Pathology of Liver, Small Bowel, and Pancreas Transplantation

Liver Transplantation

Liver transplantation is performed in patients with liver failure caused by acute or chronic liver disease, selected hepatic tumors, and some metabolic diseases. Approximately 7000 liver transplants (LT) are performed annually in the United States. The graft survival rate at 5 years is greater than 70%, and the patient survival rate is even higher. The most common types of LT are cadaveric and living donor LT. Cadaveric LTs are by far the most common type performed in the United States, accounting for 95% of all LTs. Most cadaveric donor organs derive from brain-dead donors with stable cardiopulmonary function. However, a small percentage of cadaveric donor organs (4%) are procured after cessation of cardiopulmonary function. These donation after cardiac death (DCD) organs are subject to complications related to warm ischemia–induced injury and show reduced graft survival. Cadaveric LT may be performed using a whole donor liver or using a split or reduced size graft. Split grafts enable a donor organ of sufficient size be transplanted into two recipients (often an adult and a child), whereas a reduced size graft is reduced in size to match a single recipient. Living donor LTs currently account for about 5% of LT performed in the United States. Far less common are domino LTs. In this case, an explanted liver from an LT recipient who has a metabolic disease of the liver that can potentially cause severe systemic disease but does not structurally damage the liver (e.g., familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy) is transplanted into another recipient whose condition precludes a long time on the waiting list.

The term e xtended criteria denotes donor organs carrying risk factors associated with a greater risk of poor graft function than standard criteria donor organs. These organs traditionally would not have been used for transplant but are now used in selected recipients in an effort to increase the number of organs available for transplantation. There is no consensus definition of extended criteria organs, but examples include organs with severe steatosis or prolonged warm or cold ischemia times and organs from donors of advanced age, elevated liver enzymes, hepatitis C virus infection, and other factors.

Liver biopsy is a critical diagnostic tool in the care of transplant recipients. It is used in the diagnosis or exclusion of several forms of graft pathology ranging from rejection to technical (biliary, vascular) and infectious complications and is the “gold standard” test for diagnosis of rejection. Biopsy practice varies by center and with recipient factors. Liver biopsies are performed when patients exhibit laboratory abnormalities or other signs or symptoms of graft dysfunction such as fever or abdominal pain. Some centers also perform “protocol” biopsies at set time intervals in the absence of evidence of graft dysfunction.

Pretransplant Donor Evaluation

Protocols for evaluating potential donor organs vary across transplant centers. Frozen sections are commonly used to assess deceased donor organs, although in many instances, no histologic evaluation of the donor organ is performed before transplantation and other factors, such as gross impression of the organ, are used to determine suitability of the graft. Frozen sections are not routinely performed on DCD organs because doing so would prolong the cold ischemia time and increase risk of intrahepatic bile duct strictures. In some centers, preperfusion or “time-zero” biopsies are used to assess for preexisting donor organ pathology at the time of transplantation.

The histologic confirmation of greater than 30% macrovesicular steatosis has long been associated with poor early graft function. However, some studies have shown that grafts with moderate to severe steatosis can be safely in select situations ( Fig. 20.1 ). These apparently conflicting findings are likely caused at least in part by the complex nature of donor selection and differing definitions and methods of assessing steatosis. In 2022, The Banf Working Group published recommendation to standardize this assessment. Two forms of macrovesicular steatosis have since been delineated as “large droplet” (a single fat vacuole occupying greater than half of the cell and displacing the nucleus to the periphery) or “small droplet” (one or several discrete vacuoles, each occupying less than half of the cell and not displacing the nucleus). Both forms are distinguished from true microvesicular steatosis (innumerable tiny lipid vacuoles diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm and imparting a foamy appearance to the cell), which may coexist with macrovesicular steatosis but in its pure, diffuse form is uncommon in potential liver donors. There is no universal cutoff for an acceptable amount of steatosis. In most practices, the total amount of macrovesicular steatosis is assessed as the percentage of the hepatocellular component (area) of the biopsy that is involved. Care should be taken not to interpret freeze artifact in frozen liver specimens as fat vacuoles.

Figure 20.1, Frozen sections of a donor liver biopsy with steatosis.

In addition to steatosis, pretransplant donor biopsies are used to assess other factors that may affect graft function, including necrosis, inflammation, and fibrosis. These findings are particularly relevant in the assessment of extended criteria donors, who may exhibit features of hepatitis C or other forms of pathology. Mild portal inflammation or bile ductular proliferation may be seen in deceased donor organs and in isolation are not contraindications for transplantation.

Preservation or Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

Donor organs are subject to injury related to the process of organ procurement, preservation, and reimplantation that is referred to as preservation injury or ischemia - reperfusion injury (IRI). The mechanism of injury is complex, multifactorial, and attributed to warm and cold ischemic injury followed by reperfusion. Warm ischemic injury occurs in situ and causes hepatocyte damage, whereas cold ischemia occurs after the harvested organ is flushed with cold preservation solution and results in damage of sinusoidal endothelial cells and biliary epithelium. Ischemia results in anaerobic metabolism, cell swelling, and cell death. Microcirculatory damage ensues, and Kupffer cell activation drives a local inflammatory response that is magnified by tissue reperfusion and involves the formation of reactive oxygen species, production of cytokines and chemokines, and activation of the complement systems. These mechanisms further microvascular dysfunction and cellular injury. The injury is exacerbated by preexisting donor pathology (e.g., donor steatosis) and by extended warm or cold ischemia times, whereas the injury is minimal organs with short ischemia times (as in living donors). Some degree of IRI is expected in biopsies obtained in the first 1 to 2 weeks after liver transplantation, and histologic evidence of IRI can persist beyond 2 weeks in more severely injured grafts. When assessing a biopsy in the early posttransplant period, it is helpful to know if the biopsy was performed for clinical concern for rejection or other form of graft dysfunction because biopsies may be obtained during this interval in the absence of clinical concern for graft dysfunction if the patient is taken back to operating room to address bleeding, intraabdominal infection, or fluid collections.

Laboratory Findings

Ischemia-reperfusion injury is common and typically mild; laboratory findings indicative of this form of graft injury are minor or absent in most patients. Elevated serum lactate levels and persistent serum transaminases elevations in the early posttransplant period are common.

Pathologic Features

Microscopic Features

The histologic findings include predominantly zone 3 hepatocellular injury, which is manifested as perivenular hepatocyte swelling, necrosis, or dropout ( Fig. 20.2A ). This is usually accompanied by Kupffer cell hyperplasia and regenerative hepatocellular changes such as increased mitotic activity ( Fig. 20.2B ). Centrilobular perivenular cholestasis is common. Rarely, the degree of preservation or IRI is extensive with areas of confluent or even bridging hepatocyte necrosis and marked bile ductular reaction in response to parenchymal collapse. Portal areas may exhibit mild bile ductular proliferation ( Fig. 20.2C ) and portal neutrophils, and scattered clusters of neutrophils may be seen in the hepatic lobules.

Figure 20.2, A , An example of marked preservation or reperfusion injury with hepatocellular dropout in centrizonal regions as well as congestion. B , In some cases, regenerative hepatocellular changes, including mitoses and hepatocyte multinucleation, can be seen. C , Bile ductular proliferation can be prominent in a subset of cases, raising the differential diagnosis of biliary obstruction.

Differential Diagnosis

The major differential diagnosis for IRI includes biliary obstruction, antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), acute T cell–mediated rejection (ACR), and infection. In the early posttransplant period, mild neutrophilic infiltration and ductular proliferation can be seen, but these changes should not be overinterpreted as acute cholangitis. If there is concern for biliary obstruction, this possibility should be excluded clinically with imaging studies. Neutrophil collections within duct lumens and portal edema are required to diagnose acute ascending cholangitis. Neutrophils, cholestasis, ductular reaction, and hepatocyte necrosis are also features of AMR, but AMR shows microvascular changes that are not seen in IRI, and a diagnosis of AMR requires demonstration of C4d positivity and detection of serum donor-specific antibodies. IRI demonstrates less perivenular and portal inflammation than ACR, and the portal infiltrates of early ACR are distinct from those seen in preservation injury, including enlarged, activated-appearing lymphocytes along with other inflammatory cells such as eosinophils. If lobular collections of neutrophils are seen in association with hepatocyte necrosis, a careful search for viral inclusions is warranted.

Prognosis and Therapy

Most patients with mild preservation or IRI show an initial delay in normalization of liver enzymes but eventually recover without significant complications. Severe IRI often reflect preexisting donor disease or graft injury that may lead to long-term complications, including scarring and ischemic cholangiopathy.

Antibody-Mediated Rejection

Clinical Features

Antibody-mediated rejection (formerly termed “humoral” rejection) is a pattern of allograft injury mediated by preformed or de novo antidonor antibodies (“donor-specific antibodies” [DSAs]) that bind to antigens on endothelial cells, resulting in antibody-mediated endothelial cell injury and activation of the complement cascade. AMR occurs in recipients of ABO-incompatible grafts or in recipients with preformed or de novo lymphocytotoxic antibodies. Preformed antibodies are encountered in 10% to 15% of LT recipients and are most commonly found in women and patients with autoimmune diseases. De novo DSAs develop after LT in 8% to 15% of liver allograft recipients. Risk factors for de novo DSA include low immunosuppression, young age, cyclosporine use, low Model For End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score, and previous transplants. DSAs represent a key diagnostic feature of AMR, and because DSA can occur de novo in LT recipients and may not persist, serum DSA testing should be performed during the posttransplant interval and at the time of biopsy to confirm or exclude a diagnosis of AMR.

Severe, early acute AMR, or “hyperacute rejection,” is exceedingly rare, occurs within hours to a few days after transplantation, and is largely limited to recipients of ABO-incompatible grafts. Affected patients develop signs of rapid, acute graft failure within the first 2 weeks after transplantation, including a rapid rise in serum aminotransferases and severe coagulopathy with increased prothrombin times. A more common and less severe form of acute AMR (late-onset acute AMR) develops 1 to 4 weeks after transplant in patients with detectable DSA. Patients present with hyperbilirubinemia, posttransplant transaminasemia, thrombocytopenia, and low serum complement levels. Most patients also have superimposed ACR.

Some patients develop a less well-defined, smoldering, and, in some cases, subclinical form of “chronic AMR” that persists over months or even years and may be linked to persistent or de novo DSAs, late-onset ACR, chronic rejection (CR), and decreased survival. Specific clinical or biochemical features have not been identified. As with acute AMR, patients can develop mixed chronic AMR and T cell–mediated rejection.

Pathologic Features

Gross Features

In hyperacute AMR, the liver becomes enlarged with congestion, hemorrhage, and variable degrees of necrosis. Vascular thrombi may be identified.

Microscopic Features

Severe, early (“hyperacute”) acute AMR is rarely biopsied because of the severe coagulopathy that develops in affected patients. Explanted, failed allografts show widespread parenchymal necrosis with congestion and hemorrhage ( Fig. 20.3A ). Neutrophilic infiltrates may be prominent, and vascular changes, including endothelial cell hypertrophy and inflammation, fibrinoid necrosis, and thrombus formation, can be seen. Bile ducts may also show ischemic injury caused by arterial thrombus.

Figure 20.3, A , “Hyperacute” antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) demonstrating hepatocellular necrosis and hemorrhage. B , Bile duct changes in the setting of acute AMR, including bile ductular proliferation with a neutrophilic-rich infiltrate. C , Occasional AMR can show lobular involvement with hepatocellular dropout or necrosis and neutrophilic-rich infiltrates.

Early histologic evidence of acute AMR includes centrilobular hepatocyte ballooning and cholestasis, sometimes accompanied by spotty or confluent hepatocyte necrosis ( Fig. 20.3B ). Portal edema, ductular reaction, and neutrophil-rich portal infiltrates are common yet nonspecific findings ( Fig. 20.3C ). Microvascular pathology is characteristic and includes endothelial cell hypertrophy or enlargement, capillary dilation, leukocyte sludging or margination, and edema. Sinusoidal infiltration by neutrophils and neutrophil-rich endothelial inflammation or “microvasculitis” affecting portal veins, portal capillaries, and central veins may be seen. More severe cases may show disruption of the microvasculature with portal and periportal hemorrhage, lobular inflammation, and hepatocyte necrosis. Necrotizing arteritis and lymphocytic intimal inflammation can be seen but are rare findings. Focal bile duct necrosis may also be seen because of thrombosis of the peribiliary plexus. Many patients exhibit mixed features of acute AMR and ACR. Tables 20.1 to 20.3 highlight scoring system for AMR.

Table 20.1
Scoring of C4d Deposition
Score Description
1 No C4d deposition in portal microvasculature
2 Minimal (<10% of portal tracts) C4d deposition in >50% of the circumference of portal microvascular endothelia (portal veins and capillaries)
3 Diffuse (>50% portal tracts) C4d deposition in >50% of the circumference of portal microvascular endothelia (portal veins and capillaries), often with extension into inlet venules or periportal sinusoids
C4d-(immune)-score, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. (Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835).

Table 20.2
Scoring of Histopathologic Features for Diagnosis of Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Score Description
1 Portal microvascular endothelial cell enlargement (portal veins, capillaries, and inlet venules) involving a majority of portal tracts with sparse microvasculitis defined as three or four marginated and/or intraluminal monocytes, neutrophils, or eosinophils in the maximally involved capillary with generally mild dilation
2 Monocytic, eosinophilic, or neutrophilic microvasculitis or capillaritis, defined as at least 5 to 10 leukocytes marginated and/or intraluminal in the maximally involved capillary, prominent portal, and/or sinusoidal microvascular endothelial cell enlargement involving a majority of portal tracts or sinusoids, with variable but noticeable portal capillary and inlet venule dilation and variable portal edema
3 As above, with marked capillary dilation, marked microvascular inflammation (≥10 marginated and/or intraluminal leukocytes in the most severely affected vessels), at least focal microvascular disruption with fibrin deposition, and extravasation of red blood cells into the portal stroma and/or space of Disse (subsinusoidal space)
h-score (Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835).

Table 20.3
Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835.
Definite for Acute AMR (All Four Criteria Required)
1 Histologic pattern of injury consistent with acute AMR, usually including portal microvascular endothelial cell hypertrophy; portal capillary and inlet venule dilation; monocytic, eosinophilic, and neutrophilic portal microvasculitis; portal edema; ductular reaction; cholestasis is usually present but variable; edema and periportal hepatocyte necrosis are more common or prominent in ABO-incompatible allografts; variable active lymphocytic and/or necrotizing arteritis
2 Positive serum DSA
3 Diffuse (C4d score = 3) microvascular C4d deposition on frozen or formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue in ABO compatible tissues or portal stromal C4d deposition in ABO-incompatible allografts
4 Reasonable exclusion of other insults that might cause a similar pattern of injury; most patients have C4d scores: 3+ h-score = 5 or 6
Suspicious for AMR (Both Criteria Required)
1 Positive serum DSA
2 Nonzero h-score with C4d-score + h-score of 3 or 4
Indeterminate for AMR (Requires 1 + 2 and 3 or 4)
1 C4d score + h-score is ≥2
2 DSA not available, equivocal, or negative
3 C4d staining not available, equivocal, or negative
4 Coexisting insult might be contributing to the injury
AMR , Antibody-mediated rejection; DSA , donor-specific antibodies.

The histologic features of chronic AMR are less well characterized. The vascular changes of acute AMR are less evident in chronic AMR. Portal, periportal, and perivenular lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with interface activity, perivenular necroinflammatory activity, and scarring are often present ( Table 20.4 ). Portal vein collagenization, biliary strictures, nodular regenerative hyperplasia, and obliterative arteriopathy may also be seen.

Table 20.4
Criteria for Diagnosis of Chronic Active Liver Allograft Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835.
Probable Chronic Active AMR (All Four Criteria Required)
1 Histologic pattern of injury consistent with chronic AMR

  • a.

    Otherwise unexplained at least mild mononuclear portal and/or perivenular inflammation with interface and/or perivenular necroinflammatory activity

  • b.

    At least moderate portal or periportal, sinusoidal, and/or perivenular fibrosis

2 Recent (within 3 months of biopsy) circulating HLA DSA in serum samples
3 At least focal C4d-positive (>10% portal tract microvascular endothelia)
4 Reasonable exclusion of other insults that might cause a similar pattern of injury
Possible Chronic Active AMR
1 As above, but C4d staining minimal or absent
AMR , Antibody-mediated rejection; DSA , donor-specific antibodies; HLA , human leukocyte antigen.

Ancillary Studies

Complement C4d deposition is an indicator of tissue-based complement activation and can be detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence. Diffuse linear or granular microvascular endothelial cell complement C4d deposition involving greater than 50% of portal tracts in greater than 50% of the circumference of portal microvascular endothelia (portal veins and capillaries) is required to establish a diagnosis of definite acute AMR ( Fig. 20.3D ; see Tables 20.1 and 20.3 ). C4d positivity may also extend into inlet venules or periportal sinusoids. However, C4d staining is not specific for AMR. C4d staining has been described in a variety settings, including in native livers and in other forms of allograft pathology, although usually less widespread and less intense than in acute AMR. Hence, C4d staining in isolation is insufficient to establish a diagnosis of AMR. C4d staining is a feature of chronic AMR but tends to be less diffuse and intense than in acute AMR. Diagnostic criteria for chronic AMR require only focal C4d-positivity (>10% portal tract microvascular endothelia).

Differential Diagnosis

Conditions that mimic hyperacute rejection include severe ischemia or reperfusion injury and allograft ischemia. Clinical data, including risk factors for severe IRI (e.g., prolonged ischemia times or preexisting donor disease) and ABO compatibility, are helpful in distinguishing hyperacute rejection from severe IRI. In the appropriate clinical setting, the clinical history of an ABO-incompatible graft, documentation of preformed DSAs, and the vascular changes described earlier all support a diagnosis of hyperacute rejection.

Acute AMR can mimic a variety of conditions, including IRI, ACR, biliary obstruction, ischemia, and sepsis. The vascular features of acute AMR are more helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis than the cholestatic or hepatocellular changes. Clinical information (including imaging studies) is often needed to distinguish these entities, and evaluation of the biopsy for C4d deposition and patient serum for DSAs is warranted in any patient with compatible histology and no clear alternative explanation for their biopsy findings or graft dysfunction. In particular, acute AMR should be considered in patients with histologic features of biliary obstruction in whom there is no clinical evidence of biliary obstruction. In contrast to ACR in which the inflammation is lymphocyte-rich, the portal venous endothelial inflammation seen in acute AMR is more neutrophilic. That said, acute AMR frequently occurs in association with ACR; these diagnoses are not mutually exclusive.

Prognosis and Therapy

The prognosis for AMR is highly variable. Patients with DSAs are at increased risk of CR, chronic inflammation, and progressive fibrosis compared with those without. Most patients with severe, early AMR develop progressive hemorrhagic infarction and graft failure requiring retransplantation, even if the patient survives the acute episode. Late biliary or vascular complications, including ischemic cholangiopathy with biliary strictures, nodular regenerative hyperplasia, or progressive fibrosis, may develop with acute AMR.

Antibody-mediated rejection prevention is preferable to treatment, and AMR can be prevented in most patients by maintaining immunosuppression levels with tacrolimus and in recipients of ABO-incompatible grafts, total plasma exchange, rituximab, and other therapies. Other prevention strategies including avoiding sensitization by reducing blood product usage and administration of antibody-based induction therapy. Therapy for mild acute AMR typically includes immunosuppressive therapy in the form of steroids and tacrolimus, and thymoglobulin. Plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), rituximab, and other agents may be required in patients with moderate to severe acute AMR.

(Acute) T Cell–Mediated Rejection

Clinical Features

T cell–mediated rejection (Banff 2016), previously referred to as acute cellular rejection (ACR), affects around 20% to 40% of all LT recipients. The classical features of ACR described in the 1997 Banff classification are those of “early” ACR, and most often occur within the first 6 months after transplantation. Late ACR is often clinically, biologically, and histologically distinct and is most often seen after 6 months after transplantation, although there is no strict timeline delineating early versus late ACR. Patients with late ACR often have a history of inadequate immunosuppression or prior autoimmune disease.

The clinical features of ACR range from completely asymptomatic patients to those with fever or abdominal pain caused by graft swelling or tenderness. Liver enzyme abnormalities, including elevations of total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), and serum transaminases, are common in most patients. There may be leukocytosis and eosinophilia.

Pathologic Features

Microscopic Features

The classic histologic triad characteristic of ACR consists of (1) mixed but predominantly mononuclear portal inflammatory cell infiltrates, (2) bile duct inflammation or damage, and (3) subendothelial inflammation of portal veins or terminal hepatic venules (“endotheliitis”) ( Fig. 20.4A ). At least two of these features should be present to establish a diagnosis of ACR. This classic histologic picture most closely reflects the findings seen in patients with ACR occurring within the first 6 months after transplantation and is now often referred to as early ACR . The portal inflammatory infiltrates of early ACR include an admixture of enlarged (usually medium or large lymphocytes), “activated-appearing” lymphocytes, neutrophils and often eosinophils ( Fig. 20.4B ). The bile duct inflammation and damage seen in ACR include intraepithelial lymphocytes and cytologic changes that include cytoplasmic vacuolization, eosinophilia, and uneven spacing of nuclei. Subendothelial inflammation with associated endothelial cell injury and lifting of endothelial cells (“endotheliitis”) affects portal veins or terminal hepatic veins ( Fig. 20.4C ). Hepatic arterial involvement is rare. Recently, isolated “v” lesions (inflammatory, necrotizing, and/or obliterative arteriopathy) have been recognized and associated with impending ACR and/or chronic antibody-mediated rejection.

Figure 20.4, A , Acute cellular rejection (ACR, T-cell mediated rejection) is characterized by bile duct injury, endotheliitis, and the classic “rejection” type infiltrate. B , The typical infiltrate seen in ACR includes enlarged “activated” lymphocytes, numerous eosinophils, and scattered plasma cells. C , Endotheliitis is often seen, defined by rejection-type infiltrates involving a vein with associated endothelial injury such as swelling of endothelial cells and possibly lifting of the endothelial lining. D , The inflammatory infiltrate seen in late ACR is slightly different and commonly comprises smaller lymphocytes and more prominent plasma cells.

Late ACR most commonly shows similar features to early ACR, including predominantly mononuclear portal inflammation, inflammatory bile duct damage, and subendothelial inflammation. However, compared with early ACR, the inflammatory infiltrates are more homogenous and mononuclear, and there is less prominent endotheliitis and bile duct damage ( Fig. 20.4D ). Parenchymal injury in the form of low-grade interface activity, perivenular necroinflammatory activity, or patchy lobular activity is usually present.

Additional patterns of late ACR have been described under a variety of terms, including central perivenulitis, posttransplant chronic hepatitis, and plasma cell–rich rejection (also known as plasma cell hepatitis or de novo autoimmune hepatitis [AIH] ). Central perivenulitis is characterized by centrilobular perivenular inflammation with or without hepatocyte dropout, which may occur in combination with portal inflammatory infiltrates or in isolation (“isolated central perivenulitis”) ( Fig. 20.5 ). It may or may not be accompanied by portal vein or central vein endotheliitis, and this feature is not required for a diagnosis of ACR in this setting.

Figure 20.5, A , Central perivenulitis, defined as rejection type infiltrates damaging the central veins with associated endothelial injury, can be seen in isolation or associated with more typical portal-based findings. B , Delicate perivenular fibrosis highlighted on trichrome stain after recurrent episodes of acute central perivenulitis.

Posttransplant chronic hepatitis (also known as idiopathic posttransplant chronic hepatitis) shows histologic features that mimic chronic hepatitis, including mild chronic portal inflammatory infiltrates accompanied by minimal or focal interface activity. The portal infiltrates are more monotonous and the lymphocytes are less activated than those seen in typical ACR. Most cases do not show significant bile duct injury or endotheliitis. Lobular necroinflammatory activity is common and most prominent in the perivenular regions.

Plasma cell–rich rejection encompasses a histologic pattern of immune-mediated graft injury previously described as de novo AIH and posttransplant plasma cell hepatitis. It occurs in patients who lack a history of AIH. The histologic features include dense, plasma cell–rich portal and perivenular infiltrates, often with prominent interface activity and confluent necrosis, and C4d deposits can be demonstrated in the portal microvasculature. The diagnostic criteria for plasma cell–rich rejection are outlined in Table 20.5 .

Table 20.5
Diagnostic Criteria for Plasma Cell–Rich Rejection
Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835.
Criteria 1 and 3 are required for diagnosis. Criterion 2 is desirable but not strictly required for diagnosis.
1. Portal and/or perivenular plasma cell–rich (estimated >30%) infiltrates with easily recognizable periportal/interface and/or perivenular necroinflammatory activity usually involving a majority of portal tracts and/or central veins
2. Lymphocytic cholangitis
3. Original disease other than autoimmune hepatitis

Recently, a pattern of rejection with “hepatitis-like features” was described in patients who completely stop taking immunosuppressive agents. In this pattern, the lobular parenchyma shows activated lymphocytes within the sinusoids (“sinusoidal pattern”) or prominent necroinflammatory activity that is randomly distributed throughout the parenchyma ( Fig. 20.6 ). All of these findings may be seen in conjunction with portal-based ACR findings. In early stages, a lesser component of typical ACR involving the portal tracts is noted in close to 50% of cases but later in the posttransplant course that is less often seen.

Figure 20.6, Hepatitic variant of acute T cell–mediated rejection revealing lobular necroinflammatory activity, mimicking a “hepatitis pattern of injury.” In such cases, exclusion of viral infections and medication-induced injury is critical.

Grading Acute T Cell–Mediated Rejection

After a diagnosis of ACR is established, the extent of injury is graded using the Banff global assessment as mild, moderate, or severe rejection. According to the 2016 Banff schema, the term indeterminate for rejection is used for cases that have portal or perivenular inflammatory infiltrates that could represent rejection but show insufficient tissue damage to meet criteria for a diagnosis of rejection. Mild ACR denotes cases in which rejection-type infiltrates are generally mild, seen in a minority of portal triads or perivenular areas. In portal-based rejection, the infiltrates remain confined within the portal spaces. In patients with isolated perivenular infiltrates, there is no confluent necrosis or hepatocyte dropout in mild ACR. In moderate rejection, the infiltrate expands most or all of the portal triads or perivenular areas with confluent necrosis or hepatocyte dropout limited to a minority of perivenular areas ( Fig. 20.7A ). Severe ACR shows the features described for moderate ACR and exhibits spillover of the inflammatory infiltrate into periportal areas or moderate to severe perivenular inflammation that extends into the hepatic parenchyma and is associated with perivenular hepatocyte necrosis involving a majority of perivenular areas ( Fig. 20.7B ). The findings may also be semiquantitatively scored to yield a “Rejection Activity Index” ( Table 20.6 ). The Rejection Activity Index is a numerical score intended to indicate severity of ACR based on the severity of the three features of ACR: portal inflammation, bile duct inflammation or damage, and venous endotheliitis. These grading schemas should only be applied after a diagnosis of ACR is established and should not be used to establish or refute a diagnosis of ACR.

Figure 20.7, A , A case of moderate acute T cell–mediated rejection (ACR). By definition, the majority of portal tracts need to be affected by classic features of rejection. B , Severe ACR demonstrates not only involvement of the majority of portal tracts but also areas of parenchymal necrosis and often central perivenulitis.

Table 20.6
Rejection Activity Index for Grading Acute T Cell–Mediated Rejection
Adapted from Banff Working group, Am J Transplant. 2016;16:2816–2835.
Portal inflammation
  • 1.

    Mostly lymphocytic inflammation involving, but not noticeably expanding, a minority of the triads

  • 2.

    Expansion of most or all portal triads by a mixed infiltrate containing lymphocytes with occasional blasts, neutrophils, and eosinophils

  • 3.

    Marked expansion of most or all of the portal triads by a mixed infiltrate containing blasts and eosinophils with inflammatory spillover into the periportal parenchyma

Venous endotheliitis
  • 1.

    Subendothelial lymphocytic infiltration involving some but not a majority of the portal and/or hepatic venules

  • 2.

    Subendothelial infiltration involving most or all of the portal and/or hepatic venules with or without confluent hepatocyte necrosis or dropout involving a minority of perivenular regions

  • 3.

    As for 2 above, with moderate or severe perivenular inflammation that extends into the perivenular parenchyma and is associated with perivenular hepatocyte necrosis involving a majority of perivenular regions

Bile duct damage
  • 1.

    A minority of the ducts are cuffed and infiltrated by inflammatory cells and show only mild reactive changes such as increased epithelial cell nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios

  • 2.

    Most or all ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells; more than an occasional duct shows degenerative changes such as nuclear pleomorphism, disordered polarity, and cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelium

  • 3.

    Inflammation affecting the majority of the bile ducts with most ducts showing marked bile duct injury or duct necrosis

Total Of possible score of 9:

  • RAI 3–4: mild ACR

  • RAI 5–6: moderate ACR

  • RAI 7–9: severe ACR

ACR , acute T cell–mediated rejection; RAI , rejection activity index.

Differential Diagnosis

Depending on the clinical and histologic picture, ACR may need to be differentiated from IRI, AMR, infections, drug-induced liver injury (DILI), biliary and vascular complications, and recurrent disease. In many cases, the clinical history of reduced immunosuppression (through patient history or drug levels) is helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis. IRI is only a diagnostic consideration in the first few weeks after transplantation and usually lacks the prominent portal and perivenular lymphocyte-rich infiltrates seen in ACR.

Biliary obstruction can coexist with ACR and can also mimic the portal inflammatory infiltrates and bile duct injury of ACR, although biliary obstruction may exhibit more neutrophil-rich infiltrates and can be excluded with imaging studies. Neutrophil-rich infiltrates and cholestasis also raise the possibility of AMR; patients with these findings who are not found to have biliary obstruction should be investigated for AMR with serum DSA testing and C4d immunostaining. Prominent eosinophilic or neutrophilic infiltrates and the vascular features of AMR described earlier also warrant further evaluation with C4d staining and serum testing for DSAs. Of note, AMR may coexist with ACR, so establishing a diagnosis of AMR does not exclude additional T cell–mediated rejection.

Both recurrent and de novo hepatotropic viral infections and nonhepatotropic infections can mimic ACR. In early ACR, the mixed “rejection-type” portal infiltrate helps distinguish ACR from other causes of portal inflammation (e.g., chronic viral hepatitis). However, this distinction can be more difficult in late ACR in which the portal infiltrates may be more monotonous and both interface activity and lobular hepatocyte injury can be seen, and the overall histologic picture may be that of a posttransplant chronic hepatitis. Depending on the histologic picture, the findings may mimic chronic hepatitis (hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and AIH), other infections (e.g., cytomegalovirus [CMV] or Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]), or DILI. These other causes should be carefully excluded based on clinical history, laboratory testing, and special stains (CMV and EBV) before initiating heightened immunosuppression. The distinction between ACR and recurrent viral hepatitis C can be challenging but is now a less frequent diagnostic problem with the use of direct-acting antiviral therapies (see later). In the setting of chronic viral hepatitis C, at least 50% of bile ducts or central veins should demonstrate features of ACR to establish a diagnosis of ACR in a patient with chronic hepatitis C to avoid overdiagnosis of ACR and steroid therapy.

The centrilobular hepatocyte dropout and inflammation of central perivenulitis raise a differential diagnosis that includes ischemia, viral hepatitis, AIH, and drug toxicities. Ischemic tends to be less inflamed, and clinical risk factor for ischemia and Doppler studies can be helpful in evaluating the hepatic vasculature. Viral hepatitis and drug toxicities should be excluded as noted earlier. Plasma cell–rich rejection closely mimics AIH. If the patient has no history of AIH before transplantation, a diagnosis of plasma cell–rich rejection should be considered. There is no clear diagnostic distinction between plasma cell–rich rejection and recurrent AIH.

Many recurrent diseases can mimic ACR, and features of recurrent disease and ACR can coexist in the same biopsy. Knowledge of the patient’s native liver disease is critical to accurate posttransplant biopsy interpretation. Recurrent viral hepatitis and AIH have already been addressed; both are most likely to mimic late ACR because the features of early ACR are somewhat distinctive with its characteristic mixed and activated portal infiltrates. Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) can cause bile duct injury and portal inflammation, but the bile duct injury of PBC is often more histiocytic, forming vague granulomas and florid-duct lesions.

Prognosis and Therapy

All patterns of ACR respond to increased immunosuppression, but if left untreated, they may result in progressive graft injury and, in some cases, graft failure. About 10% of patients with ACR develop CR, and patients with moderate or severe ACR and repeated or untreated episodes of ACR are more likely to develop CR, which can lead to graft failure. Patients with late ACR may respond to immunosuppression less well than those with early ACR and may have a higher risk of CR, fibrosis, and graft loss. Up to 27% of adults with posttransplant chronic hepatitis develop progressive fibrosis with bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis.

In most cases of ACR, patients are first treated with adjustment to their baseline immunosuppression regimen, corticosteroids, or both. In patients who do not respond to heightened immunosuppression and initial steroid therapy, antithymocyte globulin with or without rituximab may be used.

Liver Acute Cellular Rejection—Fact Sheet


  • 20% to 40% of all liver transplant recipients, most during the first 6 months


  • No gender or race predilection

Clinical Features

  • Variable, from asymptomatic to abdominal pain or tenderness, fever

  • Elevated transaminases and/or alkaline phosphatase

Therapy and Prognosis

  • Respond to immunosuppression

  • If untreated, progressive injury leading to graft failure

  • 10% evolve to chronic rejection

Liver Acute Cellular Rejection—Pathologic Features

Gross Findings

  • Congestion to hemorrhagic changes and necrosis

Microscopic Features

  • Classic portal based acute T cell–mediated rejection: rejection-type infiltrates, endotheliitis, and bile duct injury (at least two of the three features required) (grading based on Table 20.6 )

  • Plasma cell–rich rejection (see Table 20.5 )

  • Lobular (“hepatitis-like”) rejection: lobular rejection–type infiltrates (“sinusoidal pattern”) and necroinflammatory injury

Differential Diagnosis

  • Opportunistic infections

  • Recurrent disease (e.g., hepatitis C)

  • Ischemia or reperfusion injury

  • Antibody-mediated rejection

  • Drug-induced injury

  • Biliary and/or vascular complications

Chronic (Ductopenic) Rejection

Clinical Features

Unlike ACR, CR (or ductopenic rejection) is uncommon; fewer than 1% to 2% of allografts fail because of CR. Most cases occur more than 12 months after transplant, although cases have been reported as early 3 months after transplant. CR is often related to inadequate immunosuppression and recurrent, untreated, refractory, severe, or persistent ACR. Other risk factors include active CMV infection in the recipient, long cold ischemia time, and older donors. Patients often present with persistent jaundice or persistently elevated bilirubin, elevated ALP, and elevated transaminase. Evidence of arteriopathy and ischemic bile duct injury may be evident on imaging studies as irregular narrowing of the hepatic arterial and biliary trees.

Pathologic Features

Microscopic Features

Chronic rejection is characterized by obliterative arteriopathy and bile duct injury with progressive loss of small interlobular bile ducts. The histologic features can be divided into those of “early” and “late” stages, although there is no consistent time frame over which patients progress from early to late CR. A diagnosis of early CR suggests the changes are potentially reversible and can be applied when the majority of ducts exhibit degenerative, atrophic, or senescent changes characterized by cytoplasmic eosinophilia, irregular nuclear spacing, nuclear enlargement, nuclear hyperchromasia, and epithelial attenuation ( Fig. 20.8A ). Bile duct loss affects fewer than 50% of portal tracts in early CR. Mild portal inflammation and features of ACR, including central perivenulitis and perivenular hepatocyte dropout, are often seen in early CR. These diagnoses are not mutually exclusive, and evidence of both may be present simultaneously. Other changes, including spotty hepatocyte necrosis, centrilobular cholestasis, and perivenular fibrosis, may be seen. Hepatic arteriole loss (portal tracts lacking an arteriole) may be found in occasional (<25%) portal tracts.

Figure 20.9, Hepatic artery thrombosis. A , In the acute setting, hemorrhagic changes with focal hepatocellular necrosis accompanied by regenerative hepatocellular changes and increased mitotic activity are seen. B , In severe cases, necrosis may be more prominent. C , Bile ducts can be injured, leading to bile extravasation and bilomas.

In “late” CR, bile duct loss affects a least 50% of the portal tracts in a biopsy containing at least 10 portal tracts. Bile duct counting can be facilitated by cytokeratin (CK) 7 or CK19 staining. In late CR, there are also more extensive degenerative bile duct changes, marked centrilobular hepatocellular swelling and hepatocanalicular cholestasis, and prominent perivenular hepatocyte dropout with more severe perivenular (bridging) fibrosis. Central veins may show luminal obliteration. Late CR may eventually show cirrhosis as well as parenchymal extinction.

Although only rarely identified in needle biopsies, obliterative “foam cell” arteriopathy denotes the accumulation of foamy macrophages within arterial walls, resulting in luminal narrowing and impeding arterial blood flow ( Fig. 20.8B ). Although this is a very specific feature of CR, it primarily affects medium-sized and large-caliber perihilar arteries not sampled in needle biopsies. In the appropriate clinical context, a diagnosis of CR can be rendered on a needle biopsy if any one of the following features is present: (1) biliary epithelial atrophic changes affecting a majority of the bile ducts with or without bile duct loss, (2) foam cell obliterative arteriopathy, or (3) bile duct loss affecting 50% of the portal tracts.

Differential Diagnosis

Biliary complications usually show histologic features of cholestasis and a ductular reaction; however, a ductular reaction is less common in CR and its presence favor another cause. Hepatic artery stricture and thrombosis can also cause bile duct injury and duct loss but can be excluded via imaging and vascular studies. Ischemic cholangiopathy caused by microvascular injury is difficult to exclude based on biopsy findings alone; the clinical history is helpful in identifying risk factors of ischemic injury (DCD donor, long ischemia time) versus risk factors for CR.

Given the cholestatic features, recurrent sclerosing cholangitis (primary sclerosing cholangitis [PSC]) and PBC are a common differential. The presence of arterial changes (arterial “pruning”) on imaging studies favors CR over PSC. Perivenular fibrosis is a feature of CR not seen in PSC. As seen in PBC in the native liver, recurrent PBC usually shows patchy but, in some portal areas, dense mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrates with lymphocytic or granulomatous cholangitis that is histologically distinct from the bile duct injury seen in CR.

Prognosis and Therapy

Increased immunosuppression is the mainstay therapy. A lack of response to immunosuppression ultimately leads to retransplantation or death.

Liver Chronic Ductopenic Rejection—Fact Sheet


  • 1% to 2% allografts fail because of chronic rejection (CR)


  • No race predilection

Clinical Features

  • History of prior episodes of acute T cell–mediated rejection

  • Inadequate immunosuppression

  • Persistent jaundice

  • Elevated bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and transaminases

Therapy and Prognosis

  • Increase immunosuppression

  • Ductopenia can be reversible in some cases

  • CR may lead to graft loss, need for retransplantation, or death

Chronic Ductopenic Rejection—Pathologic Features

Gross Features

  • Parenchymal scarring, sometimes with biliary type pattern, leading to cirrhosis

Microscopic Features

  • Bile duct injury or loss (≥50% portal tracts)

  • Obliterative “foam cell” arteriopathy or arteriole loss

  • Inflammatory infiltrates (typical less pronounced than in acute T cell–mediated rejection)

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