Meningococcal Vaccines Directed at Capsular Group B


Meningococcal disease was first described in Geneva, Switzerland in 1805. Different capsular groups of meningococci were first recognized serologically in 1909, and serogroup B was defined based on the immunological difference in capsular polysaccharide structure in the 1940s. Capsular group B N. meningitidis has caused substantial disease in Europe, the Americas, and Australasia, but is also seen in other geographic regions ( Fig. 40.1 ). Group B strains express a (α2→8)-linked polysaccharide acid capsule, a structure also found on glycans of some human antigens such as the human neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM). More recently, PCR and DNA sequencing of specific genes involved in capsular synthesis has largely replaced serologic methods to define a meningococcal isolate’s capsular polysaccharide group and are also used for strain genotying.

Fig. 40.1, Global invasive group B meningococcal disease. Regions with highest incidence are noted as “B” (incidence 0.1 to 2–4/100,000 population and 1–10/100,000 in infants), also shown are historic major outbreaks of group B meningococcal disease by clonal complex and serotype. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (Modified from Stephens DS, Greenwood B, Brandtzaeg P. Epidemic meningitis, meningococcaemia, and Neisseria meningitidis. Lancet 2007. 369:2196–2210.)

This chapter uses the term “capsular group B” or simply “group B.” For group B vaccines, the protein-polysaccharide conjugate vaccine approach, used successfully for groups A, C, W, Y, and now X, was unsuccessful for capsular group B strains because, as described above, the capsular polysaccharide is an autoantigen and is poorly immunogenic. The protein antigens used in the capsular group B vaccines are novel and have distinct immunogenic properties and the underlying mechanisms are different from those associated with polysaccharide antigens. Therefore, the vaccines targeting capsular group B strains are described separately in this chapter.


Capsular group B N. meningitidis is a major cause of acute and prolonged meningococcal outbreaks, and of hyperendemic and sporadic meningococcal disease, especially in infants and young children. Disease is prevalent in North and South Americas, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other countries of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa ( Fig. 40.1 ). While the overall incidence is declining and has been decreased further by COVID-19 containment measures, the annual incidence of invasive group B disease is <0.1 to 2-4/100,000 population and 1-10/100,000 in infants in these areas. , In the US, group B incidence is 0.03/100,000 (2018) and accounts for 29% of all cases and 50% of cases in children <1 years. ,

Group B meningococcal outbreaks also occur. Compared with group A or C epidemics, capsular group B epidemics generally begin slowly, are overall associated with lower rates of disease, but are more prolonged, at times lasting a decade or longer in a community or region. Examples are the group B epidemic in New Zealand and the prolonged group B outbreak in the US Pacific Northwest (see below). In sub-Saharan Africa (except South Africa) and Asia, group B meningococcal disease is reported as uncommon, but cases and clusters have been reported in Ghana, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand.

As described in Chapter 39, meningococci are classified not only by capsular group but also by genotype-multilocus sequence types (MLST)- and by outer membrane proteins- serotype (PorB), and serosubtype (PorA). Meningococcal strain genotype nomenclature is often expressed as the clonal complex (cc) and the specific sequence type (ST). For group B strains, cc41/44, cc32, cc18, cc269, cc8, cc11, and cc35 are most frequently associated with invasive meningococcal disease. The capsular group, PorB serotype, and PorA serosubtype, are each separated by a colon (e.g., B:4:P1.7,4). The VR1 (loop 2) and VR2 (loop 4) encoded epitopes of PorA are given in order after the prefix P1.x, separated from one another by a comma. As example, in the 1970s, an increase in the incidence of disease caused by cc32 (ST-32) group B strains was noted in Norway (B:15:P1.7,16), Iceland, and Spain (B:4:P1.19,15) ( Fig. 40.1 ). In the 1980s, a severe epidemic in Cuba was also caused by cc32 (ST-32) group B strains (B:4:P1.19,15), which spread to São Paulo, Brazil, in the late 1980s. Group B meningococci strains from cc32 became established in Canada in the 1990s, and substantial increases in incidence also were noted in the United States in Oregon and Washington State (B:15:P1.7,16). The incidence of disease in Oregon caused by this outbreak peaked in the 1994–1996 period, but the responsible clonal complex of meningococcus has remained an important cause of increased disease particular in Oregon, but also California and Northwest for over 25 years. Interestingly, the Oregon clone has caused disease across the United States, but only Oregon and adjacent areas were associated with a substantial increase in disease rates.

New Zealand experienced an epidemic of group B meningococcal disease that started in 1991. The epidemic was caused by a cc41/44 strain identified as B:4:P1.7-2,4. A strain-specific outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccine, described below, was developed and introduced in July 2004 for mass immunization in New Zealand, which ultimately contributed to control of the epidemic. In the last 15 years, cc269, B:17:P1.19 emerged as a cause of outbreaks and significant disease in disease in UK and Canada.

Over the past few years, the epidemiology of college-associated outbreaks has changed in the United States. Before the routine use of quadrivalent meningococcal vaccines in adolescents, most outbreaks in institutions of higher learning were caused by capsular group C strains, but these outbreaks are now predominantly caused by a diverse assortment of group B strains ( Table 40.1 ). From 2008 to 2020, there were at least 15 group B outbreaks on college campuses, ranging in size from 2 to 13 cases. Immunization campaigns with one or both of the recently licensed group B vaccines were often conducted in response to the recent outbreaks.

TABLE 40.1
Capsular Group B Outbreaks on U.S. College Campuses, 2008–2020
Institution Time Period No. Cases (Fatalities) No. Isolates Tested Multilocus ST/CC Vaccination Campaign?
Ohio University , Jan 2008–Nov 2010 13 (1) 2 ST-269/CC269 No
University of Pennsylvania Feb–Mar 2009 4 4 ST-283/CC269 No
Lehigh University, PA Nov 2011 2 2 ST-1624/CC167 No
Princeton University, NJ , , , , Mar 2013–Mar 2014 9 (1) b 8 ST-409/CC41/44 Yes
University of California, Santa Barbara Nov 2013–May 2015 6 a 4 ST-32/CC32 Yes
University of Oregon Jan–May 2015 7 (1) 6 ST-32/CC32 Yes
Providence College, RI Jan–Feb 2015 2 2 ST-9069 (no assigned CC) Yes
Santa Clara University, CA , Jan–Feb 2016 3 2 ST-1190/CC32 Yes
Rutgers University, NJ , Mar–Apr 2016 2 2 ST-11/CC11 Yes
University of Wisconsin Oct 2016 3 2 ST-11556/CC32 Yes
Oregon State University Nov 2016-Nov 2017 5 5 ST-32/CC32 Yes
U of Massachusetts Amherst Oct 2017-Feb 2018 3 3 ST-41/CC41/44 Yes
Bucknell University Pennsylvania Nov2017 2 1 ST-8756/CC32
San Diego State University June 2018 4 2 ST-13927/CC35
Rutgers University, NJ 2019 2 2 ST60/CC60 Yes

a Includes one case in a girlfriend visiting the campus in May 2015.

b Fatal case occurred in a Drexel University student who developed infection with the outbreak strain after close contact with a vaccinated Princeton student ( ). CC, clonal complex; ST, sequence type.

Two of the most important epidemiologic features of group B meningococcal disease is that the group is the predominant cause of disease in infants, , , and incidence rates of endemic group B disease in different countries can vary. An example of regional differences was the approximately 20-fold higher annual rate of serogroup B disease in children less than 1 year in the United Kingdom (22/100,000 for 2010-2014) than in the United States (1.22/100,000 for 2006-2015). In September 2015, the United Kingdom introduced the multicomponent meningococcal group B vaccine (MenB-4C, Bexsero) into its publicly funded national immunization program as a two-dose priming schedule for infants, with a 12-month booster. As detailed later in this chapter, vaccine effectiveness against meningococcal group B disease was 59.1% (95% CI, -31.1 to 87.2) with the two-dose priming schedule plus a booster at 1 year. The total number of meningococcalgroup B cases dropped 75% in infant age groups that were fully eligible for vaccination (63 observed cases as compared with 253 expected cases). These data show that group B meningococcal disease in infants is now vaccine preventable.

In the United States, because of the current lower burden of disease, the two licensed group B vaccines are approved currently for the age group 10 to 25 years. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has approved “Breakthrough Therapy Designation” of both the MenB vaccines Bexsero and Trumenba, and there is promise for the development of vaccines for prevention of invasive meningococcal disease caused by group B in children 1-10 years of age. Pentavalent vaccines for capsular groups A, B, C, W, and Y, , containing the antigens in MenB-4C or Trumenba (MenB-FHbp) are in development to address this need (see below). In addition, “Defeating meningitis by 2030” is a decade-long program of the World Health Organization focused on developing and implementing a strategic road map for the prevention of meningitis, including disease caused by group B N. meningitidis , through prioritizing research and improved control activities including MenB vaccines.


As noted, the group B meningococcal polysaccharide capsule can cross-react with sialylated proteins present on human tissues. The polysaccharide also is a poor immunogen, even when conjugated to a protein carrier. Also, there are potential safety concerns for a vaccine that elicited high serum titers of antibodies directed against the group B polysaccharide that cross-react with human antigens. These concerns prompted investigation into the potential of noncapsular antigens, particularly outer membrane proteins or other vaccine antigens. , The idea that noncapsular antigens could be sufficiently exposed on the surface of encapsulated meningococci to be accessible to protective antibodies was at first controversial.

Compelling data showing that protein antigens could elicit protective antibodies came from pioneering studies with outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccines, which were developed by several groups more than 30 years ago. The OMVs were treated with detergents to extract lipooligosaccharide and decrease endotoxin activity. The OMV vaccines appeared to be safe and effective. The initial OMV studies used two doses of vaccine, which were sufficient to elicit serum bactericidal antibody antibodies and protect older children and adults. However, a case-control study done in Brazil in the early 1990s found no efficacy against meningococcal disease in infants younger than 24 months, which for nearly a decade dampened enthusiasm for the OMV vaccine approach. A seminal finding was the publication by Tappero and colleagues in 1999 demonstrating that three doses of OMV vaccines elicited serum bactericidal antibody responses in infants younger than 1 year. This finding helped set the stage for developing protein antigen vaccines for Men B including for infants in the age group with the highest incidence of disease.

One limitation of OMV vaccines, however, is that serum bactericidal antibody responses especially of infants are largely directed against the porin protein, PorA, which is antigenically variable. The OMV vaccines, therefore, were tailor-made and mainly used to control group B epidemics caused by a predominant strain. Subsequent efforts to broaden protection used OMV vaccines prepared from more than one strain or from mutants expressing more than one PorA type. While these vaccines elicited serum bactericidal antibody responses in human infants, certain PorA types were poorly immunogenic. Furthermore, in the United States endemic meningococcal disease is caused by antigenically diverse strains, with more than 20 PorA variable region types. These factors and the discovery of more promising recombinant protein antigen approaches beginning in 2000 eventually led to discontinuation of most efforts to license detergent-treated OMV vaccines as stand-alone meningococcal vaccines for prevention of capsular group B endemic disease. However, as described below, an OMV is one component of one of the recently licensed group B vaccines. A key lesson from the OMV vaccine trials was that a vaccine based on protein antigens could prevent disease caused by encapsulated meningococci and that serum bactericidal activity was a correlate of group B vaccine efficacy. ,

The 1990s witnessed the discovery of several promising recombinant meningococcal protein vaccines capable of eliciting broad serum bactericidal antibody responses in mice. These included Neisserial surface protein A (NspA) , , and a transferrin-binding protein (TbpB). However, in Phase I clinical trials these recombinant protein vaccines failed to elicit serum bactericidal antibody responses in humans. , NspA was subsequently shown to specifically bind human complement factor H (FH), and TbpB was known to bind specifically to human transferrin. The lack of serum bactericidal antibody responses to these vaccines in humans may have resulted in part from the binding of the vaccine antigens to host proteins. For example, human FH transgenic mice immunized with NspA vaccines that bound human FH had lower serum bactericidal antibody responses than wild-type mice whose mouse FH did not bind to NspA. Also, pigs immunized with a mutant Haemophilus parasuis TbpB vaccine with decreased binding to porcine transferrin elicited higher T- and B-cell responses and provided greater protection from infection than a native TbpB vaccine that bound porcine transferrin. There also are data from human FH transgenic mice and infant primate models that show binding of human FH to Factor H binding protein (FHbp, an antigen in both licensed group B vaccines; see below) may impair protective antibody responses. Further, investigational meningococcal vaccines containing mutant FHbp with one to three amino acid substitutions that decrease FH binding elicited higher and broader SBA responses in human FH transgenic mice or infant macaque models than control vaccines with wildtype FHbp that binds FH (see below). Collectively the data have raised a concern that binding of a host protein to a vaccine antigen can decrease protective antibody responses, and several mutant FHbp vaccines with low FH binding are currently in clinical development. However, there is no evidence the antibodies significantly impaired FH function or are likely to cause FH-mediated autoimmune disorders.

In 2000, the first full DNA sequence of a meningococcal genome was described and was used to identify a large number of new meningococcal protein antigen vaccine candidates. In the subsequent decade, Novartis Vaccines (now GSK) used three of the identified antigens (FHbp, NadA and NHba, see below) in combination with an OMV derived from the New Zealand outbreak strain to develop a group B vaccine (Bexsero). Because the vaccine contains four components capable of eliciting serum bactericidal activity, the vaccine is referred to as MenB-4C (4C-MenB in Europe). In the United States, a second group B vaccine that contains two distinct FHbp sequence variants was developed by Pfizer Vaccines (Trumenba; referred to as MenB-FHbp).

These group B vaccines also provide coverage against some strains with other capsular groups such as A, C, Y, W, or X, since the outer membrane protein antigens are shared by strains from all capsular serogroups. However, because the capsular polysaccharide contains multiple repeating epitopes and is more abundant and accessible on the bacterial surface than most protein antigens, serum anti-capsular antibodies have greater complement-mediated bactericidal activity (i.e., require lower antibody concentrations to elicit bactericidal activity than antibodies that target protein antigens). Not all meningococcal strains are susceptible to antibodies elicited by the protein vaccine antigens because of amino acid sequence diversity of the antigen, low antigen expression in some strains, or absence or truncation of a functional gene encoding the antigens. Also, because group B vaccines have minimal effect on decreasing pharyngeal carriage of the organism compared with the conjugate vaccines, the group B vaccines will not provide the herd protection found with the conjugate vaccines. Therefore, while the group B protein vaccines may supplement protection against some meningococcal strains with other capsular groups, the current protein vaccines will not replace polysaccharide conjugate vaccines for prevention of disease caused by non–group B strains.


Both licensed group B vaccines contain a novel antigen called FHbp, which is a lipoprotein present on the surface of nearly all meningococcal strains. There are, however, notable differences in the antigenic composition between the two vaccines. MenB-FHbp contains two recombinant FHbp lipoprotein molecules, one from each subfamily (see below). MenB-4C contains a subfamily B FHbp sequence variant and three additional components capable of eliciting serum bactericidal activity (i.e., four components: FHbp, NadA, NHba, and OMVs containing PorA serosubtype P1.4, described in detail below).


The MenB-4C vaccine contains three recombinant proteins: FHbp subfamily B (as a fusion protein with GNA 2019), Neisseria Heparin binding antigen (NHba, as a fusion protein with GNA 1030), and Neisseria adhesin A (NadA), which are combined with a detergent-extracted OMV from strain NZ98/254 ( Fig. 40.2 ). A 0.5-mL dose contains 50 µg of each the three recombinant proteins and 25 µg of OMV. The antigens are adsorbed with 0.519 mg of Al 3+ (as aluminum hydroxide) ( Table 40.2 ). MenB-4C was licensed in the UK and member states of the European Union and European Economic Area in 2013 and approved for the age group 2 months to 55 years. The vaccine has been subsequently approved in Canada, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay and more than 30 other countries, including the United States. In the United States, MenB-4C is FDA approved for use in the age group 10 to 25 years.

Fig. 40.2, Schematic representation of the three recombinant proteins and outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) contained in the meningococcal MenB-4C vaccine. Two of the components are fusion protein (GNA2091 fused with FHbp and NHba fused with GNA 1030). The third component is recombinant NadA. N and C refer to the amino and carboxy terminal portions, respectively, of the proteins. The three recombinant proteins are combined with detergent extracted OMV vaccine from group B strain NZ98/254 with PorA P1.4.

TABLE 40.2
Composition of Licensed Group B Vaccines
MenB-4C Vaccine (Bexsero, GSK) Quantity Per 0.5-mL IM Dose MenB-FHbp Vaccine (Trumenba, Pfizer) Quantity Per 0.5-mL IM Dose
Antigens Antigens
Recombinant GNA2091-FHbp (Subfamily B) fusion protein a 50 µg Recombinant FHbp (Subfamily A) b 60 µg
Recombinant NHba-GNA130 fusion protein 50 µg Recombinant FHbp (Subfamily B) c 60 µg
Recombinant NadA 50 µg
OMV (strain NZ98/254, PorA P1.4) 25 µg
Other Other
Aluminum 0.519 mg of Al +3 as aluminum hydroxide Aluminum 0.25 mg of Al +3 as aluminum phosphate
Sucrose 10 mg Polysorbitol 80 (PS80) 0.018 mg
Histidine 0.776 mg Histidine buffered saline 10 mM
NaCl 3.125 mg NaCl Amount not reported
pH 6.4-6.7 pH 6.0

a FHbp peptide ID 1, as described in the public database . This sequence variant is assigned to variant group 1 in an alternative classification system. 88

b FHbp ID 45 (called A05 by Pfizer using an alternative classification of amino acid sequence variants (98).

c FHbp ID 55 (called B01 by Pfizer; see above).


MenB-FHbp contains two lipidated recombinant FHbp sequence variants, one from each subfamily. , The 0.5-mL dose contains 60 µg of each FHbp variant (total of 120 µg of protein) (see Table 40.2 ). The antigens are adsorbed with 0.25 mg of Al +3 (as aluminum phosphate). MenB-FHbp is approved as a two or three dose schedule in the United States, UK, the European Union member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, for individuals 10 years and older. In the United States, the MenB-FHbp vaccine is approved for the ages 10 to 25 years. MenB-FHbp vaccine can be administered on a two-dose (0 and 6 months) schedule to healthy adolescents and young adults or as a tailored three-dose (0, 1–2, and 6 months) schedule for individuals at increased risk.



First discovered by scientists at the former Chiron Vaccines in Siena, Italy, using genome mining, the protein was designated “genome-derived Neisseria antigen 1870” or “GNA1870.” Investigators at Wyeth Vaccines (now Pfizer) in New York independently discovered the same antigen using biochemical and immunologic approaches and called it “lipoprotein 2086” or “LP2086.” The protein was subsequently found by Sanjay Ram and colleagues to bind a human protein, called Factor H (FH), which downregulates complement activation (particularly the alternative pathway). The binding was shown to be specific for human and some nonhuman primate FH and enabled meningococci to survive in nonimmune serum. Rat FH does not bind to meningococci, and the organism is killed by 20% nonimmune infant rat serum after incubation of the bacteria for 60 minutes. The addition, however, of as little as 3 µg/mL of human FH was sufficient to downregulate the rat alternative pathway and “rescue” the bacteria from killing (typical concentrations of FH in human serum range from 200 to 600 µg/mL). These data provide one reason why meningococci naturally infect only humans; in humans, binding of FH to the bacteria allows N. meningitidis to evade host defenses. A human genome wide association study identified variants in the FH region associated with host susceptibility to meningococcal disease. Because of the importance of binding of FH to GNA1870/LP2086 in enabling the organism to evade complement, the various names of the antigen were changed to FHbp.

The FH molecule contains 20 domains. , Each domain contains approximately 60 amino acids and can be thought of as a series of individual beads on a string. Domains 1 to 4 are responsible for downregulating complement activation, and domains 6 and 7 contain the amino acid residues that interact with FHbp. The structure of FHbp in a complex with FH domains 6 and 7 is shown in Fig. 40.3 . The FHbp molecule contains two antiparallel β-barrel domains. The amino acid residues in FHbp that interact with FH are located on both the N-terminal and C-terminal portions of the molecule and appear to be the most important epitopes for eliciting bactericidal anti-FHbp antibodies. , In immunized mice whose mouse FH does not bind to the vaccine antigen, serum anti-FHbp antibodies are directed at epitopes located in the FH binding site, and the antibodies block FH binding. With less bound FH, there is less complement downregulation and the bacteria become more susceptible to complement-mediated bactericidal activity. , In immunized humans and nonhuman primates, binding of FH to the FHbp vaccine antigen appears to mask these epitopes, and the resulting anti-FHbp antibodies are largely directed to epitopes outside of the FH binding area. As a result, the antibodies do not block FH binding. , ,

Fig. 40.3, Structure of factor H (FH) binding protein (FHbp) in a complex with a human FH fragment (domains 6 and 7).

As of Feburary 2021, 1750 alleles with 11,347 distinct FHbp amino acid sequence variants (peptide alleles) had been identified in the PubMLST database and assigned individual FHbp peptide identification (ID) numbers. Based on amino acid sequence similarity, these variants can be subclassified into three variant groups (1, 2, or 3) or two subfamilies (A and B). Variant group 1 corresponds to subfamily B, and variant groups 2 and 3 correspond to subfamily A. Within a subfamily, FHbp amino acid sequence identity ranges from 88% to 99%. Between subfamilies, sequence identity is approximately 60%. While exceptions have been noted, in general, antibodies directed at FHbp in subfamily A have greater bactericidal activity against strains expressing subfamily A FHbp, and vice versa for strains expressing FHbp in subfamily B. , , Because of amino acid relatedness and extensive cross-reactivity between FHbp sequence variants in variant groups 2 and 3 (subfamily A), , this chapter uses the subfamily classification system.

MenB-FHbp contains two lipidated recombinant FHbp sequence variants, one from each subfamily. The lipidation is thought to act as an adjuvant and increase immunogenicity. , The subfamily A FHbp sequence variant in this vaccine is ID 45 (called A05 by Pfizer), and the subfamily B variant is ID 55 (also called B01) ( Fig. 40.4 ). MenB-4C contains a subfamily B FHbp variant (ID 1or B24) that is not lipidated, and three other antigens capable of eliciting serum bactericidal activity (see Fig. 40.2 ). The FHbp antigen in MenB-4C is a fusion protein with a second antigen called GNA 2091. GNA 2091 was initially thought to contribute to vaccine protection and was combined with FHbp to facilitate vaccine production. The antigen was subsequently found to be localized on the periplasmic side of the outer membrane and did not elicit serum bactericidal activity. GSK considers GNA 2091 an “accessory protein” in the MenB-4C vaccine, and the presence of GNA 2091 in the FHbp fusion protein may increase FHbp stability and immunogenicity.

Fig. 40.4, Phylogenetic tree for FHbp, adapted with permission from Ostergaard et al. N Engl J Med . 2017;377:2349–2362. 111 The grouping of variants into subfamilies A and B 107 is shown; the alternative classification scheme involving 3 variant groups 88 is also depicted. The two green colored circles indicate FHbp antigens B01 (ID 55), A05 (ID 45) included in MenB-FHbp, Also shown are the 4 primary and 10 additional strains used to evaluate MenB-FHbp immune (hSBA) responses in clinical studies; they express sequence-diverse FHbp variants that are different from the vaccine antigens. The other MenB vaccine, MenB-4C, also has a recombinant FHbp component (ID 1 from subfamily B). For MenB-4C, the indicator strain used to evaluate FHbp-mediated bactericidal immune responses expresses FHbp variant ID 1 (B24)* and is homologous to the MenB-4C vaccine antigen for FHbp. The scale bar indicates phylogenetic distance using protein sequence. FHbp = factor H binding proteins; hSBA = serum bactericidal antibody assay using human complement; MenB-4C = Bexsero®, also referred to as 4C-MenB; MenB-FHbp = Trumenba®, also referred to as bivalent rLP2086.

FHbp vaccines elicit broad serum bactericidal antibody responses in mouse, rabbit, and nonhuman primate models. , , , , , Both manufacturers (GSK and Pfizer) have proposed that a match between the FHbp subfamily (or variant group) of the vaccine and the strain, and with expression of strain antigen above a certain threshold, then the isolate can be considered covered by the vaccine. , However, the story is more nuanced. , For example, within a subfamily there can be 10-fold or greater differences in susceptibility against mutants with different FHbp amino acid sequence variants and unexpected cross-reactive bactericidal activity against subfamily A with the FHbp subfamily B antigen in MenB-4C. Also, Pajon et al. noted the effect of decreasing strain antigen expression on lowering serum bactericidal activity of mice immunized with a recombinant FHbp vaccine ID 1 that matched the FHbp in the test strains. Note that many wild-type meningococcal strains causing disease have similar FHbp expression to the mutant used in this study with 50% decreased FHbp expression. , , , , Intrinsic strain resistance to anti-FHbp bactericidal activity also may be mediated by binding of FH to two other meningococcal FH ligands, NspA and the porin protein PorB, which can downregulate complement. These experimental observations underscore the challenges for predicting strain coverage by the antibodies elicited by FHbp vaccines.

Rarely (∼1 : 1000), invasive meningococcal isolates with absent FHbp genes or frameshift mutations have been identified that do not express a functional FHbp. These isolates express other FH ligands, such as NspA or PorB, and are completely resistant to anti-FHbp bactericidal activity. To date, vaccination with FHbp-containing vaccines has not selected for emergence of FHbp-null strains, possibly because selection would occur mainly on infected mucosal surfaces and MenB vaccines appear to have minimal effect on decreasing nasopharyngeal colonization.

Neisseria Adhesin A

MenB-4C contains a subfamily B FHbp antigen. MenB-4C coverage against meningococcal strains with subfamily A FHbp is therefore largely dependent on protective antibodies elicited by the three other vaccine antigens. One of these is NadA, which is a surface-exposed lipoprotein discovered by genome mining and designated GNA1994. Present in the outer membrane as a homotrimer, NadA has structural similarities to a family of autotransporter adhesins and may promote Neisseria adhesion to epithelial cells (hence the name NadA). In experimental animals and humans, recombinant NadA vaccines elicited serum bactericidal antibodies. ,

As of February 2021, there were 322 NadA alleles with 130 amino acid sequence variants and other changes such as IS element insertions or internal stop codons in the public database. Many of the differences are accounted for by phase variable on and off configurations, frameshifts and deletions. In a classification system updated in 2014, NadA was subdivided into three variant groups based on amino acid similarity (NadA-1, NadA-2/3, and NadA-4/5). MenB-4C contains a peptide variant from group 2/3, which elicits cross-reactive antibodies to NadA-1 but not NadA-4/5.

An important limitation of NadA as a vaccine antigen is that only about 20% to 40% of group B strains have genes coding for the protein (primarily strains from clonal complexes STs 8, 11, and 32). As noted above, NadA genes can be interrupted or frame shifted. Furthermore, the isolates for which anti-NadA antibodies might be most important for protection after MenB-4C vaccination (isolates with FHbp subfamily A, which is not present in the vaccine) infrequently have nadA genes (6%–19%). NadA expression levels also are largely controlled by a transcriptional regulator NadR (Neisseria adhesin A regulator). Expression of NadA is repressed in many strains by NadR, which can result experimentally in resistance to anti-NadA serum bactericidal activity. NadA expression can be induced by certain small molecules in saliva that inhibit NadR repression. In an ex vivo model of human whole blood infection, meningococci did not activate genes encoding for NadA. Nevertheless, expression of NadA during human meningococcal disease is sufficient to induce anti-NadA antibodies in convalescent serum. In short, MenB-4C can induce anti-NadA bactericidal activity against some NadA-positive meningococcal strains (such as strain 5/99, which has naturally high NadA expression and is used by GSK to assess anti-NadA serum bactericidal responses). However, for many nadA positive strains, expression of the protein is low under in vitro growth conditions used to measure bactericidal activity, and some NadA-positive strains are relatively resistant to serum bactericidal activity elicited by MenB-4C in adults (see below). , However, the assay conditions for measurement of serum bactericidal antibody are not optimum for expression of NadA and it is possible that the assays underestimate NadA as a protective antigen. Defining the actual contribution of anti-NadA antibodies to MenB-4C vaccine coverage therefore remains challenging.

Neisseria Heparin-Binding Antigen

NHba is a surface-exposed lipoprotein that also was discovered by genome mining and designated GNA 2132. Subsequently, the protein was found to bind heparin in vitro, which correlated with increased survival of unencapsulated meningococci in human serum. While the role of heparin binding as a surrogate for interactions of N. meningitidis with host polyanions and pathogenesis remains uncertain, the name of the protein was changed to NHba to reflect its heparin-binding function. Almost all MenB isolates harbor the NHba gene. As of February 2021, there were 1409 NHba amino acid sequence variants in the public database. To date, these variants have not been classified into related families because of the lack of clear relationships between the respective amino acid sequence variants to antigenic cross-reactivity. For classification, each NHba sequence variant is designated with a specific peptide ID. MenB-4C contains NHba peptide 2, which is part of a fusion protein with a second antigen, GNA 1030 (see Fig. 40.2 ). GNA1030 was initially thought to contribute to vaccine-induced protection and was combined with NHba to facilitate vaccine production. However, GNA1030 was subsequently found to be a ubiquinone-8 binding protein and not to elicit serum bactericidal activity. As is the case for GNA 2091 (the second antigen in the FHbp fusion protein), GSK considers GNA 1030 an “accessory protein” in the NHba antigen. The NHba fusion protein expresses the expected epitopes found in the native NHba and appears to be stable.

Defining the role of NHba in MenB-4C coverage has been challenging. One study found an approximate 100-fold difference in NHba expression across isolates. In some strains, an endogeonous protease, NalP, cleaves NHba, which releases a C-terminal 22-kDa fragment that may contain epitopes recognized by anti-NHba antibody. NHba also was found to be cleaved by protease activity of human lactoferrin. Although the investigators concluded that proteolytic cleavage of NHba did not affect anti-NHba bactericidal response, the cidal activity was measured with rabbit complement. Because rabbit FH does not bind to meningococci, the anti-NHba activation of complement was not downregulated, which would have falsely increased bactericidal activity measured with human complement. Early studies of mice immunized with a recombinant NHba vaccine given with Freund’s adjuvant showed that serum anti-NHba antibodies were bactericidal primarily with rabbit complement (only two selected strains were killed with human complement). GSK also has had difficulty finding a suitable meningococcal strain for measuring anti-NHba–specific serum bactericidal activity after MenB-4C vaccination. As a result, anti-NHba bactericidal activity was not measured in the early studies of the immunogenicity of MenB-4C in humans. , Also, anti-NHba bactericidal activity was not included in the human immunogenicity dataset for U.S. licensure of MenB-4C. ,

Subsequently, Rossi et al. investigated serum bactericidal activity elicited by MenB-4C against different serogroup B strains responsible for two outbreaks on U.S. college campuses. Both outbreak strains were susceptible to bactericidal activity of sera from rhesus macaques or a human immunized with MenB-4C. This result was predicted based on high expression of two of the vaccine antigens in both strains, subfamily B FHbp and NHba, and moderate expression of a third vaccine antigen, NadA, in one of the strains. Depletion of anti-FHbp antibodies from the postimmunization sera, however, resulted in loss of all vaccine-induced bactericidal activity. Thus, despite strain NHba expression and high titers of anti-NHba antibody in the FHbp-adsorbed sera, there was no detectable anti-NHba bactericidal activity measured with human complement. The basis for this resistance is unknown and requires further investigation. These data, together with data on limited serum bactericidal responses of MenB-4C-vaccinated adults against some strains expressing NHba but mismatched for the other three MenB-4C antigens, underscore the difficulty of predicting the contribution of anti-NHba antibodies to protection elicited by MenB-4C. The MenB-4C NHba peptide-2 has been demonstrated to induce cross-reactive serum bactericidal antibodies to some NHba peptides but not others, but anti-NHba antibody that lacks bactericidal activity individually against a strain may contribute to bactericidal activity elicited by MenB-4C in concert with anti-FHbp antibody ,

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