Skull Base Tumors: Evaluation and Microsurgery

Clinical Pearls

  • As a general principle, a skull base approach should provide optimal exposure of the lesion in question without retraction or other injury to normal neurologic structures.

  • Planning an operation for individual skull base tumors involves identifying the anatomic zones that require exposure as well as understanding the limits of individual approaches. The ideal approach for each case thus varies from a minimal keyhole or endoscopic endonasal approach to a combination of multiple open skull base approaches.

  • Closure and reconstruction techniques are an important part of the preoperative plan, particularly in reoperation cases or in anticipation of adjuvant radiotherapy.


Skull base surgery is a challenging subspecialty in no small part due to the concentrated anatomy composed of cranial nerves, major cerebral arteries, venous sinuses, and the brainstem. Furthermore, the tumors affecting the skull base and the approaches used to remove them can involve adjacent anatomic zones, including the orbits, paranasal sinuses, craniocervical junction, and head and neck. A skull base neurosurgeon must master an extensive surgical anatomy and be comfortable with a repertoire of intricate surgical approaches using both open and endoscopic techniques and not infrequently with multidisciplinary collaboration. Fellowship-level training from experts in skull base surgery and clocked hours practicing these approaches in a cadaver lab are also important in acquiring competency. This chapter is an overview of the open skull base approaches commonly used for anterior, middle, and posterior fossa lesions ( Table 47.1 ); endoscopic approaches, which overlap considerably with some open approaches in their anatomic zones of access, are discussed in the following chapter. This chapter summarizes key cranial base approaches and certainly does not replace several extensive references on both the anatomy and surgery of the skull base.

TABLE 47.1
One Classification of Open Skull Base Approaches
Anterior Approaches
  • Extended transbasal approach

  • Transmaxillary and extended transmaxillary approach

  • Transoral

Anterolateral Approaches
  • Frontotemporal orbitozygomatic

  • Subtemporal transzygomatic with petrous apex resection

  • Preauricular subtemporal-infratemporal

Lateral and Posterolateral Approaches
  • Presigmoid petrosal

  • Extreme lateral transcondylar

A general principle of skull base surgery is to maximally expose complex lesions at the base of the skull in order to minimize retraction injury to normal neurologic structures. Although the approaches described here are outlined completely, in practice individual cases will vary considerably in terms of extent of involvement. Understanding the limits of each approach serves as the guiding principle for planning individual operations. This means that in some cases only part of a single approach need be performed, whereas in other cases more than one approach is necessary. By the same logic, the ideal trajectory may even include a “simpler” craniotomy like a keyhole approach or an extended endoscopic endonasal approach.

Closure and reconstruction techniques during skull base approaches are also important for avoidance of a postoperative CSF leak, infection, cosmetic issues, and to avoid wound-related complications, especially if adjuvant treatments like radiotherapy are anticipated postoperatively. When the patient has had previous surgery, options for reconstruction may have been lost in the original surgery, and this should be anticipated and contingency measures planned preoperatively.

Evaluation of Skull Base Tumors


In most patients, magnetic resonance imaging is performed preoperatively to determine the suspected diagnosis, extent of disease, and status of surrounding anatomic structures. CT with bone windows is often useful for visualizing the extent of bony skull base involvement by tumor. Major arterial involvement may necessitate diagnostic cerebral angiography with possible test occlusion. For internal carotid artery (ICA) involvement, the contralateral ICA is injected, as are the vertebral arteries, to assess collateral supply. For venous sinus involvement, the pattern of venous drainage and patency of venous structures need to be determined, including any collateralization. The presence of nearby draining veins (eg, a vein of Trolard adjacent to a parasagittal meningioma) should be carefully evaluated and must be preserved during the tumor resection. If there is arterial involvement with poor collateral or a failed occlusion test, preoperative evaluation of donor vessels for possible bypass needs to be performed. Finally, preoperative angiography can be performed to embolize feeding vessels, particularly those that are not amenable to early interruption during the surgical approach.

Selection of Approach

Several factors are considered when selecting the ideal skull base approach. The tumor type and origin must be considered. In the case of meningiomas, most tend to be low grade (ie, World Health Organization [WHO] grade I) and restrict themselves to within the anatomic limits of a single approach. For skull base meningiomas, the “goal” of the approach is to turn it into a convexity meningioma, meaning in ideal circumstances a circumferential exposure of the tumor and affected dura, with the ability to interrupt the tumor blood supply early in the case and proceed with early debulking, without the need to manipulate the brain and cranial nerves. Some meningiomas span multiple anatomic compartments along the skull base, either with gross tumor or with dural or bony disease. Examples include spheno-orbito-cavernous meningiomas or petroclival meningiomas with middle and posterior cranial fossa disease. In these cases, maximal access is achieved by extending the skull base approach or using more than one approach in combination.

Other tumors, particularly malignant sinonasal tumors or locally aggressive bony tumors such as chordomas, often violate anatomic boundaries and affect the bony skull base, dura, paranasal sinuses, and intradural space. This in addition to achieving tumor-free surgical margins will influence the type of surgical approach. One is more likely to require multiple approaches in these instances. Examples include combining a transcranial with a transnasal approach (open or endoscopic) for sinonasal malignancies traversing from the nasal cavity across the cribriform plates and dura into the brain, or chordomas with significant lateral extension requiring a combination of midline and lateral skull base approaches. The need for adequate reconstruction to avoid postoperative CSF leaks and other wound-related complications must be addressed—for example, harvesting a pericranial flap for reconstruction of anterior cranial fossa dural defects following tumor resection. This is particularly important in the setting of malignancy, as most likely the patient will be undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy in the weeks following surgery.

Anesthesia and Intraoperative Monitoring

For cranial base operations, the neuroanesthesiologist maintains blood pressure and oxygenation within normal limits. Arterial line, central venous catheter, and, in some cases, jugular bulb oximetry are utilized. Brain relaxation is achieved with modest hyperventilation, diuretics, and, in some cases, lumbar CSF drainage or ventriculostomy. For prolonged skull base tumor operations, infusions of tranexamic or aminocaproic acid can be run to promote hemostasis.

The indication for and types of intraoperative monitoring (IOM) implemented will depend on what is at risk with the tumor resection. If IOM is being used, intravenous or volatile anesthesia is usually required, with avoidance of neuromuscular blockers at the phases of the operation when IOM is required. In most cases, transcranial cortically evoked motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and somatosensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs) provide information regarding the integrity of the long tracts during the procedure. If needed, electrodes can be placed in the target muscles of cranial nerves III, VI (typically by the surgeon under the periorbita adjacent to the superior and lateral rectus muscles, respectively), V, VII, IX, X (using either electrodes or specialized endotracheal tube), XI, and XII for intraoperative mapping using a nerve stimulator. For the facial nerve, transcranial electrical stimulation can provide facial nerve cortically evoked motor action potentials and provide additional data regarding functional continuity throughout the operation. Auditory-evoked potentials can be recorded when hearing is at risk—for example, during acoustic neuroma surgery or during approaches requiring temporal bone drilling. These techniques include brainstem auditory-evoked potentials, cochlear nerve action potentials, and electrocochleography.

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