Pallor, a perceptible reduction in the usual color and tone of the skin and/or mucosa, is a highly nonspecific finding that may be a manifestation of a diversity of diseases or may be normal for a given individual. It may result from alterations of cutaneous blood flow, anemia, or unknown mechanisms. Under normal circumstances the pink appearance of the lips, mucosa, and skin is influenced by the nature and character of these tissues, the adequacy of vascular perfusion, and the level of hemoglobin. Because pallor is most often associated with anemia, parental perception of it frequently generates considerable anxiety. However, a broad diagnostic approach is most appropriate ( Table 49.1 ).

TABLE 49.1
Causes of Pallor in Children Based on Etiologic Mechanism
  • I.


  • II.

    Decreased Tendency of the Skin to Pigment

    • A.

      Physiologic (fair-skinned individuals)

    • B.

      Limited sun exposure

  • III.

    Alteration of the Consistency of the Subcutaneous Tissue

    • A.

      Edematous states, increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure (e.g., congestive heart failure), decreased intravascular oncotic pressure (hypoproteinemia), increased vascular permeability (e.g., vasculitis)

    • B.


  • IV.

    Decreased Perfusion of the Cutaneous/Mucosal Vasculature

    • A.

      Hypotension, cardiogenic shock (pump failure or rhythm disturbance), hypovolemia (blood loss, dehydration), anaphylaxis, sepsis, acute adrenal insufficiency, vasovagal syncope

    • B.

      Vasoconstriction, increased sympathetic activity (hypoglycemia, pheochromocytoma), neurologic complications (head trauma, seizures, migraine)

    • C.


  • V.

    Chronic Conditions

    • A.

      Malignant disease

    • B.


    • C.

      Chronic inflammatory disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease

    • D.

      Cardiopulmonary disease (including cystic fibrosis)

    • E.

      Diabetes mellitus

    • F.

      Congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies

    • G.

      Ocular cutaneous albinism

    • H.

      Panic attack

    • I.


    • J.

      Food protein–induced enterocolitis syndrome

From Reece RM. Manual of Emergency Pediatrics . 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992.

Anemia is the condition in which hemoglobin level (or hematocrit) is more than 2 standard deviations below the mean for age. Anemia is clinically relevant only when the low hemoglobin level results in decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. By definition, 2.5% of the general population has a hemoglobin or hematocrit level below the defined limits of normal. This fact must be kept in mind when evaluating children with mild anemia for which no explanation can be identified. Hemoglobin level varies considerably with age and sex ( Table 49.2 ). Newborns have relatively high levels of circulating hemoglobin due to intrauterine adaptation to a relatively hypoxic environment. The postnatal oxygen rich environment results in decreased erythropoietin production, and hemoglobin production markedly diminishes for the first 2 months of life until a physiologic nadir occurs. The mean hemoglobin level rises gradually during childhood equally for both males and females until puberty when boys achieve a level approximately 20% higher than that of females.

TABLE 49.2
Values (Normal Mean and Lower Limits of Normal) for Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, and MCV Determination
Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hematocrit (%) MCV (fL)
Age (yr) Mean Lower Limit Mean Lower Limit Mean Lower Limit
0.5–1.9 12.5 11.0 37 33 77 70
2–4 12.5 11.0 38 34 79 73
5–7 13.0 11.5 39 35 81 75
8–11 13.5 12.0 40 36 83 76
    • Female

13.5 12.0 41 36 85 78
    • Male

14.0 12.5 43 37 84 77
    • Female

14.0 12.0 41 36 87 79
    • Male

15.0 13.0 46 38 86 78
    • Female

14.0 12.0 42 37 90 80
    • Male

16.0 14.0 47 40 90 89
MCV, mean corpuscular volume.
From Nathan DC, Oski F. Hematology of Infancy and Childhood . 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1993.

Under normal conditions, the body’s red blood cell (RBC) mass is maintained at a level appropriate to support tissue oxygen needs through the oxygen-sensing regulatory feedback stimulus of the hormone erythropoietin. Produced in the kidney, erythropoietin stimulates the production of mature RBCs within the bone marrow. Over a 3- to 5-day period, RBC precursors mature into reticulocytes that are released into the peripheral blood. In 24–48 hours, reticulocytes become mature RBCs that circulate in the peripheral blood for approximately 120 days. Senescent RBCs are removed from the circulation by reticuloendothelial cells within the spleen, liver, and bone marrow. A metabolic by-product of hemoglobin catabolism is bilirubin. The iron from senescent RBCs is efficiently recycled for the production of new erythrocytes. Anemia occurs as the result of one or a combination of three pathophysiologic mechanisms:

  • Acute blood loss

  • Impaired bone marrow production of RBCs

  • Increased peripheral destruction of RBCs (hemolysis)


There are several important aspects of the history that can assist in the evaluation of a patient with pallor and suspected anemia. Assessment of sun exposure and familial patterns of complexion are crucial because many patients are intrinsically pale, and a child with pallor is not necessarily anemic. A careful evaluation of the medical history is fundamental in the assessment of a patient with suspected pallor ( Table 49.3 ).

TABLE 49.3
Historical Clues in Evaluation of Anemia
Variable Comments
Age Iron deficiency rare in the absence of blood loss before 6 mo in term or before doubling birthweight in preterm infants
Neonatal anemia with reticulocytosis suggests hemolysis or blood loss; with reticulocytopenia it suggests bone marrow failure or rarely severe autosomal recessive hereditary spherocytosis
Sickle cell anemia and β-thalassemia appear as fetal hemoglobin disappears (4–8 mo of age)
Nutritional iron deficiency in young children up to 4 yr of age
Iron deficiency due to menstrual blood loss in adolescent females 12 to 18 yr of age
Family history and genetic considerations X-linked: G6PD deficiency
Autosomal dominant: spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, stomatocytosis, ovalocytosis
Autosomal recessive: sickle cell, Fanconi anemia (most cases)
Family member with early age of cholecystectomy (bilirubin stones) or splenectomy: hemolysis
Ethnicity: thalassemia with Mediterranean origin; G6PD deficiency in blacks, Greeks, and Sephardic Jews
Race: β-thalassemia in Whites; α-thalassemia in Blacks and Asians; SC and SS in Blacks
Nutrition Cow’s milk diet and iron deficiency (young children)
Strict unsupplemented vegetarian and vitamin B 12 or iron deficiency
Goat’s milk and folate deficiency
Pica: plumbism (lead poisoning) and iron deficiency
Cholestasis: malabsorption and vitamin E deficiency
Drugs G6PD-susceptible agents
Immune-mediated hemolysis (e.g., penicillin)
Bone marrow suppression
Phenytoin: increases folate requirements
Diarrhea Malabsorption of vitamins B 12 and E and iron
Inflammatory bowel disease and anemia of chronic disease or blood loss with concomitant iron deficiency
Milk protein allergy colitis–induced blood loss
Intestinal resection and vitamin B 12 deficiency
Infection Giardia and iron malabsorption
Intestinal bacterial overgrowth (blind loop) and vitamin B 12 deficiency
Fish tapeworm and vitamin B 12 deficiency
Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and bone marrow suppression
Mycoplasma and hemolysis
Parvovirus and bone marrow suppression
Chronic infection
Malaria and hemolysis
Hepatitis and aplastic anemia
G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; SC, sickle cell C disease; SS, sickle cell S disease.

A neonatal history of hyperbilirubinemia supports a possible diagnosis of congenital hemolytic anemia such as hereditary spherocytosis. This can be further supported by a family history of anemia, blood transfusions, splenectomy, and/or cholecystectomy.

Obtaining a dietary history is very important when evaluating a patient for anemia. Infants delivered prematurely or exclusively breast-fed infants without adequate iron supplementation from infant foods in the second half of their first year of life are at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. Toddlers who consume large amounts of cow’s milk and children and adolescents who consume little meat are also at risk for iron-deficiency anemia. In addition, patients and breast-fed infants of mothers who follow a strict vegan diet may become deficient in vitamin B 12 .

Clinical history should also include assessment for blood loss. In adolescent females, menstrual history suggestive of abnormal uterine bleeding and/or heavy menstrual bleeding increases risk for iron deficiency. All children should be assessed for gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms that would be suggestive of occult or gross GI blood loss as well. Pulmonary hemorrhage is a rare source of blood loss in children but should be considered in a child with iron-deficiency anemia and recurrent pulmonary issues including pneumonia or wheezing.

Medication history is pertinent because certain drugs, including antimalarial agents and sulfonamide antibiotics, can induce oxidant-associated hemolysis in the patient deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), whereas other medications may cause immune hemolysis (penicillin) or decreased RBC production (chloramphenicol). Travel history may suggest exposure to infections such as malaria.

Physical Examination

The general appearance of the child can provide clues to the severity and chronicity of the problem. Severe anemia that develops slowly over weeks or months is often well tolerated. Vital signs (including orthostatic blood pressure), height, weight, and growth offer further insight into the severity and chronicity of the problem. Isolated pallor in a well-appearing child who does not have evidence of systemic disease is less ominous than pallor noted in a child who is ill appearing or who has bruising, petechiae, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, or abdominal mass. Pallor at any site increases the likelihood of anemia; pallor of the face, nail beds, tongue, palms, and palmar creases and conjunctival pallor enhance the likelihood of anemia. Conjunctival rim pallor when compared to the usually more fleshlike pallor of the deeper posterior region of the palpebral conjunctiva is highly specific in adult patients with anemia. Table 49.4 outlines physical examination findings that may provide clues to the underlying cause of anemia.

TABLE 49.4
Physical Findings in the Evaluation of Anemia
System Observation Significance
Skin Hyperpigmentation Fanconi anemia, dyskeratosis congenita
Café-au-lait spots Fanconi anemia
Vitiligo Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Partial oculocutaneous albinism Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Jaundice Hemolysis, hepatitis
Petechiae, purpura Bone marrow infiltration, autoimmune hemolysis with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, hemolytic uremic syndrome
Erythematous rash Parvovirus, Epstein-Barr virus
Butterfly rash SLE
Head Frontal bossing Thalassemia major, chronic subdural hematoma
Microcephaly Fanconi anemia
Eyes Microphthalmia Fanconi anemia
Retinopathy Hemoglobin SS, SC disease
Optic atrophy, blindness Osteopetrosis
Blocked lacrimal gland Dyskeratosis congenita
Kayser-Fleischer ring Wilson disease
Blue sclera Iron deficiency
Ears Deafness Osteopetrosis
Mouth Glossitis Vitamin B 12 deficiency; iron deficiency
Angular stomatitis Iron deficiency
Cleft lip Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
Pigmentation Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (intestinal blood loss)
Telangiectasia Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (blood loss)
Leukoplakia Dyskeratosis congenita
Chest Shield chest or widespread nipples Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
Murmur Endocarditis; prosthetic valve hemolysis
Abdomen Hepatomegaly Hemolysis, infiltrative tumor, chronic disease, hemangioma, cholecystitis
Splenomegaly Hemolysis, sickle cell disease (early), thalassemia, malaria, lymphoma Epstein-Barr virus, portal hypertension, hemophagocytic syndromes
Nephromegaly or absent kidney Fanconi anemia
Extremities Absent thumbs Fanconi anemia
Thenar eminence hypoplasia; triphalangeal thumb Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
Spoon nails Iron deficiency
Beau line (nails) Heavy metal intoxication, severe illness
Mees line (nails) Heavy metals, severe illness, sickle cell anemia
Dystrophic nails Dyskeratosis congenita
Edema Milk-induced protein-losing enteropathy with iron deficiency, renal failure
Rectal Hemorrhoids Portal hypertension
Heme-positive stool Intestinal hemorrhage
Nerves Irritable, apathy Iron deficiency
Peripheral neuropathy Deficiency of vitamins B 1 and B 12 and lead poisoning
Dementia Deficiency of vitamins B 12 and E
Ataxia, posterior column signs Deficiency of vitamins B 12 and E
Stroke Sickle cell anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, severe iron-deficiency anemia
SC, sickle cell C disease; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SS, sickle cell S disease.
Modified from Scott JP. Hematology. In: Behrman RE, Kliegman RM, eds. Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics . 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994:520.

Prominent cheekbones, dental malocclusion, and frontal bossing may occur in patients with chronic hemolytic anemias (i.e., thalassemia major) because of the expansion of bone marrow space. Tortuosity of conjunctival vessels occurs in sickle cell disease. Splenomegaly is often present in children with congenital hemolytic anemia. Lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly may indicate the presence of infiltrative disease of the bone marrow and visceral organs such as leukemia. Purpura in the anemic child is suggestive of associated thrombocytopenia that may accompany aplastic anemia or leukemia.

Many congenital anomalies and/or dysmorphic features have been associated with hematologic conditions, particularly bone marrow failure syndromes. Patients with Fanconi anemia are often short and have hyperpigmentation, hypoplastic “finger-like” thumbs, radial bone anomalies, and structural renal abnormalities. Patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia are often short and have a “curious, intellectual” facial expression.

When pallor and anemia are seen in the context of other signs that suggest chronic inflammation, infection, or systemic disease, a diligent general physical examination may yield substantive information. Hypertension and short stature may suggest chronic renal disease. Joint swelling and/or pain may suggest rheumatologic disorders. Digital clubbing may suggest advanced cyanotic cardiopulmonary diseases. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and poor growth may suggest an underlying GI disorder such as inflammatory bowel disease. Recurrent pneumonia or wheezing may suggest pulmonary hemorrhage.

New onset of pallor is suggestive of anemia. The child who has always appeared pale but is otherwise well with normal growth and development likely has an intrinsic constitutional characteristic. In such instances, the child and other family members often have light hair and skin complexion. An unremarkable general medical history and physical examination support a physiologic explanation for pallor. Some children may appear pale because of limited sun exposure as might occur during the winter in cooler climates.

Children with malignant disease or chronic illness (e.g., rheumatologic disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic cardiopulmonary disorders, diabetes) may have a pale appearance that is unrelated or out of proportion to the degree of associated anemia. Atopic children often have distinctly pale mucosa related to local edema. Children with generalized edema caused by hypoproteinemia, congestive heart failure, or vasculitis often appear pale because of excess interstitial fluid within the mucosal or cutaneous tissues. Patients with hypothyroidism are pale because of myxedematous changes in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and mucosa.

Laboratory Evaluation

The initial laboratory test in a child with pallor should be a CBC including a manual white blood cell (WBC) differential and reticulocyte count. Significant pallor from anemia usually does not occur until the hemoglobin level falls below 8 g/dL. Appropriate sample collection is important. “False anemia” (resulting from laboratory error or sampling difficulty) should be considered when laboratory findings are not consistent with clinical impressions. Capillary blood sampling can be associated with substantial error, depending on the difficulty in performing the procedure and the use of mechanical force necessary to promote blood flow. When laboratory or sampling errors are suspected, a venipuncture sample should be obtained for confirmation. By definition, 2.5% of the general population has hemoglobin levels below the lower limit of normal, which is termed “statistical anemia.” This phenomenon should be considered when mild, unexplained normocytic anemia is identified in a healthy child. Statistical anemia is a diagnosis of exclusion and therefore requires that other etiologies of normocytic anemia such as undiagnosed kidney disease, hypothyroidism, or underlying inflammation be ruled out.

Most laboratories perform CBCs with automated technology systems. Hemoglobin concentration (grams per deciliter), RBC count (cells per cubic millimeter), and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) (expressed in femtoliters [fL]) are directly measured. Hematocrit value, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and MCH concentration (MCHC) are derived values and therefore are less accurate. Other important information reported includes RBC distribution width (RDW), WBC count (cells per cubic millimeter), and platelet count. In addition to the hemoglobin values, careful attention should be given to the MCV, RDW, RBC morphology, platelet count, WBC count, and reticulocyte count.

Classification of Anemia

Reticulocyte Count

The reticulocyte count, reported as a percentage of total RBCs, is essential in categorizing anemia. An elevated reticulocyte count implies a bone marrow response to either increased RBC destruction (hemolysis) or acute or chronic blood loss. In cases of acute blood loss, bone marrow response demonstrated by reticulocytosis occurs at an average of 3–4 days. Thus, in the setting of acute blood loss, the reticulocyte count is most helpful when the bleeding and subsequent anemia have been present for more than a few days. Likewise, in patients with nutritional anemias, a reticulocyte count should be checked several days after the initiation of therapy (e.g., iron supplementation) to assess appropriate response.

Anemias are categorized on the basis of the adequacy of the reticulocyte response. The reticulocyte count is expressed as a percentage of the total number of RBCs. In the setting of a normal hemoglobin, the reticulocyte count is about 1–2%. In patients with moderate or severe anemia, the reticulocyte count may appear elevated, but in absolute terms, it may be insufficient for the degree of anemia. Therefore, the reticulocyte count must be corrected using the following formula:

Corrected reticulocyte count = reticulocyte count × hemoglobin ( normal hemoglobin for age )

If the corrected reticulocyte count is >2%, then the bone marrow is producing RBCs at an accelerated pace ( Fig. 49.1 ).

Fig. 49.1, Diagnostic approach to anemia.

Red Blood Cell Size

The MCV is vital to the classification of anemia. High MCV is termed macrocytosis, and low MCV is termed microcytosis. MCV in the normal range is termed normocytic . Normal standards for MCV are age related; a simple guideline is that the lower normal limit of MCV for children older than 6 months is 70 fL plus the patient’s age in years until the adult standard of 80–100 fL is reached (see Table 49.2 ). The MCV must always be interpreted in conjunction with a review of the peripheral blood smear, RDW, and reticulocyte count. A varied population of both smaller and larger RBCs (e.g., reticulocytes) may yield a falsely normal MCV and be diagnostically misleading. A high RDW in the setting of a normal MCV is a clue that two populations of RBCs exist. Microcytosis (low MCV) is associated with iron deficiency, thalassemia, and long-standing anemia of inflammation ( Table 49.5 ). Macrocytosis (high MCV), an unusual finding in children, is associated with vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency, bone marrow failure syndromes (e.g., Fanconi anemia, Diamond-Blackfan anemia), and some cases of hypothyroidism (see Table 49.5 ).

TABLE 49.5
Causes of High or Low Mean Corpuscular Volume
Low Mean Corpuscular Volume
  • Iron deficiency

  • Thalassemias

  • Lead toxicity

  • Anemia of chronic disease

  • Copper deficiency

  • Sideroblastic anemia

  • Hemoglobin E

  • Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis

High Mean Corpuscular Volume
  • Normal newborn

  • Elevated reticulocyte count

  • Vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency

  • Diamond-Blackfan anemia (congenital hypoplastic anemia)

  • Fanconi anemia

  • Aplastic anemia

  • Down syndrome

  • Hypothyroidism (occasionally)

  • Orotic aciduria

  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

  • Drugs (zidovudine, chemotherapy)

  • Chronic liver disease

  • Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

  • Thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia

  • Myelodysplasias

  • Dyserythropoietic anemias

An individual with small RBCs may have a normal or near-normal hemoglobin level if the RBC count is increased as occurs in patients with thalassemia minor who often have RBC counts of more than 5 × 10 6 . The MCHC reflects the level of hemoglobin per cell and would be expected to be low in patients with anemias in which RBCs are “under-hemoglobinized,” such as the hypochromic anemia of iron deficiency.

The RDW is derived from the histogram of RBC volumes. A normal RDW (11.5–14.5%) implies a uniform population of RBCs that are similar in size. In α-thalassemia trait or β-thalassemia trait, a uniform population of small cells exists; hence, the MCV is low and the RDW is normal or minimally elevated. An elevated RDW is seen in iron deficiency where the population of small cells is variably sized; hence, the MCV is low and the RDW is elevated. The RDW is often the last hematologic parameter to normalize after successful therapy for iron deficiency. In some hemolytic anemias the RDW is elevated because of the presence of large reticulocytes ( Table 49.6 ). An elevated RDW in the setting of a normocytic anemia suggests two populations of RBCs, namely large cells (elevated MCV) and small cells (low MCV), and is concerning for a combined anemia (e.g., concomitant iron deficiency and vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency).

TABLE 49.6
Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW) in Common Anemias of Childhood
Anemia MCV
Elevated RDW (Nonuniform Population of RBCs)
Hemolytic anemia with elevated reticulocyte count High
Iron-deficiency anemia Low
Anemias due to red blood cell fragmentation: DIC, HUS, TTP Low
Megaloblastic anemias: vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency High
Normal RDW (Uniform Population of RBCs)
Thalassemias Low
Acute hemorrhage Normal
Fanconi anemia High
Aplastic anemia High
DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RBC, red blood cell; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Red Blood Cell Morphology

Abnormalities of RBC structure may be readily apparent on inspection of the peripheral blood smear and provide helpful diagnostic hints ( Table 49.7 and Fig. 49.2 ).

TABLE 49.7
Peripheral Blood Morphologic Findings in Various Anemias
  • Iron deficiency

  • Thalassemias

  • Lead toxicity

  • Anemia of chronic disease

  • Newborns

  • Vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency

  • Diamond-Blackfan anemia

  • Fanconi anemia

  • Aplastic anemia

  • Liver disease

  • Down syndrome

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Hereditary spherocytosis

  • Immune hemolytic anemia (newborn or acquired)

  • Hypersplenism

Sickled Cells
  • Sickle cell anemias (SS disease, SC disease, Sβ + thalassemia, Sβ 0 thalassemia)

  • Hereditary elliptocytosis

  • Iron deficiency

  • Megaloblastic anemia

Target Cells
  • Hemoglobinopathies (especially hemoglobin C and SC and thalassemia)

  • Liver disease

  • Xerocytosis

Basophil Stippling
  • Thalassemia

  • Lead intoxication

  • Myelodysplasia

Red Blood Cell Fragments, Helmet Cells, Burr Cells
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation

  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome

  • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

  • Kasabach-Merritt syndrome

  • Waring blender syndrome (artificial heart valve)

  • Uremia

  • Liver disease

Hypersegmented Neutrophils
  • Vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency

  • Leukemia (ALL or AML)

  • Severe infection (rarely)

  • Fanconi anemia

  • Aplastic anemia

  • Leukemia

  • Hemophagocytic histiocytosis

Howell-Jolly Bodies
  • Asplenia, hyposplenia

  • Severe iron deficiency

Dacrocytes (teardrop cells)
  • Myelodysplasia

  • Leukemia

  • Neuroblastoma

ALL, acute lymphocytic leukemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; SC, sickle cell C disease; SS, sickle cell S disease.

Fig. 49.2, Morphologic abnormalities of the red blood cell. A, Normal. B, Macrocytes. C, Hypochromic microcytes. D, Target cells. E, Schizocytes.

Other Laboratory Abnormalities Associated with Anemia

Evaluation of the WBC count, differential, and platelet count is imperative in the setting of anemia. Leukopenia, neutropenia, and/or thrombocytopenia occurring in a patient with anemia of underproduction are suggestive of aplastic anemia or infiltrative bone marrow disease such as leukemia (see Chapter 50 ). The presence of immature leukocytes on a smear associated with either a high or a low WBC count is suggestive of leukemia. Mild neutropenia may be seen in patients with transient erythroblastopenia of childhood but children are otherwise well appearing, in contrast to children with underlying malignancy. Thrombocytosis may be present in patients with iron deficiency, blood loss, inflammatory disease, infection, malignancy, or asplenia.

Elevated serum indirect bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, and urinary urobilinogen levels occur in patients with increased rates of RBC destruction (hemolysis). Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia should be suspected when anemia, jaundice, reticulocytosis, splenomegaly, and microspherocytes are noted. To investigate the underlying cause of the hemolysis, a direct Coombs test should be performed to detect the presence of an autoantibody on the RBC surface. An iron panel, ideally drawn when fasting, that demonstrates a low serum iron level, elevated total iron-binding capacity, and a low percentage of iron saturation (% saturation = serum iron/total iron-binding capacity × 100) and/or decreased serum ferritin level is helpful in establishing a diagnosis of iron deficiency. Hemoglobin identification via electrophoresis or high-performance liquid chromatography is necessary to identify hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell disease or thalassemia. Assessment of RBC enzyme levels (e.g., G6PD) may be necessary when infection- or medication-related hemolytic anemia is suspected in a male of Mediterranean or African descent. True macrocytic anemia with megaloblastic neutrophils should prompt assessment for vitamin B 12 or folate deficiency. Bone marrow aspirate and biopsy should strongly be considered when other cytopenias exist such as thrombocytopenia or neutropenia.

Diagnostic Work-up

From a clinical perspective, it is best to consider the differential diagnosis of pallor in the context of the acuity and severity of the clinical findings ( Fig. 49.3 ). The well-appearing child may only need a CBC to confirm normal counts and provide reassurance. The pale child who appears mildly or moderately ill requires a CBC and other potential studies to detect any suspected underlying disease. The pale child who appears seriously ill requires urgent evaluation and appropriate therapeutic intervention. A CBC should be obtained for all children with other laboratory assessments dictated based on the suspected diagnosis. If hemorrhage or severe anemia is suspected, a type and cross-match must be sent to the blood bank, intravenous access should be secured, and frequent serial evaluations of hemoglobin, blood pressure, pulse, perfusion, and end-organ function must be performed.

Fig. 49.3, Approach to the pale child.

Differential Diagnosis of Anemia

The differential diagnosis of anemia is presented in Figs. 49.1 and 49.4 .

Fig. 49.4, Differential diagnosis of anemia. G6PD, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; RBC, red blood cell.

Anemia Secondary to Acute Blood Loss

Significant blood loss on an acute or subacute basis results in anemia. In subacute bleeding, the fall in hemoglobin occurs gradually and a period of about 24 hours may be required for full intravascular equilibration after acute blood loss. When severe acute blood loss occurs, intravascular volume depletion is the primary concern, which cannot be assessed by hemoglobin level. Therefore, in the setting of severe blood loss, blood pressure, heart rate, adequacy of peripheral perfusion, and mental status are the best ways to assess patients. In most instances, an obvious history of blood loss is apparent (e.g., epistaxis, heavy menstrual bleeding, hematemesis, lower GI bleeding, trauma). In some cases, intraabdominal bleeding can occur that is not clinically apparent. Large amounts of blood may accumulate in the GI tract before the development of hematemesis, hematochezia, or melena. Intraabdominal bleeding may occur after trauma or may result from an ulcer (see Chapter 16 ) and may be associated with progressive anemia in the absence of an obvious source of bleeding. The clinical history coupled with the physical examination (including rectal examination) and tests for occult blood in the stool generally define the source of blood loss. Pulmonary hemorrhage may not be readily apparent, especially if chronic; thus, evaluation with pulse oximetry and chest X-ray or chest CT scan may be indicated in a child with concerns for blood loss without an obvious source.

In anemia associated with blood loss, the RBC size and morphology are normal and appropriate reticulocytosis should occur within 3–5 days from the start of the blood loss. If hemorrhage has ceased, the hemoglobin level should gradually increase unless supervening factors such as iron deficiency exist.

Severe hemorrhage associated with intravascular volume depletion warrants immediate intervention to avoid shock. RBC transfusions are necessary until hemorrhage has ceased. Less severe hemorrhage that is not associated with intravascular volume depletion will likely manifest with moderate to severe anemia. Transfusions may be necessary when the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is diminished to the point of impending tissue hypoxia. In these cases, the need for transfusion therapy is based on clinical symptoms including tachycardia, dyspnea, heart failure, fatigue, or lightheadedness. If hemorrhage has ceased, intravascular volume is replete, and if the patient is not manifesting signs of cardiorespiratory compromise, transfusion therapy may be avoided. In such instances, it is appropriate to supply therapeutic doses of iron with close follow-up to ensure adequacy of the reticulocyte response ( Table 49.8 ).

TABLE 49.8
Therapy for Iron Deficiency
Infants and Children
  • 3 mg/kg of elemental iron given as a single daily dose (ideally before breakfast)

  • 65–130 mg of elemental iron given in a single daily dose

Duration of Prescription
  • Continue therapeutic dose of iron for 2–3 mo after hemoglobin level has been corrected (to replete stores), after which both maintenance nutritional needs and underlying etiology (i.e., control of blood loss, if present) must be met

Anemia Secondary to Underproduction

Anemia caused by the underproduction of RBCs (see Figs. 49.1 and 49.4 ) is characterized by a suboptimal bone marrow response to the anemia reflected by a corrected reticulocyte count of <2%. Associated clinical symptoms can provide clues to the etiology of underproduction, especially for nonhematologic causes of anemia. Common nonhematologic causes of underproduction include chronic renal disease, chronic inflammation, or infection. Hematologic causes of underproduction are outlined in subsequent text. Anemia due to underproduction of RBCs should be evaluated in the context of RBC size: microcytic, normocytic, or macrocytic.

Microcytic Anemias

Hemoglobin, the chief intracellular component of the RBC, is composed of heme (iron and protoporphyrin IX) and globin chains (α and β). Any factor that diminishes the availability or utilization of these components results in microcytic anemia. The automated MCV represents the mean RBC volume and does not address variations in cell size. The RDW, however, describes variation in RBC size and if normal defines a relatively uniform population of cells. Review of the peripheral blood smear also provides additional evidence regarding variability in cell size and shape. It is important to note that MCV is age related (see Table 49.2 ). When the diagnosis is not immediately apparent, it is helpful to carefully select from a variety of available laboratory studies to further differentiate the cause of the microcytic anemia ( Table 49.9 ). Hepcidin levels (low in iron deficiency; high in anemia of chronic disease) may also be helpful.

TABLE 49.9
Laboratory Findings in Microcytic Anemia
Fe TIBC Pb HbA 2 Ferritin sTfR RDW
Iron deficiency nl nl ↑↑
α-Thalassemia (Bart hemoglobin) nl nl nl nl nl
β-Thalassemia (homozygous) nl nl nl nl
Lead poisoning nl nl nl nl nl nl
Anemia of chronic disease nl nl nl or ↑ nl nl
Fe, iron; HbA 2 , hemoglobin A 2 ; nl, normal; Pb, lead; RDW, red blood cell distribution width; sTfR, serum transferrin free receptor; TIBC, total iron-binding capacity.

Unless iron deficient.

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