Prehospital fluid resuscitation: What type, how much, and controversies


Fluid resuscitation is a vital treatment in the care of hypotensive trauma patients suffering from shock. Restoration of effective circulating blood volume improves oxygen delivery, thereby diminishing the untoward effects of shock at the cellular and organ level. The logistics of prehospital care, however, make this challenging. Consideration must be given to variables such as vascular access and the value of the resuscitation fluid. Debate persists concerning the type, amount, and the timing of fluid repletion to malperfused patients. The purpose of this chapter is to provide insight regarding the prehospital fluid resuscitation of those individuals.


Trauma is the leading cause of civilian death in Americans aged less than 45 years and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States for all ages; hemorrhagic shock is the primary physiologic defect leading to death. But injured patients also suffer from other pathophysiology resulting in malperfusion. Namely, obstructive shock in the form of cardiac tamponade and tension pneumothorax and neurogenic shock resulting from spinal cord injury. Importantly, all of these shock states stand to benefit on some level from increased cardiac preload that might result from expansion of the effective circulating volume. Hypovolemia develops not only from blood loss but also diffuse capillary-endothelial leak, shifting fluids from the intravascular to the interstitial space. This loss of circulating blood volume, and the attendant hypoperfusion, potentially lead to multiple organ dysfunction, failure, and death.

The mainstay of resuscitation teaching was the initiation of a 2-L crystalloid fluid bolus to hypotensive injured patients en route to definitive trauma care. This paradigm, however, was called into question by research conducted by Bickell et al demonstrating decreased mortality among patients who received a more restrictive crystalloid resuscitation regimen. Currently, a majority of U.S. states use a systolic blood pressure greater than or equal to 90 as the volume resuscitation goal, with nine states in particular capping the maximum dose at 2 L without additional medical command. Several studies have attempted to quantify typical prehospital fluid volumes with mixed results. Most data suggest that the average prehospital intravenous fluid resuscitation ranges from 500 to 750 mL, but this can vary widely based on geography and mode of prehospital transport.

Diagnosis and management

Overwhelmingly, the prehospital care provided to injured patients is modeled on the Prehospital Trauma Life Support course, which focuses on prompt identification and treatment of life-threatening problems. While traditional teaching draws attention to circulation (inclusive of bleeding and repletion of lost blood volume) after the assessment of the patient’s airway and breathing, hence the traditional “ABC,” more recent practices have prioritized cessation of massive bleeding prior to addressing issues with the airway and breathing. This is paramount because the sequelae of sedation, paralysis, and the initiation of positive pressure ventilation (in the setting of hemorrhagic shock) is decreased central venous pressure and cardiac output. This can result in cardiovascular collapse and death. In that regard, fluid resuscitation must be addressed early in the course of the assessment to preempt the complications of hypovolemia.

Classes of hemorrhagic shock

Shock is defined as the presence of inadequate organ perfusion and tissue oxygenation, and hemorrhage is the most common cause of shock in the injured patient. If cellular oxygen delivery is inadequate, anaerobic metabolism occurs, leading to lactic acidosis. If this process continues, cellular membranes lose their integrity, leading to cellular swelling, progressive cellular damage, and ultimately cellular death.

Specific hemodynamic, respiratory, central nervous system, urinary, and integumentary changes occur given the degree of shock ( Table 1 ). Whereas class I hemorrhage is associated with minimal clinical symptoms and requires little, if any, volume replacement, class IV hemorrhage is immediately life-threatening, necessitates blood transfusion, and usually calls for surgical intervention to halt ongoing bleeding.

Classification of Hemorrhagic Shock
Modified from Advanced Trauma Life Support Guidelines.
Parameter Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Blood loss (%) <15 15–30 30–40 >40
Blood loss (mL) <750 750–1500 1500–2000 2000
Systolic blood pressure Unchanged Normal Reduced Very low
Diastolic blood pressure Unchanged Raised Reduced Very low
Pulse <100 >100 >120 >140

Hemorrhage control

In recent decades, the importance of early bleeding control has become a priority of prehospital resuscitation. The American College of Surgeons’ Stop the Bleed Campaign and its complimentary Bleeding Control Course exemplify this effort. Hemorrhage should be addressed immediately with direct pressure and packing if needed. Traditional tourniquets can be used for extremity trauma, and some prehospital providers might even be equipped with more advanced junctional tourniquets as well. Although there are reports of prehospital endovascular hemorrhage control, data truly testing its safety and efficacy have not yet been collected. As the technology evolves, however, it is conceivable that this might become a useful tool in the hands of trained personnel.


The basic management principles to follow in hemorrhagic shock are to stop the bleeding and replace the volume loss. Supplemental oxygen is supplied while external bleeding is controlled. Two large-caliber (minimum of 16 G) peripheral IV catheters are inserted, preferably in the antecubital veins. A retrospective study showed that the placement of a second IV line resulted in no clinical improvement, even in hypotensive patients. Another option for access is the intraosseous (IO) catheter, which can be placed in a variety of locations. Furthermore, IO catheters can be quickly established, making them an appealing tool for patients in extremis. Resuscitative fluids, medications, and even IV contrast material can all be administered via the IO catheter. Resuscitation access should not delay transport of the patient to the trauma center.

Resuscitation fluids

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