Intervertebral disc degeneration

Key points

  • The process of intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration consists of gradual structural and biochemical changes that may lead to pain and disability.

  • IVD degeneration is multifaceted, mediated by biomechanical alterations, nutritional compromise, genetics, and environmental factors among others

  • Various imaging modalities exist to assess the IVD and degenerative phenotypes, whereas magnetic resonance imaging is considered the gold standard.

  • Various classification schemes of IVD degeneration have been reported, whereby their clinical utility is constantly being assessed.

  • Clinical management of symptomatic IVD changes remains tenuous; however, promising regenerative biologics have been developed and continue to be refined that may have clinical utility.

Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is an age-related condition, often associated with many other clinical conditions such as spinal stenosis , disc prolapse, and low back pain (LBP) [ , ]. The intricate nature of IVD degeneration involving not only the IVD but the endplate and vertebral body makes it challenging to define; however, the term generally refers to the extensive morphological, metabolic, biochemical, and functional alterations of the IVD [ ]. IVD degeneration can occur at any age, but the risk increases with age [ ]. During the lifespan, one may experience such changes to a greater or lesser extent [ ].

The first and foremost known IVD alteration is reduced water and proteoglycan content, particularly in the nucleus pulposus (NP) (see Chapter 1 ). With advancing age, the size of the proteoglycan molecule decreases while the proportion of nonaggregated proteoglycans increases. Small fragment proteoglycans result in a dehydrated disc [ ]. The disc loses its hydrostatic ability, further compromising its functional role. Alternatively, an increase in cross-linking and thickening of the collagen fibers with age causes retention of the disc’s denatured collagen, which reduces the tissue’s strength [ ]. There are also altered metabolic activities as viable cellular density declines with age [ , ]. The spectrum of degeneration incorporates all these age-related changes [ ]. Signs of degeneration include an increase in fibrosity of the NP, an inward buckling of the inner annulus fibrosus (AF), appearance of circumferential and radial tears (responsible for radial bulge or herniation in many cases) in the AF, and a reduction in the IVD height [ ]. Such changes may be observed irrespective of age, gender, and spinal level. Additionally, these structural disruptions affect the IVD mechanical function, with depressurization of the NP and compressive stress concentrations in the AF (see Chapter 2 ) [ ]. This contributes to the build-up of stress gradients within the disc [ ]. Consequently, the stress response is the premature senescence of cells [ ] and the release of cytokines along with matrix-degrading enzymes [ ], leading to a perpetual cascade of IVD degeneration.

Degeneration and low back pain

The impact that IVD degeneration has on clinical symptomatology has long been an area of research interest. The global point prevalence of LBP has been estimated to be around 11.9% [ ], and the 1-year prevalence has been estimated to be between 22% and 65% [ ]. Moreover, out of 291 conditions assessed in the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study, LBP ranked first in disability and sixth in overall burden [ ]. Similarly, the global point prevalence of neck pain has been estimated to be between 5.9% and 22.2% [ ]. As populations continue to become older, the prevalence of LBP is likely to increase; in fact, by doing so, the impact that IVD degeneration has on pain potentially becomes even more important.

The association between IVD degeneration and LBP has been demonstrated in several large-scale cohort studies across diverse patient populations. Teraguchi et al. [ ] conducted a population-based analysis using the Wakayama Spine Cohort and assessed IVD degeneration and its relationship to pain in 975 adults. They found that lumbar IVD degeneration was significantly associated with LBP and that the severity of LBP increased with the number of IVDs affected. The TwinsUK study also found that the burden of IVD degeneration was a risk factor for episodes of LBP in a sample of over 1000 twins [ ]. De Schepper et al. [ ] assessed the relationship between LBP and IVD degeneration in 2819 adults aged 50 years or older from the Rotterdam Study. They found that IVD degeneration at two or more levels was strongly associated with LBP, although IVD degeneration at one level was also associated with LBP. These studies and others highlight the close relationship between LBP and IVD degeneration and suggest that the etiology of LBP may be discogenic in nature.

IVD degeneration has also been implicated in the development of LBP in younger populations. A study by Takatalo et al. [ ] assessed LBP in 554 young adults, with a mean age of 21 years, using the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. They created five clusters of pain severity ranging from mostly asymptomatic to constantly in pain. In the three clusters with the highest degree of LBP, IVD degeneration was significantly more prevalent than their more asymptomatic counterparts. Furthermore, IVD degeneration was independently associated with pain, even when controlling for other degenerative findings. Furthermore, based on a study by Smith et al. [ ] assessing the Raine Study Cohort, 5 year trajectories of LBP were noted and strongly related to IVD degeneration and herniation at baseline. Another cross-sectional cohort study by Samartzis et al. [ ] assessed the prevalence of IVD degeneration in Southern Chinese in adolescent volunteers ranging from 13 to 20 years old. They found that IVD degeneration was present in 35% of volunteers and that IVD degeneration was significantly associated with the prevalence of LBP/sciatica, the intensity of LBP, diminished social functioning, and greater physical disability. Often IVD degeneration is thought of as a condition of the elderly, but adolescents and young adults can experience IVD degeneration-related LBP as well.

The relationship between cervical IVD degeneration and neck pain is still largely up for debate, although previous work has suggested a discogenic etiology of neck pain [ ]. The TwinsUK study found that while IVD degeneration contributed to neck pain, there was a larger component comprising psychosocial status [ ]. Conversely, in the aforementioned study by Teraguchi et al. [ ], no association between cervical IVD degeneration and neck pain was found. Some have suggested that degenerative findings in the absence of herniation or radiculopathy are not sufficient to cause neck pain [ ]. It is possible that the cervical and lumbar spine differ in their pain response to IVD degeneration, and it seems that overall while there is an association with neck pain, it is much less pronounced than in the lumbar spine.

Etiological factors of intervertebral disc degeneration

The etiology of IVD degeneration is multifaceted. In fact, despite decades of research, a clear picture of causation has not yet emerged but has become increasingly clear that an interaction effect between different causative factors and a personalized profile of risk and its variation therein is involved. It is essential to realize that there is no single key contributor to the process of IVD degeneration, but there are several factors that contribute to its pathogenesis. Some of the most important of these are genetic factors: a number of twin studies have shown that IVD is surprisingly heritable, with >70% of the phenotypic variation in IVD degeneration due to genetic factors [ ]. Determining what these genetic factors precisely are and how they act is altogether a greater challenge. While genetic factors may encode proteins critical to IVD metabolism or cell cycle, they may also be influential in driving or interacting with biomechanical, nutritional and/or body weight factors in addition to other pathways. Environmental factors and lifestyles are known to play a critical role in the initiation and progression of IVD degeneration.


IVDs are “cushion”-like structures that support and evenly distribute the compressive and bending stresses acting upon the spine (see Chapters 1 and 2 ). Changes in the loading pattern, intensity, and duration of loading increase the risk of IVD [ , ]. Continuous and excessive static compression is believed to cause more damage to the disc than cyclic compression [ ]. Experiments performed on cadaveric motion segments have shown mechanical disc failure following prolonged compressive loading due to a break in the integrity of the endplate (see Chapter 10 ). Fracture of the adjacent endplate may be caused by a reduction in the hydrostatic pressure of the NP. Thereafter, the resistance to compressive force is mediated by the AF [ ], leading to the formation of stress peaks, particularly in the posterior AF [ ]. A nonsupporting NP gives way to the unstable inner AF, and it may buckle inwards [ , ], leading to disruption of the remaining tissue [ ]. The pressure gradients and stress peaks break the inter- and intralamellar connections of the annular fibers resulting in delamination and separation resulting in tears and fissures [ ].

It is suggested that the prolapse of the IVD might be a consequence of rotation and bending motions combined with compressive forces (see Chapter 8 ) [ , ]; these motions, when combined, are likely to produce radial fissures of the AF due to fatigue failure [ , ]. Torsion, another critical component of loading, is also thought to increase posterolateral stress leading to prolapse [ ]. The depressurized NP and fissured AF of the prolapsed IVD cannot resist the bending movement because there is an increase in the intralamellar shear stress, causing further mechanical disruption [ ].

All of these asymmetrical loading patterns, stress gradients, and tissue deformation are reported to affect the extracellular matrix and cellular organization of the IVD [ ]. Gene expression of both aggrecan and collagen II is downregulated [ , ], along with altered gene expression for specific matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) [ ]. Walter et al. [ ] reported mechanically induced cell death and a “shift toward catabolism” due to bending movements combined with compressive stress. IVDs with altered metabolism and diminished cells experience a chronic state of distress, leading to IVD degeneration [ ].

Altered loading patterns have been reproduced in many in vitro studies. Injuries to the IVDs and endplates of human cadaveric motion segments and in animal models were experimentally induced to determine their influence on IVD degeneration (see Chapters 3 and 4 ) [ , ]. The cut injury to the peripheral AF of sheep IVDs affirmed the role of tears and fissures in degeneration [ ]. Furthermore, human cadaveric studies helped demonstrate the role of endplate fracture in altering compressive load distribution in AF injuries [ ]. Reduction in the GAG content, upregulation of MMPs and cytokines, necrotic, and apoptotic cell death all are consequences of mechanically induced injuries to the endplate [ , ]. Similarly, a mechanically injured IVD causes upregulation of proteolytic enzymes and proteoglycan loss, releasing neurotrophins capable of promoting neuronal ingrowth and sensitization, which may link IVD degeneration and LBP [ ].


The avascular IVD deals with nutritional challenges throughout its life. Very few blood vessels and nerves are responsible for supplying the margins of the peripheral AF, while the rest of the IVD depends for nutritional support on capillaries and blood vessels present at the bone–cartilage endplate junction [ ]. The process of diffusion and fluid flow is mainly responsible for the transport of nutrients and waste through the endplate route [ ]. Oxygen and glucose are very crucial for the well-being of IVD cells and reach the disc tissue via the process of diffusion; metabolic waste such as lactic acid follows the same process but in the opposite direction [ ]. To and from transport occurs through the bony endplate and the dense matrix of cartilaginous endplates to reach the cells of the central IVD tissue [ ]. Any structural or biochemical change in the bony or cartilaginous endplate may influence the diffusion process [ ]. Multiple studies on endplates have linked the calcification and resorption of the cartilaginous endplate (CEP) with degeneration (see Chapter 10 ) [ , ]. Calcification and sclerosis of the bony endplate were also held responsible for IVD degeneration and the possibility that occlusion of the openings with capillary buds could deprive the IVD of nutrients [ ]. But, other studies incorporating precise quantification of bone mass density with the help of a μCT scanner showed no significant association of bony endplate sclerosis with IVD degeneration [ ]. Rather, an increase in porosity and permeability was seen with increasing IVD degeneration grades and with age [ ]. All of these findings draw attention toward the CEP, calcification of which may be a permeability barrier to the solute transport, facilitating the process of IVD degeneration [ ].

Other factors causing any disturbance in the nutritional supply to the IVD might be attributed to pathological changes in adjacent blood vessels through which nutrients diffuse. Lumbosacral spine segments are supplied by the branches of the abdominal aorta and internal iliac arteries, and thence atherosclerosis of the aorta or segmental arteries may compromise the nutrient supply to the IVDs [ , ]. Constriction of the blood capillaries due to smoking or short-term vibration could also be a significant factor in reducing the diffusional transport across the IVD [ ].

Oxygen and glucose are the main nutrients required by IVDs cells to stay alive. Glucose is chiefly used to provide energy, producing lactic acid as a byproduct in a sufficiently high quantity. The concentration of glucose is a sensitive parameter required to maintain the viability of the cell [ ]. With a disturbance in the transport across the IVD, the low levels of glucose and an increased accumulation of lactate compromise the viability of the cells. Reduced pH decreases the rate of matrix component synthesis and activates the production of proteases [ ]. A study using 3D finite element analysis recorded a reduction in the cellular density with nutritional deprivation [ ], hence, supporting the notion of nutrition-related mechanisms in IVD degeneration.

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