Imaging Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma of the Vertebrae and Sacrum

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Chordomas and chondrosarcomas are uncommon primary bone tumors that may arise in the spine. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) are the preferred noninvasive tools used to diagnose these lesions and to distinguish them from other spinal masses. Imaging defines the tumor’s relationship to the spinal cord, nerve roots, neural foramina, and adjacent soft-tissue structures, allowing for detailed surgical and radiation treatment planning. After primary treatment, imaging helps to evaluate for treatment-related complications and tumor recurrence.

Plain radiographs may be the first imaging studies obtained to evaluate spinal chordoma and chondrosarcoma, as these lesions often present with nonspecific symptoms such as neck or back pain. Screening radiographs are usually obtained in anteroposterior and lateral views. If a lucent or dense lesion of unknown origin is identified on a radiograph, cross-sectional imaging is essential for further characterization. CT and MR provide complementary information, and both imaging studies are generally obtained to evaluate primary spinal tumors. Table 8.1 summarizes some cross-sectional imaging characteristics for chordoma and chondrosarcoma. A CT without iodinated contrast should be performed with 0.625–1.25 mm continuous axial sections through the level of concern and through adjacent levels. Images should be filtered through both bone and soft-tissue kernels and viewed in both bone and soft-tissue windows. Sagittal and coronal multiplanar reconstructions are essential for evaluating adjacent bone and soft-tissue structures. An MR using a gadolinium-based contrast agent should also be performed. A serum creatinine should be checked prior to gadolinium administration to calculate a glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Gadolinium is not generally administered to patients with a GFR less than 30 (mL/min/1.73 m 2 ), even if they are on dialysis. Key imaging sequences include sagittal and axial T1-weighted precontrast images, sagittal and axial T2-weighted images (usually with fat suppression in one or both planes), and sagittal and axial T1-weighted postcontrast, fat-suppressed images. Fat suppression helps distinguish tumor from fat in the adjacent marrow spaces, as normal bone marrow in adults is bright on both T1-weighted images and fast spin echo T2-weighted images. Diffusion-weighted imaging and perfusion imaging of the spine are not routinely performed to evaluate tumors, as they are technically challenging in the spine, add time to already lengthy examinations, and are not often useful due to artifacts related to susceptibility, motion, respiration, and vascular pulsation.

Table 8.1
Typical Features of Chordoma Versus Chondrosarcoma of the Spine
Feature Chordoma Chondrosarcoma
Location Sacrococcygeal > mobile spine
Vertebral body
Thoracic > lumbar > cervical > sacra
Vertebral body and/or posterior elements
CT Expansile
Lytic and/or sclerotic; can be mixed
No internal calcifications
Lytic with endosteal scalloping
50% with internal calcification; arcs and whorls
T1 Low to intermediate signal Low signal
T2 High signal; some components can be intermediate High signal
Homogenous or heterogeneous Homogenous or heterogeneous
Internal septations may enhance

Definitive treatment of spinal tumors often requires surgical resection with subsequent instrumented fusion of adjacent vertebral levels. Posttreatment imaging protocols must be adjusted to minimize metal-related artifacts that can obscure or distort the surgical bed. Indicating the presence of metallic hardware in imaging requests is helpful because metal artifact can be reduced by modifying several geometric parameters such as field of view and slice thickness as well as other more technical acquisition variables that are beyond the scope of this chapter. If hardware is present, CT and MR images should be acquired with standard metal reduction sequences to optimize image quality. In addition, MR examinations should be performed at lower magnetic field strengths, such as 1.5 T instead of 3 T, because a stronger magnetic field generally produces more significant metal artifacts.

Part I: Chordoma

In addition to lymphoproliferative tumors, chordomas are the most common primary malignant tumor of the adult spine, accounting for 2%–4% of primary malignant bone tumors. Chordomas occur in late middle age with a peak incidence in the fifth decade. Men are affected about twice as frequently as women. Spinal chordomas grow slowly, so presenting symptoms are often subtle until the tumor reaches a large size. Local pain is the most common symptom, though nerve compression or infiltration can result in numbness, weakness, constipation, and incontinence.

Chordomas arise in the midline because they originate from remnants of the primitive notochord, a structure that develops into the intervertebral regions and nucleus pulposus. They have a predilection for the lower sacrum and sacrococcygeal regions ( Fig. 8.1 ). Overall, 50% of chordomas occur in the sacrococcygeal region, 35% occur in the clivus, and 15% occur in the mobile spine. Within the mobile spine, chordomas occur more commonly in the cervical spine compared to the thoracic and lumbar spines.

Figure 8.1, Typical imaging characteristics of a coccygeal chordoma. The sacrum and coccyx are common locations for spinal chordoma. A sagittal CT image (A) demonstrates lytic destruction of the coccyx. Sagittal T2-weighted (B), sagittal T1-weighted pregadolinium (C), and sagittal T1-weighted postgadolinium fat-suppressed (D) images demonstrate a heterogeneous soft-tissue mass with internal fluid levels and septations.

Chordomas often present as large, well-circumscribed, locally aggressive masses with both bone and lobulated soft-tissue components. They may involve multiple spinal levels. CT is useful for showing the bone–tumor interface and the extent of disease. The amount of bone destruction helps determine whether stabilization will be required after surgical resection. On CT, the soft-tissue component may have low internal density reflecting mucoid content and the high water content of physaliphorous cells. A destructive lytic bone component is common, though lesions in the mobile spine may have a sclerotic or a mixed lytic/sclerotic appearance ( Fig. 8.2 ). The presence of bony sclerosis in spinal chordomas is different from clival chordomas, which usually show purely lytic bone changes. If calcifications are present, they are often distributed in an amorphous or punctate pattern ( Fig. 8.3 ), and some may represent lysed bone fragments.

Figure 8.2, Imaging characteristics of a thoracic spine chordoma. A lateral chest radiograph (A) shows a lesion with a soft-tissue component and a sclerotic vertebral body component ( arrows ). A sagittal CT image in bone window (B) and a sagittal T1-weighted MR image (C) better characterize the extent of bone involved. The paravertebral soft-tissue component seen on the radiograph is best characterized on a para-sagittal T2-weighted MR image (D). An axial CT image in bone window (E) demonstrates vertebral body sclerosis and coarsened trabeculation. An axial CT image in soft-tissue window (F) better characterizes the extent and internal density of the extra-vertebral soft-tissue component. An axial T2-weighted image of the tumor (G) shows internal lobulations with high T2 signal separated by septations with low T2 signal. The mass encroaches on the epidural space narrowing the spinal canal and compressing the spinal cord.

Figure 8.3, Imaging characteristics of a lumbar spine chordoma. The lumbar spine is an unusual location for spinal chordoma. A sagittal CT (A) image demonstrates a mixed sclerotic and lytic lesion with a pathologic fracture ( arrow ) and vertebral body collapse. The retropulsed vertebral body narrows the spinal canal and compresses the conus medullaris, seen best on sagittal T2-weighted imaging (B). Axial CT (C), axial T1-weighted pregadolinium (D), and axial T1-weighted postgadolinium (E) images show this chordoma has lobulated margins, internal heterogeneity, punctate fragments of lysed bone ( arrow ), and mild-to-moderate enhancement.

MR has greater soft-tissue contrast resolution compared to CT, and so MR more completely evaluates the internal tumor architecture and the tumor’s relationship to critical structures such as spinal cord, nerve roots, and pelvic organs. On MR, chordomas characteristically have low to intermediate signal on T1-weighted images, high signal on T2-weighted images, and mild-to-moderate enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced images ( Fig. 8.3 ). However, variable or heterogeneous internal T1 and T2 signal is common. Chordomas may have internal septations, with low-signal bands on T2-weighted images separating gelatinous cystic-appearing areas ( Fig. 8.1 ).

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