Postoperative Spinal Disorders—Cervical

Summary of Key Points

  • The cervical spine is the most mobile region of the spine, leading to a propensity for instability in the setting of pathologies or iatrogenic destabilization during corrective surgeries.

  • Disruption of key structures, including ligaments, vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, muscles, and bones, during spine surgery can result in significant biomechanical instability if measures are not taken to stabilize the spine afterwards.

  • Both anterior and posterior cervical fusions can result in pseudoarthrosis––or nonunion––requiring reoperation.

  • Adjacent segment disease, defined as symptomatic degenerative joint disease at spinal levels abutting a prior spinal fusion, results from either the natural progression of spondylosis or increased forces placed on these abutting levels.

  • Lowering the risk of these long-term postoperative complications in cervical spine surgery can be accomplished by ensuring proper operative techniques are used and patient characteristics are taken into account before operating on the cervical spine.

The cervical spine is the most mobile region of the spine, which can result in instability when pathologies occur. Another cause of instability is iatrogenic destabilization of the spine following previous spine surgery. Although spine surgeons attempt to minimize violation of stabilizing structures during operations, the complex pathologies involving the cervical spine often necessitate destruction or resection of the ligaments, muscles, laminae, facet joints, and vertebral bodies to fully address the underlying pathology. However, understanding the sequelae of these complex cervical spine destabilizations requires an understanding of their unique risk factors, as well as alignment of the spine and spinal biomechanics. The purpose of this chapter is to review the pathophysiology of postoperative spinal disorders, including instability and deformity.


In this chapter, we will explore the biomechanical and surgical factors that lead to iatrogenic destabilization of the cervical spine, along with providing a detailed understanding and discussion of risk factors for specific postoperative disorders that can occur following these operations. The spine is often divided into three columns for biomechanical discussion, with the anterior column consisting of the anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL) and anterior half of the vertebral body and annulus fibrosus, the middle column consisting of the posterior half of the vertebral body and annulus fibrosus and posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), and the posterior column consisting of the facet joints, laminae, and ligaments dorsal to the spinal cord. Denis first reported this classification, hypothesizing that significant instability could result from disruption of at least two of these columns and noting that the middle column was the most important contributor to stability. , Although the Denis classification is the simplest classification system for describing spinal instability, its practical utilization has been questioned, and many other classification systems have been proposed. Although bony disruption can be seen readily on radiographs and computed tomography (CT) scans, ligamentous disruption is most readily assessed via magnetic resonance imaging. Therefore, surgeons should take a broad diagnostic approach to ascertaining the specific cause of cervical spine iatrogenic instability.

Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery

Anterior Surgery Biomechanics

Anterior spinal surgery can directly disrupt the ALL, PLL, annulus fibrosus, and vertebral bodies. The ALL is stronger than the PLL and contributes to the prevention of overextension injuries to the spine; thus, disrupting this key tension-holding ligament can lead to significant instability with forces extending the spine. Furthermore, during anterior corpectomy for dural sac decompression both the ALL and PLL may be disrupted, and further instability can ensue from the accompanying vertebral body resection. Benzel devised a system that divides the vertebral body into 27 equally-sized cubes to describe the potential for instability after surgery ( Fig. 56.1A and B ). Because the strongest forces on the spine occur during flexion, and the anterior cubes are furthest from the axis of rotation, resection of the vertically-oriented anterior set of cubes will lead to more instability than corresponding resection of the middle or posterior set of cubes (see Fig. 56.1C–F ). Similarly, destruction of the horizontally-oriented middle set of cubes will lead to more instability than either the top or bottom sets, with possible ensuing vertebral body collapse into the vacated space (see Fig. 56.1G–H ). To stabilize the spine following corpectomy or significant decompression through annulus fibrosus removal, interbody cages and struts, respectively, can be used to properly stabilize the spinal column. Oblique cervical corpectomy can also provide spinal canal decompression without complete destabilization of the spine ( Fig. 56.2 ).

Fig. 56.1, A, Vertebral body seen, for theoretical purposes, as a cube composed of 27 equal, small cubes, oblique view. B, Lateral view. C, Resection of the components of the cubic vertebral body. Partial vertebrectomy involving removal of the ventral component in the coronal plane of the vertebral body affects stability more than resection of the middle ( D ) or dorsal portion ( E ) in the coronal plane. Resection of both the middle and the dorsal third of the vertebral body (in the presence of an intact posterior column and an intact ventral third of the vertebral body) may not significantly disrupt spinal integrity ( F ). Resection (or disruption) of the middle axial (horizontal) third of the vertebral body in its sagittal dimension ( G ), as may occur after trauma. Resection of the middle (vertical) third of the vertebral body ( H ).

Fig. 56.2, Cervical corpectomy from the anterior ( A ) and oblique ( B ) angles.

Short-Term Complications

A number of short-term complications after anterior surgery deserve brief discussion. Chiefly, whereas anterior cervical procedures are generally safe, dysphagia is a relatively common complication, with a recent systematic review reporting an overall rate of 8.5%. However, this rate is often subject to whether a defined scale is used to measure the dysphagia. Similarly, hematoma requiring reoperation is often a dangerous complication that can lead to compression of adjacent vascular structures, the trachea, and the esophagus. It has been reported to occur in 1 in 42 to 250 patients undergoing anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), with up to 37% happening after discharge. , Retropharyngeal infections are dangerous but occur rarely, with published reviews assessing a less than 2% risk across many studies.

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