Percutaneous drainage is now the accepted technique for draining abscesses in most body locations, especially since the evolution over the past 10-15 years of precise imaging localization of fluid collections, improved methods of percutaneous drainage, and improved antibiotic regimens. Initially, percutaneous abscess drainage (PAD) was reserved for those collections that were unilocular with a clear access route and without evidence of fistulous communication; now, however, it is the procedure of choice for drainage of a wide number of more complicated abscesses including multilocular collections, abscesses with fistulous communications, pancreatic abscesses, hematomas, enteric abscesses, splenic abscesses, and abscesses in difficult anatomic locations such as in the deep pelvis and subdiaphragmatic areas. Lung abscesses, mediastinal abscesses, and pleural empyemas are also amenable to percutaneous drainage.

Indeed, PAD is one of the major minimally invasive advances in patient management. When compared with surgical exploration, particularly in critically ill patients or in postoperative patients, the rapid imaging localization and percutaneous treatment of abscesses has played a major role in decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated with surgical exploration. Additionally, the role of the interventional radiologist in treating these patients is extremely gratifying, in that patients usually recover quickly as soon as the infected material has been drained.

Abdominal Fluid Collections

Patient Preparation

Any correctable abnormalities such as coagulopathies and fluid electrolyte imbalances should be corrected before abscess drainage. The patient should receive prophylactic intravenous antibiotics as determined by blood culture results. If blood cultures are negative, then an appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotic regimen such as gentamicin, ampicillin, and metronidazole (or other appropriate broad-spectrum coverage recommended by local infectious disease personnel) should be used.

Detection and Localization

Without doubt, computed tomography (CT) is the most appropriate modality for the detection and localization of intraabdominal fluid collections. Sonography may be helpful in detecting upper abdominal collections such as subdiaphragmatic collections, paracolic collections, or collections in solid viscera such as the liver and spleen. However, ultrasound suffers from its inability to penetrate gaseous interfaces. This is a particular problem in patients with intraabdominal abscesses, in that many have an associated ileus, which is particularly problematic in the postoperative patient. CT is therefore the preferred imaging modality for the identification of intraabdominal abscesses. Furthermore, because all adjacent organs can be visualized, an appropriate access route can be planned.

One of the disadvantages of CT is that loculation may be difficult to visualize, because often the septa are of the same density as the adjacent fluid and cannot be distinguished. Septation and loculation are much more easily identified by sonography. It is important also for patients to have appropriate bowel opacification with Gastrografin, when possible, because unopacified bowel may be difficult to differentiate from an abdominal abscess. Additionally, appropriate bowel opacification is necessary for planning the access route to ensure that small or large bowel is not traversed with a catheter when draining the abscess.

Neither sonography nor CT can determine whether a collection is infected or not (unless air is present). Gram stain and culture must be obtained to make this determination ( Box 18-1 ).

Box 18-1
Abscess Detection

  • Computed tomography is the preferred imaging modality

  • Appropriate bowel opacification is mandatory

  • Sonography can be useful for solid organ abscess detection

  • Sonography is best for identification of loculation

  • Imaging cannot determine whether a collection is infected or not

For pleural space collections, plain films and sonography are often sufficient to demonstrate the entire fluid collection. With multiloculated empyemas, mediastinal abscesses, and lung abscesses, CT is necessary for full delineation of the abscess cavity.


Catheter Types

The various catheters available for drainage include sump designs and nonsump designs. Sump catheters have double lumens and are particularly suited for intraabdominal abscesses. The outer lumen in the sump catheter is designed to prevent side holes from becoming blocked when the catheter is adjacent to the wall of an abscess cavity. Twelve- to 14-French sump catheters are suitable for most intraabdominal abscesses (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass.) ( Fig. 18-1 ). However, sump catheters are not really necessary. Most pigtail catheters with reasonably large side holes work well in conjunction with adequate flushing. Larger (16- to 28-French) catheters are required in specific circumstances such as for pancreatic abscesses, hematomas, or when the abscess cavity contents are extremely viscous (see Fig. 18-1 ). Nonsump catheters are used in the chest. Generally these catheters have large side holes to permit appropriate drainage. Catheters inserted in the chest also tend to be larger (16- to 30-French) because kinking occurs commonly with smaller catheters because of respiratory excursion, which compresses the catheter against adjacent ribs. There is a vogue to place smaller pigtail catheters in the chest, which the author does occasionally for simple fluid collections, but for empyemas, the author prefers to place larger catheters.

Figure 18-1, Various catheters used for abscess drainage. A, 14-French sump catheter (Boston Scientific, Natick, Mass.). B, 16-French nonsump catheter (Cook, Bloomington, Ill.). C, 24-French nonsump drainage catheter (Cook, Bloomington, Ill.). The sump catheter comes in 12- or 14-French sizes and is the predominant catheter used by the author for abdominal abscess drainage. The 16- and 24-French catheters are used for empyema drainage and for abscesses in the abdomen that need larger catheters placed.

Locking pigtail catheters (8- to 10-French) are used in specific circumstances such as when draining lymphoceles and seromas, or when draining deep pelvic abscesses transrectally or transvaginally. It is important to use locking catheters when using the transvaginal or transrectal route because any abdominal straining may dislodge a nonlocking catheter.

Image Guidance

The decision whether to drain an abscess under ultrasound or CT guidance is based largely on the location of the abscess, the size of the abscess, and operator preference. Most pleural fluid collections or empyemas can be drained under ultrasound guidance, as can hepatic abscesses, subphrenic abscesses, paracolic abscesses, and some of the larger, more central intraabdominal collections. However, from a practical point of view many abdominal abscesses are detected by CT scanning and therefore it is often easier to drain the abscess under CT guidance at the time of diagnosis. In addition, some abscesses absolutely require CT guidance, such as retroperitoneal and iliopsoas abscesses, deeply located abscesses, small abscesses, or abscesses that are not visible by ultrasound.

Diagnostic Fluid Aspiration

Diagnostic fluid aspiration is often requested to determine whether a fluid collection detected by either CT or sonography is infected or uninfected. It is important to plan the access route carefully so that bowel is not transgressed en route to the collection. This is to ensure that a potentially sterile collection is not contaminated by a diagnostic aspiration. Generally a 20-gauge needle is used for diagnostic aspiration. This can be performed under ultrasound or CT guidance, provided a safe access route is visible. Two to 3 mL of fluid are aspirated and specimens sent for Gram stain and culture. If fluid cannot be obtained with a 20-gauge needle, an 18-gauge needle is placed in tandem to the 20-gauge needle into the fluid collection. Failure to aspirate fluid through this 18-guage needle usually means that the cavity contents are very viscous. Fluid can usually be aspirated in small amounts if rapid to-and-fro motions with the 18-gauge needle are performed. Alternatively, 1-2 mL of sterile saline can be injected into the cavity and reaspirated for the purpose of Gram stain and culture.

If the sample obtained is pus, a catheter should be placed straight away. If the specimen obtained is not pus and it is unclear whether it is infected or not, either wait for the result of the Gram stain or place a catheter. Some interventional radiologists prefer to wait for the result of the Gram stain. It is the practice in the author’s unit to place a drain in the vast majority of abdominal collections, particularly if the patient is sick and has a high temperature. One can then await the result of the Gram stain and culture. If these are negative, the catheter can be removed after 48 hours ( Box 18-2 ).

Box 18-2
Diagnostic Fluid Aspiration

  • Do not transgress colon

  • 18-gauge needle if no fluid obtained with 20-gauge

  • Inject and reaspirate saline if no fluid with 18-gauge needle

  • If pus obtained, place a catheter

It is important for the interventional radiologist to be able to interpret Gram stain results because the result may directly affect decision making. A Gram stain that has abundant bacteria and white cells indicates an abscess. A stain that yields bacteria without white cells may be consistent with colonic contents. The CT scan should be reviewed to confirm that the suspected abnormality does represent an abscess and not unopacified colon and that the aspiration needle did not traverse the colon. Alternatively, bacteria without white cells may mean that the patient is immunocompromised and cannot mount a leukocyte response. It is not uncommon, with the modern use of antibiotics, that a Gram stain may show white cells without bacteria, indicating a so-called sterile abscess. These collections should, however, be drained ( Box 18-3 ).

Box 18-3
Gram Stain Interpretation

  • Abundant bacteria and white cells indicates an abscess

  • Bacteria without white cells indicates immunocompromise or needle through colon

  • White cells without bacteria indicates a sterile abscess

Drainage Procedure

It is now routine to perform the drainage procedure under either ultrasound or CT guidance at the initial time of localization of the intraabdominal fluid collection. An appropriate access route is chosen that allows a clear route to the collection without passing through adjacent structures.

There are two basic methods of draining an abscess or fluid collection: the Seldinger technique and the trocar technique.

In the Seldinger technique, an 18-gauge long-dwell sheath is placed in the cavity and a 0.038-inch guidewire is coiled within the cavity. Alternatively, a one-stick system using a 22-gauge needle and 0.018-inch guidewire can be used (Neff set, Cook, Bloomington, Ind.). The track is dilated with fascial dilators to two French sizes larger than the catheter to be placed. The catheter is then inserted over a stiff guidewire into the collection. It is important to coil the catheter within the collection so that all of the side holes are within the collection. Initially, when using the Seldinger technique the needle, long-dwell sheath, and wire were placed into the abscess cavity under CT or ultrasound guidance and then the patient was moved to fluoroscopy to complete the procedure. When experience is gained, it is possible to perform the entire procedure under CT or ultrasound guidance. However, the Seldinger technique can be a relatively blind procedure without using fluoroscopy, and for this reason the author prefers to use the trocar technique where possible.

The trocar technique ( Fig. 18-2 ) consists of placing a reference needle into the abscess cavity. A catheter with a sharp stylet is inserted alongside the localizing needle into the collection in a single stab. It is important to leave the reference needle in situ, because the catheter can be directed along the exact trajectory of the localizing needle. Adequate dissection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues with a standard surgical forceps is necessary for this procedure. A “give” is usually felt when the cavity is entered. Once the catheter is felt to be in place, the central stylet is removed and the catheter aspirated to confirm that the catheter is in the cavity. Once pus or fluid is aspirated, the catheter can be coiled in the cavity by disengaging and withdrawing the trocar and pushing the catheter forward ( Fig. 18-3 ).

Figure 18-2, The trocar technique. A, For the trocar technique, a 20- or 22-gauge reference needle (arrow) is placed into the abscess after first planning an appropriate access route. The abscess is reimaged to confirm the location of the needle within the abscess cavity and fluid is aspirated for Gram stain and culture. B, The catheter to be placed (arrow) is then trocared into the cavity alongside the reference needle. Adequate skin dissection with a sterile forceps must be performed before catheter insertion. When the abscess cavity is entered, a “give” is felt. Confirmation that the catheter is in the abscess cavity can be obtained by withdrawing the stylet and aspirating pus. C, After confirming that the catheter is in the abscess cavity, the catheter is pushed forward into the cavity while withdrawing the trocar. The reference needle is then removed. The abscess cavity is completely aspirated and irrigated with normal saline until the aspirate comes back clear. At the end of the procedure the abscess cavity is reimaged to ensure that there are no undrained areas or loculations.

Figure 18-3, Trocar technique example. A, Patient with a pancreatic abscess (large arrows) referred for percutaneous drainage. The 20-gauge reference needle (small arrow) can be seen passing through the stomach (curved arrows) and into the abscess. Pus aspirated confirmed the location of the tip of the needle in the abscess. B, A 12-Fr sump catheter (arrow) was trocared into the abscess cavity alongside the needle and the needle then removed. This image was obtained after aspiration of the cavity contents. The cavity is now collapsed. C, Further computed tomography scan 4 days later shows no residual abscess cavity. The drainage through the catheter was less than 10 mL/day and the catheter was removed.

When the catheter is secure within the cavity, the cavity contents are completely aspirated. This is best performed using a closed system with a three-way stopcock and drainage bag. In this way the cavity contents can be completely aspirated and drained into the drainage bag. When the cavity is completely aspirated, the cavity is irrigated with sterile saline until the aspirate returns clear to ensure that most of the debris and viscous contents, if present, are drained.

There are many methods for securing the catheter to the skin, ranging from simply suturing the catheter to the skin to using commercially available catheter fixation devices. The author’s unit uses the “drain-fix” device (Unomedical, Birkerod, Denmark) ( Fig. 18-4 ). A piece of tape is placed round the catheter and the tape is then sutured to the ostomy disk. This system works quite well for catheter fixation; the ostomy disk usually protects the surrounding skin if there is any pericatheter leakage. If ostomy disks are not available, the tape placed around the catheter can be sutured directly to the patient’s skin or a fixation device can be used.

Figure 18-4, Catheter fixation. The “drain-fix” (Unomedical, Birkerod, Denmark) is specifically designed to stop migration, movement, and accidental removal of the catheter. Drain-Fix contains an absorbent wound-friendly hydrocolloid and tends to work quite well in preventing catheter migration.

It is imperative to repeat imaging after evacuation of the cavity contents to ensure that the cavity is completely evacuated and that there is no loculation. If there is an undrained area, placement of a second or more catheters to completely drain the abscess cavity is required because the patient will not defervesce if pus is left behind ( Box 18-4 ).

Box 18-4
Draining an Abscess

  • Plan access route to avoid intervening organs

  • Seldinger or trocar technique used

  • Aspirate cavity and irrigate with saline until aspirate is clear

  • Repeat imaging to ensure no undrained locules


It is vitally important that the interventional radiologist be actively involved in patient management when a drainage catheter is placed. It is not acceptable to place a catheter and abdicate on the clinical responsibility of looking after the catheter and the patient’s abscess. Respect by clinical colleagues is also gained by this approach and increased referrals to the interventional radiology service usually ensues. Interventional radiologists who have inserted the catheter know the abscess type, size, consistency of the fluid content, and loculation. It is mandatory that daily ward rounds be made on each patient with an indwelling catheter. During these ward rounds, the skin site, catheter and connections, the amount of drainage, clinical well-being, changes in white cell count, and fever are assessed. With daily ward rounds and careful observation, the interventional radiologist can decide whether follow-up imaging or intervention is required, and when the catheter should be removed.

Virtually all catheters are left to gravity drainage on the ward and fluid output is recorded. It is important that the catheter be irrigated three to four times daily with 10-mL aliquots of sterile saline to prevent clogging. This is usually performed by the nursing staff, but if there is any question of catheter patency, the catheter should be irrigated by the interventional radiologist on ward rounds to ensure patency.

The endpoint of catheter drainage is dependent on a number of factors. Primarily these are clinical factors such as clinical well-being, defervescence, reduction in white cell count, and decreased catheter drainage to less than 10-15 mL/day. It is not necessary to perform follow-up imaging on simple collections, particularly when the patient is recovering. Imaging endpoints include disappearance of the collection on repeat imaging and/or a reduction in size of the cavity on a contrast abscessogram. In general, abscessograms are rarely performed unless the possibility of a fistulous communication exists. Resumption of appetite is another good clinical criterion for successful drainage. When some or all of these criteria are met, the catheter is withdrawn. Usually for simple collections that drain quickly and successfully, the catheter can be simply removed. For more complicated abscesses or those that take longer to resolve, the catheter is best withdrawn over a number of days, as with surgical drains, which is preferable to needing to redrain the abscess ( Box 18-5 ).

Box 18-5
Endpoints for Catheter Removal

  • Improvement in clinical well-being and resumption of appetite

  • Defervescence and normalization of white cell count

  • Catheter drainage (10-15 mL daily)

  • Disappearance or reduction in size of collection on repeat imaging

Specific Abscess Drainages

Enteric Abscesses

Abscesses complicating appendicitis, diverticulitis, or Crohn disease are referred to as enteric abscesses . A complicating abscess in these conditions makes immediate surgery extremely difficult and may make multistage surgery, with its associated cost and discomfort, a reality for these patients. In these circumstances, percutaneous drainage, in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy, can be used to effectively drain the abscess and resolve sepsis. Elective one-stage surgery can then be performed at an appropriate interval after resolution of sepsis.

Drainage of diverticular abscesses can often avoid two- or three-stage surgery and convert the surgical procedure to an elective one-stage operation. The three-stage operation was in use before the general availability of antibiotics. The three-stage operation consisted of initial surgical abscess drainage and colostomy, a resection of the diseased colon and reanastomosis, and lastly a revision of the colostomy. In general, surgeons resect the diseased segment and any small associated abscess (less than 5 cm in diameter) and do a primary anastomosis. PAD is used for draining the larger abscesses to permit elective one-stage surgery ( Fig. 18-5 ). Success rates between 80% and 90% have been quoted for PAD of diverticular abscesses, permitting single-stage surgery.

Figure 18-5, Patient with acute diverticulitis, high white cell count, fever, and marked tenderness in the left lower quadrant. A, Abdominal computed tomography scan shows pericolonic inflammatory stranding in the sigmoid colon consistent with acute diverticulitis and an abscess (large arrow) with a fistulous communication (small arrows) to the sigmoid colon. B, A reference needle (arrow) was placed into the abscess cavity and rescanned to document appropriate position. C, A 10-French catheter was trocared into the abscess cavity and coiled in the abscess. The catheter remained in situ for 10 days until drainage decreased to less than 10 mL/day. The small fistulous track closed spontaneously. The patient went on to have elective one-stage surgery 2 months later.

Periappendiceal abscesses result from a walled-off appendiceal perforation. Drainage of the periappendiceal abscess and appropriate antibiotic therapy usually permits elective appendicectomy in 4-6 weeks. Indeed, there is some debate in the surgical literature regarding whether interval appendicectomy is necessary. Success rates of 90%-100% have been quoted for PAD in periappendiceal abscesses.

Abscesses complicating Crohn disease occur in approximately 12%-25% of patients at some point in the disease course. Crohn abscesses are difficult to manage and PAD is useful in temporizing patients with enteric communication before definitive surgery ( Fig. 18-6 ). Alternatively, PAD can be curative if there is no enteric communication. Enterocutaneous fistulas resulting from percutaneous drainage in patients with Crohn abscesses have not been reported to date. Success rates for abscess drainage in Crohn disease range from 70% to 90%.

Figure 18-6, Patient with Crohn disease and an iliopsoas abscess with a fistulous communication to the cecum. A, Fluid collections with air (arrow) can be seen in the psoas muscle. B, Abscess also extends into the iliacus muscle (arrow) . C, Because of continuous output from the drain inserted, an abscessogram was performed, which showed clear fistulous communication (arrow) with the diseased segment of the cecum and terminal ileum. The patient improved with drainage but the fistulous communication did not heal. The patient eventually went to surgery for definitive resection of the terminal ileum and right hemicolectomy. The abscess drainage helped temporize the patient before surgery.

It is important to use CT as both the diagnostic and therapeutic guiding modality in these patients with enteric abscesses. Good bowel opacification is necessary for secure diagnosis and for planning the access route for drainage. These abscesses occur in close proximity to bowel loops, and CT is mandatory to ensure that small or large bowel is not traversed by the catheter during drainage ( Box 18-6 ).

Box 18-6
Enteric Abscess Drainage

  • Abscesses associated with Crohn disease, diverticulitis, and appendicitis fall in this group

  • Abscess drainage generally allows elective one-stage surgery

  • Computed tomography best for abscess localization and access route planning

  • Good bowel opacification is mandatory

Abscess-Fistula Complex

Fistulization to collections can occur from various structures including the pancreatic duct, bile duct, urinary system, and bowel. The most common abscess fistula complex is the enteric abscess with fistulous communication to the small or large bowel. Principles of treatment are the same for all abscesses associated with fistulas. Enteric abscesses associated with fistulous communication are discussed here representing the typical abscess-fistula complex.

The index of suspicion for fistulous communication should be high when managing enteric abscesses. Persistent high outputs (>100 mL/day) or an increase in output after 3-4 days of drainage indicates the presence of a probable fistula. This can be confirmed with an abscessogram. Fistulas are designated as high-output when drainage is greater than 200 mL/day. In these high-output abscess-fistula complexes, the communication is usually with small bowel. Management principles include draining the abscess, proximal diversion of bowel contents, and bowel rest. Abscesses associated with fistulas also take longer to heal (often 3-6 weeks for high-output fistulas), which should be communicated to the referring physician and to the patient. Proximal diversion of bowel contents can be achieved by nasogastric suction and by placing a catheter through the fistulous track into the bowel ( Figs. 18-7 and 18-8 ). The catheter placed in the fistulous track is left in situ for approximately 10-14 days to allow a mature fibrous track to form. When catheter output recedes to less than 30-40 mL/day the catheter can be slowly withdrawn. With high-output fistulas it is important to monitor and correct electrolyte and fluid losses from the small bowel to speed fistula healing. Patients with high-output fistulas are usually fed parenterally.

Figure 18-7, Abscess-fistula complex in a patient with fevers and a recent right hemicolectomy. A, Abdominal computed tomography scan shows an extraluminal collection with an air-fluid level (arrow) in the right paracolic gutter adjacent to the anastomotic site. B, A 14-French sump catheter (arrows) was placed into the abscess collection. It was noted on the day after insertion that the drainage had increased to greater than 100 mL/day and a fistulous communication was suspected. C, An abscessogram confirmed a fistulous communication (arrow) to the bowel. Because the fistulous communication was small, a catheter was not placed through the fistulous track. The fistulous track closed spontaneously after 9 days. During this time the patient had a nasogastric tube placed and was fed parenterally. The catheter was then removed.

Figure 18-8, Patient with a biliary leak after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A, Computed tomography scan showing an air collection (arrow) in the gallbladder fossa. Further air-fluid levels were noted around the liver and in the right paracolic gutter. B, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography documented a fistulous communication (arrows) between a small right-sided bile duct with the gallbladder fossa and the abscess cavity, into which a catheter had been placed. A stent was placed in the bile duct to divert bile away from the fistula. C, A total of three catheters were placed to drain all of the abscesses in the right upper quadrant. A combination of stent insertion to divert bile and the abscess drainage allowed the fistula to heal spontaneously within 14 days. The abscess drainage catheters were removed. The stent was removed 2 months later.

In patients with low-output fistulas from the colon, drainage of the associated abscess with bowel rest is often sufficient for complete healing of the fistula. As might be expected, low-output abscess-fistula complexes usually heal successfully with percutaneous drainage. High-output fistulas do less well. It is useful to clamp the abscess catheter before removing it for 2-3 days in patients with high-output fistulas. If a CT scan after 2-3 days of catheter clamping shows no evidence of recurrence, the catheter can be removed.

Other factors that influence successful drainage and fistula healing include the presence of distal obstruction, the health of the bowel at the fistula site, and the immune status of the patient. In the presence of distal obstruction, fistulas will not heal. Similarly, if the bowel at the fistula site is diseased (e.g., affected by Crohn disease or malignancy), the fistula is unlikely to heal. Additionally, if the patient is immunocompromised, fistula healing will be delayed. Quoted success rates for successful resolution of abscesses associated with fistulas vary from 66% to 82% ( Box 18-7 ).

Box 18-7
Abscess-Fistula Complex

  • Diagnosed by catheter outputs < 100 mL/day

  • High-output fistula > 200 mL/day

  • Managed by abscess drainage, proximal bowel diversion, and bowel rest

  • Fistula healing influenced by distal obstruction, integrity of bowel at fistula site, and immune status

Subphrenic Abscess

The vast majority of subphrenic abscesses are postoperative, often resulting from pancreatic, gastric, or biliary surgery. Anatomically, they are located in a difficult position with the pleural attachment often making an extrapleural access route a technical challenge. The pleura is attached at the 12th rib posteriorly, 10th rib laterally, and eighth rib anteriorly. Traditionally, these abscesses were drained using a subpleural or extrapleural approach, which involved angling an 18-gauge sheath needle or 22-gauge single-stick needle up under the rib cage and into the collection under ultrasound guidance and using fluoroscopic guidance to dilate a track over a stiff wire to place the catheter ( Fig. 18-9 ).

Figure 18-9, Patient with large left subphrenic abscess. A, An older patient presented with abdominal pain and fever and, on abdominal computed tomography examination, had a large (arrows) left subphrenic fluid collection that ultimately proved to be caused by a perforated colon. The subphrenic collection is pushing the spleen posteriorly and the collection extended down to just below the costal margin laterally. Note the patient also has gallstones. B, Plain film of the abdomen shows a sump catheter (arrows), which was inserted from a lateral approach using ultrasound guidance and trocar technique. Because the abscess collection was so large and extended below the costal margin, it was relatively straightforward to use a subcostal approach. The collection ultimately proved to be fecal material and the patient eventually proceeded to surgery for a resection of the diseased colon after the patient’s condition improved with abscess drainage.

It has become apparent that an intercostal approach can be used in selected cases without a major increase in the complication rate, and the author’s unit now uses this route for the vast majority of subphrenic abscesses. It is likely that the two pleural surfaces are firmly adhesed by the time of drainage because of the adjacent abscess, making pneumothorax or empyema unlikely with an intercostal approach. However, it is prudent when draining these abscesses intercostally to go through the lowest intercostal space possible that gives access to the abscess ( Fig. 18-10 ). Quoted success rates for PAD of subphrenic abscesses are between 80% and 90%.

Figure 18-10, Patient with a leaking enterocolic anastomosis causing bilateral subphrenic abscesses. A, Computed tomography (CT) scan in the postoperative stage shows two large subphrenic abscesses (arrows) . The subphrenic abscess on the left contains Gastrografin. These were drained using 14-French sump catheters and trocar technique. B, Topogram from a CT examination performed 5 days later to assess the adequacy of drainage shows the right subphrenic abscess catheter placed between the ninth and 10th ribs, which was the lowest intercostal space available for puncture of the subphrenic abscess. On the left side, the drainage catheter is inserted between the eighth and ninth ribs. Undoubtedly, both of these catheters are transpleural but no complications developed from using this approach. It is important to use the lowest intercostal space possible to insert the catheter in order to reduce the complication rate. C, CT scan 5 days later shows catheters in situ with good drainage of both abscess cavities. The patient eventually made an uneventful recovery without recourse to surgery.

Hepatic Abscess

Pyogenic hepatic abscess has become rare since antibiotic coverage of patients with abdominal sepsis has improved. In earlier days, most hepatic abscesses occurred secondary to bowel infections such as diverticulitis and appendicitis. Now, most hepatic abscesses are secondary to liver or biliary surgery. PAD of hepatic abscess is very successful and should be curative in more than 90% of cases. Many hepatic abscesses at presentation appear loculated with multiple septations; portions may even appear solid on imaging. However, it is worthwhile placing a catheter in all hepatic abscesses, in that almost all such abscesses respond dramatically to PAD ( Fig. 18-11 ). Access can be intercostal or subcostal depending on the location of the abscess. Some interventionalists advocate needle aspiration alone for hepatic abscesses. The author prefers to place catheters for larger abscesses and use needle aspiration for smaller abscesses.

Figure 18-11, Patient with multilocular hepatic abscess. A, Computed tomography (CT) examination shows a multiloculated abscess in patient with high temperatures. B, Using ultrasound guidance, a 14-French sump catheter was trocared into the collection and, despite the loculation present, a dramatic response was achieved. Approximately 100-200 mL of pus was aspirated initially and the catheter was left in situ for 7 days. The combination of catheter drainage and appropriate antibiotic therapy resulted in a successful abscess drainage. A repeat CT examination after 5 days of drainage shows the abscess catheter in situ with marked diminution in size of the abscess cavity.

Renal Abscess

Renal abscesses can result from the liquefaction phase of focal bacterial nephritis or they can be hematogenous in origin. The hematogenous type is cortical in location, whereas those resulting from focal bacterial nephritis are medullary. Either type can break through into the perinephric space, resulting in perinephric extension. Small intrarenal abscesses often respond to appropriate antibiotics. Larger intrarenal abscesses, perinephric abscesses, or small intrarenal abscesses not responding to antibiotics require drainage. Drainage can be performed under ultrasound or CT guidance. Locking catheters should be used if possible.

Infected urinomas are drained in a similar fashion. If there is a persistent communication with the urinary collecting system or obstructive uropathy, a percutaneous nephrostomy will be required to divert urine from the urinoma. If there is no communication, simply draining the urinoma should be sufficient.

Cure rates of 60%-94% have been reported for PAD of renal and perirenal abscesses.

Retroperitoneal Abscess

Retroperitoneal abscesses usually locate in the iliopsoas compartment and can have varied etiologies ranging from acute spinal osteomyelitis to Crohn disease or hematogenous spread. These abscesses require CT guidance for drainage because of their deep location. If the abscess involves the psoas muscle in the abdomen and the iliacus in the pelvis, it is often sufficient to place a catheter in the iliacus muscle because there is extensive communication between the iliacus and psoas muscles.

A catheter is first placed in the iliacus muscle and pus aspirated. If on the postprocedure CT scan the psoas component has also resolved, another catheter may not be necessary. If the psoas component has not fully resolved, another catheter will be necessary ( Fig. 18-12 ). This is best done under fluoroscopic guidance, using the same puncture site as that used for the catheter in the iliacus abscess. The existing catheter is removed over a guidewire and a second guidewire inserted and manipulated up into the psoas muscle. Twelve- to 14-French catheters are then placed over each guidewire, one catheter in the iliacus abscess and the second in the psoas abscess.

Figure 18-12, Patient with large iliopsoas abscess. A, Computed tomography (CT) examination just below the level of the kidney shows a large fluid collection (arrows) in or adjacent to the left psoas muscle. B, CT image of the pelvis shows the iliacus component (arrow) . A single catheter was placed but this was not sufficient to drain the abscess and the patient remained febrile. Two days later the patient returned to the radiology department and two catheters were placed. C, The existing catheter was moved over a guidewire and an 8-French feeding tube was placed over the wire into the collection. A second super-stiff 0.038-inch wire was then placed through the feeding tube. One wire was manipulated into the iliacus component of the collection and the second wire manipulated up into the psoas component. D, Two 14-French sump catheters were placed over each wire for adequate drainage. The patient settled after the second catheter was placed and the abscess drainage was ultimately successful.

Between 80% and 90% success rates have been reported for PAD of iliopsoas abscesses.

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