The Prostate and Transrectal Ultrasound

Summary of Key Points

  • Prostate cancer is a significant health problem and its management is changing rapidly.

  • Currently, transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) with biopsy is the primary modality to diagnose prostate cancer.

  • New modalities including multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and biomarkers are being introduced for prostate cancer assessment.

  • Understanding of prostate cancer has evolved with recognition of aggressive and indolent forms, which are managed differently.

  • Screening for prostate cancer has become controversial, and population screening is being replaced by focused “smart screening.”

  • TRUS has applications in assessment of nonmalignant prostate conditions and assessment of nonprostate abnormalities within the field of view of the transrectal probe.

In the early 1980s transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) of the prostate was believed to be the pivotal imaging test of the prostate for benign conditions (e.g., benign hyperplasia, obstructive infertility) and for cancer evaluation, including screening, diagnosis, biopsy, staging, and monitoring of response to therapy. With experience and emergence of new techniques such as multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI), the uses, strengths, and limitations of TRUS and other newer prostate imaging modalities such as elastography, contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) including targeted microbubbles, and scintigraphy have become better defined. Most current referrals for TRUS relate to prostate cancer evaluation, biopsy, and guidance of therapeutic procedures. TRUS was initially considered a primary screening test for prostate cancer. This role has now been replaced by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal examination (DRE). Currently the understanding of prostate cancer is undergoing rapid changes in every aspect including screening, serum and urine tests, diagnosis, management, pathology, staging, and therapy. New approaches are being proposed almost monthly. There is even discussion that the most commonly detected low-grade Gleason score 3 + 3 = 6 cancer may not behave as a significant malignancy that needs active and immediate treatment. mpMRI is assuming an increasing role for detection of clinically significant prostate cancer, biopsy guidance, staging, and guidance of therapy. Its availability, applications, and interpretation are evolving rapidly. Additional modalities including new biomarkers, scintigraphic imaging, positron emission tomography (PET)–computed tomography (CT) and PET–magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and labeled metabolic tracers are being introduced.

Occasional patient referrals for prostate examination relate to urinary dysfunction, infertility, pelvic pain, and prostatitis. TRUS guidance has also proven useful to assess and perform biopsy on any accessible lesion in the pelvis in both men and women.


Zonal Anatomy

Original textbook anatomic descriptions of the prostate referred to lobar anatomy, describing anterior, posterior, lateral, and median lobes; this designation has not been useful in identification and evaluation of carcinoma of the prostate. Detailed anatomic dissections of the prostate reveal zonal anatomy in which the prostate is divided into the four glandular zones surrounding the prostatic urethra ( Fig. 10.1 ):

  • Peripheral zone

  • Transition zone

  • Central zone

  • Anterior fibromuscular zone

FIG. 10.1, Diagram of Prostate Zonal Anatomy.

These zones have differing embryologic origins and disease susceptibilities. In the normal young gland, sonography can rarely identify these zones separately unless a pathologic condition is present ( Figs. 10.2 and 10.3 ). At sonography it is helpful to consider the prostate as having a peripheral or outer gland (peripheral zone plus central zone) and inner gland (transition zone plus anterior fibromuscular stroma plus internal urethral sphincter).

FIG. 10.2, Axial Sonograms of Prostate.

FIG. 10.3, Sagittal Views of Prostate.

The prostate does not have a true anatomic capsule, but it is surrounded by an outer fibromuscular band that is visible as a clear line demarking the prostate from the surrounding fat but that becomes blurred at the posterolateral margins at sites of entry of the neurovascular bundles.

The peripheral zone, the largest of the glandular zones, arises from the urogenital sinus and in a young man before the onset of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) contains approximately 70% of the prostatic glandular tissue and is the site for about 70% of prostate cancers. It is separated from the transition zone and central zone by the surgical capsule, a hypoechoic line that is rendered hyperechoic by the frequent accumulation of corpora amylacea or calcifications along it. Traditionally, urologists at the time of suprapubic or transurethral prostate resection believed that they dissected to this line, which demarked hypertrophied periurethral glands from posterior lobe—hence “surgical” capsule. The peripheral zone occupies the posterior, lateral, and apical regions of the prostate, extending anteriorly around the margins, like an egg cup holding the “egg” of the central gland ( Fig. 10.4A ).

FIG. 10.4, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

The young transition zone contains about 5% of the prostatic glandular tissue. It is visible as two small glandular areas positioned like saddlebags adjacent to the proximal urethral sphincter, which is a muscular tube up to 2 cm in diameter. It is the site of origin of most BPH and about 20% of prostate cancers.

The central zone along with the seminal vesicles (SVs) arises from the wolffian ducts. It constitutes approximately 25% of the glandular tissue and is wedged at the prostate base between the peripheral and transition zones. The ducts of the vas deferens (VD) and SVs enter the base of the prostate at the central zone, where they are renamed the ejaculatory ducts and pass through it en route to the verumontanum. The central zone is relatively resistant to disease processes and is the site of only about 5% of prostate cancer.

At the base of the prostate at the bladder neck is the thick, muscular, continence-providing, internal urethral sphincter. Its substantial homogeneous muscle content can make it appear hypoechoic. It contains periurethral glands that often contain calcifications.

Vascular and Neural Structures

The prostate is supplied by the prostaticovesical arteries, which arise from the internal iliac arteries on each side and give rise to the prostatic artery and inferior vesical artery. The prostatic artery gives rise to the urethral and capsular arteries. The inferior vesical artery supplies the bladder base, SVs, and ureter. The urethral artery supplies about one-third of the prostate, and the capsular branches supply the remainder.

On Doppler ultrasound the prostate is mildly to moderately vascular. The neurovascular bundles are visible at the posterolateral angles ( Fig. 10.5 ). The capsular and urethral arteries are easily seen, and branches to the inner gland and peripheral zone are visible in a somewhat radial pattern with the periurethral vessels as the axle. A dense cluster of vessels is often seen capping the base of the prostate, and care must be taken not to mistake these for tumor vascularity.

FIG. 10.5, Normal Doppler Ultrasound Anatomy in Patient With Moderate Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Nerve supply to the prostate has been clarified. Parasympathetic supply is through the S2-S4 sacral roots, and sympathetic supply is through the hypogastric nerve. These combine in the pelvic plexus just above and lateral to the prostate and give rise to about 6 to 16 small branches that supply the SVs, prostate, levator ani, and corpora cavernosa. The cavernosal branches are responsible for erections. The nerves and blood vessels travel together as the neurovascular bundle in the Denonvilliers (rectoprostatic) fascia at the posterolateral aspect of the prostate, where the vessels are visible with color flow Doppler ultrasound. These nerves are vulnerable to injury during surgery, radiotherapy, and other interventions and are avoided at nerve-sparing prostatectomy to preserve potency.

Sonographic Appearance

Images are oriented using the standards for abdominal sonography and other cross-sectional imaging modalities. The images are displayed as though one were standing at the feet of a supine patient and looking headward. The rectum is at the bottom of the screen; the right prostate is on the left of the screen. On sagittal views, the base (head end) is on the left side.

On axial ultrasound, above the prostatic base, the seminal vesicles are paired, relatively hypoechoic, multiseptated structures cephalad to the base of the prostate normally measuring about 1 cm diameter (see Fig. 10.2A ). The adjacent vasa deferentia are visible as uniform muscular tubes measuring about 6 mm in diameter coursing from the internal inguinal ring to lie beside the SVs and enter the midbase of the prostate, where they become the ejaculatory ducts, which connect to the verumontanum (seminal colliculus).

In the axial plane, the urethra between the bladder neck and verumontanum and its surrounding smooth muscle, the internal sphincter, can be a quite conspicuous hypoechoic structure measuring 2 cm in diameter that can mimic the appearance of a transurethral resection defect (see Figs. 10.2B and 10.3A ). Those unfamiliar with transrectal and pelvic ultrasound may mistake the sphincter for hypoechoic tumor. The muscular sphincter ends at the verumontanum, which forms a small bulge pointed anteriorly, often with a small, conspicuous calcification at its apex, giving it an Eiffel Tower appearance.

The inner transition zone is separated from the peripheral zone by the usually hypoechoic surgical capsule (see Fig. 10.4A ). This line is less visible in young men but becomes conspicuous as BPH enlarges the transition zone (see Figs. 10.2B and 10.4A ). The peripheral zone has a uniform, homogeneous texture and is slightly more echogenic than the transition zone. Peripheral zone echogenicity is defined as isoechoic and taken as the standard for prostate echogenicity and other areas of the gland are compared to its echogenicity. Laterally, the peripheral zone curves anteriorly to enclose the transition zone. This upward curved part was named the “anterior horns” by Babaian from Texas because it resembled the horns of a steer. Prominent veins of Batson venous plexus are visible in the periprostatic fat, sometimes containing calcified shadowing phleboliths.

On midsagittal view the muscular internal urethral sphincter extends from the bladder to the verumontanum, sometimes surrounded by corpora amylacea in the periurethral glands (see Fig. 10.3A ). The anterior fibromuscular zone is an inconspicuous area anterior to the internal sphincter. At the verumontanum the distal urethra angles slightly anteriorly and ultimately exits the apex of the prostate just before it enters the urogenital diaphragm, which is the external urethral sphincter. In the midplane the ejaculatory ducts (see Fig. 10.3A ) are visible as hypoechoic tracts extending from the VD at the base to the centrally located verumontanum.

Parasagittally with hyperplasia, the anterior hyperplastic transition zone can be seen separated from the posteriorly situated peripheral zone by the surgical capsule. The VD and SVs are visible above the base. Still more laterally, the transition zone ends, leaving only the part of the peripheral zone curving anteriorly at the sides of the gland (anterior horns).

Histologically, the prostate does not have a true membranous capsule but is surrounded by condensed connective tissue through which the vessels and nerves course. On transverse and sagittal imaging, the border appears sharply defined except at the posterolateral margins where the neurovascular bundle enters the prostate and makes the margin look ragged. This can hinder determination of extracapsular extension by tumors (see Fig. 10.2C ).

Equipment and Technique

Most modern ultrasound machines can be equipped with transrectal probes and biopsy guides suitable for examination of the prostate and rectum. It is advantageous to use the thinnest probe to negotiate “tight” anal sphincters. End-fire probes ( Fig. 10.6 ) are suitable for most biopsy applications and allow for multiplanar imaging in transverse and axial projections. They are well suited for biopsy guidance, allowing easy access to all prostate regions including the apex and anterior gland. The current trends emphasize high central frequency (8-10 MHz) and broad bandwidth. This increases spatial resolution but may decrease lesion conspicuity. Probes with a center frequency of about 5 MHz appear to provide a good balance between resolution and tissue/cancer contrast.

FIG. 10.6, Typical End-Fire Ultrasound Probe for Transrectal and Intracavitary Work.

Probes should be covered with sheaths or condoms during the examination and sterilized between patients, following manufacturers' recommendations. Linear probes help with transperineal techniques.

In general, rectal cleansing is done before the scan. A self-administered rectal enema is preferred, but laxatives can be used. Some believe enemas decrease infectious complications of biopsy. A digital rectal examination before probe insertion is performed to ensure that there are no rectal abnormalities to interfere with safe probe insertion and to correlate images with palpable abnormalities. The patient usually lies in a left lateral decubitus position for the scan. Some examiners prefer a lithotomy position, particularly if the examination is done in conjunction with other urologic procedures or transperineal interventions. With use of adequate lubrication, the probe is gently inserted into the rectum. To decrease discomfort, viscous lidocaine (Xylocaine) gel can be used as the lubricant in patients with tight sphincters or anal pathology such as fissures or inflamed hemorrhoids.

A systematic approach works best for examination and helps ensure that the whole gland is assessed. Typically the prostate is scanned and appropriate images are taken, first in gray scale starting in the transverse plane, from the SVs and proceeding to the apex, and then in the sagittal plane, from right to left lobe. Subsequently the scan is repeated with Doppler flow ultrasound imaging in the transverse plane to evaluate vascularity and vascular symmetry.

Measurements are taken as follows: maximal transverse width (W; right to left), anteroposterior plane (AP; anterior midline to rectal surface), length (L; maximal head to foot). Prostate volume is usually calculated with the “oblate spheroid” formula: volume = 0.5236 × (W × AP × L). Volume measurement is only moderately repeatable to within 10%. Prostate volume can be converted to prostate weight because the specific gravity of prostate tissue is about 1; thus 1 cc (mL) is equivalent to 1 g.

Color or power Doppler ultrasound is used routinely when searching for cancer. Vessel density is more easily evaluated with power Doppler, which portrays color more evenly and is three to five times more sensitive than the color Doppler. Cancer detection is increased by about 5% to 10% with use of power Doppler, and vascular lesions have a slightly higher Gleason score (5.9% vs. 6.9%). Overall it is still felt that although vascular density as shown by Doppler increases cancer detection, its absence is not sensitive enough to avoid systematic biopsy. Increased vascularity is not specific and can be seen with hypertrophy or inflammation, as well as cancer. Spectral Doppler indices (such as resistive index [RI], pulsatility index [PI], and peak systolic velocity) vary with patient age and cannot differentiate between cancer and benign prostate conditions. A pitfall of Doppler ultrasound is the normal, high vascular density seen capping the base of the left and right lobes, which should not be mistaken for enhanced vascularity seen with tumors.

Benign Conditions

Normal Variants

Benign ductal ectasia is seen in older men who develop atrophy and dilation of peripheral prostatic ducts and has no clinical significance. The ducts appear as single or grouped, 1- to 2-mm-diameter tubular structures in the peripheral zone radiating from the capsule toward the urethra. Clusters of these can form hypoechoic areas that could be mistaken as prostate cancer ( Fig. 10.7 ).

FIG. 10.7, Normal Anatomic Variants.

Prostatic calcifications and corpora amylacea are normal findings visible as bright echogenic foci or clumps consisting of proteinaceous debris in dilated prostatic ducts, most often in periurethral glands and along the surgical capsule. When densely clustered they can attenuate sound and block anterior visibility, and on Doppler they create a prominent “twinkle” artifact (see Fig. 10.7D ). Subclinical infections, inflammation, and atrophy may contribute to their formation. Corpora amylacea have no clinical significance and are not usually palpable even if dense or clumped. Peripheral zone calcifications should not be accepted as a cause for palpable firmness or nodules. Patients with palpable abnormality need further evaluation, frequently with biopsy.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Prostate enlargement with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in older men and affects about 50% of men older than 60 years and over 90% older than 70. The cause of BPH is unclear but is probably related to hormonal changes with aging and results in hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the fibrous, muscular, and glandular elements, primarily affecting the transition and periurethral zones.

Lower urinary tract symptoms, also called prostatism and bladder outlet obstruction, can relate to increases in prostate size and muscular tone, both causing urethral constriction. Symptoms include frequency, nocturia, weak stream, hesitancy, intermittence, incomplete emptying, and urgency and are quantified using the American Urological Association (AUA) symptom index. Many men have a misguided concern about prostate size. The issue is urinary obstruction, not prostate size. Prostate size correlates poorly with urinary obstruction. Urinary dysfunction is multifactorial and can also arise from abnormalities of the central nervous system, spine, bladder, prostate, and urethra. Patients with urinary dysfunction need evaluation of all these systems, not just the prostate. Ultrasound investigation of the patient with symptoms of prostatism is best done transvesically to assess prostate size, identify median lobe enlargement, and evaluate bladder volume and postvoid residual, bladder wall character, trabeculation, diverticula, tumors, and calculi, and the kidneys and ureters should be evaluated for hydronephrosis and masses. TRUS plays only a small role but helps if there is a clinical concern for prostate cancer (BPH is one cause for PSA elevation) or there is need for precise gland volume determination to plan surgical or medical treatment.

The appearance of BPH is heterogeneous and depends on underlying histopathologic changes. This heterogeneity hinders cancer detection for both TRUS and mpMRI. Typically there is enlargement of the inner gland (transition zone) with hypoechoic, isoechoic, or hyperechoic nodules. The specific echo pattern depends on the admixture of glandular, stromal, and muscular elements and nodules, which may be fibroblastic, fibromuscular, muscular, adenomatous, or fibroadenomatous. Hyperplasia of the periurethral glandular elements results in “median lobe” enlargement manifesting as a bulge into the urinary bladder (see Fig. 10.4E ). Calcifications and degenerative or retention cysts are common. Benign BPH nodules tend to have distinct margins, whereas transition zone cancer usually manifests as a diffuse, poorly marginated, usually hypoechoic nodule that may cause an asymmetrical bulge of the adjacent anterior contour similar to findings on mpMRI.

Because of the distortion of the gland in patients with BPH, some hyperplastic nodules may bulge into the peripheral zone when they actually originate in the transition zone. Hypoechoic, well-circumscribed transition zone nodules are virtually always benign. Although BPH nodules are generally confined to the transition zone, on occasion they can form entirely within the peripheral zone, appearing as an isoechoic nodule with a well-circumscribed halo and often containing a small degenerative cyst and frequently create a prominent bulge at the capsule. They are similar in appearance to BPH nodules seen in the transition zone on TRUS and mpMRI (see Fig. 10.4G ). Because these benign, peripheral zone nodules are palpable as a firm or hard, cancer-like nodule, they should undergo biopsy to confirm their benign nature and obviate continuing concern.

After exclusion of other systemic causes of the symptoms, such as neurologic disease, diabetes, and local urinary conditions, treatment focuses on the prostate. Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is considered the standard of care for many patients, but other treatments can include watchful waiting, medical therapy, minimally invasive therapies, open surgery, and laser therapy.

TURP initially leaves a large basal surgical defect that rapidly contracts as the gland collapses into the defect, often surprising unwary urologists who may think they have removed considerably more tissue than the visible defect suggests (see Fig. 10.4F ).

Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Understanding of the condition called “prostatitis” has changed over the years. It is not merely “infection in the prostate.” Rather, prostatitis refers to a chronic pain syndrome in which, surprisingly, infection, inflammation, and even involvement of the prostate are not always present. It is commonly termed chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Prostatitis and pelvic pain complaints encompass many clinical syndromes and can severely affect the quality of life of many men who have chronic pain, sexual dysfunction, and LUTS. Patients and physicians are often frustrated because diagnosis and treatments can be time-consuming and ineffective. The impact of prostatitis on quality of life has been likened to the morbidity of myocardial infarction, angina, or Crohn disease. Interestingly, men with CP/CPPS also have an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease, sinusitis, anxiety or depression, and sexual dysfunction. Prostatitis can elevate PSA and on mpMRI can mimic cancer, leading to potential unneeded cancer investigations. An estimated 9% to 13% of all men in the 40- to 50-year-old age group are affected. About 25% of visits to urologists are related to prostatitis symptoms. In men younger than 50 years, CP/CPPS is the leading cause of visits to a urologist, and in men older than 50, it is the third most common cause, after BPH and cancer. The lack of public awareness of this condition likely relates to men's general reluctance to discuss “personal” concerns.

A consensus group at the National Institutes of Health produced a Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and diagnostic flowcharts to help in diagnosis and characterization of symptom severity.

  • I

    Acute bacterial prostatitis

  • II

    Chronic bacterial prostatitis

  • III


    • A


    • B


  • IV

    Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common form of prostatitis, seen in about 2 of 10,000 office visits, and 5% to 10% of cases become chronic. Patients have symptoms of acute urinary or systemic infection usually caused by infection with gram-negative organisms such as Escherichia coli. TRUS is generally of little use in acute prostatitis and can be very painful. About half of these men have findings including edema, prostate enlargement, increased blood flow, venous engorgement, hypoechoic peripheral halo, and altered patchy echo changes that can be decreased, increased, or both. TRUS and mpMRI findings can mimic neoplasia ( Fig. 10.8 ). The diagnosis is mainly clinical. Symptoms should subside promptly with antibiotic therapy, but treatment is continued for 4 to 6 weeks. If symptoms do not subside quickly, abscess formation should be considered. Abscesses occur in 0.5% to 2.5% of patients with acute bacterial prostatitis and are more common in those with underlying diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression (including human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection) and after catheterization or instrumentation (see Fig. 10.8E ). In such patients, TRUS should be promptly performed for diagnosis. Small abscesses may not need drainage, but larger abscesses over about 1.5 cm in diameter can be easily drained transrectally or transperineally using TRUS guidance, or they can be unroofed at cystoscopy. Experience has shown that simple transrectal aspiration can be effective without need for a drainage catheter. Abscesses have resolved even after a single drainage, but repeat aspiration is easily performed if needed.

FIG. 10.8, Prostatitis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is also uncommon. Patients are typically afebrile but have recurrent episodes of bacterial urinary infection–like symptoms. Most have no ultrasound findings, but during acute episodes this condition may appear similar to acute prostatitis on TRUS and mpMRI. In general, urine cultures are negative but some have gram-negative organisms, most often E. coli. Empirically, about half of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis respond to 6- to 12-week courses of antimicrobial therapy.

Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is the most common form of prostatic inflammation. These men have lower genitourinary pain with variable voiding and sexual dysfunction but no evidence of bacterial infection or other cause of pain. CP/CPPS accounts for about 90% of cases and affects about 2 per 100 men. It is the most difficult to understand and treat. CP/CPPS is classified into two types: inflammatory type (diagnosed by seeing leukocytes in prostate secretions, urine, or semen) and noninflammatory type (no evidence of inflammation; also called prostatodynia ). The cause is unknown, and the CP/CPPS name takes into account that the prostate may not be the sole source of discomfort. The symptoms, however, are identical to those of true prostate infection. Neurologic factors, psychological factors, stress, and genetic predisposition have been implicated, as well as association with other conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. No cause is identified in the majority of men with CP/CPPS. Patients may respond to antibiotics, alpha blockers, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and analgesics, which are often used in multimodal fashion. In most cases the prostate appears normal on ultrasound. Some sonograms show nonspecific findings such as peripheral hypoechoic areas, calcifications, venous congestion, increased arterial flow, bladder neck thickening, hypoechoic prostatic rim, and periurethral hypogenicity, and on TRUS and mpMRI the findings can mimic neoplasia.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is diagnosed in men who have no history of genitourinary pain complaints but who are shown to have inflammatory changes at histology. Often biopsy is done because of PSA elevations that are common with prostate inflammation, even with asymptomatic inflammation.

Diagnostic protocols have attempted to differentiate among the various types of prostatitis using history, physical examination, and urine or other cultures. An issue for TRUS and biopsy is that many of these men have chronically elevated but often fluctuating PSA levels, even in excess of 10 ng/mL, and the often-multiple inflammatory areas can mimic cancer on ultrasound and mpMRI, leading to biopsy to exclude cancer (see Fig. 10.8 ).

Other infectious or inflammatory conditions affecting the prostate do not fit easily into these groups. These include conditions such as malacoplakia, eosinophilic prostatitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV) prostatitis, and granulomatous prostatitis. Granulomatous prostatitis is usually idiopathic but can follow prior instrumentation and may be caused by bacteria (e.g., tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis), fungi (e.g., coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis), and parasites (e.g., schistosomiasis). Most cases in North America are caused by bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG). BCG is commonly instilled into the bladder to treat transitional cell carcinoma. It leaks into the prostate, where it can cause granulomatous inflammation. Granulomatous prostatitis mimics cancer on DRE, TRUS, and mpMRI and elevates PSA level. A history of BCG instillation can be reassuring, but biopsy generally is needed to exclude cancer.

Prostate Cysts

Prostate cysts are common and have been grouped into six categories: (1) parenchymal cysts, (2) isolated medial cysts (utricle and müllerian), (3) ejaculatory duct cysts, (4) abscesses, (5) cystic tumors, and (6) cysts related to parasitic disease (schistosomiasis, hydatid disease). By far, the most common cysts are parenchymal degenerative cysts in hyperplastic nodules in the transition zone. These have no clinical significance but on occasion can become large enough to contribute to urinary or ejaculatory obstruction. Typically, these are seen as unilocular or thinly septated multilocular cysts in a typical BPH nodule in the transition zone (see Fig. 10.9A ). Some patients develop atrophic dilation of prostate ducts, which appear as 1- to 2-mm-diameter clusters of radially oriented tubules or cysts in the peripheral zone. These have no significance (see Fig. 10.9A,B ).

FIG. 10.9, Prostate Cysts.

Retention cysts are focal cysts typically smaller than 1 cm at the surface of the prostate and result from duct obstruction. They can be very tense and become palpable as a hard prostate nodule mimicking cancer on DRE but on ultrasound appear as a typical cyst. They have no significance, but if they are palpable, aspiration helps confirm their benign nature and avoids future clinical concern when a hard “nodule” is again palpated at that site (see Fig. 10.9D ).

Congenital cysts of the prostate occur in or close to the midline and are related to the wolffian (mesonephric or pronephric [archinephric]) ducts or müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts ( Fig. 10.9B–C ). Most men with congenital cystic lesions in the prostate and SV are asymptomatic, but occasional symptoms arise if the cysts become large or infected.

Congenital abnormalities are common in and around the prostate and SVs. The müllerian tubercle gives rise to the prostatic utricle, a small, midline blind pouch situated near the summit of the verumontanum. Prostatic utricle cysts are caused by dilation of the prostatic utricle. Utricle cysts rarely contain spermatozoa but can be associated with genitourinary anomalies including unilateral renal agenesis, hypospadias, and undescended testis. Utricle cysts are always in the midline and are usually small but occasionally can enlarge to several centimeters in diameter (see Fig. 10.9B–C ). Müllerian duct cysts may arise from remnants of the paramesonephric duct. Müllerian duct cysts are usually small and usually midline but may extend lateral to the midline and enlarge to extend above the prostate. They have no other associations and never contain spermatozoa. As with utricle cysts, they have a teardrop shape pointing toward the verumontanum, a thick visible wall, and occasional mural or contained calcifications. In practice, utricle and müllerian cysts appear similar and their differentiation is not important. When large, both may obstruct ejaculatory ducts or develop calcifications (see Fig. 10.9E ) and become painful or infected and rarely may develop tumors.

Ejaculatory duct cysts are usually small and probably represent cystic dilation of the ejaculatory duct, possibly as a result of obstruction. Alternatively, they may be diverticula of the duct. They tend to be fusiform in shape and are typically pointed at both ends. Ejaculatory duct cysts contain spermatozoa when aspirated. They can be associated with infertility and may be seen in patients with a low sperm count. Some may cause perineal pain.

Other disorders that mimic prostate cysts include SV cysts, ectopic ureterocele, Cowper duct cysts (in urogenital diaphragm below apex of prostate), and bladder diverticula.

Prostate abscesses are cystlike cavities with thick, irregular walls and debris containing fluid and resemble abscesses seen elsewhere (see Fig. 10.8E ). Coliform organisms such as E. coli are the most common cause. Predisposing conditions include diabetes, instrumentation, and immunodeficiency. Transrectal aspiration or TURP drainage can be an effective treatment in addition to antimicrobial therapy. Cysts caused by parasites are rare in Western countries and can result from schistosomiasis (bilharziasis) or hydatid (echinococcal) disease.

Cystic neoplasms are rare, but cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma have been described.

Seminal Vesicles and Vas Deferens

The seminal vesicles and vas deferens develop from the mesonephric duct and are associated with renal and ureteric development. Developmental anomalies of the SV/VD are often associated with renal and ureteric abnormalities. Normal SVs measure about 1 × 5 cm, and VD, about 6 mm. The SVs function to produce and secrete seminal fluid and not to store sperm. The vasa deferentia drain via the ejaculatory ducts through the prostate into the verumontanum. Primary pathology of the SV and VD is being increasingly detected with use of TRUS and MRI.

Hypoplasia or agenesis of the SV occurs surprisingly commonly. It may be unilateral or bilateral and can be associated with agenesis or ectopia of the VD and ipsilateral kidney. Patients with cystic fibrosis commonly have bilateral agenesis of the SV and VD but normal kidneys.

Seminal vesicle cysts are rare and usually solitary ( Fig. 10.10C ). Most are asymptomatic. The cysts can enlarge and become symptomatic and can be aspirated with TRUS guidance. They may be associated with ipsilateral renal anomalies, including renal agenesis, because the SVs are derivatives of the wolffian (mesonephric) ducts, which also give rise to the ureter and VD. Congenital SV cyst and absence of the ipsilateral kidney is known as Zinner syndrome. Other associations include adult polycystic disease, hemivertebra, and ipsilateral absence of testis. The SV is a common site of ectopic insertion of the ureter.

FIG. 10.10, Infertility.

Calcification of the SV and VD can occur with diabetes or infection. Diabetic calcification tends to involve the walls and resembles “tram tracks” on x-ray films, whereas infectious or inflammatory calcification is luminal and segmental and may be associated with SV calcifications. In endemic areas, tuberculosis and schistosomiasis should be considered.

On occasion, a 1-cm-diameter eggshell calcification is seen in the SV. These calcifications are asymptomatic and likely related to inflammation.

Malignancy in the SV is most commonly secondary to carcinoma of the prostate, bladder, or rectum and appears as a mass involving the SV. If SV involvement is suspected at time of prostate TRUS biopsy, then additional cores can be taken from the SV and may alter treatment plans. Primary neoplasms of the SV are very rare and include benign cystadenomas, leiomyoma, fibromas, and others and malignant lesions such as adenocarcinoma. Tumor mimics such as amyloid deposits are increasingly becoming recognized.

Infertility and Transrectal Ultrasound

Infertility is defined as failure to achieve pregnancy after 1 year of regular unprotected intercourse and affects about 15% of couples. Male factors are solely responsible in about 20% of couples and contributory in another 30% to 40%. When present, male infertility is usually but not always detected by abnormal semen analysis. The AUA and the European Association of Urology have defined “best practice” policies for investigating male infertility, and both partners should be evaluated simultaneously. The goals of male evaluation include the following:

  • 1

    Identification of potentially correctable conditions

  • 2

    Identification of irreversible conditions for which alternative treatments (e.g., donor insemination) or adoption may be used, preventing ineffective therapies

  • 3

    Detection of health-threatening conditions underlying infertility

  • 4

    Detection of genetic abnormalities (e.g., cystic fibrosis) that may affect the health of children if affected sperm are harvested or used for assisted reproductive techniques.

Male factors can be categorized as pretesticular, testicular, and posttesticular. Pretesticular factors include conditions such as faulty reproductive behavior and genetic abnormalities (e.g., CFTR gene of cystic fibrosis, Y chromosome microdeletions). Testicular factors include congenital and acquired intrinsic disorders of spermatogenesis (e.g., infections, trauma, and treated cryptorchidism) that, except for varicocele, are generally irreversible. Also tumors and testicular microlithiasis are more common in infertile men. Posttesticular causes of azoospermia (no sperm in ejaculate) and oligospermia (low numbers of sperm in ejaculate) generally relate to obstructive issues and are found in about 40% of infertile men, although only 1% to 5% have ejaculatory duct obstructions that are amenable to surgical therapies such as prostate cyst unroofing or transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts. This excludes vasectomy reversal, which is successful in 70% to 95% of patients and results in achievement of pregnancy in 30% to 70% of couples. In 100 consecutive azoospermic men, the causes of azoospermia were genetic abnormalities, 27%; diseases or external influence (orchitis, radiotherapy, infections, surgery, trauma), 22%; corrected cryptorchidism, 27%; and unexplained, 22%. This illustrates the broad spectrum of disorders apart from ejaculatory duct obstructions that relate to azoospermia and that are part of the investigation of infertile men.

Imaging investigations—ultrasound and MRI—are used to evaluate for abnormalities and focus on the scrotum and testes, prostate, and seminal ducts and occasionally the developmentally related urinary tract.

The role of TRUS and increasingly MRI is to identify anatomically correctable ejaculatory duct obstructions and anomalies in men who are azoospermic or oligospermic and who have VD on palpation. Obstructions can result from calculi in the vas, müllerian or wolffian duct cysts, postsurgical or inflammatory scars, calculi, or atresia of the ejaculatory ducts (see Fig. 10.10 ). Note that the presence or absence of the VD is diagnosed clinically by palpation of the spermatic cord and not through imaging. Vasography has been used to demonstrate obstruction, but this generally has been discontinued because of the risk of injury to the VD. On occasion, TRUS can be used to inject SVs with ultrasound or x-ray contrast agents to demonstrate patency of the ejaculatory ducts or to retrieve sperm from the SVs for assisted reproduction.

There are no specific symptoms associated with ejaculatory duct obstruction. The diagnosis is suggested in infertile males with azoospermia or oligospermia who have low ejaculate volume, normal secondary sex characteristics and testes, pain during or after ejaculation or orgasm, or history of prostatitis. The relative frequencies of TRUS findings in infertile men with low-volume azoospermia are as follows: normal appearance (25%); bilateral absence of VD (34%); bilateral occlusion of the VD, SVs, and ejaculatory ducts by calcification or fibrosis (16%); unilateral absence of the VD (11%); obstructing cysts of the SVs, vas ejaculatory ducts, or prostate (9%); and ductal obstruction due to calculi (4%). All these symptoms and findings are also seen in normal, fertile men but are more common in men with obstructive infertility.

The treatment of suspected distal ejaculatory obstruction consists of transurethral resection of the ejaculatory duct, unroofing of the ducts, or draining of obstructing cysts and results in symptom improvement in 50% to 100% and pregnancies in 20% to 30%.

Absence of the vas deferens is a clinical diagnosis made by palpating the spermatic cord. Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) is found in almost all men with cystic fibrosis gene mutations (CFTR) whether they are symptomatic or not. It affects about 1% of infertile men and accounts for 4% to 17% of azoospermia and is commonly associated with SV abnormalities. There is a low association with renal anomalies. However, 44% to 60% of men with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease also have bilateral VD agenesis. In contrast, men with unilateral absence of the vas are less likely to have cystic fibrosis but more likely to have ipsilateral abnormalities of wolffian duct derivatives including the kidneys.


Hematospermia is the macroscopic presence of blood in the semen. In most cases it is a benign, self-limiting condition that typically resolves spontaneously over a few weeks. It affects about 1 in 5000 men, peaks between 30 and 40 years of age, and causes significant anxiety among men and their partners who fear cancer or sexually transmitted disease and loss of sexual function. The differential diagnosis is extensive, but most cases are iatrogenic (following interventions such as biopsy or cystoscopy), infectious, or inflammatory and can be effectively treated with minimal investigation and simple reassurance. Malignant tumors, mainly prostate, testis, and SV, are an uncommon cause of hematospermia and are found in only 3.5% of cases, predominantly in men over age 40 years.


Common Causes

  • Idiopathic (about 15%)

  • Sexually transmitted diseases

  • Trauma (including iatrogenic and self-inflicted)

  • Prostatic diseases (prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), calculi, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, prostate cancer)

  • Testis or epididymis (infection, trauma)

  • Systemic diseases (bleeding disorders, liver disease, severe hypertension)

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