Immune and Inflammatory Lung Disease

Hypersensitivity Pneumonia

Kevin J. Kelly
Michelle L. Hernandez


  • hypersensitivity pneumonia (HP)

  • extrinsic allergic alveolitis

  • acute HP

  • recurrent subacute HP

  • chronic progressive HP

  • pet birds

  • thermophilic organisms

Hypersensitivity pneumonia (HP), aptly called extrinsic allergic alveolitis because the inciting agent is almost uniformly inhaled from the environment, is a complex immunologic-mediated syndrome of the pulmonary alveoli and interstitium. There are numerous specific disease names based on the origin of the inhaled offending antigen to describe HP. Prompt recognition of the signs and symptoms allows for complete reversal of the disease without long-term adverse consequences if the source of the exposure is recognized and abated. Failure to recognize the disease early may lead to chronic irreversible lung changes with persistent symptoms in the patient.


The most common sources of offending agents that cause HP include agricultural aerosols, inhaled protein antigens from animals, antigens from microorganisms of bacteria, fungi, or protozoan origin, as well as chemicals of low and high molecular weight ( Table 427.1 ). Many inciting agents are associated with occupational diseases in which children do not regularly work. However, the same diseases can occur in children due to exposures to similar antigen sources in nonoccupational environments, or in occupational environments with teenage workers. In addition to HP, the same antigens may lead to allergic asthma or chronic bronchitis as seen with animal proteins, contaminated metal working fluids, and other inhaled antigens.

Table 427.1
Antigen Sources Associated with Specific Causes of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Bagassosis (mold on pressed sugar cane) Thermoactinomyces sacchari
Thermoactinomyces vulgaris
Bat lung (bat droppings) Bat serum protein
Bible printer's lung Moldy typesetting water
Bird fancier's lung (parakeets, budgerigars, pigeons) Droppings, feathers, serum proteins
Byssinosis (“brown lung”) (unclear if a true cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis; asthma is common) Cotton mill dust (carding and spinning areas of cotton, flax, and soft-hemp)
Canary fancier's lung Serum proteins
Cheese washer's lung (moldy cheese) Penicillium casei
Aspergillus clavatus
Chemical hypersensitivity pneumonitis Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)
Coffee worker's lung Coffee-bean dust
Composter's lung T. vulgaris
Aspergillus species
Contaminated basement (sewage) pneumonitis Cephalosporium
Coptic lung (mummy handler's lung) Cloth wrappings of mummies
Detergent worker's lung (washing powder lung) Bacillus subtilis enzymes
Dry rot lung Merulius lacrymans
Duck fever Feathers, serum proteins
Epoxy resin lung Phthalic anhydride (heated epoxy resin)
Esparto dust (mold in plaster dust) Aspergillus fumigatus
Thermophilic actinomycetes
Farm worker lung Thermophilic actinomycetes plus others
Feather duvet (pillow) lung Goose or duck feathers
Fish meal worker's lung Fish meal
Furrier's lung (sewing furs; animal fur dust) Animal pelts
Grain measurer's lung Cereal grain ( Sporobolomyces )
Grain dust (mixture of dust, silica, fungi, insects, and mites)
Hot-tub lung (mists; mold on ceiling and around tub) Cladosporium spp.
Mycobacterium avium complex
Humidifier fever Thermoactinomyces (T. vulgaris, T. sacchari, T. candidus)
Klebsiella oxytoca
Naegleria gruberi
Acanthamoeba polyphaga
Acanthamoeba castellani
Laboratory worker's lung (rats, gerbils) Urine, serum, pelts, proteins
Lifeguard lung Aerosolized endotoxin from pool-water sprays and fountains
Lycoperdonosis ( Lycoperdon puffballs) Puffball spores
Machine operator's lung Pseudomonas fluorescens
Aerosolized metal working fluid
Malt worker's disease (moldy barley) Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus clavatus
Maple bark disease (moldy maple bark) Cryptostroma corticale
Miller's lung (dust-contaminated grain) Sitophilus granarius (i.e., wheat weevil)
Moldy hay, grain, silage (farmer's lung) Thermophilic actinomycetes
Fungi (e.g., Aspergillus umbrosus )
Mollusk shell hypersensitivity pneumonitis Sea-snail shell
Mushroom worker's lung Mushroom spores
Thermophilic actinomycetes
Paprika slicer's lung (moldy paprika pods) Mucor stolonifer
Pauli's reagent alveolitis Sodium diazobenzene sulfate
Pearl oyster shell pneumonitis Oyster shells
Pituitary snuff taker's disease Dried, powdered cattle or pig pituitary proteins
Potato riddler's lung (moldy hay around potatoes) Thermophilic actinomycetes
T. vulgaris
Faenia rectivirgula
Aspergillus spp.
Poultry worker's lung (feather plucker's disease) Serum proteins (chicken products)
Pyrethrum (pesticide) Pyrethrum
Sauna taker's lung Aureobasidium spp., other sources
Sequoiosis (moldy wood dust) Graphium
Trichoderma spp.
Aureobasidium pullulans
Suberosis (moldy cork dust) Thermoactinomyces viridis
Penicillium glabrum
Aspergillus conidia
Summer-type pneumonitis Trichosporon cutaneum
Tea grower's lung Tea plants
Thatched-roof lung (huts in New Guinea) Saccharomonospora viridis (dead grasses and leaves)
Tobacco grower's lung Aspergillus spp.
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis
Turkey handling disease Serum proteins (turkey products)
Unventilated shower Epicoccum nigrum
Upholstery fabric (nylon filament, cotton/polyester, and latex adhesive) Aflatoxin-producing fungus, Fusarium spp.
Velvet worker's lung Unknown (? nylon velvet fiber, tannic acid, potato starch)
Vineyard sprayer's lung Copper sulfate (bordeaux mixture)
Wind instrument lung Bacteria or mold contamination of instrument
Wine maker's lung (mold on grapes) Botrytis cinerea
Wood dust pneumonitis (oak, cedar, and mahogany dust, pine and spruce pulp) Alternaria spp.
Bacillus subtilis
Wood pulp worker's disease (oak and maple trees) Penicillium spp.
Wood trimmer's disease (contaminated wood trimmings) Rhizopus spp., Mucor spp.

More than 300 antigens have been associated with HP. In children, primary sources of HP have been the result of exposure to pet birds (or feathers in bedding and pillows) such as parakeets, canaries, cockatiels, or cockatoos. Aerosol spread of bird droppings can also occur by clothes dryer vents or by heating vents from a garage where the pet birds were housed. Humidifiers and hot tubs are notorious for contamination with thermophilic organisms (bacteria and mold) as well as Mycobacterium avium complex. Buildings with inadequate ventilation and insufficient air turnover present an increased risk of mold exposure from prior flooding or damp condensation. Despite exposures to the same antigen sources, members of the same family may exhibit different presentations of allergic disease. Some family members may have symptoms of asthma or rhinitis, while another may have HP.


HP has been traditionally classified as acute, subacute, or chronic. During the acute phase, the offending antigen triggers an inflammatory response promoting the development of immune complexes. These immune complexes activate the complement pathway, ultimately resulting in the accumulation of neutrophils in the airway that release enzymes such as neutrophil elastase, that damage surrounding lung tissue. Activated macrophages in the lung promote recruitment of lymphocytes into the tissues. Pathology shows alveolitis with a mixed cellular infiltration comprised of lymphocytes, macrophage, plasma cells, and neutrophils. Continued exposure to the offending antigen will lead to subacute or chronic HP. This chronic exposure results in the formation of loose, noncaseating granulomas located near the respiratory or terminal bronchioles. It is critical when a biopsy is being performed (transbronchial or surgical) that the pathologist knows that HP is being considered as there are other interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) that produce similar granulomas with subtle location differences depending on their origin.

Clinical Manifestations and Classification

Acute HP is typically caused by heavy exposure to an offending antigen. This is the most common form of exposure but is frequently not recognized. Symptoms are confused with bacterial or viral disease leading to treatment with antibiotics. Four to 8 hr after exposure, patients can present with the abrupt onset of cough, chest tightness, dyspnea, fever, chills, and fatigue ( Table 427.2 ). Rarely, findings of wheezing are present on the initial examination. Rather, tachypnea with fine crackles may be heard by auscultation in the lung bases. However, auscultation may be normal at this stage. After cessation of exposure, symptoms may subside after 24-48 hr.

Table 427.2
Clinical History Clues Leading to a Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Recurrent pneumonia
Pneumonia after repeat exposures (week, season, situation)
Cough, fever, and chest symptoms after making a job change or home change
Cough, fever, wheezing after return to school or only at school
Pet exposure (especially birds that shed dust such as pigeons, canaries, cockatiels, cockatoos)
Bird contaminant exposure (e.g., pigeon infestation)
Farm exposure to birds and hay
History of water damage despite typical cleaning
Use of hot tub, sauna, swimming pool
Other family members or workers with similar recurrent symptoms
Improvement after temporary environment change (e.g., vacation)

When recurrent subacute HP is present, the symptoms become progressive with shortness of breath and cough (productive), weight loss, malaise, and loss of appetite. When HP becomes chronic and progressive , the patient is hypoxic, and clubbing of the fingers is evident. If the disease progresses to interstitial fibrosis, the symptoms tend to not respond to therapy and mortality risk is increased. Histology is hard to distinguish from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis at this stage.

Distinguishing chronic disease from subacute disease is difficult without clear differentiating criteria, but a diagnosis of HP at any stage results in the clinician recommending very specific interventions for improvement. HP is characterized as (1) acute nonprogressive and intermittent, (2) acute progressive and intermittent, (3) chronic nonprogressive, and (4) chronic progressive ( Table 427.3 ). A diagnosis of HP is certain when the known exposure with immune response to the offending antigen is identified; the medical history and physical finding are abnormal on examination; bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and lung biopsy are abnormal. Some clinicians have foregone the lung biopsy when a cluster of cases occurs and 1 patient biopsy is already abnormal.

Table 427.3
Criteria Used in the Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
  • 1

    Identified exposure to offending antigen(s) by:

    • Medical history of exposure to suspected antigen in the patient's living environment

    • Investigations of the environment confirm the presence of an inciting antigen

    • Identification of specific immune responses (immunoglobulin G serum precipitin antibodies against the identified antigen) are suggestive of the potential etiology but are insufficient in isolation to confirm a diagnosis

  • 2

    Clinical, radiographic, or physiologic findings compatible with hypersensitivity pneumonitis:

    • Respiratory and often constitutional signs and symptoms

    • Crackles on auscultation of the chest

    • Weight loss

    • Cough

    • Breathlessness

    • Episodic fever

    • Wheezing

    • Fatigue

NOTE: These findings are especially suggestive of hypersensitivity pneumonitis when they appear or worsen several hours after antigen exposure.

    • A reticular, nodular, or ground-glass opacities on chest radiograph or high-resolution CT

    • Abnormalities in the following pulmonary function tests

    • Spirometry (restrictive, obstructive, or mixed patterns)

    • Lung volumes (low or high)

    • Reduced diffusion capacity by carbon monoxide

    • Altered gas exchange either at rest or with exercise (reduced partial pressure of arterial oxygen by blood gas or pulse oximeter testing)

  • 3

    Bronchoalveolar lavage with lymphocytosis:

    • Usually with low CD4:CD8 ratio (i.e., CD8 is higher than normal)

    • Lymphocyte stimulation by offending antigen results in proliferation and cytokine production

  • 4

    Abnormal response to inhalation challenge testing to the offending antigen:

    • Reexposure to the environment

    • Inhalation challenge to the suspected antigen (rarely done now because of the risk of exacerbating the disease)

  • 5

    Histopathology showing compatible changes with hypersensitivity pneumonitis by 1 of these findings:

    • Poorly formed, noncaseating granulomas (most often found closer to the respiratory epithelium where deposition of the offending antigen occurs)

    • Mononuclear cell infiltrate in the pulmonary interstitium


Most of the abnormal laboratory findings in HP are not specific and represent evidence of activated inflammatory markers or lung injury. Nonspecific elevation of immune globulins or the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein may also be found. Circulating immune complexes may be detected. Lactate dehydrogenase may be elevated in the presence of lung inflammation and normalizes with response to therapy.

Serum IgG precipitins to the offending agent are frequently positive and have a poor positive predictive value for disease. Among asymptomatic pigeon breeders, precipitating antibodies are nearly universal. False negatives can also be seen due to fluctuating serum antibody levels over time, and lack of standardized commercial antigens and reagents available for laboratory testing. It is critical that laboratories familiar with the performance of these tests be utilized. Those laboratories often recognize the value of processing antigens for precipitation from the environmental source directly as the test substrate with patient serum. Skin testing for IgE-mediated disease is not warranted unless there is evidence of mixed lung pathology such as asthma and interstitial lung opacities.


Chest radiograph almost always precedes the use of high-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT) of the chest in children because of the need for sedation and concerns regarding risk of irradiation dose from HRCT. The plain radiograph will often demonstrate a ground-glass appearance, interstitial prominence, with a predominant location in the upper and middle lung fields. It is common for a chest radiograph to be considered normal by a radiologist early in the disease progression. Late in the disease, interstitial fibrosis may become prominent in the presence of increasing dyspnea, hypoxemia on room air, and clubbing of the fingers. Mediastinum widening from lymphadenopathy is not usually present; when present, the lymph nodes are prominent along the airway near the carina, suggesting that the antigen source is inhaled and being responded to by the immune system.

Classical findings of mid zone and upper zone opacities with ground-glass appearance and nodularity on HRCT in the presence of typical clinical exam HP findings (lung crackles, cough, dyspnea) and lymphocytosis on BAL are almost sufficient to make a diagnosis ( Fig. 427.1 ). These findings must prompt the clinician to identify the exposure in order to secure the diagnosis and eliminate the offending antigen. Without therapy, the progressive inflammatory response leads to air trapping, honeycombing, emphysema, and mild fibrosis in the chronic state. It is in this latter stage that idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and nonspecific interstitial fibrosis are hard to differentiate. Whether true idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis exists in children where fibroblast foci are found on biopsy with usual interstitial fibrosis has been questioned.

Fig. 427.1, Radiologic findings in subacute (A) and chronic (B) hypersensitivity pneumonitis. A, Interstitial fibrosis (black arrows) and emphysematous changes (white arrows) in chronic HP with superimposed subacute HP. B, Ground-glass opacities (black arrows), mosaic perfusion (white arrows), and fibrosis (red arrow) in chronic HP caused by pigeon exposure.

Bronchoalveolar Lavage

BAL is one of the most sensitive tests and very helpful to the clinician in supporting the diagnosis of HP. Lymphocytosis frequently exceeding 50% of the recovered cells is seen on the BAL and should alert the clinician to the possibility of HP. Sarcoid, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, berylliosis, granite workers lung disease, amiodarone pneumonia, lymphoma, and Langerhans cell histiocytosis may demonstrate lymphocytosis on BAL. All BAL specimens should have flow cytometry measurements of T-cell markers (CD3, CD4, and CD8 at a minimum). The predominant phenotype of the lymphocytosis is CD3+/CD8+/CD56+/CD57+/CD10−. In the normal circulation, lymphocytes with CD4 markers predominate at a ratio of approximately 2 : 1 compared to CD8 lymphocytes. In the lung compartment with HP, this ratio becomes approximately equal to or less than 1 (CD4:CD8 ≤ 1) with either an increase in CD8 lymphocytes or a decline in CD4 lymphocytes. This ratio assists the clinician in making a diagnosis of HP. This is in sharp contrast to other lymphocytic granulomatous diseases, like sarcoidosis, where the CD4:CD8 is ≥ 2, or pulmonary fibrosis associated with connective tissue disease. Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, a rare disease in children, also may present with BAL where the CD4:CD8 is ≤ 1 and may be confused initially with HP.

Lung Biopsy

Lung biopsy is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of HP in the absence of critical elements like antigen exposure, typical medical history, characteristic physical exam, and CD8+ lymphocytes in the BAL. Open lung biopsy is often the route of choice in young children because of the difficulty in safely obtaining satisfactory amounts of tissue by transbronchial biopsy. Lack of positive serum precipitins to offending antigen and exposure history are common reasons for obtaining lung biopsies. It is crucial to inform the pathologist about the suspicion of HP so that the findings can be interpreted appropriately.

Histological examination shows poorly formed, noncaseating granulomas near the respiratory and terminal bronchioles and multinucleated giant cells. This is in sharp contrast to the well-formed granulomas seen in sarcoidosis. Lymphocytes and plasma cells infiltrate the alveolar walls predominantly in a bronchocentric pattern. Fibrosis in the peribronchial region supports a diagnosis of HP. Foamy cytoplasm accompanying large histiocytes in the alveoli and interstitium may be characteristically found.

Antigen Challenge by Inhalation

Inhalation challenge can support the diagnosis of HP by demonstrating a causal relationship between environmental exposure and symptoms. Inhalation challenge can be performed by 2 methods: (1) reexposure of the patient to the environment where the suspected antigen is present and (2) direct inhalation challenge at the hospital to material collected from the suspected source of the antigen. As the second method has resulted in severe exacerbation of disease in some individuals, its use is discouraged.

Two abnormal response patterns may be seen. Most commonly, where there is HP without asthma, symptoms occur 8-12 hr after direct challenge in the hospital or reexposure at the source of the antigen. The challenges replicate some or all the symptoms observed in the acute syndrome with fever, dyspnea, fatigue, and crackles on lung auscultation. Blood drawn prior to challenge and then repeated during these symptoms often demonstrates an increased neutrophil count compared to baseline. Pulmonary function tests demonstrate a fall in forced vital capacity (FVC) and often a concurrent fall in the forced expiratory volume at 1 sec (FEV 1 ) with a stable or increasing ratio of FEV 1 :FVC percentage reflecting a restrictive defect. Hypoxemia may accompany this decline in pulmonary function as well as a fall in the diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide (DLCO). To see the complete effect, exercise during this period may show a considerable fall in oxygenation despite normal arterial blood gas oxygen tension and normal pulse oximetry at rest. This finding denotes the onset of worsening restrictive lung disease.

Atopic patients may experience a biphasic response to inhalation challenge. These patients may develop an early reduction in FEV 1 , followed 4 to 6 hr by a second drop in FEV 1 accompanied by decreased FEV 1 and FVC, fever, and leukocytosis.


The control of environmental exposure to the offending antigen is a key to curing HP and remains the ideal method of treatment and prevention of recurrence. The clinical and pathologic manifestations of acute and subacute HP are reversible with removal of the offending antigen. Counseling about the risk to children of exposure to birds and feathered bedding, or other environmental antigens, biologic aerosols, or agricultural dusts that are known to induce HP are important. Certainly, the source of the antigen and type of antigen appears to affect the response to treatment and long-term prognosis. Older individuals who contract farmer's lung are likely to recover with minimal permanent residual effect, whereas individuals with bird fancier's lungs from antigens produced by pigeons have a poorer prognosis, especially if fibrosis is detected on lung biopsy. The pediatrician should advise—in the strongest terms—removal of the antigen source from the affected child's environment. This may be an extraordinary challenge given various children's living circumstances and lack of independent control of the environment in which they live.

In addition, pediatricians should be familiar with recommendations about the maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, as well as of humidifiers and vaporizers. Daily drainage, cleansing of residue, and routine cleaning with hydrogen peroxide or bleach help rid humidifiers and vaporizers of harmful pathogens such as thermophiles that cause HP.

Glucocorticoids at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day of prednisolone or equivalent (up to a maximum dose of 60 mg prednisolone daily) will reduce the immune inflammatory response in the lungs. In some cases, high dose pulse intravenous methylprednisolone is required, supplemented by treatment with oral prednisolone or other immunosuppressive therapies including cyclosporine or azathioprine. Comparative trials in adults demonstrate that the use of 4 wk of therapy is as effective as 12 wk of therapy. Removal of antigen alone is sufficient to normalize lung function in most patients, but symptoms and pulmonary functions return to normal faster with the use of glucocorticoids. Because of the rapid reversal of symptoms, successful abatement of the environment is sometimes compromised when the family sees improvement prior to the antigen source removal.


  • Buchvald F, Petersen BL, Damgaard K, et. al.: Frequency, treatment, and functional outcome in children with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Pediatr Pulmonol 2011; 46: pp. 1098-1107.
  • Douglass JA, Sandrini A, Holgate S, et. al.: Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis.Adkinson NFMiddleton's allergy principles and practice, Philadelphia.2014.ElsevierNY:pp. 1000-1013.
  • Girard M, Israel-Assayag E, Cormier Yl: Impaired function of regulatory T-cells in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Eur Respir J 2011; 37: pp. 632-639.
  • Hanak V, Golbin JM, Hartman TE, et. al.: High-resolution CT findings of parenchymal fibrosis correlate with prognosis in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Chest 2008; 134: pp. 133.
  • Hanak V, Golbin JM, Ryu JH: Causes and presenting features in 85 consecutive patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Mayo Clin Proc 2007; 82: pp. 812.
  • Lacasse Y, Girard M, Cormier Y: Recent advances in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Chest 2012; 142: pp. 208-217.
  • Selman M, Pardo A, King TE: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: insights in diagnosis and pathobiology. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 186: pp. 314.

Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease

Kevin J. Kelly
Michelle L. Hernandez


  • occupational asthma

  • reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS)

  • irritant-induced asthma

  • reactive upper airway disease syndrome

  • high molecular weight

  • low molecular weight

Occupational and environmental lung diseases constitute a larger part of primary care pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine, and other pediatric subspecialties than most pediatric practitioners expect or realize. Although occupational and environmental lung diseases include occupational asthma , reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) , HP, hard metal inhalation lung disease, berylliosis, and air pollution, this chapter focuses on occupational asthma and RADS. Berylliosis has a propensity to form granulomas (see Chapter 427.3 ). Although some diseases will be seen with regularity, the important role that a part-time workplace, school, daycare, neighbors’ housing, multiple family housing, and indoor and outdoor environments may have in the causation of signs and symptoms in the patient is not always considered by the clinician.

The vast array of exposures shown to cause disease of the lungs is daunting, such as the inhalation of baking flour or household cleaning fluids causing asthma, microwave popcorn exposure to diacetyl resulting in bronchiolitis obliterans, and exposure to thermophilic organisms or mold resulting in hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The acute eosinophilic pneumonias associated with new onset of smoking and chemical inhalation of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (Scotchgard) require a high index of suspicion and unique lines of questioning. The same antigen encountered in a work, school, home, or outdoor environment may result in a different disease presentation because of host factors, dose exposure, and genetic susceptibility. One of the most prominent examples is an investigation of workers who inhaled metal working fluid. Despite similar exposures, some developed HP, others developed asthma, and some displayed no symptoms at all. Immunologic evaluation in some exposures has shown similar immune responses in different individuals, but a wide range of disease provocation. When high molecular weight proteins cause asthma, symptoms of rhinoconjunctivitis frequently precede the onset of pulmonary symptoms. The medical history of occupational and environmental lung diseases has used an expanded construct with a simple acronym, WHACOS ( Table 427.4 ).

Table 427.4
A Construct (WHACOS) That Has Been Used in Medical Interviewing of Patients, Coworkers, and Family Members When Environmental or Occupational Lung Disease Is Being Considered
W W hat do you do?
H H ow do you do what you do?
A Are symptoms A cute or are they Chronic?
C Do any C oworkers, family, classmates, or friends have the same symptoms?
O Do you have any hobbies, travel, or animal/pet exposures O utside of school or work?
S Are you S atisfied with work or school?

It is important to remember that in patients with occupational- or environmental-induced disease, the onset of symptoms has a lag time between exposure and symptoms. In occupational asthma , there may be an immediate response within 1-2 hr of exposure, demonstrated as a decline in pulmonary function, specifically the FEV 1 . Usually, lung function returns to normal spontaneously unless persistent exposure occurs. Some patients demonstrate no immediate reduction in lung function, but rather experience a delayed response, 4-6 hr after the exposure. Treating physicians can take advantage of this physiology in occupational and environmental asthma by use of spirometry before and after work or school, or peak flow measurements hourly during exposure and after leaving the exposure. Because workers and schoolchildren have prolonged periods of exposure followed by a number of days without exposure, the use of pulmonary function plus bronchial hyperresponsiveness (e.g., methacholine) testing is helpful. Pulmonary function tests prior to starting work on a Monday of a typical work week may be normal. By Friday of a typical work or school week, the baseline pulmonary functions may have fallen, and bronchial responsiveness may have become more sensitive to a lower concentration of histamine, methacholine, or mannitol. By the following Monday, the tests may have returned to normal or near normal with no change other than reduced exposure.

In the case of HP, a lag of 4-8 hr between the time of exposure and the onset of fever, cough, and dyspnea is common. Unfortunately, the return home from hospitalization for culture-negative pneumonia to a source of antigen-causing HP often results in complete reoccurrence of symptoms. Clinicians must have a high index of suspicion for HP with reoccurrence of pulmonary infiltrates shortly after reexposure (see Chapter 427.1 ).

Classification and Pathogenesis

Occupational and environmental lung diseases include numerous syndromes of human lung disease such as occupational asthma , RADS (reactive upper airway disease syndrome) , hypersensitivity pneumonitis (see Chapter 427.1 ), air pollution–induced disease, hard metal inhalation lung disease, berylliosis, occupation-induced lung cancer (e.g., mesothelioma from asbestosis), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without smoking. Most of these diseases are not problematic for children, but adolescents may be exposed through part-time work or by single exposures as seen in RADS.

Occupational and Environmental Asthma

The general principles of diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, treatment, and causes of asthma are discussed in Chapter 169 . High molecular weight causes of occupational and environmental asthma can be characterized as allergens, which are normally proteins and enzymes, inhaled from multiple sources ( Table 427.5 ). These include various animals, shellfish, fish, enzymes (e.g., Bacillus subtilis in laundry detergent), and flour or cereals. Occupational and environmental asthma is also caused by a number of low molecular weight agents including reactive chemicals, transition metals, and wood dusts ( Table 427.6 ). These low molecular weight agents are sufficient to induce an immune response, but often not by an IgE-mediated mechanism. These low molecular weight chemicals appear to act as haptens that bind directly to human proteins, causing an immune response in the human host.

Table 427.5
High Molecular Weight Antigens Known to Induce Occupational or Environmental Asthma
Agricultural worker Cow dander
Bakery Lactalbumin
Butcher Cow bone dust, pig, goat dander
Cook Raw beef
Dairy industry Lactoserum, lactalbumin
Egg producer Egg protein
Farmer Deer dander, mink urine
Frog catcher Frog
Hairdresser Sericin
Ivory worker Ivory dust
Laboratory technician Bovine serum albumin, laboratory animal, monkey dander
Nacre buttons Nacre dust
Pharmacist Endocrine glands
Pork producer Pig gut (vapor from soaking water)
Poultry worker Chicken
Tanner Casein (cow's milk)
Various Bat guano
Veterinarian Goat dander
Zookeeper Birds
Canning factory Octopus
Diet product Shark cartilage
Fish food factory Gammarus shrimp
Fish processor Clam, shrimp, crab, prawn, salmon, trout, lobster, turbot, various fishes
Fisherman Red soft coral, cuttlefish
Jewelry polisher Cuttlefish bone
Laboratory grinder Marine sponge
Oyster farm Hoya (oyster farm prawn or sea-squirt)
Restaurant seafood handler Scallop and shrimp
Scallop plant processor King scallop and queen scallop
Technician Shrimp meal (Artemia salina)
Agronomist Bruchus lentis
Bottling Ground bug
Chicken breeder Herring worm (Anisakis simplex)
Engineer at electric power plant Caddis flies (Phryganeidae)
Entomologist Lesser mealworm ( Alphitobius diaperinus Panzer), moth, butterfly
Farmer Grain pests ( Eurygaster and Pyrale )
Fish bait handler Insect larvae (Galleria mellonella) , mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) , green bottle fly larvae (Lucila caesar) , daphnia, fish-feed Echinodorus larva (Echinodorus plasmosus) , Chiromids midge (Chironomus thummi thummi)
Fish processing Herring worm (Anisakis simplex)
Flight crew Screw worm fly (Cochliomyia hominivorax)
Honey processors Honeybee
Laboratory worker Cricket, fruit fly, grasshopper (Locusta migratoria) , locust
Mechanic in a rye plant Confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum)
Museum curator Beetles (Coleoptera)
Seed house Mexican bean weevil (Zabrotes subfasciatus)
Sericulture Silkworm, larva of silkworm
Sewage plant worker Sewer fly (Psychoda alternata)
Technician Arthropods (Chrysoperla carnea, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Ostrinia nubilalis, and Ephestia kuehniella), sheep blowfly (Lucilia cuprina)
Wool worker Dermestidae spp.
Apple grower Fruit tree red spider mite (Panonychus ulmi)
Citrus farmer Citrus red mite (Panonychus citri)
Farmer Barn mite, two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) , grain mite
Flour handler Mites and parasites
Grain-store worker Grain mite
Horticulturist Amblyseius cucumeris
Poultry worker Fowl mite
Vine grower McDaniel spider mite (Tetranychus mcdanieli)
Agriculture Plasmopara viticola
Baker Alternaria, Aspergillus (unspecified)
Beet sugar worker Aspergillus (unspecified)
Coal miner Rhizopus nigricans
Coffee maker Chrysonilia sitophila
Laborer Sooty molds ( Ascomycetes , deuteromycetes)
Logging worker Chrysonilia sitophila
Plywood factory worker Neurospora
Sausage processing Penicillium nalgiovense
Sawmill worker Trichoderma koningii
Stucco worker Mucor spp. (contaminating esparto fibers)
Technician Dictyostelium discoideum (mold), Aspergillus niger
Agriculture Agaricus bisporus (white mushroom)
Baker Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Boletus edulis
Greenhouse worker Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)
Hotel manager Boletus edulis
Mushroom producer Pleurotus cornucopiae
Mushroom soup processor Mushroom unspecified
Office worker Boletus edulis
Seller Pleurotus ostreatus (spores of white spongy rot)
Pharmacist Chlorella
Thalassotherapist Algae (species unspecified)
Animal fodder Marigold flour (Tagetes erecta)
Baker Wheat, rye, soya, and buckwheat flour; Konjac flour; white pea flour (Lathyrus sativus)
Food processing White Lupin flour (Lupinus albus)
Florist Cyclamen, rose
Gardener Canary island date palm (Phoenix canariensis) , Bell of Ireland (Moluccella laevis) , Bell pepper, chrysanthemum, eggplant (Solanum melongena) , Brassica oleracea (cauliflower and broccoli)
Laboratory worker Sunflower ( Helianthus spp.), thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)
Olive farmer White mustard (Sinapis alba)
Processing worker Helianthus annuus
Brewery chemist Hops
Brush-maker Tampico fiber in agave leaves
Butcher Aromatic herb
Chemist Linseed oilcake, Voacanga africana seed dust
Cosmetics Dusts from seeds of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis) , chamomile (unspecified)
Decorator Cacoon seed (Entage gigas)
Floral worker Decorative flower, safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) and yarrow (Achillea millefolium) , spathe flower, statice (Limonium tataricum) , baby's breath (Gypsophila paniculata) , ivy (Hedera helix) , flower (various), sea lavender (Limonium sinuatum)
Food industry Aniseed, fenugreek, peach, garlic dust, asparagus, coffee bean, sesame seed, grain dust, carrot (Daucus carota L.) , green bean (Phaseolus multiflorus) , lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), onion, potato, swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) , courgette, carob bean, spinach powder, cauliflower, cabbage, chicory, fennel seed, onion seeds ( Allium cepa , red onion), rice, saffron (Crocus sativus), spices, grain dust
Gardener Copperleaf (Acalypha wilkesiana), grass juice, weeping fig (Ficus benjamina), umbrella tree ( Schefflera spp.), amaryllis ( Hippeastrum spp.), Madagascar jasmine sap (Stephanotis floribunda) , vetch (Vicia sativa)
Hairdresser Henna (unspecified)
Herbal tea processor Herbal tea, sarsaparilla root, sanyak (Dioscorea batatas), Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), tea plant dust (Camellia sinensis) , chamomile (unspecified)
Herbalist Licorice roots ( Glycyrrhiza spp.), wonji (Polygala tenuifolia) , herb material
Horticulture Freesia (Freesia hybrida), paprika (Capsicum annuum) , Brazil ginseng (Pfaffia paniculata)
Laborer Citrus food handling ( dl -limonene, l -citronellol, and dichlorophen)
Oil industry Castor bean, olive oilcake
Pharmaceutical Rose hip, passion flower (Passiflora alata) , cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana)
Powder Lycopodium powder
Sewer Kapok
Sheller Almond shell dust
Stucco handler Esparto ( Stipa tenacissima and Lygeum spartum )
Tobacco manufacturer Tobacco leaf
Baker Gluten, soybean lecithin
Candy maker Pectin
Glove manufacturer Latex
Health professional Latex
Rose extraction Rose oil
Baker Fungal amylase, fungal amyloglucosidase and hemicellulase
Cheese producer Various enzymes in rennet production (proteases, pepsine, chymosins)
Detergent industry Esterase, Bacillus subtilis
Factory worker Bacillus subtilis
Fruit processor Pectinase and glucanase
Hospital personnel Empynase (pronase B)
Laboratory worker Xylanase, phytase from Aspergillus niger
Pharmaceutical Bromelin, flaviastase, lactase, pancreatin, papain, pepsin, serratia peptidase, and lysozyme chloride; egg lysozyme, trypsin
Plastic Trypsin
Carpet manufacturing Guar
Dental hygienist Gutta-percha
Gum importer Tragacanth
Hairdresser Karaya
Printer Acacia

Table 427.6
Low Molecular Weight Chemicals Known to Induce Occupational or Environmental Asthma
  • Diphenylmethane

  • Hexamethylene

  • Naphthalene

  • Toluene

  • Polyurethane

  • Roofing materials

  • Insulations

  • Paint

Anhydrides Manufacturers or users
  • Trimellitic

  • Phthalic

  • Paint

  • Plastics

  • Epoxy resins

Dyes Personal or business use of dyes
  • Anthraquinone

  • Carmine

  • Henna

  • Persulfate

  • Hair dye

  • Fur dye

  • Fabric dye

Glue or resin Plastic
  • Methacrylate

  • Acrylates

  • Epoxy

  • Manufacturers

  • Healthcare professionals

  • Orthopedic specialists

Metals Metal work
  • Chromic acid

  • Potassium dichromate

  • Nickel sulfate

  • Vanadium

  • Platinum salts

  • Plating

  • Welding

Drugs Exposure to drugs in environment
  • β-Lactams

  • Opioids

  • Other

  • Pharmaceutical workers

  • Farmers

  • Healthcare workers

Chemicals Exposure in the healthcare field
  • Formaldehyde

  • Glutaraldehyde

  • Ethylene oxide

  • Laboratory work

  • Healthcare professionals

Wood dust Workers/hobbyists
  • Western red cedar (plicatic acid)

  • Exotic woods

  • Maple

  • Oak

  • Sawmill

  • Carpentry

  • Woodworking

The pathogenesis of asthma in patients exposed to high molecular weight antigens follows the experience of nonoccupational asthma in patients where atopy, gender, genetics, concentration of antigen, duration of exposure, and other individual factors all contribute to the development of disease. Most individuals require a concentration and duration of exposure sufficient to cause IgE antibody sensitization to the offending allergen with development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammatory disease upon reexposure. If the allergen exposure is sufficient, these proteins can drive the immune response to a T-lymphocyte type 2 phenotype (Th2), even in patients without prior atopic disposition. This occurred in the case of latex allergy, where many nonatopic individuals and patients exposed to allergen in their personal healthcare developed occupational allergy to multiple proteins from natural rubber latex. Atopic individuals are at the highest risk of developing latex allergy. A longitudinal study demonstrated that powdered latex gloves with high allergen content were the reason for the epidemic of latex allergy and occupational asthma. Unfortunately, despite primary removal of the offending sensitizing agent, asthma symptoms and bronchial hyperresponsiveness induced from multiple causes persist in approximately 70% of individuals with occupational asthma.

Reactive Airways Disease Syndrome and Irritant-Induced Asthma

RADS presents with acute respiratory symptoms within minutes or hours following a single inhalation of a high concentration of irritant gas, aerosol, or smoke. The clinical manifestations and pathophysiology of RADS have been studied through experimental design or epidemiology studies following exposure to chlorine gas, acetic acid, dimethylaminoethanol, chlorofluorocarbons, epichlorohydrin, and diisocyanates.

Table 427.7 lists the criteria for diagnosis of RADS. Asthma-like symptoms and airway hyperresponsiveness then ensue, which often persist for prolonged periods. Unlike typical asthma, RADS is often not reversible by use of a bronchodilator. This is probably a consequence of the direct injury to the epithelium and subsequent submucosal fibrosis.

Table 427.7
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Reactive Airways Disease Syndrome
  • Absence of previous documented respiratory symptom

  • Onset of symptoms most often occur after a single specific exposure

  • Exposure is most often to a high concentration of gas, smoke, fume, or vapor with irritant qualities

  • Symptoms occur within 24 hr of exposure and persist for 3 mo or longer

  • Symptoms mimic asthma with cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and/or dyspnea

  • Pulmonary function tests may demonstrate airflow obstruction but not always

  • Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is documented by methacholine challenge

  • Alternative pulmonary diseases are not able to be found

Irritant-induced asthma is a closely related form of asthma resulting from nonimmunologic provocation of bronchial hyperresponsiveness with airflow obstruction. In contrast to RADS, irritant-induced asthma occurs after single or multiple exposures to irritant chemicals in low concentration . If the resultant pulmonary symptoms occur after multiple exposures at a plant, it is termed nonimmunologic-induced asthma .

Predisposing factors for the development of RADS are not well characterized. Atopy and cigarette smoking may increase the risk of developing RADS when exposure through inhalation of irritant chemicals occurs. In addition to host factors, the type of chemical appears to be important. Higher concentrations of chemicals, the type of chemical (vapor or wet aerosols), and bleaching agents are the most offending agents to cause RADS. Dry particle aerosols are less likely to cause RADS. Analysis of the World Trade Center firefighters indicates that the presence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness prior to a chemical exposure does not increase the risk for an individual to develop RADS.

Pathogenesis of RADS follows a typical pattern, driven by the initial injury to the airway epithelium. Initial histology demonstrates rapid denudation of the mucosa accompanied by a submucosal fibrinous, hemorrhagic exudate. Subepithelial edema subsequently occurs with some regeneration of the epithelial layer, proliferation of basal and parabasal cells, and eventually areas of fibrosis. The desquamation, subepithelial fibrosis, thickening of the basement membrane, and regeneration of basal cells are all more prominent in RADS than in occupational asthma. This may explain the limited response to bronchodilator therapy in this syndrome compared to asthma.

The clinical manifestations of RADS and irritant-induced asthma are different from each other mostly in the onset of symptoms. Patients with RADS typically can pinpoint the exact time of onset of symptoms as well as the exact number of hours post exposure. The symptoms are so severe that nearly 80% of subjects in one study presented to an emergency department for care. The lower airway symptoms of cough, dyspnea, chest tightness, and wheezing are prominent features in RADS, with cough being most prevalent. Because of the toxic nature of the inhaled chemical, it is predictable that an upper airway syndrome of throat and nose burning will often accompany the lower airway symptoms. This part of the complex has been referred to as respiratory upper airway dysfunction syndrome.

Individuals with irritant-induced asthma present with a more insidious onset of symptoms. Because of the recurrent nature of the low concentration of chemical, patients may not be able to identify the underlying trigger initially. Similar to allergic rhinitis, patients may describe nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, postnasal drip, ocular irritation, and conjunctival injection. Pulmonary symptoms include those typically seen with asthma exacerbations.

Initial evaluation of the patient with RADS or irritant-induced asthma usually includes the medical history, physical examination, and pulse oximetry. Because of the acute nature of RADS, a chest radiograph is obtained in order to rule out other acute causes of dyspnea including pneumonia or pulmonary edema. In patients with RADS and irritant-induced asthma, the chest radiograph is frequently normal or may show hyperinflation. Ideally, if the patient is not in significant distress, complete pulmonary function testing with spirometry, lung volumes, and diffusion capacity are very helpful in the initial evaluation. The lack of abnormality on initial chest radiograph reassures the clinician that HRCT is not indicated.


Treatment of RADS and irritant-induced asthma focuses on prevention of exposure. Because the exposure in RADS is often associated with a single known exposure, this task is readily accomplished. The low, persistent exposures are more challenging to identify and remove.

Implementing treatment guidelines for asthma from all causes is recommended when intervention is required beyond antigen removal. The management of an acute presentation of RADS is essentially the same as the treatment of an acute asthma exacerbation. Short-acting beta-agonist treatment may not be effective in most patients; a trial of inhaled ipratropium may add benefit in the short term. For moderate to severe symptoms and FEV 1 less than 70% of predicted, administration of systemic glucocorticoids (2 mg/kg prednisone equivalent, up to 60 mg daily) can be beneficial based on some clinical case studies and animal studies. Unlike the typical 5-day courses of systemic glucocorticoids for asthma exacerbations, many patients remain symptomatic beyond 5 days due to the extent of the airway epithelial injury. Steroid treatment may be prolonged through 10-15 days after the onset of symptoms, accomplished through a slow taper of corticosteroids. High-dose inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) may be added while the systemic steroids are being tapered. The initial dose of ICS is based on the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) and the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines. For patients whose initial symptoms are less severe and/or spirometry demonstrates milder airway obstruction (FEV 1 greater than 70% of predicted), high-dose ICS therapy alone can be started without requiring systemic corticosteroid treatment. Once patients’ asthma symptoms are improved, ICS doses can be tapered by 25–50% increments over a period of up to 6 mo in some case series based on patient symptoms. However, prolonged ICS treatment beyond 6 mo has also been noted.


  • Brooks SM, Weiss MA, Bernstein IL: Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS). Persistent asthma syndrome after high level irritant exposures. Chest 1985; 88: pp. 376.
  • Kelly KJ: Immune and inflammatory lung disease.Kliegman RMStanton BSt Geme JSchor NJNelson textbook of pediatrics.2015.Elsevier/SaundersPhiladelphia, PA:pp. 2067-2088.
  • Kelly KJ, Wang ML, Klancnik M, et. al.: Prevention of IgE sensitization in healthcare workers. J Occup Environ Med 2011; 53: pp. 934-940.
  • Lemiere C, Vandenplas O: Occupational allergy and asthma.Adkinson NFMiddleton's allergy principles and practice.2014.ElsevierPhiladelphia, PA:pp. 970-985.
  • Levy BSWegman DHBaron SLOccupational and environmental health: recognizing and preventing disease and injury.2006.Lippincott Williams & WilkinsPhiladelphia, PA:
  • Tarlo SM, Balmes J, Balkissoon R, et. al.: Diagnosis and management of work-related asthma: American College of chest physicians consensus statement. Chest 2008; 134: pp. 1S-41S.
  • Vandenplas O, Wiszniewska M, Raulf M, et. al.: EAACI position paper: irritant-induced asthma. Allergy 2014; 69: pp. 1141-1153.

Granulomatous Lung Disease

Kevin J. Kelly
Timothy J. Vece


  • GPA

  • sarcoidosis

  • cyclophosphamide

  • rituximab


  • CVID

Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis

Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a disease that involves both the lower and upper respiratory tracts with granulomatous inflammation of small vessels; formerly it was known as Wegener granulomatosis (see Chapter 192 ). The pulmonary disease is frequently associated with glomerulonephritis. The simultaneous presence of pulmonary and renal disease should immediately raise the suspicion that either GPA, microscopic polyangiitis, or anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease (see Chapter 427.5 ) may be causing the disease.

Etiology and Epidemiology

The prevalence of GPA disease appears to be increasing by up to 4-fold in the last 2 decades, but without male or female predominance. Improved diagnostic tests, such as antineutrophil antibodies, may explain some of this increased prevalence.


Clinically, the development of both upper and lower airway disease with granulomas in GPA implies that exposure to antigen in the airway of endogenous or exogenous source is involved with aberrant cell-mediated immune response. Cytokine expression by peripheral blood CD4+ lymphocytes and cells collected by BAL indicate there is a predominantly T-lymphocyte type 1 response with overexpression of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). In vitro studies demonstrate a skewed T-lymphocyte type 17 response by blood CD4+ T cells in GPA, suggesting there is an immune regulatory defect that leads to excessive production of T-lymphocyte type 1/T-lymphocyte type 17 cytokines (interleukin [IL]-17, TNF, and IFN-γ) presumed to be from the environment or autoantigens. Such an inflammatory response may be sufficient to induce and sustain granuloma formation.

Detection of autoantibodies reactive against proteins in the cytoplasmic granules of neutrophils and monocytes (antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies [ANCAs]) are found in 90% of the patients with GPA. The first major type of ANCA is directed against cytoplasmic proteinase-3 and is frequently named c-ANCA . The second major type of ANCA recognizes the enzyme myeloperoxidase. It is found in a small number (<10%) of patients with GPA but is frequent in microscopic polyangiitis . Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies fluoresce in a perinuclear pattern and are often referred to as perinuclear or p-ANCA . In contrast, some patients develop the clinical phenotype of GPA in the absence of detectable ANCA.

Clinical Manifestations

Children with GPA present with respiratory complaints accompanied by fever, loss of energy, and vague joint complaints. Some may present with severe nasal disease manifested as ulceration, septal perforation, pain, sinusitis, and/or epistaxis. The septal perforation may lead to deformation of the nasal bridge from erosion of the underlying cartilage but is more common in adults. Pulmonary disease occurs in the majority of patients as noted above. Symptoms range from cough, hemoptysis (seen in less than 50% of patients), dyspnea, and chest discomfort to asymptomatic infiltrates on chest radiography. Occasionally, patients with GPA will present with hemoptysis or recurrent fleeting infiltrates from pulmonary hemorrhage . The pathology is confusing because granulomatous disease may be difficult to demonstrate, and pulmonary capillaritis , the other main component seen on histology, can be seen in other disorders including anti-GBM disease, microscopic polyangiitis, idiopathic pulmonary capillaritis, and Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Distinguishing GPA from other pulmonary renal syndromes is easiest when there are classical symptoms of upper airway disease (nasal/sinus), lower airway disease with necrosis, granulomas on biopsy of the lung with vasculitis, and renal disease consistent with glomerulonephritis.

As many as 20% of patients with GPA will present with subglottic or endobronchial stenosis from scarring and inflammatory changes. Although it may be the presenting symptom, it often occurs in conjunction with other disease manifestations. Dyspnea and voice changes are common complaints from the patients.

Skin, ocular (uveitis), and joint symptoms are common in GPA and have been found to accompany the lung and renal disease in most series 50% or more of the time. Biopsy of the skin may show nonspecific leukocytoclastic vasculitis, venulitis, or capillaritis.

Laboratory and Pathology

c-ANCA or anti–proteinase-3 antibodies are found in 90% of patients with GPA. However, they are also found in other types of vasculitis and are not sufficient in themselves to make a diagnosis without a tissue biopsy (see Chapter 192 ). Because of the necrotizing nature of the vasculitis, lung tissue is required for definitive diagnosis of pulmonary disease. Biopsy of the upper airway may demonstrate evidence of granulomatous disease, but it is uncommon to find evidence of vasculitis therefore lung biopsy is warranted. Usual pathology demonstrates multiple parenchymal nodules that may be located in either the bronchial, vascular, or interstitial tissues ( Fig. 427.2 ). The granulomatous inflammation is often found in areas of necrosis and/or vasculitis.

Fig. 427.2, A, Low-power view of granulomatous inflammation and geographic necrosis (arrow) in a lung biopsy from a patient with GPA. B, Granulomatous vasculitis involving a small pulmonary artery in the lung of a patient with GPA. The vessel wall is markedly thickened with an inflammatory infiltrate that includes multinucleated giant cells.

Renal biopsy rarely demonstrates granulomas or vasculitis. Rather, kidney tissues may show focal, segmental, or necrotizing glomerulonephritis without deposits of immune complexes. When the tissues fail to demonstrate classical findings, a variety of diseases (e.g., tuberculosis, sarcoid, microscopic polyangiitis, malignancy, and other autoimmune disorders) must be considered in the evaluation.


Chest radiography in GPA will show multiple infiltrates, nodules, cavitary lesions, or ILD. Fleeting infiltrates may be seen when recurrent hemorrhage is a part of the clinical manifestation. HRCT often demonstrates more extensive lung disease and the cavitation associated with the necrotizing nature of the disease ( Fig. 427.3 ).

Fig. 427.3, Chest CT scan of a patient with granulomatosis with polyangiitis shows typical nodular lung infiltrate with cavitation.


Rapidly progressive, debilitating disease may occur when failure to diagnose GPA leads to inadequate treatment. One series of patients showed death occurred in 90% of patients within 2 yr of diagnosis. Glucocorticoid therapy alone resulted in relapses and inadequate control of disease in many subjects.

Therapy is divided into induction and maintenance phases. Systemic corticosteroids, while ineffective as monotherapy, are a mainstay of therapy in conjunction with other immune suppressive agents. Prednisone can be given orally at a dosage of 1-2 mg/kg/day (max 60 mg). Alternatively, intravenous methylprednisolone may be used at a dosage of 10-30 mg/kg (max 1 gram) given either weekly or for 3 consecutive days monthly. Combination therapy traditionally included cyclophosphamide given either orally at 2 mg/kg/day or intravenous dosing at 15 mg/kg monthly. Rituximab, an anti-CD20 antibody, is as effective as cyclophosphamide in inducing remission of the GPA. Rituximab dosing is either 350 mg/m 2 given weekly for the first 4 wk or 500 mg/m 2 given on initiation of therapy and 2 wk after initiation. A second dose of 500 mg/m 2 is often given 6 mo after the first dosage of rituximab. Induction therapy should be continued for 3-6 mo.

Continued therapy is required past the initial induction phase to maintain remission, however, due to the toxicity of cyclophosphamide, other immune-suppressive agents are preferred. Both methotrexate and azathioprine have been shown to be equally effective as cyclophosphamide in maintaining remission. Mycophenolate mofetil, in contrast, has higher relapse rates than azathioprine and should be avoided in ANCA-associated vasculitis. Systemic steroid dosages should be progressively weaned at the beginning of the maintenance phase of therapy to a dosage of 5-10 mg/day. Therapy should be continued for an additional 1.5-2 yr. Rituximab, given every 6 mo for 2 yr, is at least as effective in maintaining remission as other regimens.

Adjuvant therapy with plasma exchange may be considered when life-threatening GPA disease presents. This is advocated on the premise that ANCAs are inducing disease and will be removed from the circulation with this intervention; its use has been favorably evaluated in GPA-induced renal disease. Adjuvant plasma exchange has been studied mainly in patients with severe renal vasculitis, but there are also reports of success in severe pulmonary hemorrhage. The results of a meta-analysis of patients with renal vasculitis in 9 trials suggest that adjuvant plasma exchange may be associated with improved renal outcome.

Recurrent disease remains a major problem with relapse rates of up to 50% reported in most studies. ANCA levels have not been shown to correlate with activity of disease or severity. Patients with isolated disease of the sinuses and nose may not warrant such toxic therapy. Therapy with topical corticosteroid and antibiotics for infection appear to be warranted. If unsuccessful, steroid with methotrexate appears to be an effective therapy.

The development of subglottic stenosis requires specific treatment. Use of cyclophosphamide with oral corticosteroid may have an incomplete or no response in the airway. Local injection of a prolonged acting corticosteroid locally appears to be indicated to reduce the inflammation and prevent further scarring. If this complication is found at presentation, simultaneous airway intervention with induction of corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide is warranted and encouraged.


Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic inflammatory disease involving multiple organ systems, with characteristic histology of noncaseating granulomas (see Chapter 190 ). It has been postulated that sarcoidosis represents an immune response to a yet-to-be-identified agent from the environment that is likely inhaled in a susceptible host. It remains a diagnosis of exclusion from other diseases with granuloma formation on histology, such as immune deficiency of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), granulomatous lymphocytic ILD associated with common variable immune deficiency (CVID), HP associated with some drugs and inhalation agents, granuloma with polyangiitis, typical and atypical Mycobacterium , Pneumocystis jiroveci , and malignancy.

Epidemiology and Pathogenesis

African-American females are disproportionately affected by sarcoidosis; however, it can present in any group. Because an asymptomatic sarcoid-like distribution of noncaseating granulomas may be frequently found at autopsy, the contribution of the granulomas to the disease is not always clear. Some countries do mass chest radiograph screening for multiple diseases. In that setting, up to 50% of diagnosed sarcoidosis is asymptomatic. The severity of the disease appears to be worse in African-Americans who tend to have acute illness, whereas white subjects are more likely to be asymptomatic with a more chronic disease. There have been clusters of disease in families and genetic testing suggests that MHC linkage on the short arm of chromosome 6 is most likely to be observed.

Sarcoidosis is rarely found in children younger than the age of 8 yr; those of African descent are most affected. The disease presentation is similar to adults with multisystem disease being the most common. Skin rash, iridocyclitis, and arthritis are seen most often without pulmonary symptoms. In northern Europe, erythema nodosum with the ocular involvement of iridocyclitis is seen most frequently. Despite the lack of symptoms, chest radiography may be abnormal in approximately 90% of children. The pulmonary disease appears to be less progressive compared to adults and patients recover spontaneously without corticosteroids. Rarely, pulmonary disease may progress to fibrosis. Ocular disease is more likely to be progressive and warrant intervention as the inflammatory response may lead to blindness from complications of iritis.

Unrecognized infection or inhalation of an immune response–inducing antigen continues to be at the forefront of consideration as a cause of the disease. Clusters of sarcoidosis in small populations, variable prevalence by geography and race, transfer of disease by organ transplant, and the reproducible granuloma formation only in patients with sarcoidosis in the skin when homogenized lymph node tissue from patients with sarcoid is injected intradermally (Kveim-Siltzbach test) have supported this hypothesis.

Clinical Manifestations

Patients with lung disease are more likely to be asymptomatic as the presentation often may be an abnormal chest radiograph. When symptomatic, patients demonstrate shortness of breath, cough, and dyspnea. Children are more likely to manifest the disease as iridocyclitis, skin rash, and arthritis. African-American children appear to have more frequent lymph node involvement, nonspecific elevations of gamma globulin, erythema nodosum, and hypercalcemia. Physical exam may reveal only an elevated respiratory rate without crackles or rales by auscultation. Pleural involvement has been seen but is uncommon. When present, a lymphocytic predominant exudate may be observed with laboratory evaluation of the pleural fluid. Unusual but reported findings include cases of pneumothorax, hemothorax, and chylothorax. One specific syndrome, Lofgren syndrome , with hilar lymphadenopathy, erythema nodosum, and migratory polyarthralgias, is almost exclusively seen in females. This syndrome has a strong association with HLA-DQB1*0201 and polymorphisms in the C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2); these genetic markers are a predictor of a good outcome.

Although almost 90% of patients with sarcoidosis demonstrate parenchymal or mediastinal disease on chest radiography, there are many who have minimal to no symptoms. Approximately 40% of adults with stage 1 disease have endobronchial involvement found at bronchoscopy. The higher the staging level of disease, the more likely patients are to have airway involvement.

Diagnostic Laboratory Testing

The most common but nonspecific findings are hypergammaglobulinemia, hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase when liver disease is present, and, occasionally, anemia of chronic disease. Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme may be elevated in 75% of patients with untreated sarcoid. False-positive tests occur from other diseases so that it is not considered a diagnostic test but rather a test that strongly supports the diagnosis.

Pulmonary function tests can be performed accurately in most children older than the age of 4 yr. There are no specific diagnostic findings of spirometry, lung volumes, or diffusion capacity in sarcoidosis. Exercise coupled with pulmonary function tests may demonstrate a decline in diffusion capacity when alveolitis is present in hypersensitivity pneumonitis and could add diagnostic help to the clinician when attempting to differentiate sarcoidosis from HP prior to biopsy.

BAL is of great help when differentiating HP from sarcoid. BAL in sarcoid shows a marked predominance of CD4 cells. A lymphocyte percentage > 16% on BAL, a CD4:CD8 ratio > 4, and noncaseating granulomas on bronchial biopsy in the presence of abnormal angiotensin-converting enzyme levels are nearly completely diagnostic for sarcoid. In addition, T cells are activated on BAL. BAL in HP shows a significant change in the balance of CD4 to CD8 cells with the 2 cell types being nearly equal compared to the normal mild predominance of CD4 cells in the circulation. A ratio of CD4:CD8 of <1 predicts 100% of patients with BAL lymphocytosis to not have sarcoidosis. Neutrophil counts >2% and/or eosinophil counts >1% exclude the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.

The analysis of D-dimers in BAL fluid from subjects with sarcoidosis demonstrates an elevation in 80% of patients compared to no detectable D-dimers in unaffected control.


The characteristic feature of sarcoidosis is the noncaseating granuloma formation in the lung ( Fig. 427.4 ). These granulomas are found in the bronchial walls, alveolar septa, and vascular walls of pulmonary arteries and veins. The formation of noncaseating granulomas is likely preceded by alveolitis involving the interstitium more than the alveolar spaces. There is accumulation of inflammatory cells, including monocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes that accompany the granulomas. Multinucleated giant cells are frequently found among the epithelioid cells within the granuloma follicle. These may show cytoplasmic inclusions (e.g., asteroid bodies and Schaumann bodies) as well as some birefringent crystalline particles made of calcium oxalate and other calcium salts. These are most often identified in the upper lobes of the lungs which may lead to confusion with diseases such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis, eosinophilic granuloma, collagen vascular disease, pneumoconiosis, berylliosis, and infectious disease such as tuberculosis or histoplasmosis.

Fig. 427.4, Transbronchial biopsy specimen showing a sarcoid granuloma. A, The granulomas are located below the bronchiolar epithelial layer that appears at the top of the frame. B, A higher-power view of the same biopsy specimen. The epithelioid granuloma is tightly packed and contains multiple multinucleated giant cells. There is no caseous necrosis. Special stains for acid-fast bacilli and fungi were negative.


Pulmonary imaging in sarcoid has included plain chest radiography, HRCT, positron emission tomography using fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose, and radiotracer using gallium-67. The staging of sarcoid is performed using plain radiography and is outlined as follows:

  • Stage I—Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy accompanied by right paratracheal lymphadenopathy

  • Stage II—Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy accompanied by reticular opacities are present. If symptomatic, patients have cough and dyspnea. Occasional fever and fatigue accompany the respiratory symptoms.

  • Stage III—Reticular opacities are found predominantly in the upper lobes with regression of hilar lymphadenopathy.

  • Stage IV—Reticular opacities start to coalesce and lead to volume loss in the lung fields, traction bronchiectasis from conglomeration of the inflamed tissues. Extensive calcium deposits may be seen at this stage.

HRCT may be helpful in further staging of the disease, as well as in revealing abnormalities not appreciated on chest radiography. Findings in patients with sarcoidosis by HRCT include hilar lymphadenopathy, paratracheal nodules, middle to upper lung parenchymal ground-glass appearance, bronchial wall thickening, bronchiectasis, cystic changes, and fibrosis. The ground-glass appearance suggests that alveolitis, as seen in hypersensitivity pneumonitis, may be present. Biopsy has usually shown granuloma formation as the predominant histologic finding.


Because pulmonary sarcoidosis spontaneously resolves without therapy in almost 75% of patients, clear guidelines for treatment focused on minimizing side effects of therapy is required. Glucocorticosteroids (GCSs) have long been the mainstay of therapy in sarcoid and are often used because of extra pulmonary disease. When pulmonary disease is progressive, GCS therapy is aimed at prevention of fibrosis, honeycombing, and irreversible lung disease. Assuring that disseminated infections, heart failure, thromboembolism, or pulmonary hypertension are not present is important. In addition to HRCT of the chest, performance of pulmonary function tests, electrocardiogram, and echocardiogram should be considered prior to starting GCS therapy.

GCS therapy is often not started when stage I or II is present without symptoms. This scrutiny of the benefit of therapy was highlighted when prospective evaluation of GCS therapy for pulmonary disease found that nearly 50% of patients receiving GCSs had active or relapsing disease 2 yr later. In contrast, 90% of patients who did not receive GCSs had spontaneous remission of disease with the other 10% needing intervention 2 yr later. Absolute indications include progressive stage III disease with symptoms of shortness of breath, cough, or other chest symptoms such as pain. Progressive restriction shown on pulmonary function testing is an indication for therapy. Specific pulmonary function changes where lung capacity declines a total of 10% or greater, FVC declines 15% or more, or diffusion capacity degradation is seen of 20% or more are all indications for GCS intervention.

Dosage with oral prednisone at 0.3-0.5 mg/kg is a reasonable starting point depending on the severity of symptoms. Stability is usually achieved within 6-8 wk, after which slow progressive tapering of GCS may occur every 4-8 wk. Many favor the use of alternate-day steroids to reduce the side effects of GCSs, but little data exist to show efficacy.

For patients who do not tolerate GCSs or develop progressive disease, alternative immunosuppressive agents may add benefit to the regimen. Progressive disease also is a reminder for the clinician to reassess the diagnosis of sarcoid and review the chance that beryllium may have been the underlying reason for the progressive disease.

Inhaled GCSs have been evaluated in patients with stage I disease with variable results. Evaluation of therapy with pulmonary function testing and symptoms are the best methods to judge responsiveness to this therapy. Persistent symptoms after 4-8 wk of therapy suggest that systemic GCSs may be indicated.

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