Ischemic Cardiac Disease

Introduction: Using Cardiovascular Imaging

Cardiovascular diseases remain one of the most common causes of death in industrialized nations. Over the last decade, substantial technical advances in cardiovascular imaging have been made and have helped mature such modalities from research techniques into clinical applications. Ischemic cardiac disease is defined as an efficiency loss of the myocardium due to inadequate oxygen supply, which is mostly caused by obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). Several parameters that can be obtained through cardiovascular imaging have been shown to allow for more precise risk stratification and management in patients with ischemic heart disease.

Indications for Imaging

Risk assessment remains the main indication for cardiovascular imaging in clinical routine. Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) has been incorporated into most major guidelines as a first-choice standard examination to detect CAD, assess coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) lumen patency, and visualize congenital heart disease. A number of multicenter studies have demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity for CCTA in comparison with invasive coronary angiography (ICA). Although the severity of coronary stenosis may be overestimated with CCTA, its high negative predictive value has established it as a modality to rule out CAD reliably. The use of CCTA in the emergency department to triage patients with acute chest pain and suspected CAD has also been recommended by multiple studies.

Although CCTA is per definition an anatomic examination, other functional imaging modalities generally need to be used to assess the hemodynamic significance of detected coronary stenosis. Such myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is mostly performed using single-photon emission CT (SPECT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), although other modalities can also be used (e.g., positron emission tomography, stress echocardiography, fractional flow reserve CT [CT-FFR]). This explains why a comprehensive workup in patients with ischemic cardiac disease is commonly based on multimodality imaging. However, multiple factors and patient characteristics influence the selection of an appropriate imaging modality and protocol ( Box 30.1 ).

Box 30.1
Parameters Influencing Cardiac Imaging Protocol Selection

Technical Parameters

  • CT detector design and arrays

  • Available CT radiation and contrast dose reduction techniques

  • Postprocessing algorithms (3D, 4D, and CT-FFR)

  • MR field strength and bore width

Patient Factors

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Body weight and habitus

  • Heart rate

  • Heart rhythm

  • Blood pressure

  • Medical and surgical history

  • Renal function

  • Ability to follow breathing commands

  • Presence of devices and implants

  • Claustrophobia

Clinical Parameters

  • Indications for imaging

  • Appropriateness for imaging

  • Specific clinical questions

  • Impact on further clinical pathway

Determining the Appropriate Imaging Modality

X-Ray (Chest X-Ray, Invasive Coronary Angiography)

In most patients presenting to the emergency department, an initial chest x-ray is obtained. Although not routinely used to detect ischemic cardiac disease, it can provide certain indicators of CAD because extensive coronary calcification may be visible or characteristic enlargement of certain cardiac chambers may indicate valvular disease and heart failure.

In routine clinical practice assessment of ischemic cardiac disease, x-ray technology is usually used more during ICA. This invasive approach remains the gold standard to assess CAD, especially because FFR measurements also allow for an accurate evaluation of the hemodynamic significance of coronary stenosis. CAD detected on CCTA may be reaffirmed using ICA, the severity can be quantified using FFR, and it can be simultaneously treated with balloon angioplasty and stent placement when appropriate.

Computed Tomography (Coronary CT Angiography, CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging)

Due to several major technical improvements over the last decades, CT has evolved into a routinely used modality to detect multiple cardiac pathologies. Currently, it is still mostly used to detect or rule out CAD. For an initial evaluation, a low-dose, unenhanced calcium scoring scan is usually performed to detect calcified coronary plaques ( Fig. 30.1 ). The resulting Agatston score based on this dataset can be used for risk stratification based on an extensive body of research regarding the prognostic value of this calcium score. Nevertheless, especially in younger patients, noncalcified coronary soft plaque or, in the acute setting, a clot or embolus may be present, which would remain undetected on a noncontrast scan. Therefore, a contrast-enhanced CCTA study may be necessary to assess coronary artery patency and high-risk coronary anomalies (e.g., interarterial or intramural course). CCTA is also used to evaluate CABG patency, and newer scanner generations allow for the detection of in-stent thrombosis due to higher spatial and temporal resolution and improved metal artifact reduction algorithms. The combination of recently introduced dose-saving technologies has allowed for a substantial dose reduction, down to submillisievert levels in clinical practice. Thus CCTA has been established as an adequate first-line, rule-out test in patients with suspected CAD, with low to intermediate probability.

Figure 30.1, Evaluation of calcium scoring and Agatston score in a 77-year-old male patient. Material with a high density (threshold, 130 Hounsfield units) is automatically identified by the software and rendered in pink. Manual allocation of focal coronary calcium spots has been performed and extensive calcifications in the left anterior descending (yellow) and circumflex (turquoise) coronary artery segments are visualized on maximum-intensity projections. The total Agatston score in this patient was 387.8.

In an effort to provide comprehensive cardiac assessment, static and dynamic MPI using CT (CTMPI) has been made feasible ( Fig. 30.2 ). A growing body of evidence demonstrates that additional CTMPI may be helpful to identify patients with hemodynamically relevant coronary artery stenosis. An advantage of CTMPI over other established myocardial viability imaging modalities is the opportunity for a comprehensive, single-modality cardiac assessment. By performing both examinations in the same time slot, without additional patient positioning, this may ultimately prove to be a more time-efficient and cost-effective imaging solution.

Figure 30.2, Correlation of coronary stenosis and myocardial perfusion deficit. (A) Coronary CT angiography demonstrates multiple mixed plaques of the left anterior descending coronary artery (arrow). (B) Color-coded CT myocardial perfusion imaging shows a focal anteroseptal perfusion deficit in the corresponding vessel territory. Red indicates peak values for myocardial blood volume; purple indicates lowest values.

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

Due to several major technical improvements over the last decades, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has evolved into the gold standard for the assessment of left and right ventricular function and myocardial viability without the use of ionizing radiation. There is growing evidence that stress myocardial perfusion CMR is a superior alternative to SPECT for the detection of perfusion deficits. Some have even suggested that this modality may also be particularly useful in women, whose epicardial coronary arteries show no obstruction but who have suspected coronary microvascular dysfunction. An increasing number of pacemakers and intravascular stents are MR-compatible, and several single-shot, free-breathing protocols and motion correction algorithms are available for most imaging indications. In addition, CMR late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging remains the examination of choice for the visualization of myocardial necrosis and scar, as well as the myocardial involvement in a variety of other structural diseases (e.g., cardiac amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, myocarditis). Furthermore, stress dobutamine CMR is a viable alternative to stress dobutamine echocardiography.

Nevertheless, CMR still tends to be more time-consuming than cardiac CT, and some patients still refuse or abort MR examinations due to severe claustrophobia. Thus some of the concepts of CMR, including late-enhancement imaging, have been transferred to CT to allow for similar examination characteristics in selected patients, although such techniques are still under development.

Nuclear Studies

SPECT remains an established MPI technique to detect myocardial ischemia due to the substantial body of research regarding its value as a prognostic indicator. Nevertheless, its relatively high radiation exposure, requirement for a radionuclide tracer, and rather low specificity have led to the development of the other aforementioned MPI techniques. Although cardiac positron emission tomography using 82 Rb or 13 N-ammonia is also feasible, it is only used by a minority in clinical routine, primarily due to the logistical difficulties in obtaining these radiotracers.

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