Surgical Technique 3 (Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Drainage Implant)


The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve is designed to drain aqueous humor from the anterior chamber through a silicone tube and across flow-resistant valve mechanism, and then onto a silicone or polypropylene plate located posterior to the limbus. The incorporation of a flow-resistant valve in the design of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve distinguishes this implant from other open-tube designs, including the Baerveldt and Molteno implants. During the early postoperative period, the valve mechanism may minimize the incidence of hypotony and its associated complications, such as choroidal effusions, shallow or flat anterior chamber, and suprachoroidal hemorrhage. Vision-threatening complications are uncommon after Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implantation. The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, like other glaucoma drainage implants, is effective for the treatment of patients who have a variety of refractory or intractable glaucomas, including failure to respond to trabeculectomy, extensive conjunctival scarring, or poor prognosis of trabeculectomy for primary surgery. The potential for broader use of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, including use for primary surgery, is under investigation.


Glaucoma drainage implants can be characterized as either resistance (valved) or non-resistance (non-valved) devices. The Molteno and Baerveldt implants are non-valved devices that drain aqueous from the anterior chamber through an open, unobstructed tube.

The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (New World Medical, Rancho Cucamonga, CA), introduced in 1993, was developed to address the problem of uncontrolled flow in non-resistance devices. It is the most frequently implanted resistance glaucoma drainage device. After placement of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, aqueous humor is directed out of the anterior chamber through a tube and across a flow-restricting valve before exiting onto a plate, which is implanted under the conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule, posterior to the limbus.


The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve consists of a silicone tube attached to a valve mechanism on an end plate ( Fig. 113-1 ). The valve is comprised of two thin silicone elastomer membranes (8 mm long × 7 mm wide) positioned in a Venturi-shaped chamber ( Fig. 113-2 ). The elastic membranes of the valve are closed at pressures below 8–12 mmHg and open to allow flow when pressures are higher. In this way, the device is designed to reduce the problem of hypotony due to over-filtration. In vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed the ability of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve to restrict flow by this valved mechanism.

Figure 113-1, Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, Model S-2. The arrow shows the direction of aqueous flow.

Figure 113-2, Components of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve. (A) The valve cover and upper part of the Venturi-style chamber. (B) Silicone tube and elastomer membrane. (C) The plate, containing the lower part of the Venturi-style chamber.

The end plate of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve is available in several sizes and materials ( Box 113-1 ). A firm polypropylene plate is used in the single-plate (S2 model) and the double-plate (B1 model). A more flexible silicone plate is used in the flexible single-plate (FP7 model) and the flexible double-plate (FX1 model). The double-plate Ahmed Glaucoma Valves allow for greater surface area for aqueous drainage, and may be implanted on either the right or left side of the eye. Both single-plated models (S2 and FP7) exist in smaller sizes (S3 and FP8) intended for pediatric patients, although many surgeons prefer to use adult-size implants in their pediatric patients.

Box 113-1
Surface area of Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implants

Material Model Size
Polypropylene S2 184 mm 2
B1 364 mm 2
S3 96 mm 2
Silicone FP7 184 mm 2
FX1 364 mm 2
FP8 96 mm 2


The indications for implantation of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve are the same as other glaucoma drainage implants ( Box 113-2 ). The indications include eyes which have previously failed or are at high risk of failing a trabeculectomy. Use of the implant for primary surgery can also be considered, though this is considered controversial by some.

Box 113-2
Indications for Ahmed Glaucoma Valve

  • Failed trabeculectomy

  • Likely failure of trabeculectomy, including:

    • Extensive conjunctival scarring

    • Neovascular glaucoma

    • Uveitic glaucoma

    • Glaucoma associated with penetrating keratoplasty

    • ICE syndrome

    • Epithelial downgrowth

    • Refractory pediatric glaucoma

    • Glaucoma following retinal detachment surgery

  • Primary surgery *

    * Currently under investigation.

High Risk of Trabeculectomy Failure

Eyes that have previously failed trabeculectomy or have inadequate pressure control after trabeculectomy are considered higher risk for failure of a second trabeculectomy. In these eyes, drainage implants are a useful surgical option.

Drainage implants should also be considered in eyes in which the conjunctival conditions confer a very high risk of trabeculectomy failure. These conditions may occur due to scarring from previous surgical procedures, severe ocular surface disease or injuries, or other conditions. Implantation of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve may be performed even in the setting of extensive conjunctival scarring.

In other instances, the patient's underlying ocular pathology confers a high risk of trabeculectomy failure. This is the case with neovascular glaucoma, uveitic glaucoma, iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome, epithelial downgrowth, and pediatric glaucomas. In these settings, surgeons may choose to implant the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve rather than perform trabeculectomy in order to improve the likelihood of long-term success.

Primary Surgery

Generally, the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve is used for primary surgery when the surgeon judges a trabeculectomy likely to fail. However, several studies have compared primary implantation with primary trabeculectomy. A randomized, prospective trial comparing trabeculectomy to the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve for primary surgery has been reported. In this trial, the trabeculectomy group had lower intraocular pressures during the first year, but the two groups had similar intraocular pressure control and success rates at an average follow-up of 31 months. Surgeons may also wish to extrapolate from the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy study, which found Baerveldt implantation to have a similar intraocular pressure, lower failure rates, and lower reop­eration rates at 5 years when compared to trabeculectomy with MMC.


There are no absolute contraindications for implantation of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve. Glaucoma drainage implants are relatively contraindicated in patients who are noncompliant with self-care in the postoperative period. The American Academy of Ophthalmology's report on glaucoma drainage implants warns that the primary long-term complication of anterior chamber tubes is decompensation of the corneal endothelium, so care should be taken before implanting drainage implants in eyes with impaired endothelial function.

Surgical Technique

Local anesthetic is administered, which may be retrobulbar, parabulbar, or peribulbar. A 6/0 silk or polyglactin traction suture on a spatulated needle is placed through the corneal stroma adjacent to the quadrant chosen for implantation and the eye is rotated to achieve maximal exposure ( ).

The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve is most often placed in the superotemporal quadrant and the plate positioned approximately 8 mm posterior to the limbus. Care should be taken when implanting in the superonasal quadrant because of proximity of the plate to the optic nerve and risk of inducing a Brown's syndrome.

In the chosen quadrant, a fornix-based incision is made through the conjunctiva and Tenon's capsule. Radial relaxing incisions on one or both sides of the conjunctival flap are often added to improve surgical exposure. Blunt scissors are used to dissect between the episclera and Tenon's capsule. Gentle blunt dissection continues posteriorly under Tenon's capsule to create a pocket between the rectus muscles. Wet-field cautery is often used near the limbus to achieve hemostasis.

Prior to implantation, the implant should be examined and primed ( Fig. 113-3 ). The device's sterilization process may cause the valve membranes to adhere to one another. Intraoperative priming of the valve with balanced salt solution though a 27- or 30-gauge cannula ensures the patency of the valve mechanism.

Figure 113-3, Before implantation of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve, the device is primed with balanced salt solution to ensure proper functioning of the valve mechanism.

The anterior edge of the plate is grasped manually or with non-toothed forceps and inserted into the pocket between the rectus muscles ( Fig. 113-4 ). Care should be taken not to touch the valve mechanism with instruments during insertion, as this may damage the device. The valve is positioned 8–9 mm posterior to the limbus, and the plate is anchored to the sclera with 8/0 nylon, 9/0 nylon, or a similar permanent suture on a spatulated needle though the openings on the anterior edge of the plate.

Figure 113-4, The device is inserted in a quadrant, taking care to avoid damaging the valve mechanism. During insertion, avoid grasping the valve mechanism with forceps.

The drainage tube is extended over the cornea and then cut to a length which will allow the tube to extend 2–4 mm into the anterior chamber ( Fig. 113-5 ). A 23-gauge needle is then used to make a track beginning approximately 0.5 mm posterior to the limbus and extending into the anterior chamber parallel to or angling slightly forward of the iris plane ( Fig. 113-6 ). Some surgeons inject viscoelastic as the needle leaves the eye in order to lubricate this needle track. The 23-gauge track is an appropriate size to allow tube entry but minimize leakage around the tube. Entry into the anterior chamber posterior to Schwalbe's line and anterior to the iris plane will minimize the risk of contact with the cornea or iris. The drainage tube is inserted into the anterior chamber through the needle track using non-toothed forceps or a specially designed tube inserter (New World Medical, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, CA) ( Fig. 113-7 ). The tube is then loosely secured to the sclera using a single 9/0 or 10/0 nylon suture with care taken to avoid compression.

Figure 113-5, The tube is cut to the appropriate length, usually to extend 2–3 mm into the anterior chamber. For anterior chamber placement of the tube, the bevel of the cut tube is ‘up’ (anterior).

Figure 113-6, A 23-gauge needle is used to prepare a needle track for tube insertion. Larger openings allow aqueous leakage around the tube, whereas tube insertion is difficult or not possible through smaller openings.

Figure 113-7, The silicone tube is inserted into the anterior chamber through the needle track.

To prevent erosion of the tube through the conjunctiva near the limbus, a patch graft is sutured over the tube ( Fig. 113-8 ). Processed pericardium (Tutoplast; New World Medical, Inc., Rancho Cucamonga, CA; or IOP, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA) is the most commonly used patch graft, but other materials, including preserved donor sclera or cornea, fascia lata, or dura may be used.

Figure 113-8, The tube is covered with pericardium, sclera, or other suitable patch material, which is anchored with two or more interrupted sutures.

Both corners of the conjunctival flap are then reapproximated to the limbus. The anterior edge of the conjunctiva may also need to be sutured to the limbus anterior to the patch graft. For conjunctival closure, monofilament 9/0 polyglactin suture is preferred over braided 8/0 polyglactin because it has a smaller diameter but a higher tensile strength. Relaxing incisions are also closed using the same suture in a continuous or interrupted manner.

A temporal clear corneal paracentesis should be considered to allow for postoperative reformation of the anterior chamber, if needed. This can also be used at the end of the procedure to reform the anterior chamber with balanced salt solution, if necessary.

Subconjunctival steroids and antibiotics are injected in a quadrant, preferably 180° away from the plate. Depending on the type of anesthesia used, an ointment containing antibiotic and steroid is applied to the eye, and it is lightly patched and shielded until postoperative day one.


The Ahmed Glaucoma Valve is most commonly implanted in the superotemporal quadrant ( and ). However, some surgeons have implanted them inferiorly, due to individual preference or specific patient-related factors. Placement of the plate in an inferior quadrant is recommended in eyes with silicone oil in order to minimize the loss of oil through the tube during the postoperative period. Inferior placement is considered more technically difficult. In a prospective cohort study, superior and inferior implantation had similar reduction in intraocular pressure and success rates at 1 year, but inferior placement had a higher rate of complications (25%), which included exposure, cosmetically unappealing appearance, and endophthalmitis, compared to superior placement (5%). In a retrospective study, inferior placement had a similar reduction in intraocular pressure but a statistically significant higher rate of wound dehiscence and transient diplopia.

Viscoelastic is not required for routine cases. However, if a patient is thought to be high risk for hypotony or shallowing of the anterior chamber, the surgeon may make a temporal paracentesis and inject viscoelastic into the anterior chamber. Alternatively, viscoelastic may be injected into the anterior chamber through the 23-gauge needle as the tube tract is being created. In eyes that contain silicone oil, viscoelastic may avoid intraoperative loss of oil through the tube. The viscoelastic may either be left in the eye or removed at the end of the case.

As an alternative to creating a needle tract through the full-thickness of the sclera, a limbal-based scleral flap can be made. The needle track is then created and the tube inserted into the anterior chamber under the flap, which is then closed with 10/0 nylon. This may protect the tube from conjunctival erosion in lieu of a patch graft.

In certain patients who are pseudophakic or aphakic and who have had a vitrectomy performed previously, it may be preferable to place the tube into the vitreous cavity rather than the anterior chamber. A pars plana clip (Model PC, New World Medical, Rancho Cucamonga, CA) is available to allow for the tube to curve toward the pars plana without kinking. The tube can also be inserted posterior to the iris in the anterior chamber in pseudophakic or aphakic patients, especially those with closed or scarred anterior chamber angles. These maneuvers may reduce the risk of corneal endothelial damage.

The use of antifibrotic agents in conjunction with Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implantation has been reported. However, a randomized, prospective, multicenter trial showed no benefit of intraoperative mitomycin C compared with controls for the postoperative intraocular pressure, number of postoperative medications, or postoperative success rates. The American Academy of Ophthalmology has reported that there is no advantage to the use of antifibrotic agents with any currently available glaucoma drainage implants.

The use of anti-VEGF agents has been advocated as an adjunct to Ahmed Glaucoma Valve placement. These agents have been used in the perioperative period for neovascular and primary open-angle glaucoma by both intravitreal and subconjunctival injection, but no conclusive benefit has been demonstrated.

Postoperative Course

Topical steroid and antibiotic drops are used after surgery. The antibiotic is usually stopped after 2–3 weeks, and the steroid is tapered over weeks to months. Frequent follow-up is required in order to monitor for complications, though interventions are rare after surgery.

In a retrospective study, the adjunctive use of topical ketorolac in addition to steroid and antibiotic after implantation of the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve was reported to be associated with lower intraocular pressure at 6 months. A prospective, randomized controlled trial compared topical ketorolac to topical dexamethasone postoperatively and found that the ketorolac group had significantly lower intraocular pressures at 4 weeks with a trend toward lower pressures at all time points and a lower risk of a hypertensive phase. However, the ketorolac group had significantly more cases of conjunctival retraction and a trend toward more wound leaks.

Digital ocular massage has also been described as an effective adjunct for patients whose intraocular pressures are not at target in the postoperative period. In one series, massage reduced IOP by an average of 19% at one hour, and 50% of participants were able to maintain a 20% reduction in intraocular pressure at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 6 months by continuing a massage regimen.


Since the introduction of the device, multiple studies have reported outcomes with the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve implant in refractory glaucoma. In these studies, success was typically characterized as an intraocular pressure less than 21 or 22 mmHg and greater than 4 or 5 mmHg with or without medicines and without further glaucoma surgery or loss of light perception. These studies tend to report outcomes as probability of success. The majority of the studies are not randomized, prospective trials but retrospective, noncomparative case series.

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