Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Heating and Cooling Systems Consider for a moment the design of the surgical gown. It is designed to be a sterile barrier to protect the patient, yet it also must be a barrier to body fluids to protect the wearer.…
VASCULAR CANNULATION IS AN IMPORTANT PROCEDURE in the anesthetic and perioperative management of children. Its routine use was introduced in the 1950s. The indications are to provide routes to administer fluids, drugs, and blood products, monitor cardiopulmonary function, and access…
The Evolution of Pediatric Sedation and the Anesthesiologist's Role Perhaps more than ever, the care of children in the hospital setting requires the provision of sedation in a timely and effective manner. Many children who require an imaging procedure or…
THE USE OF REGIONAL anesthesia techniques in children has increased dramatically in the past two decades. Regional anesthesia is most commonly used in conjunction with general anesthesia in children, although in certain circumstances regional anesthesia may be the sole technique.…
MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE TREATED FOR BURNS every year in the United States: hundreds of thousands of those who are hospitalized have a significant mortality rate. The National Burn Repository Report for 2014 reviewed its 10-year experience (2003–2013) ; overall…
The Differences Between The pediatric and adult airways are important determinants of the anesthetic technique. Knowledge of normal developmental anatomy and physiologic function is required to understand and manage both the normal and the pathologic airways of infants and children…
DESPITE ADVANCES IN PEDIATRIC SURGERY, infants and children may sustain major operative blood loss, but little information is available about when coagulation defects will begin to appear in children. Most studies of massive blood transfusions have involved adult patients, with…
THE PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS of most medications in children, especially neonates, differ from those in adults. Children exhibit different pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) from adults because of their immature renal and hepatic function, different body composition, altered protein binding,…
Preparation of Children for Anesthesia Fasting Infants and children are fasted before sedation and anesthesia to minimize the risk of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. In a fasted child, only the basal secretions of gastric juice should be present in…
IN THIS CHAPTER, WE outline the basis of our collective practice of pediatric anesthesia. These basic principles of practice can be applied regardless of the circumstances; they provide the foundation for safe anesthesia. Preoperative Evaluation and Management Parents and Child…