Other Movement Disorders


Movement disorders are first divided into hypokinetic and hyperkinetic categories. Hypokinetic disorders , which are characterized by akinesia, bradykinesia, and rigidity, are parkinsonian syndromes and are discussed in Chapter 378 . The common hyperkinetic movement disorders ( Table 379-1 ) are defined by specific clinical phenomena.

TABLE 379-1

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Approach

The traditional approach to a neurologic symptom is first to address localization within the nervous system (i.e., “Where is the lesion?”), followed by an evaluation of the origin (“What is the lesion?”). The neurologic examination is critical in determining the localization of the lesion, and generally the history, including the nature of onset and the progression of the symptoms, will determine the most likely diagnosis. However, when a movement disorder is the predominant problem, the approach is somewhat different. The pathophysiology of most movement disorders is complex. Many of these disorders are the result of dysfunction of different circuits in the brain, and it is often impossible to ascertain a specific anatomic localization. Instead, an accurate appreciation of the clinical phenomena is the first important step in evaluation. The clinician must observe and examine the patient to define the type of movement disorder that best describes the clinical picture. This accurate characterization then allows the generation of a differential diagnosis for the specific movement disorder. The age and nature of onset, the distribution, the progression of symptoms, a family history of similar or related symptoms, and the presence of other neurologic and systemic signs aid in determining the most likely explanation.


Tremor, which is a rhythmic, sinusoidal movement of a body part, is caused by regular, either synchronous or alternating, contractions of reciprocally innervated muscles. Tremors are classified based on whether they occur at rest (weight fully supported against gravity) or in action. Resting tremors are typically seen in Parkinson disease and other parkinsonism syndromes, but this is not an absolute rule (see Table 378-1 in Chapter 378 ). Action tremors are further divided into postural, kinetic, or intention tremors. A postural tremor is seen with the maintenance of a posture against gravity (e.g., when the arms are outstretched in front of the body). A kinetic tremor is seen with a voluntary movement of the limb (e.g., a tremor in an upper limb when performing the finger-to-nose test). An intention tremor increases in amplitude on approaching a target.

Clinical Manifestations

Most action tremors ( Table 379-2 ) combine postural and kinetic components. Most tremors worsen with stress, including performing an affected activity in public. Initially, a tremor may be evident only when one attempts fine, dexterous tasks such as threading a needle, soldering, or using a screwdriver. More severe tremors interfere with activities such as handwriting, fastening buttons, shaving, eating soup with a spoon, or drinking from a cup. Patients often adapt or use compensatory measures, such as switching an activity to a less affected hand (e.g., shaving with the nondominant hand), using two hands to drink, drinking only from an incompletely filled glass or cup, or completely avoiding more challenging feeding activities in public. Severe action and intention tremors can cause handwriting to become completely illegible and can result in dependence on others for care.

TABLE 379-2
Modified from Cloutier M, Lang AE. Movement disorders: an overview. In: Factor SA, Lang AE, Weiner WJ, eds. Drug Induced Movement Disorders . Malden, Mass: Blackwell; 2005:3-19.
Metabolic disorders

  • Hyperthyroidism

  • Hyperparathyroidism

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Pheochromocytoma


  • Caffeine

  • Theophylline

  • Amphetamines

  • Lithium

  • Valproic acid

  • Antidepressants

  • Amiodarone

  • β-Agonists

  • Others

Withdrawal of drugs

  • Benzodiazepines

  • Alcohol

  • Others

Fever, sepsis
Anxiety, stress, fatigue

Essential tremor
Task-specific tremor
Orthostatic tremor
Idiopathic palatal tremor
Tremor with parkinsonian syndromes

  • Idiopathic Parkinson disease

  • Multiple system atrophy

  • Progressive supranuclear palsy

  • Corticobasal degeneration

  • Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism

Wilson disease
Multiple sclerosis
Fragile X premutation-tremor/ataxia syndrome
Arteriovenous malformation
Head trauma
Midbrain tremor (Holmes tremor)

Rhythmic movements in dystonia (dystonic tremor)
Rhythmic myoclonus (including myoclonic tremor)
Epilepsia partialis continua
Hereditary chin quivering
Spasmus nutans
Head bobbing with hydrocephalus

Head tremors, which may be side to side, up and down, or mixed, are rarely disabling but are often a source of embarrassment. Tremor of the larynx, which causes the voice to quaver, is best appreciated by asking the patient to sustain a note. Action tremor of the lower limbs is assessed by having the patient hold the foot up to a target (e.g., the examiner’s hand) and then perform a heel-knee-shin test.

Most upper limb action tremors affect many activities to a similar extent. Less commonly, tremors can affect a single task in isolation (task-specific tremors), the most common being a primary writing tremor. Orthostatic tremor is apparent in the legs and in antigravity muscles only when the patient is standing in one spot and subsides during walking or leaning against a wall; these patients commonly complain of a tremendous sense of insecurity while standing and a fear of falling. Electrophysiologic assessment demonstrates a very characteristic high-frequency tremor (14 to 18 Hz).

Enhanced Physiologic Tremor

A 7- to 12-Hz tremor is detectable by electrophysiologic recordings in all humans. This physiologic tremor is enhanced and may become symptomatic in a variety of circumstances, including fatigue, anxiety, and excitement. This same tremor may be accentuated by drugs and systemic processes.

Essential Tremor

Essential tremor affects up to 5% of the general population after the age of 60 years. Essential tremor is often inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, with the phenotype showing genetic heterogeneity from at least six different genes, as well as environmental influences. Recent pathology studies have variably demonstrated microscopic abnormalities of cerebellar decreased Purkinje cells, changes in axon thickness, and decreased axonal branching. The age of onset may be as early as the first or second decade of life, but senile tremor may be delayed until the mid-60s. Patients first become aware of a mild postural and action tremor in the hands, which is indistinguishable from an enhanced physiologic tremor and may result in little functional impairment for many years until it gradually interferes with activities. Older patients with large-amplitude, lower frequency tremors can have a resting component that is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson disease (see Table 378-1 in Chapter 378; Video 379-1 ).


Treatment of essential tremor does not influence the course of the illness and therefore is justified only when the tremor interferes with function. At least 50% of patients note improvement or complete amelioration of tremor following the ingestion of a small amount of ethanol.

First-line drug treatment includes trials of a noncardioselective β-adrenergic blocker (e.g., propranolol, ≤320 mg/day), primidone (starting in a low dose of 25 to 62.5 mg at night and increasing to 250 and sometimes 500 to 750 mg/day if tolerated), or topiramate (≤400 mg/day). Other drugs that have been shown probably to be effective in double-blind crossover trials include gabapentin (1200 to 1800 mg/day), atenolol (50 to 150 mg/day), alprazolam (0.125 to 3 mg/day), and sotalol (75 to 200 mg/day). However, sotalol is associated with ventricular arrhythmias and dose-related QT interval prolongation, so it is not routinely considered as treatment of essential tremor. The medications that have been shown to be of possible benefit include nadolol (120 to 240 mg/day), nimodipine (120 mg/day), and clonazepam (0.5 to 6 mg/day), but many patients remain resistant to all drugs. Botulinum toxin may be effective for up to 18 weeks, but it often results in dose-dependent weakness and pain at the injection site. If disability is substantial, thalamic deep brain stimulation or focused ultrasound thalamotomy can be of major benefit, with significant reductions following unilateral or bilateral treatment.

However, a few patients suffer permanent neurologic sequelae such as speech and gait dysfunction even with unilateral procedures, and even more suffer such problems after bilateral procedures.


Chorea ( Table 379-3 ) consists of irregular, random, brief, flowing movements that often flit from one body part to another in an unpredictable and purposeless sequence. Patients may incorporate choreiform movements into a voluntary movement to mask them. The severity varies from the appearance of being slightly fidgety or restless, to striking, continuous movements involving the whole body. Many patients with chorea seem unaware of their movements, whereas others can be very troubled and disabled.

TABLE 379-3
Modified from Cloutier M, Lang AE. Movement disorders: an overview. In: Factor SA, Lang AE, Weiner WJ, eds. Drug Induced Movement Disorders . Malden, Mass: Blackwell; 2005:3-19.
Benign hereditary chorea
Huntington disease
Huntington-like conditions
Neuroacanthocytosis, including McLeod syndrome
Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy
Wilson disease
Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation 1 (NBIA 1) (previously Hallervorden Spatz disease)
Spinocerebellar ataxias
Ataxia-oculomotor apraxia type 1
Tuberous sclerosis
Sydenham chorea
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (including complications)
Encephalitis and postencephalitic disorders
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Dopaminergic agonists used for Parkinson disease
Anticonvulsants (especially phenytoin)
Tricyclic antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (occasionally)
Oral contraceptives (typically in patients with a prior history of Sydenham chorea)
Chorea gravidarum
Acquired hepatolenticular degeneration
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
Arteriovenous malformation
Polycythemia rubra vera
Cerebral palsy
Head trauma
Cardiopulmonary bypass with hypothermia
Neoplastic and paraneoplastic syndromes
Paroxysmal dyskinesias

Huntington Disease

Definition and Epidemiology

Huntington disease is a fully penetrant autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded trinucleotide (CAG) repeat in the gene for the protein huntingtin located on chromosome 4. The worldwide 2.71 per 100,000 prevalence ranges from 5.7 per 100,000 for individuals of European descent to 0.4 per 100,000 for Asians. The age at diagnosis is driven by the longest expanded allele and as yet unidentified genetic or environmental factors.


Huntington disease is characterized neuropathologically by neuronal loss accompanied by intraneuronal inclusions and gliosis, especially in the caudate nucleus and putamen (the striatum) and the cerebral cortex. Although symptoms do not begin until later in life, early neurodevelopment is likely altered. Understanding how these changes result from the expanded polyglutamine tract in the mutated huntingtin protein is the goal of current research.

Clinical Manifestations

Symptoms typically begin between the ages of 30 and 55 years, but 5 to 10% of patients have an onset before the age of 20 years (juvenile Huntington disease) and a few patients begin to have symptoms late in life. Symptoms include a combination of a movement disorder, psychiatric disturbances, and cognitive dysfunction. Early on, the movement disorder is predominantly chorea, but parkinsonism and dystonia develop later ( Video 379-2 ). Some patients, especially those with juvenile onset, have a more rapidly progressive akinetic-rigid and dystonic form (the Westphal variant). Psychiatric manifestations, which are universal but widely variable, include personality changes, impulsiveness, aggressive behavior, depression, and paranoid psychosis. These psychiatric symptoms may precede the motor manifestations, and psychotropic drug therapy may be incorrectly blamed for the subsequent development of the movement disorder. Cognitive changes result in progressive subcortical dementia with disturbed attention, concentration, judgment, and problem solving that differs from the typical cortical dementia of Alzheimer disease. Oculomotor dysfunction, most often manifested by difficulties with refixating the gaze and a resulting tendency to use blinks and head thrusts, is another common feature.


The diagnosis is confirmed by genetic testing. Normal alleles of the IT15 gene have fewer than 30 CAG repeats, whereas 40 or more repeats invariably result in clinical illness. An earlier age of onset correlates with larger numbers of CAG repeats. Patients with intermediate alleles (27 to 35) have more behavioral abnormalities, such as apathy and suicidal ideation, than unaffected individuals. Mutant huntingtin protein levels, detected by ultrasensitive single-molecule counting, are associated with the onset of symptoms and diminished cognitive and motor function.

Treatment and Prognosis

Current care for patients with Huntington disease involves a multidisciplinary team of clinical geneticists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational and physical therapists, speech therapists, nutritionists, and nurses. Genetic counseling for patients and family members is critical. Chorea may be extremely responsive to drugs that reduce central dopamine activity, especially tetrabenazine, starting at 12.5 mg two or three times daily and gradually increasing to up to 100 to 200 mg/day, or deutetrabenazine (starting at 6 mg/day and increasing weekly by 6 mg/day until chorea is adequately controlled or up to maximum 48-mg daily dose). Patients should be monitored for depression, parkinsonism, and weight gain. The monoamine transporter 2 inhibitor valbenazine under expert supervision also can improve symptoms of chorea.

Other agents should be reserved for patients with disabling chorea because they may be associated with increased parkinsonism, postural instability, depression, sedation, and other adverse effects; these options include amantadine (300 to 400 mg/day) and possibly riluzole (200 mg/day). Other potential agents that work by blocking dopamine receptors include haloperidol (3 to 30 mg/day), pimozide (0.5 to 10 mg/day), fluphenazine (0.5 to 20 mg/day), and reserpine (0.75 to 5 mg/day). Data suggest that RAN proteins could be future therapeutic targets.

Unfortunately, physical function may not improve significantly even when the chorea is controlled. Psychiatric symptoms (e.g., anxiety, psychosis, depression) can be managed effectively with the same strategies as in other psychiatric diseases ( Chapter 362 ).

Disease-modifying strategies are under active development. Unfortunately, neither the intrathecal administration of an antisense oligonucleotide to reduce the concentration of the mutant huntingtin protein nor the transplantation of normal human fetal cells is helpful. ,

Progression can be monitored by clinical changes and by following changes in gray matter volumes on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in both premanifest and early-stage patients. Patients inexorably decline at a relatively constant rate, and the disease progresses to institutionalization and death over the course of approximately 15 years. However, this prognosis is variable depending largely on the burden of disease.

Other Choreas

Most of the non-neurodegenerative causes of chorea (see Table 379-3 ) can be established or excluded by a careful history (including a detailed drug history) and a focused set of investigations, including, in appropriate circumstances, wet preparation of peripheral blood for acanthocytes (which are associated with neurodegeneration), immunologic studies (including anticardiolipin antibodies), endocrine assessment (hyperthyroidism, pregnancy), neuroimaging, and genetic testing. Mutations in the NKX2-1 gene and the ADCY5 gene can cause benign hereditary chorea. Heterozygous hexanucleotide expansions in the C9orf72 gene or in the RNF216 gene can cause a Huntington-like disorder, and C9orf72 may co-occur with the Huntington gene. Among 36 adult cases of autoimmune chorea seen at one institution in 5 years, 50% had a coexisting autoimmune disorder, especially systemic lupus erythematosus ( Chapter 245 ), and most of the remainder had a paraneoplastic cause, especially small cell carcinoma of the lung and adenocarcinoma.

Sydenham chorea, which is a late component of rheumatic fever ( Chapter 269 ), is presumably the result of immunologic cross-reactivity between the causative group A β-hemolytic streptococcus and the basal ganglia. However, not all patients with Sydenham chorea have a history of rheumatic fever. This disorder is infrequently seen in North America but is more common in developing countries. Sydenham chorea usually affects children and young adults, and it is more common in girls before puberty. Adults with a history of Sydenham chorea in childhood may develop chorea during pregnancy or in response to taking oral contraceptive agents or estrogen preparations. They also may have a higher rate of subsequent psychiatric disturbances and impaired executive neurologic function even when in remission.

Drugs that can cause chorea should be withdrawn if possible. Tetrabenazine and deutetrabenazine, as prescribed for Huntington disease, may be useful for these other choreas.


Ballism, which is considered an extreme form of chorea, involves large-amplitude, random, often violent flinging movements of the proximal limbs ( Table 379-4 ). It is most often a consequence of an acute cerebral insult, such as a stroke, and it usually involves one side of the body, particularly the arm, hence the term hemiballism ( Video 379-3 ). When a causative lesion can be demonstrated, it typically involves the region of the subthalamic nucleus, the thalamus, or the striatum. When the condition is caused by a stroke, movements usually subside spontaneously over days to weeks, although they may persist indefinitely in some patients. Ballism also may be a side effect after deep brain stimulation or ablative procedures that target the subthalamic region. Treatment often requires the use of medication that antagonizes the effects of dopamine in the brain, including dopamine receptor blockers (neuroleptics such as haloperidol, 3 to 30 mg/day) or dopamine depleters (e.g., tetrabenazine, 50 to 200 mg/day). Functional neurosurgery (e.g., pallidotomy, deep brain stimulation) can be considered in patients with refractory, persistent symptoms.

TABLE 379-4
Modified from Cloutier M, Lang AE. Movement disorders: an overview. In: Factor SA, Lang AE, Weiner WJ, eds. Drug Induced Movement Disorders . Malden, Mass: Blackwell; 2005:3-19.
Focal lesions in basal ganglia

  • Vascular: Stroke (including infarction and hemorrhage), cavernous angioma, postsurgical complications

  • Neoplastic: Metastases, primary central nervous system tumors

  • Infections: Cryptococcosis, toxoplasmosis, tuberculoma

  • Inflammatory: Multiple sclerosis

  • Iatrogenic: Subthalamotomy, thalamotomy

Immunologic: Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma; Behçet disease
Nonketotic hyperglycemia (high-intensity lesions in striatum on T1 MRI)
Sydenham chorea
Head injury

  • Anticonvulsants

  • Oral contraceptives

  • Levodopa

MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.


Definition and Pathobiology

In dystonia, sustained muscle contractions, often initiated or worsened by voluntary action, result in repetitive twisting and sometimes tremulous movements and abnormal postures. Dystonia can be classified as primary dystonia, dystonia-plus, secondary dystonia, and heredogenerative dystonia ( Table 379-5 ). One classification uses five descriptors to specify the clinical characteristics: age at onset, body distribution, temporal pattern, and whether dystonia occurs in isolation (or only accompanied by tremor; “pure dystonia”) or coexists with other movement disorders (typically parkinsonism and myoclonus). Etiology is defined as the presence or absence of degenerative or structural nervous system pathologic process and by whether the mode of inheritance is autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked recessive, mitochondrial, or acquired. Probable or causal monogenic variants are found in about 20% of cases. A commonly used classification scheme for the genetic dystonias involves applying the “DYT” prefix followed by a number (e.g., 1 to 25); however, several shortcomings have encouraged an active re-evaluation of this approach. Acquired causes include drugs, toxins, infections, vascular disease, neoplasia, trauma, and psychogenic.

TABLE 379-5
Modified from Cloutier M, Lang AE. Movement disorders: an overview. In: Factor SA, Lang AE, Weiner WJ, eds. Drug Induced Movement Disorders . Malden, Mass: Blackwell; 2005:3-19.
Familial (several genetic causes and types)
Sporadic (idiopathic), usually adult onset, focal, or segmental
Dystonia with parkinsonism

  • Dopa-responsive dystonia

  • Dopamine agonist–responsive dystonia (e.g., aromatic acid decarboxylase deficiency)

Myoclonus dystonia

Perinatal cerebral injury

  • Athetoid cerebral palsy

  • Delayed-onset dystonia

  • Pachygyria

  • Kernicterus


  • Reye syndrome

  • Subacute sclerosing leukoencephalopathy

  • Wasp sting

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

  • Human immunodeficiency virus infection

Head trauma
Brainstem lesion
Primary antiphospholipid syndrome
Arteriovenous malformation
Brain tumor
Multiple sclerosis
Central pontine myelinolysis
Cervical cord injury
Peripheral injury
Psychogenic conditions


  • Lubag disease

  • Deafness-dystonia-optic atrophy (Mohr-Tranebjaerg) syndrome

  • Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

Autosomal dominant

  • Rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism

  • Juvenile parkinsonism (e.g., from mutations in the parkin gene)

  • Huntington disease

  • Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3) and other SCAs

  • Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy

Autosomal recessive

  • Wilson disease

  • Niemann-Pick disease type C

  • GM 1 gangliosidosis

  • GM 2 gangliosidosis

  • Metachromatic leukodystrophy

  • Homocystinuria

  • Glutaric acidemia

  • Triose-phosphate isomerase deficiency

  • Hartnup disease

  • Ataxia-telangiectasia

  • Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA 1) (previously Hallervorden-Spatz disease)

  • Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

  • Neuroacanthocytosis

  • Intranuclear hyaline inclusion disease

  • Hereditary spastic paraplegia with dystonia

Probably autosomal recessive

  • Familial basal ganglia calcifications (also dominantly inherited)

  • Progressive pallidal degeneration

  • Rett syndrome


  • Leigh disease

  • Leber disease

  • Other mitochondrial cytopathies

Sporadic, with parkinsonism

  • Parkinson disease

  • Progressive supranuclear palsy

  • Multiple system atrophy

  • Corticobasal degeneration

SCA = spinocerebellar ataxia.

Clinical Manifestations

Common forms of dystonia include eyelid closure (blepharospasm), jaw opening or closing (oromandibular dystonia), pulling or turning of the neck in any one or combination of directions (cervical dystonia: rotatory torticollis, laterocollis, retrocollis, anterocollis), hyperadduction and less often excessive abduction of the vocal cords (laryngeal dystonia or spasmodic dysphonia), abnormal posturing and tightness of the hand while writing or using the hand for other tasks (writer’s cramp, manual dystonia), abnormal posturing of the trunk or pelvis (axial dystonia), or abnormal posturing of the lower limb, including plantar flexion and inversion of the foot ( Videos 379-4 , 379-5 , 379-6 , and 379-7 ). The movements are often slow and sustained, although they also may be rapid (dystonic spasms). Slower, sinuous writhing dystonic movements, particularly present in the distal limbs, are referred to as athetosis . Dystonia is often made worse by activity (action dystonia), and a unique aspect of dystonia is that only selected acts may be affected, with complete sparing of all other activities in the same limb (task-specific dystonia, including writer’s cramp and musician’s cramp) ( Video 379-8 ). Task specific dystonia (e.g., golfing, running) may occur only during specific activities. In some patients, dystonia remains isolated and action specific over many years; in others, it progresses to involve adjacent muscles (overflow dystonia) and may eventually be present at rest, in which case joint contractures may result. Another common feature of dystonia is its transient improvement with the use of a sensory trick (geste antagoniste), such as lightly touching the chin to relieve severe cervical dystonia or the lid to relieve disabling blepharospasm ( Video 379-9 ). Patients with dystonia, independent of cause, often have additional postural and action tremors, phenotypically similar to those in essential tremor. Some patients also demonstrate more irregular, coarse, lower frequency rhythmic movements called dystonic tremor .

Dystonia is often classified according to the site of involvement: focal, only one body part (e.g., blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, writer’s cramp); segmental, two or more contiguous body parts; multifocal, two or more noncontiguous body parts; generalized, trunk and at least two other sites (with or without leg involvement); and hemidystonia, unilateral (generally a causative focal brain lesion is found most often involving the putamen).

Diagnosis and Prognosis

For diagnostic and prognostic purposes, dystonia also may be distinguished by age of onset as childhood-onset, adolescent-onset, or adult-onset dystonia. The younger the age of onset, the more likely a cause can be defined. Conversely, isolated dystonia beginning in adult life is most often an idiopathic disorder; further investigations are typically unrewarding and are usually not indicated. Likewise, independent of the cause, dystonia beginning in childhood commonly progresses to segmental or generalized involvement whereas adult-onset dystonia usually remains focal or segmental.

Specific Dystonias

Primary (Idiopathic) or Isolated Dystonias

Primary dystonia accounts for up to 90% of patients with a pure dystonic syndrome, in which dystonia either is the only motor feature or is accompanied only by tremor. To date, no consistent neuropathologic changes have been found in the small numbers of brains affected by primary dystonia that have been studied.

When symptoms begin in childhood, a definable genetic cause is often identified, one of the most common being DYT1, usually resulting from the autosomal dominant inheritance of a GAG deletion in the torsin A gene (Oppenheim dystonia). This disorder is more common in persons of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. The dystonia often begins in the first decade of life and can progress to severe disability, although the spectrum of disease, even within the same family, can be quite varied and penetrance is relatively low (about 40%; Video 379-10 ). Other genetic forms of dystonia include THAP1 mutations for DYT6 and TUBB4A mutations for DYT4 or “whispering dystonia.” Genetic testing is available but in the case of DYT1 is recommended only when the age of onset in the patient or another affected family member is less than 26 years. Among the many other potential genes and gene variants are the rare KMT2B missense mutation in generalized dystonia.

Adult-Onset Idiopathic Dystonia

Adult-onset idiopathic dystonia is the most common type of dystonia seen in general neurologic practice. The dystonia typically begins in the face, neck, or arm and may remain focal and nonprogressive or spread only to contiguous muscles after many years. The cause of this disorder is not known, although a positive family history may be noted if multiple family members can be examined. Genetic forms of adult-onset focal or segmental dystonia include ANO3 and GNAL mutations for craniocervical dystonia and possibly CIZ1 mutations for cervical dystonia.


The term dystonia-plus refers to a small number of disorders characterized by dystonia with other neurologic signs that result from a known or presumed genetic defect without an underlying progressive neurodegenerative process. In the newer classification, these conditions are included in the group of disorders with dystonia combined with other neurologic features.

Dopa-responsive dystonia, which usually results in dystonia beginning in the first decade of life, most often in the lower limbs, sometimes can be mistaken for hereditary spastic paraplegia or cerebral palsy. Most patients with dopa-responsive dystonia have a mutation in the GCH1 gene, which results in reduced production of dopamine. Approximately 75% of patients have notable worsening of dystonia as the day progresses (diurnal variation). Exercise often aggravates the dystonia. Patients commonly demonstrate some degree of bradykinesia (especially in the legs) and postural instability. Rare adult-onset disease may result in a pure parkinsonian phenotype. Dopa-responsive dystonia should be considered in all children with dystonia. Symptoms are exquisitely sensitive to low doses of levodopa (typically as little as 50 mg/day of levodopa), and this treatment allows patients to live a normal life without the usual complications seen in Parkinson disease ( Chapter 378 ).

Myoclonus dystonia, which usually begins within the first decade of life, combines dystonia with separate multifocal myoclonic jerks. Myoclonus dystonia is genetically heterogeneous; the most common definable cause is a mutation in the epsilon-sarcoglycan gene. The dystonia in these patients most often involves the neck or upper limbs, is mild, and is often overlooked. The disorder also can include psychopathology, such as obsessive-compulsive behavior. A characteristic feature of this disorder is the marked ameliorative effect of ethanol on both the myoclonus and the dystonia, a feature that sometimes results in alcohol abuse.

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