Surgical Anatomy of the Skull Base


The authors thank the staff of Neuroscience Publications at Barrow Neurological Institute for assistance with manuscript and video preparation.

This chapter includes an accompanying lecture presentation that has been prepared by the authors: .

Key Concepts

  • Neurosurgical approaches to the skull base complement one another. It is important to understand all possible surgical approaches to key anatomic regions (e.g., petrous apex).

  • We believe that anatomy is best learned with direct exposure, and this chapter is designed to be a companion to the reader’s surgical learning.

  • The reader should exercise a mental representation of the anatomy of the skull base through each surgical approach by actively comparing it with its counterparts (e.g., compare the retrosigmoid with the transpetrosal approach).

  • Anatomy should be learned to facilitate surgery. Therefore, we recommend learning the surgical value of each anatomic structure rather than memorizing nomenclature or surgical steps.


The skull base is a beautiful landscape of compartments, bony ridges and prominences, winding sutures, scattered foramina, and dural folds. This exquisite complexity is multiplied by relationships with cranial nerves (CNs), brainstem surfaces, posterior circulation arteries, and veins. It is difficult to put anatomy into words; inspection and direct handling are imperative. There is no substitute for time spent in the cadaver laboratory with a scalpel, drill, and microscissors, peering through an operating microscope at the magnified and illuminated landscape of the brainstem. Repeating this exercise many times over transforms learning into mastery.

Our collective knowledge of skull base anatomy appears to be dwindling in this era of digital learning, surgical subspecialization, and minimally invasive surgery. Computer-generated atlases and three-dimensional videos are replacing cadaver laboratories and eliminating hands-on dissection. Neurosurgeons are partnering with neurotologists who make the temporal bone and all of its complex anatomy their domain. While this partnership enhances the expertise of the skull base team, it diminishes neurosurgical familiarity with this anatomy. Endoscopy is changing neurosurgical management of skull base lesions and decreasing classical skull base operations. Advances in stereotactic radiosurgery and endovascular intervention are similarly reducing case volumes of tumors, arteriovenous malformations, and aneurysms. The result is diminished expertise in skull base surgery and diminished knowledge of skull base anatomy. It is easy to wonder whether skull base anatomy is clinically relevant to modern neurosurgical practice.

We think that knowledge of skull base anatomy is a cornerstone of neurosurgical skill. Many consider manual dexterity to be the most important quality in a skillful neurosurgeon, but knowledge of anatomy guides the hands and gives the neurosurgeon the confidence to explore the surgical field. Mastery of anatomy is the cognitive skill that informs the neurosurgeon regarding where to work, what to see, how to maneuver better, and what to protect. Comfort in the anatomic arena around the skull base translates to confidence in executing the surgical strategy designed for the patient’s pathology. Analyzing anatomic relationships, practicing surgical steps, and learning from mistakes in bloodless cadavers translate to better surgical outcomes for live patients.

In this chapter, we review the anatomy of the skull base as it relates to five approaches used frequently in skull base surgery: the far lateral approach, the retrosigmoid approach, the transpetrosal approaches, the orbitozygomatic approach, and the endoscopic endonasal approach. We present the bone anatomy, surgical technique, and important anatomy encountered within the surgical corridor. This information is intended to facilitate, rather than replace, hands-on learning in cadaveric dissection and will be more valuable if read in this context.

The Far Lateral Approach

Surgical Targets

The far lateral approach and its variants (transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar) use a posterior trajectory to reach the cerebellomedullary and premedullary cisterns through different corridors between the lower CNs. The retrosigmoid and endoscopic endonasal approaches are the two surgical options most directly related to the far lateral approach. For complex lesions with extensive invasion of the ventral compartment of the posterior fossa, a combined far lateral–endoscopic endonasal “far medial” approach can provide an efficient and safe surgical option. Likewise, lesions with infratentorial and supratentorial components might benefit from combining a far lateral with a retrosigmoid, translabyrinthine, or middle fossa approach. Therefore, the far lateral approach might be used as a stand-alone standardized approach or in combination with other skull base approaches for complex lesions. Knowledge of the full surgical potential of the far lateral approach and its related approaches will enable the neurosurgeon to find the most efficient and safe treatment for each lesion of the posterior cranial fossa.

Bone Anatomy

The far lateral approach uses a posterior trajectory to access the posterior fossa. Therefore, thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the occipital bone is the key to a safe and efficient execution of the far lateral approach. In addition, if the transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar extensions of the far lateral approach are planned, the anatomy of the atlas (C1) and petrous part of the temporal bone become relevant as well.

The occipital bone can be divided into three parts: (1) the squamous part, which forms the posterior wall of the posterior fossa; (2) the basilar part, which forms the anterior wall of the posterior fossa together with the dorsum sellae of the sphenoid bone; and (3) the condylar part, which attaches to the petrous part of the temporal bone to form the lateral walls of the posterior fossa. Only the squamous and condylar parts of the occipital bone are directly related to the far lateral approach and are discussed in this section.

The squamous part of the occipital bone has a concave surface that accommodates and protects the occipital lobes, cerebellar hemispheres, and transverse and superior sagittal sinuses ( Fig. 3.1A ). The external occipital protuberance, called the inion, is an evident osseous structure that stands at the center of the squamous part. The inion serves as a reliable landmark to infer the position of the torcular—the confluence of the superior sagittal, straight, and transverse sinuses, which is located 1 cm superior to the inion at the endocranial surface ( Fig. 3.1B ).

Figure 3.1, Bone anatomy and surgical landmarks relevant to the far lateral approach.

Two osseous crests arise from the inion and extend horizontally; the superior nuchal line extends inferiorly, and the highest (also known as supreme) nuchal line extends superiorly. The superior nuchal line is shaped by the tendinous insertion of the nuchal muscles (sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, splenius capitis, and semispinalis capitis). Therefore, the superior nuchal line is an important landmark for the muscular incision during the far lateral approach. The highest nuchal line is less evident and corresponds to the insertion of the occipitofrontal muscle. Both the superior and the highest nuchal lines may be used to infer the position of the tentorium during the craniotomy design. If the superior nuchal line is followed laterally, the asterion (a confluence of the lambdoid, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures) is found.

The asterion is a reliable landmark for the exocranial inference of the position of the transverse sinus as it becomes the sigmoid sinus. Inferior to the asterion is a slight bone furrow parallel to the occipitomastoid suture that typically corresponds to the trajectory of the occipital artery. Anterior to the occipitomastoid suture is a groove carved by the posterior belly of the digastric muscle (digastric groove). The digastric groove belongs mostly to the mastoid part of the temporal bone but may serve as a landmark to identify the mastoid and the sigmoid sinus in the supracondylar extension and the facial nerve in the stylomastoid foramen in the paracondylar extension during the far lateral craniectomy.

Between the superior nuchal line and the foramen magnum is the inferior nuchal line. The inferior nuchal line corresponds to the insertion of the suboccipital muscles, the identification of which is very important during the muscular dissection of the far lateral approach (discussed later). The occipital crest is a vertical ridge that extends superiorly from the opisthion—the midpoint on the posterior margin of the foramen magnum—to the inion. The occipital crest is a useful landmark to infer the position of the falx cerebelli in the intracranial space and to reference the midline during the design of the craniotomy.

The condylar part of the occipital bone is formed by the occipital condyle, the condylar fossa, and the jugular tubercle. The condylar fossa is an osseous depression between the squamous part of the occipital bone and the occipital condyle in the base of the skull. In most cases the condylar fossa becomes relevant during a far lateral approach because it often contains a rich venous channel: the posterior condylar emissary vein. When present, the posterior condylar emissary vein serves as a connection between the vertebral venous sinus and the sigmoid sinus. It is important to identify the posterior condylar emissary vein surgically, because its bleeding can be profuse and it may be confused with bleeding from the hypoglossal venous plexus, which could misguide the next surgical steps.

The occipital condyle is an oval structure at the base of the skull that articulates with the superior articular facet of the atlas to form the atlantooccipital joint. Understanding the size and orientation of the occipital condyle is key to preventing craniocervical instability and avoiding the need for cervical fusion after a transcondylar extension of the far lateral approach. Just above the occipital condyle is the hypoglossal canal, which crosses the occipital bone at 45 degrees in an anterolateral trajectory. It contains the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), the hypoglossal artery (when present), and the hypoglossal venous plexus. The trajectory of the hypoglossal canal plays an important role in the transcondylar extension of the far lateral approach. While drilling into the occipital condyle from the far lateral perspective, the hypoglossal canal is encountered first in the medial aspect of the exposure and is exposed progressively laterally when the drilling is continued anteriorly.

The hypoglossal canal and nerve divide the condylar part of the occipital bone into the condylar compartment (below the hypoglossal canal) and the jugular tubercle compartment (above the hypoglossal canal). If drilling of the condylar compartment is directed medially, the lower third of the clivus is accessed. In contrast, if the jugular tubercle compartment is drilled, the jugular foramen and the lateral and anterior medullary spaces are exposed. The jugular tubercle serves as both the roof of the hypoglossal canal and the floor of the jugular foramen. The jugular foramen, however, belongs to both the occipital bone inferiorly and the petrous part of the temporal bone superiorly.

The richness in anatomic detail and complexity of the jugular foramen may be interpreted as an advantage to the neurosurgeon because it provides several valuable landmarks (see Fig. 3.1C–D ). The jugular foramen, although described as a single orifice, has three compartments: sigmoid, neural, and petrous. When the jugular foramen is studied in a dry skull, a central bony spur in the jugular surface of the temporal bone becomes evident. This bony spur, referred to as the superior intrajugular process, is continued by a dural fold to the jugular tubercle. In some cases, the attachment of this dural fold creates a small promontory in the jugular tubercle, known as the inferior intrajugular process. The superior and inferior intrajugular processes, together with the dural fold that unites them, create a posterior space within the jugular foramen: the sigmoid compartment. The sigmoid compartment is used by the sigmoid sinus, the jugular bulb, and the meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery; it is used less frequently by the posterior meningeal artery or, more rarely, by a branch of the occipital artery. The sigmoid compartment is the first structure encountered during the drilling of the jugular tubercle in a supracondylar extension of the far lateral approach. The accessory (CN XI), vagus (CN X), and glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerves are immediately anterior to the sigmoid compartment, embedded in dural and connective tissue. This space formed by the dura is called the neural compartment (also known as the intermediate portion).

The neural compartment is further divided into the glossopharyngeal meatus (anterior) and the vagal meatus (posterior) by a dural septum. The glossopharyngeal meatus contains the glossopharyngeal nerve and its tympanic branch (also called the Jacobson nerve). The vagal meatus contains the vagus nerve and its auricular branch (also called the Arnold nerve) and the accessory nerve. The most anterior space of the jugular foramen is the petrous compartment, limited posteriorly by the neural compartment and anteriorly by the petroclival synchondrosis. The petrous compartment contains the inferior petrosal sinus.

The atlas (C1 vertebra) becomes relevant to the far lateral approach if caudal spinal exposure is required or if the third segment of the vertebral artery loops superiorly toward the occipital bone, involving a risk of lesion during the suboccipital craniotomy. The atlas is an extraordinary vertebra in that it is the first of the spine (C1), has a ring shape, and lacks a vertebral body and spinous process. The main functions of the atlas are to hold the skull, provide support for the occipital and spinal muscles, and transmit multiple force vectors to the spine. The atlas consists of an anterior and a posterior arch and two lateral masses. Only the posterior arch and lateral masses are relevant to the far lateral approach, and they are briefly discussed in this section.

The lateral masses are a pair of rounded osseous protuberances on each side of the atlas. Their main function is to support and transmit the weight and motion forces applied by the occipital condyles of the skull to the axis (C2). Each lateral mass has two articular surfaces. The superior articular facet is an oval, concave surface that matches the inferior surface of the occipital condyle. During the drilling phase of the transcondylar extension, it is very important to identify the atlantooccipital joint and preserve it to prevent neck instability and to ensure a proper anteromedial trajectory. The inferior articular facet of the lateral mass has a slightly less concave surface to match the superior articular facet of C2.

Lateral to the lateral masses are the transverse foramen and the transverse process. The transverse foramen of the atlas anchors the vertebral artery before it loops medially above the posterior arch of the atlas. The transverse foramen may be opened during a far lateral approach to free the vertebral artery and mobilize it laterally away from the surgical field. The transverse process provides the anterior, lateral, and posterior aspects of the transverse foramen and also contains the attachments for several suboccipital and cervical muscles.

The posterior arch is the most surgically relevant part of the atlas during the far lateral approach. It is a wide, semicircular bone that contains two depressions (one in each side), each carved by the third segment of the vertebral artery. In addition to the vertebral artery, the first cervical (C1) nerve also runs through the superior surface of the posterior arch of the atlas, embedded in the vertebral venous plexus and connective tissue, which puts it at risk of inadvertent lesioning during vertebral artery manipulation. The posterior arch of the atlas may be completely or partially removed to gain access to the spinal cord and upper cervical nerves during a far lateral approach.

Surgical Anatomy


The key for optimal patient positioning in any skull base procedure is to orient the head in a way that, while safe for the patient, allows the best final working corridor to expose the target. In many instances, both objectives are fulfilled if the position of the head takes into account the effect of gravity on the brain being exposed. The park bench, or three-quarter prone, position allows for natural retraction of the cerebellar hemisphere away from the surgical corridor. The park bench position requires positioning the patient at a 45-degree angle from a completely prone position with the head rotated 45 degrees away from the lesion and flexed laterally toward the floor. At the end of the positioning, the neurosurgeon should be able to effortlessly palpate the mastoid tip, the inion, and the spinous processes of the upper vertebrae while standing above the patient.

Skin Incision

An optimal skin incision for the far lateral approach takes into consideration the location of the lesion, which determines the surgical exposure, surgical time (longer skin incisions may generate more bleeding and increased surgical time), and aesthetics. Two valid skin incisions are widely used for the far lateral approach: the inverted hockey stick and the lazy S. The inverted hockey stick incision starts 2 cm below the tip of the mastoid process and continues straight superiorly until above the superior nuchal line, where it turns medially toward the level of the inion. It then turns inferiorly until the level of the C2 or C3 vertebra. The benefit of the inverted hockey stick incision is that it provides wide exposure of the ipsilateral suboccipital musculature, allows access to the lateral aspect of the occipital condyle and transverse process of the atlas, and uses an avascular plane along the midline over the suboccipital space and spinous processes in the neck. Although it provides exceptional, wide exposure, drawbacks of the inverted hockey stick incision include a longer surgical time, potentially more blood loss, and suboptimal cosmesis compared with the lazy S. A lazy S–shaped incision uses a diagonal trajectory from the asterion to the foramen magnum and then curves medially toward the spinous process of the axis (C2). This incision provides space enough for a basic far lateral approach and its transcondylar and supracondylar variants. However, complete exposure of the transverse process of the atlas, if necessary, may be limited for a paracondylar variant of the far lateral approach.

Muscular Layer

It is generally agreed that the optimal muscular flap is that which creates the least distortion of the muscular structure while providing sufficient bone exposure. Multiple-layer dissection during the muscular phase can prompt dehiscence, loss of function, or ischemic atrophy and is typically avoided. However, the far lateral approach requires that all efforts be made to protect the vertebral artery, and this is best accomplished if the muscular phase is divided into two stages: the nuchal and the suboccipital. The nuchal muscles are anatomically contained between the superior and inferior nuchal lines. The nuchal muscular flap is obtained en bloc from 1 cm inferior to the superior nuchal line. The nuchal muscular flap contains the sternocleidomastoideus, trapezius, longissimus capitis, and splenius and semispinalis capitis muscles. The posterior belly of the digastric muscle and the occipital artery, which runs on the medial surface of the digastric muscle, may be spared if transmastoid access is not needed in the final exposure. After the nuchal muscular flap is reflected inferiorly and laterally, the suboccipital triangle is exposed (see Fig. 3.1E ). The suboccipital triangle is formed by the superior oblique (superior and lateral), the inferior oblique (inferior and lateral), and the rectus capitis posterior major muscles (the rectus capitis posterior minor sits deep to his major twin). Identifying the suboccipital triangle is key to avoid both copious venous bleeding and damage to the third segment of the vertebral artery. The dorsal ramus of the C1 cervical nerve and the posterior arch of the atlas may be exposed if the suboccipital triangle is dissected.

The vertebral venous plexus is a complex of tangled and densely anastomosed veins that fills the suboccipital triangle and connects to the sigmoid sinus and jugular bulb via the posterior condylar emissary vein. Embedded in this venous plexus are the muscular branches of the vertebral artery and the dorsal roots of the C1 cervical nerves. In some cases, the third segment of the vertebral artery loops higher than normal, being at special risk of inadvertent injury if the venous plexus is not dissected with extreme caution. Although rare, both the posterior spinal and the posterior inferior cerebellar arteries can take off at this segment of the vertebral artery and be mistaken for a muscular branch. After the muscles forming the suboccipital triangle are reflected, three additional muscles become relevant. At the superior aspect of the C1 transverse process, deep below the superior oblique muscle, is the rectus capitis lateralis. The rectus capitis lateralis is a short muscle that attaches to the jugular process at the posterior edge of the jugular tubercle. Although very small, this muscle is of extraordinary value in guiding the paracondylar dissection toward the jugular foramen. In the same axis as this muscle, but inferior to the transverse process of the atlas, is the levator scapulae muscle. Early identification of the levator scapulae muscle during the cervical dissection of the far lateral approach is advisable. This muscle provides an invaluable landmark to safely expose the second segment of the vertebral artery (medial to the muscle) and protect the carotid compartment of the parapharyngeal space (lateral to the muscle). Finally, the rectus capitis posterior minor muscle is reflected medially for a complete exposure of the atlantooccipital membrane (see Fig. 3.1F ).


A fundamental rule in skull base surgery is to gain maximal surgical exposure through bone removal. Therefore, there is an optimal craniotomy, or combination of craniotomy and craniectomy, for each lesion. However, for educational purposes, the far lateral approach can be standardized into a basic lateral suboccipital craniotomy with three different extensions: transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar. The lateral suboccipital craniotomy opens a window in the squamous part of the occipital bone. It is limited superiorly by the transverse sinus and laterally by the sigmoid sinus and the occipital condyle (see Fig. 3.1G ). In most cases the suboccipital craniotomy includes the condylar fossa and its posterior condylar vein. The asterion is a useful landmark to design the craniotomy in relation to the sigmoid sinus. The superior nuchal line may also be used to limit the cranial extension of the craniotomy so as to avoid the transverse sinus and the torcula. The medial extent of the suboccipital craniotomy may be guided with the external occipital crest and can be extended widely beyond it if the lesion occupies the majority of the cisterna magna. Although there is no anatomic boundary, the medial margin of the suboccipital craniotomy usually does not cross the occipital crest, providing enough room for cerebellar distention.

The standard suboccipital craniotomy can be accompanied by the removal of the ipsilateral half of the posterior arch of the atlas. The first and most important step in the preparation for the removal of the posterior arch of the atlas is dissecting the vertebral artery from its connective sheath. Next, the root of the C2 spinal nerve can be identified medial to the atlantoaxial joint. Two cuts are placed to elevate the ipsilateral half of the posterior arch of the atlas in one piece. The first cut is placed in the midline, medial to the rectus capitis posterior minor muscle. The second cut divides the lateral mass from the posterior arch. After the completion of the two cuts, the posterior arch is elevated in one piece, and the vertebral artery is freed from the transverse foramen after unroofing the foramen transversarium. At this point, the vertebral artery can be displaced laterally to gain access to both the posterior fossa and the occipital condyle.

Of the three main types of craniectomy that can follow the suboccipital craniotomy, the transcondylar extension is the most used. The posterior third of the occipital condyle is removed uniformly until a change in bone consistency and color is noticed. The cancellous body of the condyle becomes the solid posterior wall of the hypoglossal canal. The hypoglossal canal contains a venous plexus, which adds a dark blue color to its wall. The hypoglossal canal should be preserved if there is no lesion involving it, yet the condylectomy can advance below and medial to the hypoglossal canal en route to the clivus. The transcondylar approach provides direct access to the intracranial segment of the vertebral artery and a wide access to the anterior medullary zone and lower clivus. However, if the lesion infiltrates the condyle or its vicinity, a complete condylectomy may be necessary.

If access to the jugular foramen or upper medulla is required, the supracondylar extension may be performed. The supracondylar craniectomy requires removing the posterior aspect of the jugular tubercle in a narrow window limited inferiorly by the hypoglossal canal, superiorly by the sigmoid sinus, and laterally by the jugular bulb. It is imperative that the drilling of the jugular tubercle be done with a diamond bur and using extreme caution at the medial (dural) limit of the drilling, because the spinal rootlets of the accessory nerve travel alongside and in contact with the dura at this region. The accessory, vagus, and glossopharyngeal nerves are exposed at the neural compartment of the jugular foramen. The supracondylar approach allows maneuvering above the vagus nerve, the petroclival junction, and the midclivus.

Lesions involving the jugular bulb, the lower sigmoid sinus, and the meatal segment of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves can be accessed through the paracondylar variant of the far lateral approach. This craniectomy is directed to the superior and lateral aspect of the occipital condyle, the exocranial aspect of the jugular foramen, and the posterior aspect of the mastoid process. A more lateral muscular flap must be raised, which may also include the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. The digastric groove should be identified because it provides an excellent landmark to the position of the stylomastoid foramen, where the facial nerve exits the mastoid process. Drilling around the exocranial aspect of the jugular foramen must be performed with a diamond bur and constant electrophysiologic monitoring of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hypoglossal nerves. The bone removal is mainly directed to the jugular process, an osseous protuberance at the posterior aspect of the jugular foramen. At the end of the craniectomy, the lower part of the sigmoid sinus, the jugular bulb, and the jugular vein are exposed together with the neural compartment of the jugular foramen and the pharyngeal segment of the internal carotid artery.

These variants of the far lateral approach could be combined with different levels of mastoidectomy (retrolabyrinthine or translabyrinthine approach) and a supratentorial craniotomy for full access to the lateral and anterolateral zones of the brainstem.

Dural Opening

The dura exposed after a suboccipital craniotomy is limited superiorly by the transverse sinus, laterally by the sigmoid sinus, and inferiorly by the marginal sinus—all potential sources of bleeding (see Fig. 3.1G ). Other potential sources of bleeding include the posterior meningeal artery, which in some rare cases originates from the intradural segment of the vertebral artery; the posterior spinal artery, which may take off from the vertebral artery at its dural cuff; the posterior meningeal artery; and the meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery in cases in which the dural incision extends to the lateral margin of the bone opening (especially after a supracondylar extension). Each dural flap may be customized to adapt to the features of each patient. However, many, if not all, include long midline and superior incisions to reflect the dural flap laterally. The dural opening should always be designed according to the lesion location and size and should create a surgical window that allows all anticipated surgical trajectories. In the case of the far lateral approach, a wide dural flap eases cerebellar retraction and access to the superior spinal region. In addition, if the lesion extends to the cerebellopontine angle, the dura should be opened close to the transition between the transverse and sigmoid sinuses, leaving a margin for safe closure. After the dura is opened, the cisterna magna is incised and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is evacuated to allow atraumatic retraction of the cerebellar hemispheres and maximize the effect of gravity.

Intradural Anatomy

The intradural phase of the far lateral approach provides wide access to the dorsolateral compartment of the posterior fossa and limited access to the ventromedial compartment, including the petroclival region and the lateral aspect of the middle and lower thirds of the clivus (see Fig. 3.1D ). Like most skull base approaches, the number and exposure of structures accessed through the far lateral approach increases proportionally to the progressive bone removal of its three variants (i.e., transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar craniectomies). The suboccipital craniotomy allows complete access to the cisterna magna and the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere (see Fig. 3.1H ). In the cisterna magna, the inferomedial aspect of the cerebellar hemisphere, the cerebellar tonsil, and the lower medulla coexist. The obex (inferior angle of the fourth ventricle) is also viewed on arachnoidal dissection and points toward the fourth ventricle in the foramen of Magendie. Opening the cisterna magna also exposes the vertebral artery. The vertebral artery transitions from its third segment (V3, over the posterior arch of the atlas) to its intradural segment around the inferomedial aspect of the occipital condyle. At this point, it is anchored to the craniocervical junction by the denticulate ligament.

After the vertebral artery becomes intradural, it travels through the cerebellomedullary and premedullary cisterns in an anteromedial trajectory toward the clivus, where it joins the contralateral vertebral artery to form the vertebrobasilar junction. In the majority of individuals, the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) takes off from the vertebral artery at the premedullary cistern close to the inferior olive (anterior medullary segment). After a short course, the PICA crosses the rootlets of the vagus and accessory nerves (CNs X and XI) toward the cerebellomedullary cistern below the cerebellar hemisphere (lateral medullary segment). It then turns medially and upward around the cerebellar tonsil (tonsillomedullary segment). Following this, the PICA runs between the cerebellum and the posterior wall of the fourth ventricle (telovelomedullary segment), away from the surgical exposure obtained with the far lateral approach. It finally turns superficial (cortical segment) to feed the posterior aspect of the cerebellar hemisphere. Another critical branch of the vertebral artery is the posterior spinal artery. The neurosurgeon dissecting the arachnoid space in the cisterna magna should identify this artery early and protect it.

The accessory nerve comes into view at the lateral aspect of the cisterna magna. The accessory nerve has a long cisternal segment, which receives rootlets from both the upper spine and the lower aspect of the posterolateral sulcus in the medulla. It has a superolateral trajectory from its spinal origin toward the jugular foramen. At the jugular foramen, the accessory nerve joins the vagus nerve, which has a straight pathway from its origin at the posterolateral sulcus of the medulla. The accessory and vagus nerves form the vagoaccessory triangle, the main surgical corridor to access the ventromedial compartment of the posterior fossa (see Fig. 3.1H , yellow triangle ). The superior aspect of the vagoaccessory triangle is formed by the vagus and medullary rootlets of the accessory nerve; it is limited laterally by the body of the accessory nerve and medially by the medulla oblongata. The vagoaccessory triangle is further divided by the hypoglossal nerve into supra-hypoglossal and infra-hypoglossal windows (see Fig. 3.1H , green line ). As it transitions to the intracranial space, the accessory nerve is intimately related to the denticulate ligament and the vertebral artery. The relationship between the accessory nerve and the denticulate ligament is surgically relevant. At the spine, the denticulate ligament is anterior to the rootlets of the accessory nerve. However, as these structures ascend, they cross each other as the denticulate ligament anchors to the dural cuff of the vertebral artery, and the accessory nerve runs in an anterosuperior trajectory toward the posterior aspect of the jugular foramen (in the neural compartment). Therefore, any mobilization or manipulation of the denticulate ligament (e.g., transposition of the vertebral artery) should be done with continuous visual contact with the accessory nerve. The vertebral artery, after piercing the dura and passing the denticulate ligament, runs anterior to the accessory nerve. This leaves an unobstructed space between the accessory nerve and the lateral aspect of the medulla that is of surgical relevance. The suboccipital craniotomy also provides direct access to the inferior vermian and hemispheric veins draining the ipsilateral cerebellum to the torcula and the transverse and tentorial sinuses.

The transcondylar craniectomy allows access to the cisternal, canalicular, and cervical segments of the hypoglossal nerve. In addition, this extra window allows for an increased angle of attack and surgical exposure of both the intradural portion of the vertebral artery and the inferior half of the cerebellomedullary and premedullary cisterns. The exposure of the cerebellomedullary cistern allows for manipulation of the medullary rootlets of CN IX to XII, the lateral aspect of the medulla, and the lateral medullary segment of the PICA. The transcondylar variant of the far lateral approach maximizes the infra-hypoglossal window of the vagoaccessory triangle.

As the craniectomy is progressed through the jugular tubercle via a supracondylar extension, access to the superior aspect of the premedullary and cerebellomedullary cisterns increases. These cisterns can be widely accessed after a combined transcondylar and supracondylar craniectomy. The supracondylar approach provides the optimal bone opening for maximal access through the vagoaccessory triangle. Working through its supra- and infra-hypoglossal windows, the vertebral artery, vertebrobasilar junction, and lower basilar artery may be accessed. If the drilling of the jugular tubercle is continued anteriorly, the petroclival junction and medial aspect of the clivus can be accessed. The number and magnitude of the neurovascular structures and lesions accessible through the far lateral approach are highly dependent on the angulation of the microscope and the positioning of the retraction blades. If the jugular tubercle is removed and retraction is applied at the midportion of the cerebellar hemisphere, the hypoglossal canal, jugular foramen, internal acoustic meatus, and inferior surface of the tentorium may be accessible. This brings a broad spectrum of both anatomic landmarks and surgical lesions that can be explored from a single approach. If the microscope is angled toward the petrous bone, the distal anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA), the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves (CNs VII and VIII), the foramen of Lushka, and the trigeminal nerve may be explored. The three working corridors from this perspective are (1) the space formed between the vestibulocochlear and glossopharyngeal nerves (CNs VIII and IX), (2) the space between the trigeminal nerve and the facial-vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VII–CN VIII) bundle, and (3) the space between the trigeminal nerve and the tentorium. However, if the microscope is angled toward the brainstem, access to the pons in the cerebellopontine cistern, the lateral aspect of the pontomedullary sulcus, and the medulla in the premedullary and cerebellomedullary cisterns may be possible.

When used during a far lateral approach, the endoscope allows further exploration of the ventromedial compartment of the posterior fossa. The main advantage of the endoscope, used in combination with the microscope, is that the point of view and light can be brought beyond the limits of microsurgery. This is especially relevant when angled scopes are used. A 30-degree endoscope passed through the vagoaccessory triangle allows exploration of the medial portion of the medulla and the abducens nerve (CN VI) at the pontomedullary sulcus medially and the floor and medial aspect of the jugular foramen laterally. In addition, if the angled endoscope is advanced through the space between the vestibulocochlear and glossopharyngeal nerves, the origin of the trigeminal nerve, the prepontine cistern, the proximal segment of the AICA, and the cisternal segment of the abducens nerve can be explored medially and the internal acoustic meatus can be completely explored in the cerebellopontine angle laterally. However, the expanded view provided by the endoscope carries significant surgical limitations; the instrumentation is limited, the corridors are lengthy, and there is no visual control over the external surface of the endoscope, potentially making it difficult to be aware of retraction damage caused by the rod of the endoscope.

The Retrosigmoid Approach

Surgical Targets

The retrosigmoid approach is a variation of the suboccipital craniotomy that is designed to provide optimal access to the cerebellopontine and cerebellomedullary cisterns and the posterior aspect of the cerebellopontine angle ( Fig. 3.2A ). The retrosigmoid approach uses a lateral suboccipital craniotomy combined with a partial mastoidectomy to enter the superior aspect of the posterior fossa in the dorsolateral compartment. This approach is best used to access tumors of the cerebellopontine angle, which, while having their epicenters posterior to the lower CNs, may infiltrate superiorly to the middle incisural space, laterally to the internal acoustic meatus, or medially to the lateral aspect of the pons or into the cerebellar hemisphere. This approach also provides an exposure to aneurysms of the AICA, the proximal segment of the PICA, the basilar trunk, and vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve. When planning the surgical strategy for a particular case, the retrosigmoid approach may be weighed against the far lateral, the endoscopic endonasal, and the transmastoid approaches.

Figure 3.2, Bone anatomy and surgical landmarks relevant to the retrosigmoid approach.

A useful rule to maximize extent of resection while staying in the safe zone is to design the surgical strategy around the concept of “not crossing the nerves.” Consequently, the neurosurgeon should consider all the surgical approaches that may be used for a particular lesion and their potential combinations (360-degree approach to the lesion).

Bone Anatomy

The bone anatomy relevant to the retrosigmoid approach belongs to the squamous part of the occipital bone and the mastoid and petrous parts of the temporal bone. The inion (external occipital protuberance) is a prominent landmark that may be easily identified by palpating the occiput and may be used to infer the position of the transverse sinus and the tentorium. The transverse sinus generally runs just above the superior nuchal line (which extends laterally from the inion), in the endocranial surface of the squamous part of the occipital bone.

Although the retrosigmoid craniotomy uses a bone window primarily based at the occipital bone, there are several features of the temporal bone that are critical to safety and efficiency. The temporal line is the posterior projection of the axis of the zygomatic process (and also the zygomatic arc) to the squamous and mastoid parts. The temporal line may be used to infer both the floor of the middle fossa (tegmen of the temporal bone) and the inferior limit of the temporal muscle.

In the mastoid part of the temporal bone, there are two structures relevant to the retrosigmoid approach: the digastric groove and the mastoid emissary foramen. The digastric groove is an osseous depression carved by the posterior belly of the digastric muscle. It starts as a bone groove in the posterior aspect of the mastoid process and becomes a deep furrow as it progresses anteriorly, medial to the mastoid tip, toward the stylomastoid foramen. Therefore, the digastric groove may be used to infer the extracranial segment of the facial nerve if the approach requires inferior and anterior exposure (e.g., to the jugular bulb). In addition, the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and its groove may be used to infer the position of the vertical segment of the sigmoid sinus (see Fig. 3.2B ). In many cases, the posterior aspect of the mastoid process presents an opening: the mastoid emissary foramen. When present, the mastoid emissary foramen is located 3.5 cm posterior to the center of the external acoustic meatus and 1.5 cm inferior to the temporal line. The mastoid emissary foramen is used by the mastoid emissary vein, which drains to the sigmoid sinus. Early identification of this emissary vein is critical because it may cause substantial bleeding (and be a source for air embolism) during the retrosigmoid craniectomy in some patients.

In the lateral view of the skull, the occipital bone attaches to the mastoid process through the occipitomastoid suture, and to the parietal bone through the lambdoid suture. In the same view, the temporal bone attaches to the parietal bone through the squamous suture (between the squamous part of the temporal bone and the parietal bone) and the parietomastoid suture (between the mastoid process and the parietal bone). The lambdoid, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures merge together to form the asterion. The asterion is located an average of 4.5 cm posterior to the external acoustic meatus and 1 cm below the temporal line. An easy rule to infer the location of the asterion during the skin incision is to project a line between the temporal line and the inion and intersect it with a line along the posterior edge of the mastoid process (see Fig. 3.2B , purple lines ). When identified surgically, the asterion may be used to infer the posterior edge of the angle formed by the transverse and sigmoid sinuses. The asterion is also used to start the lateral suboccipital craniotomy. The occipitomastoid suture is typically used as the anterior boundary of the retrosigmoid craniotomy because it may be close to the posterior edge of the sigmoid sinus in many patients.

Understanding the surface of the petrous bone that forms the lateral wall of the posterior fossa (see Fig. 3.2C–D ) is essential to safely access the internal acoustic meatus during the intradural phase of a retrosigmoid approach (e.g., resection of the canalicular portion of a vestibular schwannoma). The sigmoid sulcus is an osseous depression carved by the sigmoid sinus, which runs approximately 5 to 15 mm anterior to the occipitomastoid suture. Anterior to the sigmoid sulcus, in the petrous bone, there is a narrow osseous depression impressed by the endolymphatic sac (see Fig. 3.2D ). The endolymphatic sac is connected to the vestibular system via the vestibular aqueduct. In some individuals, the vestibular aqueduct may be larger than normal, which could be asymptomatic or a feature of Pendred syndrome. The medial border of the endolymphatic sac may be used to infer the position of the common crus. In addition, the osseous protuberance on the roof of the vestibular aqueduct may be used to set the surgical trajectory to the internal acoustic meatus, because it lines up with the meatus when viewed under the microscope through the retrosigmoid approach. The internal acoustic meatus, located at the middle third of the petrous bone in its posterior fossa surface, is divided into a superior and an inferior space by the transverse crest (see Fig. 3.2C , lower left ). The inferior space is used by the cochlear (anterior) and inferior vestibular (posterior) nerves. The superior division of the internal acoustic meatus is further divided by the vertical crest (also known as the Bill bar) into an anterior compartment, which contains the facial nerve, and a posterior compartment, which is used by the superior vestibular nerve. Between the internal acoustic meatus and the tentorium is the suprameatal tubercle, an osseous protuberance that may be drilled away during the retrosigmoid approach.

Posterior to the internal acoustic meatus and anterior to the vestibular aqueduct are the subarcuate fossa and foramen. The subarcuate foramen is located at the same coronal plane as the arcuate eminence (protuberance of the superior semicircular canal at the tegmen of the temporal bone) (see Fig. 3.2C ). The subarcuate artery, which enters the foramen for which it is named, runs through the center of the superior semicircular canal in the petrous bone. This artery, which nourishes the petrous bone and part of the semicircular canals, can be sacrificed during the retrosigmoid approach. The subarcuate artery is a distal branch of the AICA, which is the main artery encountered during the intradural phase of the retrosigmoid approach.

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