglobin were significantly lower in the strict control group versus standard (7.0% versus 7.9%, respectively). In parallel, the UKPDS reported a 16% reduction in risk of myocardial infarction, but the result did not achieve statistical significance. Years later, however, in the post-trial monitoring program, even after glycosylated hemoglobin levels were indistinguishable from those in the former standard control group, the risk of myocardial infarction was significantly lower in the former strict glycemic control group. As in the case of type 1 diabetes and the DCCT and EDIC trials, the results of the UKPDS suggested that a legacy effect might have imparted long-term cardiovascular benefit in the group previously treated with strict glycemic control.

It is noteworthy that a recent study, ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes), found that stricter control of glycemia versus standard regimens in type 2 diabetes was associated with higher cardiovascular mortality as well as higher all-cause mortality, leading to premature discontinuation of the glycemic control arms of the study for safety purposes, after a mean follow-up period of 3.5 years. There was, however, a non–statistically significant trend toward lower nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes in those in the glycemic control groups. More recent analysis has suggested that the risk of hypoglycemia was greater in the glycemic control arms and might have contributed to the increased cardiovascular risk. From the multiple analyses of ACCORD and two other related studies—ADVANCE (Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified Release Controlled Evaluation) and VADT (Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial) —in which glycemic control arms in type 2 diabetes were associated with neither reduced nor higher cardiovascular events, refined recommendations for the implementation of glycemic control are emerging, because subgroup analyses may suggest reduction in cardiovascular disease in the glycemic control arms based on entry cardiovascular disease surrogate markers, such as coronary calcification scores. Hence, cardiovascular status at entry into the study may in fact define the groups most likely to benefit, and not be harmed, by glycemic control measures.

In addition to glycemic control measures, the Steno-2 trial showed that a broader approach to management, including glycemic control and control of lipid levels, blood pressure, and microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetic patients led to a 50% reduction in cardiovascular mortality. , The Steno-2 studies, however, did not identify the specific factor or combination of factors most responsible for cardiovascular benefit.

In the following sections we review the evidence that hyperglycemia and its consequences contribute to atherosclerosis in diabetes.

Polyol Pathway

The two major enzymes of the polyol pathway include aldose reductase (AR), the first and rate-limiting enzyme of this pathway, and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH). By the action of these enzymes, glucose is metabolized to sorbitol and fructose, respectively. In the process, as shown later, AR action results in the conversion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form (NADPH) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP + ) and the action of SDH consumes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD + ) to yield NADH.

Compared with human or rat tissues, in the mouse the levels of AR are significantly lower; hence, a strategy to specifically test the role of AR in atherosclerosis used transgenic mice, which expressed human-relevant levels of AR on the major histocompatibility type 1 promoter, thereby exerting global overexpression of the enzyme. When these mice were bred with mice deficient in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor and made diabetic with streptozotocin, a significant increase in atherosclerosis, both by percentage of aortic arch lesion area and by en face analysis of the entire aorta, resulted after 6 weeks of a high-cholesterol diet, without a change in total cholesterol or triglyceride or in levels of very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C), LDL-C, or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in the two groups of diabetic mice (those overexpressing or not transgenic for human AR [hAR]) ( Fig. 9-1 ). Similar roles for hAR in acceleration of atherosclerosis in diabetic LDL receptor null mice fed a high-cholesterol diet at 8 or 12 weeks were found, and when mice were fed a cholic acid–containing diet, atherosclerosis increased in the diabetic tg hAR animals versus the nondiabetic LDL receptor null mice. Of note, there were no differences observed in nondiabetic mice overexpressing transgenic hAR or not in the LDL receptor null background, thereby suggesting that glucose flux via the polyol pathway was specific to the diabetic state in atherosclerosis. In parallel with increased atherosclerosis in the diabetic transgenic hAR-overexpressing mouse, macrophages retrieved from these animals revealed increased expression of inflammatory mediators and greater uptake of modified lipoproteins. In addition to these findings in mice, Gleissner and colleagues discovered increased expression and activity of AR in human monocyte-derived macrophages during foam cell formation stimulated by oxidized LDL (oxLDL), a process that was further exacerbated when macrophages were grown in hyperglycemic conditions (30 mM d -glucose) compared with osmotic control conditions.

Figure 9-1, Impact of diabetes and aldose reductase (AR) expression on atherosclerosis at 14 weeks after induction of diabetes.

Recent studies by Vedantham and colleagues demonstrated that when tg hAR mice were bred into the apoE null background and rendered diabetic with streptozotocin, increased atherosclerosis ensued compared with the nontransgenic diabetic apoE null mice (see Fig. 9-1A, B ). As in the case of LDL receptor null mice, there was no effect of transgenic hAR expression in the nondiabetic apoE null mice. Furthermore, they showed that administration of an AR inhibitor, zopolrestat, was effective in reducing accelerated atherosclerosis in the diabetic transgenic hAR mice in the apoE null background (see Fig. 9-1C ). Important roles for endothelial cell hAR in diabetic atherosclerosis were demonstrated in that work. When tg Tie2-hAR mice in the apolipoprotein (apo) E null background were rendered diabetic with streptozotocin, atherosclerotic lesion size was increased, suggesting that endothelial cell AR contributes importantly to acceleration of atherosclerosis in diabetes.

It is important to note that an earlier study suggested that distinct inhibitors of AR (ARIs; tolrestat and sorbinil) and genetic ablation of AR in diabetic apoE null mice increased early lesion formation as a result of increased levels of toxic aldehydes in the lipid particles. Differences in the mouse models, specifically genetic overexpression of AR to human relevant levels or complete genetic deletion, as well as potential distinct off-target effects of the different ARIs may underlie these findings. In human patients with diabetes and neuropathy, however, 1 year of treatment with the ARI zopolrestat resulted in improved cardiac function, not worsened function, as measured by echocardiography. In contrast, the vehicle-treated diabetic patients continued to display reduction in their cardiac function. This study, which did not directly address diabetic atherosclerosis, did however suggest that pharmacologic inhibition of AR by zopolrestat did not worsen cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Hence, it is possible that more potent ARIs with less off-target effects may hold promise for the treatment of atherosclerosis in diabetes.

Finally, it is important to note that increased oxidative stress may result from the overactivity of the polyol pathway. NADPH is a cofactor of glutathione production; consumption of glutathione by action of the polyol pathway may result in reduced availability of this antioxidant mechanism. These considerations are consistent with the observations in mouse models and human macrophages that AR activity increases oxidative stress on high glucose and oxLDL exposure.

Hexosamine Pathway

When excess levels of glucose are shunted into the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP), products emerge that have been shown to cause endoplasmic reticulum stress and to alter transcriptional activity of key molecules implicated in atherosclerosis. In this pathway, fructose-6-phosphate is converted to glucosamine-6-phosphate and uridine diphosphate (UDP)– N -acetyl glucosamine via the actions of the rate-limiting enzyme of the hexosamine pathway, l -glutamine: d -fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (GFAT).

Examples of how the HBP may contribute to conditions that exacerbate atherosclerosis in diabetes include the following. First, in a manner dependent on mitochondrial superoxide production, hyperglycemia increases hexosamine biosynthesis and O -glycosylation of the transcription factor Sp1 in bovine aortic endothelial cells. Consequences of increased modification of Sp1 include increased expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). Second, findings similar to the effects of high glucose and the HBP on PAI-1 expression were also shown in adipose tissue. Third, in bovine aortic endothelial cells, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity was inhibited by HBP-mediated increases in O -linked N -acetylglucosamine modification of eNOS and a decrease in O -linked serine phosphorylation at residue 1177. In the aortas of diabetic mice, similar changes in eNOS activity and these post-translational modifications were also observed. Because reduced eNOS activity is observed in diabetes and linked to endothelial dysfunction, HBP-mediated reductions in eNOS activity spurred by hyperglycemia may contribute to endothelial cell dysfunction, which presages accelerated atherosclerosis.

Protein Kinase C

Hyperglycemia stimulates the generation of diacylglycerol (DAG), which is an activator of at least certain isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC). The PKC family of enzymes consists of at least 12 members. PKCs are involved in a diverse array of cellular functions, many of which may be considered to play roles in diabetic atherosclerosis, such as cellular proliferation, signal transduction, cellular fate, and transcription factor modulation (e.g., Egr1, NF-κB, and Sp1), cytokine expression, and oxidative stress in cells such as endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and monocytes and macrophages, all of which contribute to atherosclerosis mechanisms.

In atherosclerosis, isoforms of PKC have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this disorder. First, work by Harja and colleagues showed that global deletion of the PKCβ isoform resulted in significant reduction in atherosclerosis in apoE null mice, even without diabetes. In parallel, these researchers showed that a chief mechanism by which deletion of this PKC isoform was protective was by reduction in the vascular expression of the key transcription factor, Egr1. Egr1, previously shown to influence proinflammatory and prothrombotic genes in atherosclerosis, is regulated by PKCβ. Furthermore, treatment of the apoE null mice with the PKCβ inhibitor LY333531 (or ruboxistaurin) resulted in decreased atherosclerosis. This work, although not performed in diabetic animals, nevertheless may suggest that this PKC isoform may play key roles in diabetic atherosclerosis. Supportive of this conclusion is the report showing that administration of ruboxistaurin to type 2 diabetic patients improved brachial artery flow-mediated dilation compared with vehicle treatment. In addition to PKCβ, possible protective roles for PKCδ in atherosclerosis have been suggested, particularly in smooth muscle cell survival. In a model of vein graft atherosclerosis in nondiabetic mice, deletion of PKCδ resulted in more severe atherosclerosis. As in the case of PKCβ, further studies are essential to determine potential implications in diabetes.

Other studies have suggested that advanced glycation endproduct (AGE) pathways may contribute to activation of PKC isoforms—for example, studies reported in bovine retinal endothelial cells.

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