Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Abdominal opportunistic infections and neoplasms resulting from HIV/AIDS-related immunodeficiency
Liver and spleen
Small hypodense nodules may be microabscesses
Larger hypodense lesions might be infectious, but AIDS-related lymphoma should be considered
Pneumocystis may result in tiny calcifications
Biliary tree
Cholangitis or acalculous cholecystitis caused by opportunistic infections
Stomach, small bowel, and large bowel
Wall thickening raises concern for opportunistic infection, which can involve any segment of GI tract
Mural thickening of esophagus suggests esophagitis, often due to candidiasis, CMV, or HSV
Proctitis in homosexual men related to sexual activity may be due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Chlamydia , or HSV
Focal mass-like wall thickening in GI tract should raise concern for malignancy (lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma)
Lymph nodes
Mild generalized lymphadenopathy (usually < 1.5 cm) is typically reactive and may be 1st clue to HIV infection
More significant adenopathy (> 1.5 cm) suggests opportunistic infection or AIDS-related lymphoma
AIDS-related lymphoma may be associated with discrete lesions in liver/spleen or focal mass in GI tract
Bilateral large kidneys (↑ echogenicity on US) with urothelial thickening due to HIV nephropathy
Infections more common in HIV patients even with CD4 > 200, although risk ↑ substantially with lower CD4 counts
Incidence of AIDS-defining malignancies (AIDS-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma) has dramatically ↓ with effective antiretroviral therapy
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Abdominal opportunistic infections and neoplasms resulting from HIV/AIDS-related immunodeficiency
Best diagnostic clue
Multiple focal hepatic or splenic lesions in patient with known AIDS
Necrotic mesenteric nodes in patient with AIDS
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI)
Can affect visceral organs, GI tract, genitourinary tract, and lymph nodes
Retroperitoneal nodes and masses
Variable: Ranges from microabscesses (< 1 cm) to large masses due to lymphoma or Kaposi sarcoma
Bulky hepatic or GI tract masses from AIDS-related lymphoma
Best imaging tool
Protocol advice
IV and oral contrast
Liver may appear nodular and cirrhotic due to strong demographic overlap of HIV and chronic viral hepatitis
Small hypodense nodules scattered throughout liver suggests microabscesses [often due to Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI), tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, Candida , Pneumocystis , etc.]
Liver may appear globally enlarged without focal lesions due to infiltrative infections (e.g., MAI)
Pneumocystis (and rarely CMV or MAI) can result in multiple tiny calcifications throughout liver
Calcifications do not signify inactive disease
Liver is involved in up to 1/4 of patients with AIDS-related lymphoma, with hypodense nodules of variable size
Biliary tree
Cholangitis may be caused by opportunistic infections
Intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary strictures with papillary stenosis: Bile ducts may appear thickened and enhancing
Bile ducts may have beaded appearance very similar to primary sclerosing cholangitis
Acalculous cholecystitis may due to opportunistic infections (e.g., CMV, Cryptosporidium )
Thickened gallbladder with pericholecystic fluid and stranding
Splenomegaly in up to 3/4 of AIDS patients even without infection or tumor
Small tiny hypodense foci (microabscesses) usually due to disseminated infection (e.g., Candida , MAI, tuberculosis, Pneumocystis , etc.)
Larger hypodense lesions might still be infectious, but AIDS-related lymphoma should also be considered
Small calcifications (similar to liver) from Pneumocystis
Stomach, small bowel, and large bowel
Bowel wall thickening, mucosal hyperemia, and fat stranding surrounding bowel should always raise concern for infection (including opportunistic infections)
CMV-related ulcerations of bowel may lead to GI tract perforation (one of most common reasons for emergent abdominal surgery in AIDS patients)
Most opportunistic infections can involve any segment of GI tract ( Cryptosporidium , CMV, MAI, tuberculosis, microsporidium, Clostridium difficile , amebiasis, etc.)
Difficult to predict pathogen based on distribution, but some organisms have predisposition for certain locations
CMV and TB tend to involve ileum
Giardia , microsporidium tend to involve proximal small bowel
Colon infections often due to CMV, C. difficile , Campylobacter , amebiasis, Salmonella , and Shigella
Mural thickening of esophagus suggests esophagitis, often due to candidiasis, CMV, or herpes simplex
Proctitis in homosexual men due to sexual activity may be due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae , chlamydia, or HSV
Focal mass-like wall thickening anywhere in GI tract should raise concern for malignancy (AIDS-related lymphoma, Kaposi sarcoma)
Lymphoma associated with intussusceptions
Lymph nodes
Mild generalized lymphadenopathy (< 1.5 cm) is usually reactive and may be 1st clue to HIV infection
May persist for years in absence of symptoms (i.e., persistent generalized lymphadenopathy)
More significant adenopathy (> 1.5 cm) suggests opportunistic infection (MAI, tuberculosis) or AIDS-related lymphoma/Kaposi sarcoma
Necrotic mesenteric nodes from MAI or tuberculosis
Hyperenhancing lymph nodes in Kaposi sarcoma
AIDS-related lymphoma may be associated with discrete lesions in liver/spleen or focal mass in GI tract
GI tract most common extranodal site of involvement (75%), most often involving colon, ileum, and stomach
Bilateral large kidneys with urothelial thickening due to HIV nephropathy
Focal hypodense lesions could reflect infection (tuberculosis, MAI, fungus) or AIDS-related lymphoma
Calcifications may be present in setting of Pneumocystis (similar to liver and spleen) or rarely MAI/CMV
Opportunistic infections can cause acute pancreatitis and pancreatic duct strictures (e.g., CMV, Cryptococcus , etc.)
Lungs: Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), tuberculosis
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