Surgical Treatment of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Current nonpharmacologic treatments for cardiac arrhythmias include catheter ablation, implantation of pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillator devices, and surgery. These modalities can be used to treat essentially all supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Although the indications for surgical intervention have narrowed, surgery remains an important treatment option, especially for the most common of all arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation.

Atrial Fibrillation


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is present in up to 2% of the general population and in approximately 10% of patients older than 60 years, making it the most common form of sustained cardiac arrhythmia. From 1993 to 2007 the prevalence in Medicare patients 65 years and older has increased 5% each year both because of our aging population and for other reasons that remain poorly defined. Consequently, there has been a 66% increase in hospital admissions for AF over the past 20 years. It is estimated that AF will affect up to 12 million people in the United States by the year 2050. Its financial burden is significant, with a global annual cost of $8705 per patient annually, and $6 billion in the United States alone. Although AF is frequently considered to be an innocuous arrhythmia, it can be associated with significant morbidity and mortality because of its three detrimental sequelae: (1) palpitations, which cause the patient discomfort and anxiety; (2) loss of synchronous atrioventricular contraction, which compromises cardiac hemodynamics, resulting in varying degrees of ventricular dysfunction; and (3) stasis of blood flow in the left atrium, which can result in thromboembolism and stroke. Separate from the direct cardiac effects, the most feared complications of AF stem from the development of thrombus in the left atrium. These thrombi can embolize and lead to myocardial infarction, acute mesenteric ischemia, and stroke. Stroke, in particular, is three to five times more likely to occur in patients with AF when compared to patients in sinus rhythm. Conversely, 20% to 30% of all acute stroke patients are found to be in AF. Antiarrhythmic medications have largely been unsuccessful thus far, with most series showing the efficacy of antiarrhythmic medications to be less than 50%. Antithrombotic drugs for AF carry with them various complications, including an annual risk of major bleeding up to 3%, rising even higher in older adults. AF also independently increases mortality rates. Using data from the Framingham Heart Study, Benjamin and coworkers established the risk factor–adjusted odds ratio for death in men and women with AF as 1.5 and 1.9, respectively.

Classification of Atrial Fibrillation

AF can be classified in various ways, but the classification system published jointly by the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, and the Heart Rhythm Society is the most widely used. This system defines AF as either paroxysmal or persistent. When a patient has had two or more episodes, AF is considered recurrent. If recurrent AF terminates spontaneously, it is designated paroxysmal, but if it is sustained beyond 7 days, it is termed persistent. Termination by pharmacologic therapy or electrical cardioversion before expected spontaneous termination does not change the designation persistent . In a recent consensus statement sponsored by the Heart Rhythm Society, the definition of permanent was changed to include only cases in which cardioversion has failed, clarifying that patients with long-standing AF might still be cured by intervention. In those cases, permanent has been replaced with the term long-standing AF when the duration is more than 1 year.

Electrophysiology of Atrial Fibrillation

AF is characterized by the irregular activation of the atria and an accompanying irregular ventricular response. Activation of the atria during AF can exhibit two different patterns. One pattern consists of a stable source, either a focal trigger or a small reentrant circuit, with fibrillatory conduction away from the source. The other pattern is characterized by multiple changing sources or reentrant circuits. The specific mechanism may change over time in a particular patient. Work from our laboratory obtained from patients undergoing intraoperative mapping before arrhythmia surgery revealed that the source of AF was not stable in almost half of the patients, even moving from one atrium to the other.

Four substrates determine whether AF is initiated and sustained: (1) a trigger, usually a premature depolarization or runs of focal ectopic depolarizations; (2) the refractory period of the atria and its magnitude and spatial distribution; (3) the conduction velocity and its magnitude and anisotropic spread; and (4) the geometry or anatomy, both macroscopic and microscopic. Whatever the pathologic process (e.g., valvular disease, heart failure, ischemia, tachycardia, pericarditis, or inflammation) is, the changes that occur affect one or more of these four factors.

The surgical treatment of AF is directed at alteration of the geometry and anatomy needed to support AF. Non-reentrant mechanisms, such as abnormal automaticity and triggered activity, are important for the generation of premature beats, which act as a trigger for reentry but may also be involved in maintaining AF. The premature beats interact with the underlying distribution of refractory periods. As the distribution becomes more inhomogeneous, unidirectional block can occur. This is a necessary condition for the initiation of reentry. When unidirectional block occurs, a reentrant arrhythmia will occur only if a critical mass of tissue is present. The critical mass is determined by the tissue geometry, the magnitude of refractory periods, and the conduction velocity. The amount of tissue required to support a reentrant circuit is defined by the equation WL = CV × RP (wavelength = conduction velocity × refractory period). If either CV or RP decreases, the amount of tissue needed to sustain AF decreases, and the probability of a patient's having an arrhythmia increases. Interventional approaches attempt to alter one of these substrates. However, any treatment strategy has the potential to affect the other substrates that cause AF. For example, incisions or ablations not only affect conduction, but they also alter the geometry of the atria, decrease viable myocardial mass, and can denervate regions of the atria, which alters refractory periods.

A great deal of emphasis has been placed on the role of the pulmonary veins in the triggering of AF. Paroxysmal AF often originates in the pulmonary veins. In humans, the anatomy of the pulmonary veins is variable, with electrically excitable cardiac muscle extending 1 to 4 cm beyond the ostium of the veins. Developmental biological studies suggest that pacemaker tissue may be present in the pulmonary veins. Another potential mechanism of focal activation is afterdepolarization. Intraoperative mapping studies have shown ectopic atrial beats originating from the region of the pulmonary veins. Biatrial mapping studies by Schmitt and coworkers have shown that the premature beats that trigger AF were located in the pulmonary veins 53% of the time and in the posterior atrium in another 29% of cases.

Successful cure of AF is achieved in some patients by the isolation of the pulmonary veins. Furthermore, if triggers of AF were outside the pulmonary veins but other substrates that sustain AF were within the veins, AF would be prevented with pulmonary vein isolation. The failure to cure AF by isolating only the pulmonary veins in some patients, especially those with long-standing AF, suggests that other anatomic triggers or more complicated mechanisms may be involved in these cases. Using intraoperative mapping in patients with mitral valve disease, Nitta and colleagues determined that atrial focal activation is one mechanism of AF. Caution should be taken in interpreting various interventional studies, whether catheter ablation or surgery, as to whether they imply an underlying mechanism involved in a patient's AF. Most intraoperative and catheter mapping systems do not have the spatial resolution within the pulmonary veins to separate reentrant from non-reentrant mechanisms. Therefore, even though “focal” fibrillation may be reported from investigational mapping, this does not rule out reentry as a mechanism underlying the arrhythmia. Claims of cure by pulmonary vein isolation alone must be tempered by the knowledge that the “pulmonary vein isolation” intervention actually incorporates much more than just the pulmonary veins. Commonly, the pulmonary veins, the adjacent atrial muscle, and the muscle in the oblique sinus between the veins are ablated during catheter-based pulmonary vein isolation. This area is more than one third of the left atrium. This large area of ablation substantially reduces the critical mass needed to sustain AF and may incorporate other non–pulmonary vein substrates of AF.

The definitions of paroxysmal, persistent, and long-standing AF do not imply a specific mechanism. Even though clinical results have shown that pulmonary vein isolation is effective 70% to 80% of the time in paroxysmal AF, it is clear that the pulmonary veins are not the only substrate driving AF 20% to 30% of the time. Similarly, in persistent AF, pulmonary vein isolation alone is successful in only a small number of patients. Human mapping data from our laboratory did not show any significant difference in mechanism between paroxysmal and persistent AF. Current diagnostic technologies rarely allow a preoperative delineation of mechanism. However, electrophysiologic studies may allow physicians to identify triggers of AF in some patients. Because AF is a complex arrhythmia, mapping requires a high density of closely placed electrodes as well as a sophisticated mapping and signal processing system to define the particular mechanism in an individual patient. In our experience, intraoperative mapping has not been useful in providing real-time information during surgery. The analysis of this complex arrhythmia is time-consuming and difficult. Therefore, the traditional surgical algorithm of obtaining preoperative or intraoperative mapping data and using this information to guide the specific surgical technique, as was done with arrhythmias such as Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, has not been feasible for AF. Mapping techniques are currently being developed that may allow interventionalists to customize the lesion set to the specific underlying mechanism.

One particularly promising technique is electrocardiographic imaging. This technology allows AF to be mapped noninvasively in the awake patient by recording signals from the body surface and solving the inverse equation. This would delineate the mechanism before the proposed intervention and may allow physicians to triage patients to the most effective procedure.

Medical Treatment

Results with medical therapy alone for AF have been disappointing. Antiarrhythmic drugs have had limited long-term efficacy in converting AF to normal sinus rhythm and have significant and sometimes fatal side effects. The goal of pharmacotherapy is therefore often shifted from rhythm to rate control, which involves slowing the ventricular response rate to AF, thus avoiding the development of rate-related cardiomyopathy and symptoms such as palpitations. The Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) study showed that management with rhythm control did not have any survival benefit over a rate control strategy in anticoagulated patients with AF. Furthermore, rate control strategy may potentially have advantages over rhythm control, such as a lower risk for adverse side effects.

Rate control alone clearly has disadvantages. Although the ventricular response rate can often be controlled pharmacologically, the atria are still in fibrillation. With persistent AF, two of the three detrimental sequelae associated with AF persist. In patients with baseline cardiac dysfunction, the absence of atrial “kick” often can result in worsening symptoms of congestive heart failure. Most important, patients with AF are at risk for developing thromboembolism, requiring indefinite anticoagulation with warfarin or one of the newer anticoagulants, such as dabigatran, rivaroxaban, or apixaban. The use of warfarin is associated with a major complication rate of approximately 2% per year. Although these newer anticoagulants decrease the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage without the need for routine coagulation monitoring, they have the same effectiveness as warfarin in the reduction of thromboembolism.

Despite the results from the AFFIRM trial supporting no difference in long-term outcome between rhythm and rate control, there are many clinically meaningful advantages of being in normal sinus rhythm. These advantages include increased exercise tolerance, no need for anticoagulation, decreased palpitations, and prevention of atrial remodeling. Most important, when time-dependent variables were evaluated in the AFFIRM trial, the presence of sinus rhythm was associated with a significantly decreased risk of death (hazard ratio = 0.53; P < 0.0001). Thus, the AFFIRM trial demonstrated that antiarrhythmic drugs are detrimental and that normal sinus rhythm is beneficial in this population of patients, suggesting a role for nonpharmacologic restoration of sinus rhythm.

Historical Aspects of Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation

Because of the inadequacy of medical therapy for AF, several procedures were developed in the 1980s aimed at treatment of AF. Most of these were abandoned because of their inability to eliminate all three of the detrimental sequelae associated with AF. Nevertheless, they helped physicians gain fundamental knowledge about the mechanism of AF and laid a foundation for the development of the Cox-Maze procedure and its subsequent iterations. The Cox-Maze procedure is recognized today as the gold standard for surgical cure of AF. The next section briefly describes these various surgical procedures developed in an attempt to cure AF.

Left Atrial Isolation Procedure

In 1980, Dr. James L. Cox and his group developed the left atrial isolation procedure, which confined AF to the left atrium, thus restoring the remainder of the heart to normal sinus rhythm. This procedure had the advantage of restoring normal atrioventricular rhythm without requiring a permanent pacemaker. Because the sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, and internodal conduction pathways are located in the right atrium and interatrial septum, the left atrial isolation procedure did not interfere with normal atrioventricular conduction.

Electrical isolation of the left atrium also unexpectedly restored normal cardiac hemodynamics. This occurred because the right atrium and the right ventricle contracted in synchrony after the procedure, providing a normal right-sided cardiac output that was then delivered to the left side of the heart. Although the left atrium was isolated, the left ventricle adapted immediately to the normal right-sided cardiac output and delivered a normal forward cardiac output.

By confining AF to the left atrium only, the left atrial isolation procedure eliminated two of the three detrimental sequelae of AF: irregular heartbeat and compromised cardiac hemodynamics. However, because the electrically isolated left atrium remained in AF, this procedure did not eliminate the risk of thromboembolism. It also did not address patients in whom the AF originated in the right atrium.

Catheter Ablation of the Atrioventricular Node–His Bundle Complex

In 1982, Scheinman and colleagues described the catheter fulguration of the His bundle, which controlled the irregular cardiac rhythm associated with AF and other refractory supraventricular arrhythmias. Similar to the left atrial isolation procedure, this procedure electrically isolated the arrhythmia to the atria. However, ablation of the His bundle necessitated implanting a permanent ventricular pacemaker to restore normal ventricular rhythm.

Unfortunately, His bundle ablation eliminated only the irregular heart beat. Both atria still remained in fibrillation, and the vulnerability to thromboembolism was unaffected. Atrioventricular contraction remained desynchronized, compromising cardiac hemodynamics. Despite its drawbacks, this remains a common treatment for medically refractory AF in patients not considered good candidates for a more curative interventional procedure.

Corridor Procedure

In 1985, Guiraudon and associates introduced the corridor procedure for the treatment of AF. This was an operation that isolated a strip of atrial septum harboring both the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node, thereby allowing the sinoatrial node to drive the ventricles. This procedure corrected the irregular heart beat associated with AF, but both atria either remained in fibrillation or developed their own asynchronous intrinsic rhythm because they were isolated from the septal “corridor.” The atria were also isolated from their respective ventricles, thereby precluding the possibility of atrioventricular synchrony. The corridor procedure was abandoned because neither the hemodynamic compromise nor the risk of thromboembolism associated with AF was addressed.

Atrial Transection Procedure

All three surgical procedures developed in the early 1980s had attempted to isolate and to confine AF to a certain region of the atria, stopping it from propagating its effects to the ventricles. None of these procedures was targeted to cure AF.

In 1985, Cox's group described for the first time a series of experiments that attempted to cure AF in a canine model. After a number of experiments, it was found that a single long incision across both atria and down into the septum cured AF. This “atrial transection” procedure prevented the induction and maintenance of AF or atrial flutter in canines. Unfortunately, this procedure was not successful in its clinical application.

Development of the Cox-Maze Procedure

The first successful curative surgical procedure for the treatment of AF was introduced clinically in 1987 by the team led by Dr. James L. Cox at Washington University in St. Louis. The Cox-Maze procedure was designed to interrupt the macro-reentrant circuits that were thought to be responsible for AF, thereby precluding the ability of the atrium to flutter or fibrillate ( Fig. 87-1 ). In contrast to previous procedures, the Maze procedure successfully restored both atrioventricular synchrony and a regular heart beat, thus decreasing the risk of thromboembolism and stroke. The operation involved creating myriad incisions across both the right and left atria. The surgical incisions were placed so that the sinoatrial node could “drive” the propagation of the sinus impulse throughout both atria. It also allowed all of the atrial myocardium to be activated, resulting in preservation of atrial transport function in most patients.

FIGURE 87-1, Original conceptual design of the Cox-Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation. Both atrial appendages were excised, and the pulmonary veins were isolated. AVN, Atrioventricular node; LAA, left atrial appendage; PVs, pulmonary veins; RAA, right atrial appendage; SAN, sinoatrial node.

After almost a decade of basic research, the Maze I procedure was introduced in 1987, only to be soon modified to become the Maze II procedure because of late chronotropic incompetence and a high incidence of pacemaker implantations. The Maze II procedure, however, proved to be too technically difficult to perform. It was therefore further modified and renamed the Maze III procedure ( Fig. 87-2 ).

FIGURE 87-2, Two-dimensional drawing depicting the atrial incisions of the Cox-Maze III procedure.

During the 1990s, the Cox-Maze III procedure became the gold standard for the surgical treatment of AF. In a long-term study of patients who had the Cox-Maze procedure, 97% of the patients at late follow-up were free of AF. Similar results have been reproduced by other institutions around the world.

Surgical Ablation Technology

Despite its proven efficacy, the Cox-Maze III procedure did not gain widespread acceptance. Few cardiac surgeons were willing to add the procedure to coronary revascularization or valve procedures because of its complexity and technical difficulty. In an attempt to simplify the operation, groups around the world have replaced the incisions of the traditional cut-and-sew Cox-Maze III procedure with linear lines of ablation. These linear lines of ablation have been created by use of a variety of energy sources, including radiofrequency energy, microwave, cryoablation, laser, and high-frequency ultrasound.

The development of these new ablation technologies revolutionized the surgical treatment of AF by taking a technically difficult and time-consuming operation and making it relatively easy for most cardiac surgeons to perform. Whereas very few patients (<1%) with AF undergoing cardiac surgery before 2000 underwent a Cox-Maze procedure, a study has shown that more than 40% of patients with AF undergoing cardiac surgery had a concomitant ablation procedure in 2006. Another advantage of ablation technologies is that they have facilitated the development of less invasive operations. A minimally invasive beating heart procedure with high efficacy is the ultimate goal of these efforts. With the availability of easy-to-use ablation devices, numerous groups around the world have introduced new procedures for AF involving more limited sets of atrial lesions. Some groups are currently performing only the left atrial lesions, whereas others are advocating pulmonary vein isolation alone. Results with these more limited procedures are discussed in a later section.

For ablation technology to reliably replace the incisions in AF surgery, it must meet several criteria. Foremost, it must reliably produce bidirectional conduction block. This is the mechanism by which incisions prevent AF: by blocking macro-reentrant or micro-reentrant circuits, by isolating trigger foci, or by reducing atrial contiguous mass. To do this with certainty, an ablation device must have the capability to reliably make transmural lesions from either the epicardial or the endocardial surface. Experimental work from our laboratory has shown that even gaps as small as 1 mm in ablation lines can conduct fibrillatory wavefronts.

The second crucial characteristic of an ablation device is safety. This requires a precise definition of dose-response curves to limit excessive or inadequate ablation. The surgeon must have knowledge of the effect of the specific ablation technology on surrounding vital cardiac structures, such as the coronary sinus, coronary arteries, and valves. Third, a device should make AF surgery simpler and require less time for it to be performed. This requires features such as rapidity of lesion formation, simplicity of use, and adequacy of length and flexibility. Finally, the device ideally should be adaptable to a minimally invasive approach. This would require the ability to insert the device through small incisions or ports. It would also be beneficial for the device to be capable of creating epicardial transmural lesions on the beating heart.

The current ablation technologies with their advantages and disadvantages are briefly described in this section. At present, there are no microwave, ultrasound, or laser ablation devices on the market and these energy sources are not discussed. There is still no perfect ablation device. As new devices are introduced in the future, it will be imperative to rigorously examine the effects of the new technology on atrial hemodynamics and electrophysiology.

Radiofrequency Energy

Radiofrequency (RF) energy has been used for cardiac ablation for many years in the electrophysiology laboratory. It also was one of the first energy sources to be used in the operating room. RF energy can be delivered by either unipolar or bipolar electrodes, and the electrodes can be either dry or irrigated.

There have been numerous unipolar RF devices available for ablation. Estech (San Ramon, CA) has marketed several devices, both dry and irrigated unipolar catheters that are segmented and flexible. These devices can create variable lesion lengths of 10 to 95 mm. The electrodes can be individually selected and temperature controlled. Later iterations have included suction stabilization. The devices are targeted for use in the minimally invasive setting, but they have yet to approach the same degree of transmurality that has been achieved with bipolar RF clamps. Both Medtronic and Estech have developed irrigated unipolar RF devices that are used to make point-by-point ablations by dragging the device across tissue to make a linear lesion.

Bipolar RF is similar to unipolar energy except that two electrodes, instead of one, are used to focus the path of energy. This allows faster ablation (usually less than 20 seconds) while focusing destruction to tissue that is within the clamp. With bipolar devices, the electrodes are clamped over the targeted atrial tissue. The first bipolar RF device was introduced by AtriCure, Inc. The Isolator was a specially designed clamp with 1-mm-wide, 5-cm-long electrodes embedded in the jaws of the clamp. The device was unique in that it had an algorithm created to provide a real-time measurement of lesion transmurality. The conductance between the electrodes was measured during ablation. When the conductance dropped to a stable minimum level, this correlated well both experimentally and clinically to histologically transmural lesions. More recent iterations have introduced more uniform clamp strength and a dual electrode design to achieve wider and more consistent lesions.

Other RF ablation devices have been released. The Cobra Adhere and Cobra Adhere XL (Estech, San Ramon, CA) devices are streamlined with suction stabilization for use in minimally invasive procedures, such as port access and thoracoscopic approaches. The Cobra Fusion (Estech, San Ramon, CA) includes suction stabilization and has a unique electrode configuration to allow both unipolar and bipolar RF ablation. The Medtronic bipolar devices, the Cardioblate BP2 and Cardioblate LP, have an irrigated, flexible jaw along with an articulating head, with 7-cm-long electrodes. These devices have an algorithm to predict transmurality of lesions that has been shown to be effective in experimental and clinical settings.

RF energy uses an alternating current in the range of 100 to 1000 kHz. This frequency is high enough to prevent rapid myocardial depolarization and the induction of ventricular fibrillation, yet low enough to avoid tissue vaporization and perforation. Resistive heat­ing occurs only within a narrow rim of tissue in direct contact with the electrode, usually less than 1 mm. The deeper tissue heating occurs by passive conduction. With unipolar catheters, the energy is dispersed between the electrode tip and an indifferent electrode, usually the grounding pad applied to the patient. In the bipolar clamp devices, alternating current is generated between two closely approximated electrodes, which results in a more focused ablation. The lesion size depends on the electrode-tissue contact area, the interface temperature, the current and voltage (power), and the duration of delivery. The depth of the lesion can be limited by char formation at the tissue-electrode interface because of the high temperatures (>100° C). To resolve this problem, irrigated catheters have been developed; this reduces char formation by keeping temperatures cooler at the tissue interface. These irrigated catheters have been shown to create larger volume lesions than those created by the dry RF devices.

Dose-response curves for unipolar RF have been described. Although unipolar RF has been shown to create transmural lesions on the arrested heart in animals with sufficiently long ablation times (60 to 120 seconds), this has not been the case in humans. In one study, after 2-minute endocardial ablations during mitral valve surgery, only 20% of the in vivo lesions were transmural. Epicardial ablation has been even more difficult. Animal studies have consistently shown that unipolar RF is incapable of creating epicardial transmural lesions on the beating heart. Another study in humans resulted in only 7% of lesions being transmural despite electrode temperatures of up to 90° C. The Cobra Adhere is an epicardial suction-stabilized unipolar RF ablation device. Despite the proposed advantages of epicardial ablation, the Cobra Adhere demonstrated only 40% full-thickness ablation of sectioned ablations after a 2-minute ablation period in animal testing. In particular, the device showed difficulty creating full-thickness lesions in atrial tissue thicker than 3 mm. Bipolar RF ablation, on the other hand, has been shown to be capable of creating reliable transmural lesions on the beating heart in animals with average ablation times between 5 and 10 seconds. Newer devices such as the Cobra Fusion have included a combination of both unipolar and bipolar ablation along with the use of proprietary impedance algorithms to determine the amount of time necessary for ablation. Similar animal studies have shown the Cobra Fusion to create transmural lesions in 94% of sectioned lesions.

Because RF ablation is a well-developed technology, much is known about its safety profile. Clinical complications of unipolar RF devices have been described, including coronary artery injuries, cerebrovascular accidents, and the devastating complication of esophageal perforation leading to atrioesophageal fistula. Use of the bipolar RF devices has eliminated virtually all the collateral damage seen with the unipolar devices, and there have been no clinical complications reported in the literature. Unfortunately, at this time bipolar devices have the drawback of requiring that the tissue be clamped in the jaws of the device to consistently make transmural lesions. This has limited the potential lesion set, particularly on the beating heart through a minimally invasive epicardial approach, and has required the use of adjunctive unipolar technology to create a complete Cox-Maze lesion set.

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