Nontrauma Abdomen

Nontraumatic acute abdominal pain may have a wide variety of causes. When diagnostic imaging is clinically indicated in the evaluation of these patients, localizing the signs and symptoms is critical to properly triage the patient so that the correct imaging modality is used. For example, in women with pelvic pain, ultrasonography is the imaging modality of choice for the initial evaluation. For abdominal pain, ultrasonography or computed tomography (CT) is typically used, possibly preceded by plain radiography, depending on the patient’s presentation.

In patients with acute abdominal pain, one may consider broad categories of disease, including inflammatory, infectious, obstructive, and vascular conditions. In the following sections, these broad categories should be remembered as the various locations of acute abdominal pain are discussed, including bowel, pancreaticobiliary system, liver, genitourinary system, and spleen. Finally, nonspecific emergent imaging findings with a host of underlying causes, often requiring urgent clinical intervention, are discussed.

Bowel Disease

Disease related to the bowel, including the small bowel and colon, represents a significant percentage of acute abdominal pain. Again, one may consider the underlying causes of bowel disease in the categories of obstructive, infectious, inflammatory, and vascular. Often, plain radiographs of the abdomen are acquired when underlying bowel disease is suspected, commonly followed by CT for more definitive characterization.

Diseases Causing Bowel Obstruction

Diseases causing bowel obstruction include gastric outlet obstruction and volvulus, peptic ulcer disease, mechanical small bowel obstruction, small bowel volvulus, colonic obstruction and volvulus, and adynamic ileus. These conditions are covered in the following sections.

Gastric Outlet Obstruction

Gastric outlet obstruction refers to any entity causing a mechanical obstruction to gastric emptying. Differential considerations are broad and include malignant causes such as pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, and ampullary and duodenal cancer, as well as cholangiocarcinoma. Benign causes of gastric outlet obstruction in adults include peptic ulcer disease, gastric polyps, bezoars, caustic ingestion, gallstones (Bouveret syndrome), and pancreatic pseudocysts. Secondary inflammation or spasm resulting from pancreatitis or acute cholecystitis can cause gastric outlet obstruction. Infectious causes of gastric outlet obstruction include abdominal tuberculosis. Gastroduodenal intussusception is a rare cause of mechanical obstruction, typically related to an underlying lead point, which includes benign and malignant neoplasms.

Patients with gastric outlet obstruction present with nausea and vomiting, the hallmark symptoms. Normally these symptoms are temporally related to recent ingestion of a meal, and the vomitus often consists of undigested food. In more chronic cases, weight loss may be described, and in severe cases, patients may present with dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Imaging Findings

Plain radiographs may demonstrate a markedly dilated stomach, which may be filled with either air or fluid. Infrequently, plain radiography may suggest an underlying diagnosis—for example, an irregular mass lesion identified as a filling defect in cases of malignancy such as gastric cancer. Filling defects also may be identified on plain radiographs in cases of bezoar obstruction. In patients with Bouveret syndrome, a calcified gallstone may be identified in the duodenal bulb.

In patients presenting with acute symptoms of nausea and vomiting, a CT scan may be performed for further evaluation. Similar to radiography, CT clearly demonstrates the often marked distention of the stomach. CT is also helpful in characterizing the underlying causes of obstruction. Malignant causes are seen as enhancing soft tissue mass lesions arising in the stomach in cases of gastric cancer, or slightly more distally around the pancreatic head or ampulla in cases of pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, and ampullary and duodenal cancers. Distinction among the latter can be difficult because the area of origin contains quite a bit of overlap.

In cases in which peptic ulcer disease (PUD) obstructs the stomach, the ulcer may rarely be identified, but the secondary CT findings of gastritis are typically seen as focal thickening of the gastric wall with hyperenhancement of the mucosa related to the inflammation. In these cases, the focal area of inflammation should be scrutinized for a central ulcer seen in PUD. Often, on the basis of CT, the distinction between PUD and underlying carcinoma is difficult to ascertain. Similar to PUD, in cases of obstruction resulting from inflammatory causes such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis, the epicenter of inflammation will be seen around the respective organs, but the secondary inflammation of the stomach may be identified on CT as mural thickening, possibly with hyperenhancement of the mucosa.

Gastric outlet obstruction resulting from various benign causes is often apparent, as in cases of pancreatic pseudocyst obstruction. Hyperplastic polyps, the most common form of gastric polyp, may rarely cause gastric obstruction and may be seen in the region of the prepyloric antrum because they cause obstruction by prolapse into the pyloric channel. On CT, the appearance is that of a pedunculated, soft-tissue attenuation filling defect. In cases of Bouveret syndrome, the obstructing gallstone may be identified as a calcified filling defect in the duodenal bulb. Bezoars are seen at CT as mottled-appearing filling defects within the stomach, although they may be seen more distally within the gastrointestinal tract and have been reported to cause small bowel obstructions.

Gastric Volvulus

Gastric volvulus—an abnormal rotation of the stomach around its axis—represents a surgical emergency in its acute form. Gastric volvulus may be classified as one of two forms, mesenteroaxial or organoaxial, or a combination of the two. In the mesenteroaxial form, the less common form, the stomach rotates around the axis, bisecting both the lesser and greater curvatures of the stomach. In the organoaxial form, the stomach rotates around the axis, connecting the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and the pylorus.

In cases of gastric volvulus, the Borchardt triad of upper abdominal pain, retching without vomiting, and inability to pass a nasogastric tube may be present. This triad is reported in up to 70% of acute cases of gastric volvulus.

Imaging Findings

The most common causative factor of gastric volvulus in the adult population is diaphragmatic defects, and thus plain radiographs may demonstrate an intrathoracic, gas-filled viscus. In cases of mesenteroaxial volvulus, supine radiographs may demonstrate typical findings of a spherical lucency with a characteristic “beak” in the region of the distal stomach. Upright radiographs show differential air–fluid levels at different heights in cases of mesenteroaxial volvulus. Organoaxial volvulus, on the other hand, characteristically reveals a single air–fluid level in an abnormally transversely oriented stomach.

In patients presenting with a clinical suspicion of a gastric volvulus, an urgent upper gastrointestinal series can secure a prompt diagnosis. In cases of gastric volvulus, an obstruction may be identified at the site of volvulus. Mesenteroaxial volvulus demonstrates a barium-filled stomach with the GEJ below the antrum and with the typical “beak” seen in the region of the distal stomach, as on radiography. If barium gets past the GEJ, an “upside-down” stomach is seen. Transverse position of the stomach and an abnormal inferior location of the GEJ suggest organoaxial volvulus.

Because of the multiplanar capabilities of multidetector CT (MDCT) scanners, patients with suspected gastric volvulus may undergo a CT scan in the initial diagnostic evaluation. As on radiography, CT typically demonstrates the presence of a hiatal hernia, commonly the paraesophageal type, or diaphragmatic eventration, which increases the likelihood of organoaxial gastric volvulus. Multiplanar reformations are particularly useful in precisely defining the anatomy of the volvulus. Like fluoroscopy, CT demonstrates the abnormally positioned gastric antrum located superior to the GEJ—an “upside-down” stomach when the rotation is complete. Organoaxial volvulus demonstrates an abnormally transverse lie of the stomach and an inferiorly positioned GEJ given its axis of rotation. Because organoaxial volvulus is more often associated with diaphragmatic defects, the stomach is often identified in the thorax at the time of volvulus.

In cases of gastric volvulus on CT, especially the organoaxial type, complications of ischemia may be identified, including pneumatosis and portomesenteric vein gas. Mesenteroaxial volvulus, unlike organoaxial volvulus, is more frequently incomplete and less likely to cause acute complications such as necrosis.

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer disease, most commonly resulting from Helicobacter pylori, rarely presents acutely; however, complications relating to PUD, such as acute hemorrhage or gastroduodenal perforation, may present acutely. Additionally, the somewhat more subacute presentation of gastric outlet obstruction may require imaging evaluation, as previously detailed. Causes of peptic ulcers other than H. pylori include use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, chemotherapy, radiation, and various infections such as cytomegalovirus. Bleeding complications related to PUD usually do not require imaging evaluation.

Epigastric to left upper quadrant burning pain and bloating, temporally related to meals and possibly radiating to the back, are the common description of PUD-related pain. Nausea, vomiting, and anorexia may be described. A sudden onset of pain suggests perforation. Patients with acute hemorrhage often present with hematemesis.

Imaging Findings

In patients with acute perforation related to PUD, pneumoperitoneum may be identified on initial plain radiographs. Like plain radiography, a CT scan may identify findings of pneumoperitoneum in cases of ulcer perforation. Often, the underlying ulcer or mural rent is not clearly identified. Small foci of air may be seen around the area of perforation in the stomach or duodenum and suggest the underlying cause. Focal wall thickening may be present in the region of the ulcer in the stomach or duodenum. When oral contrast material is administered in cases of unsuspected hollow viscus perforation, extravasation of contrast material into the peritoneal cavity is often identified. A CT scan may characterize underlying PUD in cases of gastric outlet obstruction, as previously detailed.

Mechanical Small Bowel Obstruction

Mechanical small bowel obstruction represents a relatively common cause of abdominal pain and is a frequent indication for abdominal imaging. The most common cause of mechanical small bowel obstruction is adhesions from prior surgical intervention. Other common causes include malignancy, acute inflammatory processes, and hernias. Less common causes include a gallstone ileus and small bowel intussusception.

Patients with mechanical small bowel obstruction typically present with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and constipation. Commonly, the abdominal pain is colicky or intermittently cramping. Initially it may be mild, with progression of symptoms as the duration increases. Vomiting initially consists of gastric contents, followed by more distal bowel contents, including bile and finally feculent material. The temporal relationship between the onset of bowel obstruction and symptoms of vomiting is related to the position of the obstruction, with more proximal causes presenting with vomiting earlier in the episode of obstruction. The vomiting may result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Compared with colonic obstruction, vomiting occurs earlier and commonly precedes constipation.

Imaging Findings

The initial imaging evaluation of patients with suspected mechanical small bowel obstruction often includes plain radiographs. The diagnosis of small bowel obstruction on plain radiography involves the visualization of distended loops of small bowel filled with air or fluid. The differentiation of small bowel loops from the colon is achieved by identifying the valvulae conniventes, also known as plicae circulares , of the small bowel, which are thin, mucosal folds extending across the entire small bowel loops. The haustral folds of the colon, on the other hand, are thicker bands alternating with the thick folds termed plicae semilunares , which do not cross the entire lumen of the colon. The small bowel loops are more central in the abdomen, with the colon seen along the periphery. Typically, 3 cm is accepted as the upper limit of normal for the diameter of the small bowel. The presence of a hernia as the cause of a small bowel obstruction may be suggested by plain radiographs based on the presence of small bowel loops in unusual locations, such as the inguinal canal, distal to dilated loops of small bowel. Alternatively, radiographs demonstrating protrusion of a segment of small bowel, as evidenced by a short segment of bowel clearly outlined by air outside the abdominal wall, again distal to dilated loops of small bowel, may indicate a hernia as the underlying cause.

CT is often used for further characterization in patients with suspected mechanical small bowel obstruction. Similar to radiography, the diagnosis on CT involves identifying distended air- and fluid-filled loops of small bowel, typically greater than 3 cm in diameter. The small bowel “feces” sign, which is the presence of air and particulate matter resembling feces within loops of small bowel, is a finding commonly seen in small bowel obstruction; its diagnosis is helpful because it suggests increased bowel transit time. Often, CT allows for the diagnosis of the exact point of transition between distended loops of small bowel and the more normal collapsed loops of small bowel and possibly for identifying the underlying cause of the small bowel obstruction ( Fig. 9-1 ).

FIGURE 9-1, A 76-year-old woman with mechanical small bowel obstruction. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images demonstrate multiple dilated loops of small bowel ( arrowheads , A ) with rapid transition from dilated loops to more normal appearing, collapsed loops (arrows) identified as a result of postsurgical adhesions on operative repair.

Closed loop obstructions are a subset of mechanical small bowel obstructions that demand acute clinical intervention. The term closed loop obstruction signifies the presence of two transition points, one of which is found at the proximal extent of the closed loop and the other at its distal extent. The vascular supply of these segments of small bowel is often compromised in this setting, and ischemia and necrosis may quickly ensue. Although the diagnosis of a closed loop obstruction might be suggested on plain radiographs by the presence of a short segment of distended small bowel, as well as transition points that may or may not be visualized, this diagnosis is typically confirmed by CT. The CT imaging findings include a sharp transition point, or “beak,” at the proximal and distal extent of the closed loop. CT findings suggesting ischemia, including vascular engorgement, and ascites, as well as abnormally decreased enhancement after intravenous administration of contrast material, often require emergent intervention. More ominous CT imaging findings, including pneumatosis intestinalis, also may be seen and are discussed in the following text.

As noted, adhesions from prior surgical intervention are the most common cause of small bowel obstruction and are notoriously difficult to directly visualize with imaging; the diagnosis often remains one of exclusion. However, secondary signs such as abrupt angulation of small bowel loops and adherence of small bowel loops to nondependent surfaces such as the anterior parietal peritoneum lend credence to a diagnosis of adhesions as the underlying cause, especially when they are found at the transition between distended and normal small bowel loops.

Hernias are a second common cause of small bowel obstruction. CT is used to further characterize these hernias, which may be complex in some cases. Inguinal, umbilical, incisional, and Spigelian hernias in the location of the linea semilunaris are common types of hernias ( Fig. 9-2 ). Among less common causes of mechanical small bowel obstruction are internal hernias, including congenital or surgically acquired rents within the mesentery, as well as a myriad of other named internal hernias that have been described. CT images, including multiplanar reformations, are often used to further characterize these complex hernias.

FIGURE 9-2, A 32-year-old woman with an incarcerated incisional hernia. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) portal venous phase images demonstrate an incarcerated loop of small bowel (arrows) demonstrating fecalization with proximally obstructed loops of small bowel identified ( arrowheads , B ).

A gallstone ileus is a rare but interesting form of mechanical small bowel obstruction. In this case, a gallstone erodes into the adjacent duodenum and proceeds to obstruct the small bowel, most commonly at the ileocecal valve. Typical imaging findings include the presence of air within the gallbladder or bile ducts, as well as dilated loops of small bowel, often with a calcified gallstone at the distal extent. These findings may be seen on plain radiographs, as well as on CT. If the gallstone erodes more proximally and obstructs the duodenal bulb, similar imaging appearances of biliary gas, obstruction, and often visualization of the calcified gallstone are seen and are termed Bouveret syndrome .

Although more common in the pediatric population, small bowel intussusception also may be seen in adults and can cause obstruction of small bowel loops proximally. In adults, one must always consider the possibility of a lead point such as a neoplasm. Other causes of small bowel intussusception in adults include Meckel diverticulum and postoperative states, especially after gastric bypass. With the increasingly widespread use of CT, transient small bowel intussusceptions are more commonly seen. The diagnosis of a transient intussusception may be suggested on the basis of location and length, as well as the absence of proximal small bowel dilatation ( Fig. 9-3 ).

FIGURE 9-3, A 30-year-old woman with transient intussusception. An axial portal venous phase image (A) reveals the presence of a small bowel intussusception (arrow) . A coronal image (B) clearly shows the intussusceptum (white arrows) within the receiving loop of small bowel and the intussuscipiens (black arrows) , surrounded by small amounts of mesenteric fat (arrowheads) .

Small Bowel Volvulus

Although small bowel volvulus is often considered a pediatric diagnosis, adults also may present acutely with this condition. Small bowel volvulus can be categorized as either primary or secondary; persons with secondary volvulus have an underlying condition predisposing to volvulus, such as pregnancy, a gastrointestinal tumor, small bowel diverticulum, or intraperitoneal adhesions. A form of small bowel volvulus that often presents within the first month of life is midgut volvulus . It is a result of malrotation and also may affect adult patients. In these cases, a lack of rotation or incomplete rotation of the gut around the axis of the superior mesenteric artery during embryogenesis, termed midgut malrotation , may lead to acute volvulus of the entire midgut.

Clinical findings are often nonspecific and include abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. More specific clinical histories include those in which the patient describes intermittent epigastric pain, possibly related to meals.

Imaging Findings

Plain radiographs are also nonspecific in patients with small bowel volvulus but may demonstrate proximal small bowel obstruction. In cases of midgut volvulus related to underlying malrotation, plain radiographs may demonstrate partial duodenal obstruction with a dilated, air-filled stomach and a proximal duodenum.

Currently, CT is the imaging modality of choice in diagnosing small bowel volvulus. As on plain radiographs, secondary small bowel obstruction may be identified proximal to the volvulus. The CT “whirl” sign is often associated with volvulus of the bowel and is seen as a swirling of mesenteric vessels, strands of soft tissue, and loops of bowel. Although sensitive in the diagnosis of small bowel volvulus, the finding lacks specificity, in that most patients demonstrating this finding have been shown not to have a diagnosis of small bowel volvulus. Nevertheless, the “whirl” sign of twisting mesenteric structures, including loops of small bowel, should raise suspicion of a volvulus, and other CT findings such as infiltration of the mesentery and proximal small bowel dilatation may increase specificity. Small bowel volvulus can rapidly lead to vascular compromise, and the CT images should be scrutinized for findings of ischemia, such as abnormal hypoenhancement of the small bowel. As in cases of small bowel volvulus, the “whirl” sign, in which the superior mesenteric vein and loops of bowel are seen to rotate around the superior mesenteric artery, may be demonstrated on CT in cases of midgut volvulus.

Colonic Obstruction

In the adult population, the most common consideration in colonic obstruction is malignancy, specifically adenocarcinoma. Other causes include diverticulitis, volvulus, intussusception, ischemia, adhesions, fecal impaction, and strictures from a number of prior insults, including radiation. Another possible cause of dilated loops of colon is acute or chronic megacolon. When underlying severe inflammation of the colon is present, acute megacolon is referred to as “toxic” megacolon. When no underlying colonic abnormality is present, this condition is referred to as Ogilvie syndrome . Ogilvie syndrome typically presents in hospitalized patients with significant underlying medical illnesses. The acute forms of megacolon are medical emergencies, given the risks of complication, which include sepsis, ischemia, and perforation. The risks of perforation increase significantly when the diameter of the cecum exceeds 12 cm. The cecum is the most likely portion of the colon to perforate, based on Laplace’s law.

Patients with colonic obstruction typically present with abdominal distention, pain, nausea, and vomiting. Constipation commonly precedes vomiting in cases of colonic obstruction. Depending on the underlying cause, presentation may be acute or more chronic, possibly with changes in the caliber of stool in the case of colonic malignancy. Peritoneal signs are an ominous finding and suggest the possibility of perforation.

Imaging Findings

Typically, plain radiographs demonstrate evidence of air- and fluid-filled loops of dilated colon. A diameter of 8 cm is considered the upper limit of normal for the cecum, whereas 5 cm is considered the upper limit of normal for the remainder of the colon. When acute, colonic obstruction is a medical emergency, given the potential for rapidly developing ischemia, sepsis, or perforation.

CT demonstrates dilated loops of air- or fluid-filled colon proximal to the site of obstruction and is accurate in determining the cause of the obstruction. The CT scans should be scrutinized for signs of perforation, such as free intraperitoneal fluid or air, as well as for signs of ischemia, such as abnormal hypoenhancement of the colon. Unlike in the pediatric population, colonic obstruction as a result of intussusception is generally managed surgically, as opposed to radiologically, with reduction via air enema, for example, given the high likelihood of an underlying malignancy. On CT, toxic megacolon demonstrates dilation of air- or fluid-filled colon with wall thickening and a distorted colonic contour or a lack of the expected haustral pattern. Because Ogilvie syndrome lacks the colonic inflammation, CT is unlikely to demonstrate a similar degree of wall thickening and submucosal edema as toxic megacolon. The chronic form of megacolon represents a functional failure of the colon as a result of various underlying causes, including chronic constipation. In these patients, when prior radiographs are available for comparison, it is often helpful to exclude acute colonic obstruction or megacolon.

Colonic Volvulus

Sigmoid volvulus is the most common form of gastrointestinal volvulus. Cecal volvulus is also a relatively common form of colonic volvulus. Sigmoid volvulus represents twisting of the sigmoid colon around its mesenteric axis. Three forms of cecal volvulus are described: the axial torsion type, loop type, and cecal bascule. The axial torsion and loop types represent the most common forms. In the axial torsion type, the cecum rotates around its long axis, appearing in the right lower quadrant. In the loop type, the cecum twists and then inverts, ending in the left upper quadrant. In the cecal bascule, the cecum simply folds medially to the descending colon, producing an occlusion at the site of flexion.

Colonic volvulus typically presents with an acute abdomen with sudden onset of colicky pain. Abdominal distention with a tympanitic abdomen may be appreciated. Constipation with inability to pass flatus or stool accompanies cases of colonic volvulus. Borborygmus is frequently seen in cases of colonic volvulus.

Imaging Findings

Plain radiographs demonstrate the beaked tapering of the efferent and afferent limbs of the dilated loop of sigmoid colon. The classic plain radiograph description of the sigmoid volvulus is that of a coffee-bean–shaped collection of air-filled bowel occupying the left upper quadrant. In cases of axial torsion–type cecal volvulus, a markedly distended loop of large bowel may be identified that extends from the right lower quadrant to the epigastrium or left upper quadrant. The distended cecum may be identified anywhere in the abdomen, depending on the mobility of the right colon. The cecal bascule is generally identified as an air-filled structure occupying the mid abdomen on plain radiography.

CT demonstrates similar beaking, as well as the “whirl” sign of bowel around mesenteric vasculature common to all types of volvulus. CT has been shown to be accurate in diagnosing cecal volvulus and in differentiating between the various subtypes based on the location of the cecum. Less common forms of colonic volvulus are also encountered, including volvulus of the splenic flexure, as well as various segments of the transverse colon.

Adynamic Ileus

Another cause for bowel dilatation, including small bowel and colon, is adynamic ileus. Adynamic ileus, also termed paralytic ileus , has numerous causes, including recent surgery, use of drugs (including opiates), sepsis, intraabdominal infection or inflammation, trauma, and central nervous system injuries, among others. The typical symptoms of ileus are mild abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. In contradistinction to mechanical causes of obstruction, adynamic ileus demonstrates diffuse mild dilatation of bowel loops. Focal ileus, the so-called “sentinel loop” sign, may be identified around areas of inflammation within the abdomen and may be helpful in localizing disease on radiography.

Patients with adynamic ileus typically present with mild abdominal pain, constipation, and bloating. Nausea and vomiting may be associated with adynamic ileus.

Imaging Findings

Plain radiographs demonstrate dilated bowel loops, often diffusely when the cause is systemic. When it is a result of focal inflammation such as pancreatitis, a more localized ileus may be identified and may be useful in localizing intraabdominal disease.

CT has been shown to have a high diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing paralytic ileus from mechanical causes. The CT findings typical of a mechanical cause of obstruction such as a distinct transition point will not be identified in cases of adynamic ileus, which demonstrate mildly dilated loops of bowel diffusely.

Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bowel are discussed in the following sections. They include infectious small bowel enteritis, Crohn disease and diverticulitis of the small bowel, appendicitis, epiploic appendagitis, omental infarction, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease of the colon, infectious colitis, and foreign bodies.

Infectious Small Bowel Enteritis

Small bowel enteritis may be the result of a multitude of infectious causes, including viral causes such as rotavirus, norovirus, and adenovirus, bacterial causes such as Campylobacter jejuni, and parasites, including Giardia lamblia, all of which may affect the immunocompetent host. Common infectious agents of small bowel enteritis in the immunocompromised host include cytomegalovirus, cryptosporidiosis, and Mycobacterium avium intracellulare.

Nonspecific signs and symptoms of infectious enteritis include abdominal cramping, vomiting, and diarrhea. Although the abdomen may be distended with gas, borborygmi are present, distinguishing this condition from ileus. Patients may be febrile, and leukocytosis may be present. Especially in immunocompetent hosts, the disease is often self-limited, lasting up to several days. When infectious enteritis is severe, dehydration is a relatively common complication of infectious small bowel enteritis. Currently, fecal testing and, increasingly, immunoassays are used in the clinical diagnosis.

Imaging Findings

Plain radiographs are often nonspecific but may demonstrate mildly dilated loops of small bowel, similar to adynamic ileus. In more severe cases, the degree of small bowel dilatation may approach the appearance of a small bowel obstruction.

CT imaging, when acquired, is also often nonspecific and may demonstrate mild to moderate small bowel dilatation and mural thickening ( Fig. 9-4 ). Often, the small bowel is diffusely affected; however, certain infections may present in more specific locations such as the proximal small bowel in cases of giardiasis. In the immunocompromised host, a myriad of other infectious causes should be considered, as previously noted. Typically, nonspecific small bowel wall thickening and mucosal irregularity are identified in cases of cytomegalovirus and cryptosporidium. In patients affected by Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, hepatic and splenic enlargement, jejunal wall thickening, and enlarged soft tissue attenuation or, less commonly but more characteristically, low-attenuation lymphadenopathy are described.

FIGURE 9-4, A 40-year-old man with viral gastroenteritis. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images reveal diffuse small bowel dilatation, as well as mural thickening (arrows) .

Crohn Disease, Small Bowel

Although Crohn disease can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal tract, the terminal ileum portion of the small bowel is the most commonly involved. Crohn disease may affect isolated segments of small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum. Usually, however, in cases of small bowel involvement, the colon is also affected.

Common gastrointestinal symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. The crampy abdominal pain associated with Crohn disease may be temporarily relieved after defecation. The area of bowel involved may determine the nature of the diarrhea, with persons affected by ileitis presenting with watery, large-volume stools.

Imaging Findings

In patients presenting with acute abdominal symptoms related to Crohn disease of the small bowel, plain radiographs may demonstrate dilatation of proximal bowel loops because of a functional mechanical obstruction resulting from enteritis. Mural thickening of the affected small bowel loops also may be visualized on plain radiographs.

The manifestations of Crohn disease of the small bowel typically demonstrate nonspecific CT signs of inflammation such as mural thickening. However, more specific findings are often identified. These findings include isolation to the terminal ileum, hypervascularity and prominence of the vasa recta, the “comb” sign, increased mesenteric fat surrounding loops of small bowel, and “creeping” fat, as well as intraabdominal fistulae and abscesses ( Fig. 9-5 ).

FIGURE 9-5, A 24-year-old man with Crohn disease. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images demonstrate thickening of the terminal ileum (arrows) with prominence of the vasa recta along the mesenteric border (arrowheads) , the so-called “comb” sign.

Small Bowel Diverticulitis

Meckel diverticulum, the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, remains asymptomatic in most patients. However, various complications can ensue, including inflammation, termed Meckel diverticulitis . Although it is less commonly seen in other locations than in the colon, diverticula formation may affect any portion of the small bowel from the duodenum to the ileum. Potential complications include bacterial overgrowth and malabsorptive states. Diverticulitis also may affect the small bowel.

Patients with small bowel diverticulitis may present with localized tenderness in the region that is affected; however, no specific signs and symptoms are pathognomonic for this diagnosis. Often, these patients are febrile and may present with a leukocytosis. Moreover, malabsorptive states may develop, and patients may present with diarrhea and weight loss. Although these secondary findings are unrelated to diverticulitis, they may add credence to a consideration of small bowel diverticulitis. Plain radiographs, which are not typically used in the diagnosis of small bowel diverticulitis, may show a focal ileus or “sentinel loop” sign in the area of inflammation.

Imaging Findings

Meckel diverticulitis may be diagnosed by CT. A Meckel diverticulum is evident as a blind-ending pouch of variable length containing fluid, air, or particulate debris, often located near the midline but seen anywhere from the right lower quadrant to the mid abdomen. When the diverticulum is inflamed, mural thickening and surrounding inflammatory stranding may be identified ( Fig. 9-6 ) and might be complicated by frank perforation, possibly yielding an intraabdominal abscess. In cases of diverticulitis unrelated to Meckel diverticulum, CT demonstrates focal luminal outpouchings with surrounding inflammatory changes. Again, gross perforation with abscess formation also may be seen.

FIGURE 9-6, A 38-year-old man with Meckel diverticulitis. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase images reveal a tubular, blind-ending pouch (arrows) emanating from adjacent small bowel (arrowheads) with surrounding inflammatory changes—findings consistent with Meckel diverticulitis.


Appendicitis is a common clinical concern in patients presenting to the emergency department with abdominal pain. In patients presenting with the classic signs and symptoms, including right lower quadrant pain, leukocytosis, and fever, imaging may not be necessary in making the diagnosis of appendicitis. However, in patients with atypical presentations or those requiring further characterization of the suspected diagnosis, imaging is often used. Initially, the appendiceal lumen occludes as a result of a number of causes, including fecaliths and lymphoid hyperplasia. Once occluded, intraluminal fluid continues to accumulate, distending the appendix and eventually increasing the intraluminal and intramural pressures to the point of vascular and lymphatic obstruction. Ineffective venous and lymphatic drainage allows bacterial invasion of the appendiceal wall and lumen. If untreated, perforation of the appendix may be a complication.

As noted, the classic description of patients presenting with appendicitis includes right lower quadrant pain, leukocytosis, and fever. Classically, these findings are preceded by anorexia and periumbilical pain. The migration of pain from the periumbilical region to the right lower quadrant is both sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of appendicitis. However, given the normal range of locations of the appendix, as well as varying degrees of appendiceal inflammation, patients often present with atypical signs and symptoms.

Imaging Findings

Abdominal radiographs have been shown to have little clinical utility in patients with suspected appendicitis; therefore, cross-sectional imaging may be the initial diagnostic examination of choice. In a minority of cases, a calcified fecalith may be identified in the right lower quadrant. Also, the “sentinel loop” sign may be identified in relation to appendiceal inflammation.

In the younger population, and especially in females, ultrasonography may be used as an initial imaging evaluation given radiation concerns involved with CT. Ultrasound has been shown to have a high diagnostic accuracy in the evaluation for suspected appendicitis. Typical findings include the visualization of a blind-ending tubular structure measuring greater than 6 mm in diameter during graded compression. When present, an appendicolith also may be identified as an echogenic, shadowing focus within the lumen of the appendix. Secondary signs of active inflammation, including free intraperitoneal fluid, may be seen. The complications of appendicitis, which include rupture and abscess formation, also may be detected using ultrasound. Technical limitations of ultrasound include patients with an obese body habitus; moreover, given the wide variety of locations of the normal appendix, those located more posteriorly within the peritoneal cavity pose increased difficulty for evaluation.

Pregnant women often pose a diagnostic challenge when presenting with suspected appendicitis. Typically, ultrasound examination is completed to rule out other causes of abdominal pain in this patient population, such as ectopic pregnancy or ovarian torsion. However, as the gravid uterus enlarges, the appendix becomes displaced from its expected location in the right lower quadrant, and it may be difficult to visualize. Unfortunately, the normal appendix is highly unlikely to be visualized by ultrasonography in pregnant women, and further imaging is often requested to definitively exclude appendicitis. However, when the appendix is visualized on ultrasound, the findings of acute appendicitis are similar to those in nonpregnant patients and include the visualization of a blind-ending tubular structure measuring greater than 6 mm in diameter using a graded compression technique.

When the ultrasound results are equivocal or the appendix is not visualized, CT is often used in patients with suspected appendicitis. In older or significantly obese patients, CT may be the initial imaging examination. CT has been shown to have a very high diagnostic accuracy in the diagnosis of appendicitis. In patients with appendicitis, the appendix appears enlarged, often with surrounding inflammatory changes, including the free intraperitoneal fluid. When present, appendicoliths are readily identified on CT ( Fig. 9-7 ). The diameter of the appendix varies widely in typical patients, with sizes ranging up to 1 cm. However, mean values range between 5 and 7 mm depending on whether the appendix is distended with air. Therefore, in a patient with an appendix measuring slightly greater than the standard cutoff value of 6 mm, secondary signs of inflammation should be sought, such as hyperenhancement, periappendiceal fat stranding or fluid, fascial thickening, or edema at the origin of the appendix as evidenced by thickening of the adjacent cecum, the so-called “arrowhead” sign ( Fig. 9-8 ). Filling of the appendix by orally or rectally introduced positive contrast material is a useful means of excluding obstruction of the appendix and, therefore, acute appendicitis. When the appendix is not visualized, this finding, in the absence of right lower quadrant inflammation, carries a high negative predictive value of appendicitis.

FIGURE 9-7, A 46-year-old man with a perforated appendicitis. An axial portal venous phase computed tomography (CT) image (A) demonstrates an inflamed appendix with periappendiceal fat stranding (arrowhead) and phlegmon (white arrow) , as well as an appendicolith at the appendiceal base (black arrow) . A sagittal portal venous phase CT image (B) demonstrates extraluminal air (black arrow) consistent with perforation, as well as the appendicolith (arrowhead) .

FIGURE 9-8, A 20-year-old woman with appendicitis. Axial (A) and sagittal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images demonstrate a dilated appendix consistent with appendicitis (arrows) . Although not necessary in this case given the significant appendiceal dilatation, secondary signs of adjacent cecal wall thickening ( arrowheads , B ), the so-called “arrowhead” sign, may be useful in equivocal cases.

In pregnant patients, ultrasonography is typically used initially, given risks of ionizing radiation. However, in patients with an inconclusive ultrasound examination, both CT and, with increasing frequency, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are often used. The findings of acute appendicitis on CT in pregnant patients are similar to those in the nonpregnant population.

Given concerns regarding radiation dose to the fetus, MRI is frequently used to evaluate pregnant patients for suspected appendicitis. MRI offers high diagnostic accuracy and is an excellent modality for excluding appendicitis. The appendix is considered normal when it is less than or equal to 6 mm in diameter or is filled with air or contrast material. As on CT, secondary findings such as periappendiceal inflammation are used to increase specificity when the appendix is at the upper limits of normal size. As the gravid uterus enlarges, the cecum and therefore the appendix may be in atypical locations, displaced superiorly by the uterus. Therefore, it is helpful to identify the landmarks of the terminal ileum and cecum in attempting to localize the appendix on MRI in pregnant patients.

Epiploic Appendagitis

Epiploic appendages are small fat-containing, serosal-covered outpouchings of the colon that project into the peritoneal cavity. Appendagitis represents torsion of these outpouchings with subsequent inflammation and thrombosis of the venous supply located centrally. Alternatively, spontaneous venous thrombosis has been described to increase the predilection of subsequent torsion.

Prior to the increasing utilization of CT, epiploic appendagitis was often misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis or diverticulitis given similar clinical presentations. Typically, symptoms include rapid onset of localized pain in the right or left flank, although more chronic torsion of the appendages may result in minimal or no symptoms. The pain is usually constant, and rebound tenderness is often elicited. Patients may present with low-grade fever and leukocytosis.

Imaging Findings

Given the increasingly routine use of CT imaging in patients with abdominal pain, the imaging manifestations of epiploic appendagitis have been well described. The characteristic imaging findings include an ovoid lesion containing fat, abutting the colon, with surrounding inflammatory stranding ( Fig. 9-9 ). A central high-attenuation focus has been described and is thought to be related to a thrombosed vein. Although this finding is helpful when it is seen, the absence of this finding does not exclude the diagnosis.

FIGURE 9-9, A 42-year-old man with epiploic appendagitis. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images demonstrate a pericolonic, ovoid, fat-containing lesion (arrows) with a central high-attenuation focus (arrowheads) consistent with epiploic appendagitis.

Although epiploic appendagitis is typically a CT diagnosis, findings have been well described using both ultrasonography and MRI. The diagnosis using these modalities also includes the demonstration of the ovoid fatty lesion with surrounding inflammatory changes.

Omental Infarction

The cause of omental infarction is often idiopathic. It has been hypothesized that some patients may have a congenital anomalous, atypically tenuous blood supply to the omentum. However, a significant portion of cases are related to recent intraabdominal surgery. Other associations include strangulation of the omentum, such as in inguinal hernias that include portions of the omentum.

Omental infarction may present with acute abdominal pain; however, as in epiploic appendagitis, it typically represents a benign, self-limited disease process. Patients present with acute or subacute focal abdominal pain that may mimic the acute pain of appendicitis and diverticulitis. Again, patients may present with low-grade fever and leukocytosis. Occasionally, the area of infarction may be palpated as an intraabdominal mass lesion. In some cases, especially those with more severe and prolonged symptoms, operative management is successful.

Imaging Findings

Omental infarction is an alternative diagnosis that often presents with imaging features somewhat similar to those of epiploic appendagitis. CT reveals an ill-defined focal area of fat with evidence of inflammation and heterogeneous attenuation that may appear somewhat masslike. Follow-up CT imaging often demonstrates a more well-defined area of fat attenuation with heterogeneous attenuation throughout.

Like epiploic appendagitis, omental infarction can be readily diagnosed with ultrasound. Ultrasonography may identify the findings of a lesion that contains fat, as evidenced by a hyperechoic, noncompressible lesion in the region of the omentum.


Diverticulitis is a relatively common cause of abdominal pain and predominantly affects the colon. Diverticulitis represents the inflammation of small outpouchings, known as pulsion diverticula or pseudodiverticula of mucosa and submucosa through the regions of the underlying muscularis propria penetrated by the vasa recta. Diverticulitis is commonly a result of raised intraluminal pressures common in Western, low-fiber diets and constipation; the sigmoid colon is postulated to be most commonly affected, because it has the smallest diameter, leading to the greatest intraluminal pressures. Diverticulitis typically presents as localized, usually left-sided, abdominal pain. More severe disease, especially with the presence of complicating abscesses, may present with systemic symptoms such as fever, and leukocytosis may develop. These patients also may present with anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Signs of peritonitis may develop with cases of more gross perforation.

Imaging Findings

Although ultrasound has been shown to be accurate in the diagnosis of acute diverticulitis, this disease is more commonly diagnosed using CT. CT scans typically involve the use of oral and intravenous contrast material. Left-sided diverticulitis predominates with the typical CT imaging findings, including colonic wall thickening and pericolonic fat stranding seen in close proximity to a diverticulum. Typically, diverticulosis is noted throughout a longer segment of adjacent colon, although only a single diverticulum is necessary to cause acute diverticulitis. Often, several small foci of extraluminal gas may be identified in the region of inflammation.

Multiple complications are associated with acute diverticulitis, including intramural sinus tracts or abscess, as well as extracolonic phlegmon or abscess formation ( Fig. 9-10 ). Frank perforation with gross free intraperitoneal air also may be encountered in patients with diverticulitis. Other complications include the formation of fistulae that are most commonly colovesicular but may be colovaginal, coloenteric, and colouterine as well. In patients with a CT diagnosis of diverticulitis, follow-up colonoscopy is normally advised to rule out underlying malignancy masquerading as diverticulitis.

FIGURE 9-10, A 50-year-old man with diverticulitis. Axial (A) and coronal (B) portal venous phase computed tomography images reveal thickening of the sigmoid colon with a central low-attenuation focus consistent with an intramural abscess (arrows) .

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