Infective Endocarditis and Valvular Heart Disease

Key Concepts

  • Infectious endocarditis (IE) is more often caused by Staphylococcus species than Streptococcus, and increasingly occurs in elderly, recently hospitalized patients, those with prosthetic valves and intra-cardiac devices, and in patients who inject opioids.

  • IE should be considered in any patient with a predisposing condition plus fever; IE frequently presents with a complication, including heart failure, embolic stroke, or osteomyelitis.

  • At least two sets of blood cultures (obtained before starting antibiotics) and transthoracic echocardiography are the key diagnostic tests to order for patients with suspected IE.

  • Empiric antimicrobial treatment for IE should include vancomycin.

  • Consultation with a cardiothoracic surgeon is recommended for left-sided vegetations.

  • Acute rheumatic fever is a delayed nonsuppurative complication of streptococcal pharyngitis characterized by arthritis, carditis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum.

  • In a patient with severe mitral stenosis, hypovolemia and tachycardia are poorly tolerated. “Slow and full” are appropriate goals.

  • In patients with critical aortic stenosis, avoid excessive preload reduction with vasodilators and diuretics.

  • In patients with acute aortic insufficiency, classic physical findings may be absent. Medical stabilization entails the cautious use of vasodilators and diuretics. Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation is contraindicated.

  • Complications of prosthetic heart valves range from structural failure and thrombosis to systemic embolization, hemolysis, and endocarditis.

Infective Endocarditis


Background and Importance

Infective endocarditis (IE) is defined as an infection of a native or prosthetic heart valve, the endocardium, or an indwelling cardiac device. While risk factors and common causative pathogens have shifted in developed countries in recent decades, IE incidence and mortality remain unchanged. IE is a disease with a highly variable and often nonspecific presentation, with the only consistent feature being fever. Early diagnosis and correct initial management remain very challenging, particularly in the emergency department (ED) setting.

Recent changes in the epidemiology of IE in industrialized countries have led to changes in disease presentation. While the overall annual incidence has changed little (9 to 15 cases/100,000), IE has increasingly become a disease of older adults, with the incidence rising dramatically in patients over age 60 and those with multiple comorbidities. , The incidence of prosthetic valve, intracardiac device (pacemakers and defibrillators), and healthcare-associated infections is increasing. Up to 36% of community onset IE is healthcare-associated, occurring in nursing home residents, patients undergoing dialysis or chemotherapy, or following a recent hospitalization. As opioid addiction has increased in the United States, the proportion of IE cases linked to injection drug use (IDU) has risen nationwide, from 7% in 2000 to 12% in 2013, and exceeds 50% of cases in some communities. ,

The 90-day mortality from IE averages nearly 25%. Predictors of poor outcomes include older age and presence of comorbidities, infection with Staphylococcus aureus , heart failure, and perivalvular extension. , Streptococcal and isolated right-sided infections are associated with better outcomes.

Pathophysiology and Microbiology

Development of IE requires either predisposing valve dysfunction, endothelial damage, or prosthetic material, conditions that all lead to formation of a platelet-fibrin thrombus, which is then seeded with bacteria ( Box 69.1 ). Yet, at the time of presentation, up to 50% of IE patients have no known history of predisposing structural or valvular heart disease or prosthetic device. Occult degenerative heart disease and bicuspid aortic valve are thought to account for many such cases. Rheumatic valvular disease, now uncommon in industrialized countries, remains a common predisposing condition in developing countries. Congenital heart disease predisposes to IE, with the highest infection risk being from cyanotic conditions and repaired lesions with residual prosthetic material, shunt, or valve regurgitation. A prior history of IE confers a high lifelong risk of recurrence, even when the source of endothelial damage remains occult.

BOX 69.1
High-Risk Populations and Predisposing Conditions for Infectious Endocarditis

  • Prior history of endocarditis

  • Congenital heart disease (see text for highest risk lesions)

  • Injection drug use

  • Prosthetic heart valve

  • Intracardiac device (pacemaker, defibrillator)

  • Hemodialysis

  • Recent hospitalization with central or long-term intravenous access

IDU carries a high risk of IE, even in patients with normal heart valves. Injection of nonsterile illicit drugs leads to endothelial damage by a poorly understood mechanism, and the resulting thrombus can be seeded by frequent injection-related bacteremia. Though IDU-associated IE may involve any valve, it is much more likely to be right-sided than in non-IDU patients, occurring on the tricuspid valve in approximately 50% of cases.

Prosthetic heart valves and intra-cardiac device leads represent an increasingly common nidus for infection. In community hospital populations, prosthetic valve and cardiac device-related infections now account for roughly 15% and 5% of IE cases, respectively, with even higher proportions in tertiary care centers. , Prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) complicates up to 6% of both bioprosthetic and mechanical valves, with an incidence of 0.3% to 1.2% per patient/year. The highest risk for PVE occurs during the first 6 months after surgery, and these early infections have a worse prognosis. IE associated with pacemaker and defibrillator leads may occur via hematogenous seeding or device pocket infection. It begins as a right-sided infection, usually involving the tricuspid valve.

Bacteremia is also considered requisite for the development of IE, except when contamination occurs perioperatively during valve replacement or device implantation. Poor dentition, dental procedures, and cystoscopy are classically implicated sources of bacteremia. IDU, central and long-term intravenous lines in hospitalized patients and hemodialysis all lead to frequent staphylococcal bacteremia.

The microbiology of IE in industrialized countries has shifted in recent decades, along with the changes in its epidemiology and predisposing conditions. Gram-positive organisms continue to be the leading cause of IE, but Staphylococcus species now predominate, accounting for 30% to 40% of all infections. S. aureus is a virulent pathogen, with a predilection for metastatic complications, particularly stroke, relatively acute infections, and high associated mortality. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) now accounts for almost 15% of IE cases in the United States, and is more common in hemodialysis, IDU, and healthcare-associated infection. The skin commensal coagulase-negative Staphylococcus species, which are often methicillin-resistant and adhere well to prosthetic material, are more common in early PVE and hemodialysis-associated infection. Streptococcus species, including oral commensals belonging to the viridans group, remain the leading IE etiology in developing countries. Streptococcus bovis IE is associated with underlying gastrointestinal malignancies. Enterococcus faecalis causes both PVE and native valve infection, primarily in elderly and debilitated patients. Streptococcus and Enterococcus infections tend to cause classic, indolent, subacute endocarditis.

The remaining IE etiologies together account for about 15% of cases, and frequently produce initially negative blood cultures. The group of fastidious gram-negative bacteria, termed HACEK —Haemophilus spp. , Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens, and Kingella kingae— can often be isolated within 5 days in modern blood culture systems. Zoonotic etiologies include Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) and Brucella species from livestock, and Bartonella species from body lice and cats. Fungal endocarditis, mostly due to Candida and Aspergillus species, is primarily associated with prosthetic valves, IDU, and immunocompromised states. The above organisms are considered typical of, or consistent with, IE, and blood cultures that grow any of these are a key component of the Duke diagnostic criteria ( Box 69.2 ).

BOX 69.2
Summary of Clinical Duke Criteria for Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis

Definite Endocarditis

  • Two major clinical criteria

  • One major and any three minor clinical criteria

  • Five minor clinical criteria

Possible Endocarditis

  • One major and one or two minor clinical criteria

  • Three minor clinical criteria

Major Criteria

  • Positive Blood Cultures

  • At least 2 sets positive with typical IE pathogen, including:

  • Staphylococcus aureus

  • Viridans streptococci species of Streptococcus bovis

  • Enterococcus species

  • HACEK group (see text)

  • Or persistent positive blood cultures with an organism consistent with IE

  • Or single blood culture or serology positive for Coxielli burnetii

  • Evidence of Endocardial Involvement by Echocardiography

  • Pendulum-like vegetation on valve endocardium

  • Paravalvular abscess

  • Prosthetic valve dehiscence

  • New valvular regurgitation

Minor Criteria

  • Predisposition—predisposing heart condition or intravenous drug use

  • Fever—temperature greater than 38°C (100.4°F)

  • Vascular phenomena—arterial emboli, septic pulmonary infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, conjunctival hemorrhages, or Janeway lesions

  • Immunologic phenomena—glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, Roth’s spots, and rheumatoid factor

  • Microbiologic evidence—positive blood culture not meeting major criteria

  • Echocardiographic findings—consistent with endocarditis but do not meet major criteria

The concept of subacute versus acute infection is no longer used to classify IE. Rather, IE is now classified by the type of valve and by the setting in which it is acquired. Categories include native valve versus prosthetic valve; community-associated versus healthcare-associated (which is sub-classified as nosocomial or community onset); IDU-associated; and intra-cardiac device-associated. PVE is sub-classified as early (≤12 months) or late.

Cardiac and embolic complications develop over time as the infected vegetation grows. Valve leaflet distortion and destruction leads to regurgitant flow and impaired cardiac function. Aortic valve involvement carries the highest risk of clinical heart failure from acute aortic insufficiency. Bacterial invasion of the myocardium can lead to abscess formation and conduction blocks. Friable, infected material can embolize from left-sided vegetations, causing downstream tissue infarction, metastatic abscess, mycotic aneurysm, or immune complex deposition. The cerebral circulation is the most frequent site of large vessel embolization, and hemorrhagic transformation of the infarct is common. Right-sided endocarditis produces septic pulmonary emboli.

Clinical Features and Differential Diagnosis

Symptoms of IE are nonspecific and diverse ( Box 69.3 ). Patients often appear relatively well. However, depending on host factors, location of the vegetation, and microbial virulence, some present acutely ill with sepsis and multi-organ failure. The most common symptom is fever (90%). The list of additional possible symptoms includes chills, malaise, weight loss, cough, dyspnea, chest pain, headache, myalgias, arthritis, back or neck pain, altered mental status, or a focal neurologic complaint. A measured fever is present in the ED in about 80% of patients with IE. Since a new murmur, or worsening of a preexisting murmur, is present in only 68% of patients, often no murmur will be heard in the ED. In approximately 30% of cases, the primary presenting syndrome represents a complication of IE, including acute heart failure, stroke, septic pulmonary emboli, and vertebral osteomyelitis.

BOX 69.3
Presenting Clinical Syndromes and Findings in Infectious Endocarditis


  • Mild and nonspecific febrile illness

  • Acute heart failure

  • Focal neurological deficit from septic cerebral embolus

  • Altered mental status

  • Axial spine pain from osteomyelitis

  • Pneumonia from septic pulmonary emboli


  • Heart murmur

  • Splinter hemorrhages

  • Cardiac device pocket inflammation

  • Janeway lesions, Osler’s nodes

  • Roth spots

  • Splenomegaly

  • Anemia

  • Glomerulonephritis

With such a broad range of possible presentations, IE can easily be mistaken for another infection, such as a viral syndrome, meningitis, or pneumonia, particularly common with right-sided IE and septic pulmonary emboli. It can also present similarly to a non-infectious problem, such as acute coronary syndrome, primary heart failure, or stroke. In these cases, fever may be the key sign prompting consideration of IE.

The most important clue to the diagnosis of IE is the presence of a predisposing condition (see Box 69.1 ). If IE is suspected, a core temperature should be correctly measured to assess for fever, multiple times if necessary, and a particularly careful cardiac auscultatory exam performed. Peripheral embolic and vasculitic stigmata should be sought (see Box 69.2 ), although each is found in only about 5% of cases, with splinter hemorrhages being the most commonly seen ( Fig. 69.1 ).

Fig. 69.1, Splinter hemorrhage on the great toe in a patient with aortic valve Streptococcus bovis infectious endocarditis.

Diagnostic Testing

Findings on standard laboratory tests in IE are nonspecific. Clinicians must consider IE when faced with a constellation of suggestive findings rather than looking for a single definitive test. Normocytic anemia and hematuria and proteinuria, suggesting glomerulonephritis, are classic findings in indolent infections. An elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are expected in roughly 60% of cases. A chest x-ray may show signs of heart failure or septic pulmonary emboli, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) may display conduction abnormalities related to a myocardial abscess.

When IE is suspected, it is the responsibility of the emergency clinician to ensure that blood cultures are obtained prior to administering antibiotics. Blood culture results are key to both definitive diagnosis and tailored antimicrobial therapy. At least two sets, each containing 10 cc of blood, should be drawn from separate sites and, if possible, separated in time by at least one hour. Three sets of blood cultures are required in suspected PVE or cardiac device-related infection because one of the most common pathogens in prosthetic device infections, coagulase-negative S. aureus , is also the most common blood culture contaminant.

Echocardiography is the other key diagnostic test in IE. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) should be performed as soon as possible whenever IE is suspected. While the diagnostic sensitivity of TTE for one of the definitive endocardial findings of IE (see Box 69.2 ) is no more than 70%, its specificity is very high. Hence, this noninvasive test stands to make the correct diagnosis very rapidly while the patient is still in the ED. More importantly, echocardiography can identify endocardial complications that may require urgent surgery, including acute valvular insufficiency or perforation with heart failure, perivalvular extension, prosthetic valve dehiscence, and vegetation size greater than 10 mm, which presents an elevated embolic risk ( Box 69.4 ). , The sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is significantly higher than that of TTE, both for identifying vegetations and assessing for complications, particularly in PVE.

BOX 69.4
Summary of Indications for Surgical Treatment for Infective Endocarditis

  • Aortic or mitral insufficiency with ventricular failure

  • Valve perforation or rupture

  • Perivalvular extension, abscess, fistula, associated heart block

  • Prosthetic valve dehiscence

  • Less than 10 mm vegetation on the anterior mitral leaflet

  • Recurrent embolization or persistent bacteremia on therapy

TEE is now recommended after TTE in all cases, though this invasive modality will usually be performed after hospital admission. The value of point of care TTE, performed immediately by experienced emergency clinicians in the setting of suspected IE, has been demonstrated in numerous case reports, although its role has yet to be evaluated in a large study ( Fig. 69.2 ).

Fig. 69.2, Large mitral valve vegetation as seen on ED point of care ultrasound, apical 4 chamber view. LA, Left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Additional advanced imaging in patients with suspected IE should generally be driven by symptoms. Some advocate routine brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in uncertain cases, even without neurological symptoms, because asymptomatic cerebral emboli are found in up to 60% of those with left-sided infection, and this finding constitutes a Duke minor criteria.


In the sickest subset of IE patients, ED management begins with stabilization, including evidence-based therapy for sepsis, hemodynamic support, and positive pressure ventilation. Patients with suspected IE and acute heart failure require immediate consultation by a cardiothoracic surgeon, and emergency clinicians need to be aware of additional echocardiographic findings that are indications for surgical therapy (see Box 69.4 ). In general, there has been a shift toward earlier surgical treatment in IE, with approximately one-half of patients with left-sided infection undergoing surgery during the index admission. If possible, patients with left-sided IE should be managed by a multidisciplinary team at a center capable of cardiothoracic surgery.

In the ED, initial antimicrobial treatment of IE is almost always empiric. Occasionally, patients present because previously drawn blood cultures have returned positive; in such cases, isolate susceptibility-directed antibiotics should be selected in consultation with an infectious disease specialist. Consensus guidelines on IE treatment tend to focus on pathogen-specific therapy, with limited discussion or recommendations regarding empiric treatment. , Patient characteristics to consider in choosing the empiric regimen include whether there is a prosthetic valve, history of IDU, or recent health care exposure, as well as disease severity. If available, hospital-specific empiric treatment recommendations, which account for local susceptibility patterns and are updated regularly, supersede published guidelines, which are updated infrequently.

In most cases, empiric therapy in the ED should include vancomycin (20 to 35 mg/kg actual body weight loading dose, then 15 to 20 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours not to exceed 3000 mg). Vancomycin alone for one or two doses is a reasonable approach for native valve and prosthetic valve infection and in IDUs. Addition of ceftriaxone (2 g/day) can be considered to cover HACEK and other gram-negative organisms, responsible for less than 6% of infections. , As soon as blood culture results return, pathogen and susceptibility-directed therapy is selected by an infectious disease specialist. Because of the complex pathology of bacterial growth within vegetations, 4 to 6 weeks of parenteral antibiotic therapy is generally required to eliminate infection. For selected stable patients who respond well to initial therapy in the hospital, IV treatment can be completed as an outpatient. Protocols that include partial oral therapy have recently proven effective and safe.


All patients with suspected IE, in whom blood culture results are pending, should be hospitalized. Increasingly, for selected stable patients who respond well to initial treatment in the hospital, IV antibiotic therapy can be completed at home.


The American Heart Association and European Society of Cardiology recommend antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent IE for individuals with very high-risk predisposing conditions before undergoing procedures that produce heavy bacteremia with potential IE pathogens. These primarily consist of dental procedures. High-risk predisposing conditions include a prior history of IE, certain forms of congenital heart disease (see previous) and the presence of a prosthetic valve. This issue is of limited relevance to emergency practice, since most commonly performed ED procedures do not produce the kind of bacteremia that requires prophylaxis—including local anesthesia injection into uninfected tissue, laceration repair, endotracheal intubation, and foley catheter placement in the absence of infection. Prophylaxis should be administered prior to cutaneous abscess drainage, however. A reasonable approach is to administer IV vancomycin (15 mg/kg) one hour before incision and drainage.

Rheumatic Fever


Background and Importance

From 1920 to 1950, acute rheumatic fever (ARF) was the leading cause of death in United States children and the most common cause of heart disease in individuals younger than age 40 years. During the 1960s and 1970s, the incidence of ARF in the United States and other developed countries declined dramatically because of widespread antibiotic treatment of streptococcal infections, the declining prevalence of the more virulent strains of group A streptococci, and improved hygiene and living conditions. In many developing nations, however, ARF continues to be a leading cause of childhood mortality. Children 4 to 9 years of age remain at greatest risk, with an annual incidence of ARF of 2 to 14 cases/100,000. Chronic rheumatic heart disease (RHD), a consequence of ARF, peaks in adults between the ages of 25 and 34 years. There are an estimated 34 million people worldwide living with RHD.


ARF is a delayed nonsuppurative complication of streptococcal pharyngitis. ARF is thought to result from an exaggerated immunologic response to group A beta-hemolytic streptococci—antibodies cross-reacting with tissues in the heart, joints, skin, and central nervous system. Patients with a history of ARF are predisposed to recurrent Strep infections, and repeated infections lead to progressive heart damage.

Clinical Features and Differential Diagnosis

ARF occurs 1 to 5 weeks after the initial bout of pharyngitis. Up to one-third of patients with documented ARF do not remember having had pharyngitis in the preceding month. Fever is generally present during the acute phase of rheumatic fever, rarely lasting more than 2 weeks. Additional manifestations include arthritis, carditis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum (see Box 69.4 ).

A syndrome of mono- or poly-articular arthralgias and arthritis is the most common finding in ARF. Arthritis tends to occur early in the course of ARF and often coincides with a rising titer of streptococcal antibodies. It classically affects large joints, such as the knee, ankle, elbow, and wrist. The pain may be more severe than physical findings suggest (severe arthralgias). Synovial fluid analysis generally reveals a sterile inflammatory fluid.

Cardiac manifestations of ARF may be subtle and can include symptoms and signs of pericarditis, myocarditis, and endocarditis. The mitral valve is the most commonly affected, causing acute mitral regurgitation (MR). Inflammation of the valvular endocardium may result in permanent deformity and impairment of one or more valves over the course of decades. Stenotic lesions of the mitral and/or aortic valve are common late manifestations of RHD ( Fig. 69.3 ).

Fig. 69.3, Erythema Marginatum.

Chorea is a random, rapid, purposeless movement, usually of the upper extremities and face. Chorea is a relatively rare manifestation of ARF that tends to emerge after a long latency period. Subcutaneous nodules and erythema marginatum are found in fewer than 10% of cases of ARF. Their presence, however, should suggest the diagnosis. Subcutaneous nodules are pea-sized and nontender. They typically appear over the extensor surfaces of the wrists, elbows, knees and, occasionally, the spine. Erythema marginatum is a nonpruritic, painless, evanescent ring of erythema that commonly appears on the trunk and proximal extremities (see Fig. 69.3 ).

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