
  • Excision of a Morton or interdigital neuroma is indicated for neuritic forefoot pain not responsive to conservative means of treatment. A Morton neuroma:

    • Is more common in women

    • Is usually footwear related

    • Is most common in the third web space

    • Is less common in the second web space

Indications Pitfalls

  • It is important not to confuse symptoms of second or third metatarsophalangeal joint synovitis/metatarsalgia/plantar plate pathology with the symptoms of an interdigital neuroma.



  • Footwear-related pain

  • Need to remove shoe/massage foot

  • Sharp nerve pain

  • Tingling or numbness in toes

  • Occasionally, feel a “click” when weight bearing

Physical Examination

  • Swelling is not usually noted.

  • Pain to palpation “between” metatarsal heads in the second or third web space, which increases with concurrent lateral compression of the forefoot.

  • Altered sensation in appropriate plantar digital nerve distribution is common.

  • Mulder click (i.e., a palpable click with ballottement of neuroma between metatarsal heads) is noted.

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