Hematuria is a common issue faced by primary physicians who care for children. While it can cause great anxiety in the patient and family when it presents as gross hematuria, rarely does hematuria alone herald a serious illness during childhood. Indeed, despite thorough evaluation, no cause can be found in a large percentage of children who have hematuria. Nearly 40% of children who present with gross hematuria and 80% of patients with persistent, isolated microscopic hematuria have no identifiable cause despite a thorough investigation. This raises the question of how much investigation should be performed on a child who presents with hematuria, particularly if it is isolated microscopic hematuria, because the evaluation can be costly and at times invasive.

How extensive an evaluation is appropriate depends much on the context. Those children who present with gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria with associated signs or symptoms deserve a thorough evaluation. These two groups contain those more likely to have an identifiable cause and include the subset that has an acute or potentially serious illness that can progress to significant morbidity or sequelae if not identified and treated. Associated symptoms and signs that indicate the need for prompt evaluation include other urinary or systemic symptoms that led to testing the urine for blood, and findings of hypertension, edema, poor growth, fever, or other systemic signs at presentation.

The more difficult question is how much testing is required of an apparently healthy child discovered to have isolated microscopic hematuria on routine screening urinalysis. Thorough testing of such a child with no symptoms, a normal physical examination, and no significant family history of kidney disease rarely identifies a cause of hematuria. A screening urinalysis in children, with the potential attendant costly and usually uninformative additional investigation, is not recommended for early school-aged children. It is reasonable to screen children who have a significant family history of kidney disease, particularly if there is a family history of hereditary nephritis.

Gross Hematuria

Gross hematuria, defined as blood in the urine visible to the naked eye, is a dramatic symptom that is usually brought to medical attention, unless an older child with the symptom is too frightened to bring it to the attention of the parents. Carefully defining the appearance of the urine can be the first and a major clue to the origin of the blood. Hematuria emanating from a nonglomerular, lower urinary tract source can present as frankly bloody urine varying in color from dark red, cherry, or pink-tinged urine. On occasion, lower tract hematuria can result in passing blood clots. Seeing blood in the urine only on initiation or at termination of voiding is an additional clue that the source is from the lower tract. Blood seen at the urethral meatus or only on initiation of voiding suggests a urethral source. In contrast, hematuria originating from a glomerular source more often presents with description of other color changes in the urine, such as brown-, cola-, tea-, or, on occasion, even green-colored urine.

The first step when presented with this symptom is to perform a urinalysis. If no hemoglobin is found on macroscopic urinalysis, then causes of urine discoloration other than hematuria need to be considered ( Table 23.1 ). One common presentation that can be particularly frightening to a parent is finding a pink or red-tinged wet diaper, thought to be blood in the urine. This most often is from a simple benign entity commonly called red diaper syndrome , caused by precipitation of urate crystals in the diaper. A macroscopic urinalysis negative for heme indicates this to be the most likely cause, and in an otherwise healthy infant, no further investigation is warranted.

TABLE 23.1
Urine Discoloration from Sources Other Than Hematuria
Pink, Red, Cola-Colored, Burgundy
Disease Associated
Associated with Drug or Food Ingestion
Azo dyes
Deferoxamine mesylate
Iron sorbitol
Red food coloring
Rhodamine B
Dark Brown, Black
Disease Associated
Alkaptonuria Methemoglobinemia
Homogentisic aciduria Tyrosinosis
Melanin Bile pigments
Associated with Food or Drug Ingestion
Alanine Resorcinol
Cascara Thymol

Heme tests positive.

If red blood cells (RBCs) are found in the urine of a child with a history suggestive of gross hematuria, then evaluation for potential causes is needed ( Tables 23.2 and 23.3 and Fig. 23.1 ). The first step is a thorough history and physical examination.

TABLE 23.2
Laboratory Testing in Suspected Glomerulonephritis
Symptoms Suspected Glomerulonephritis Laboratory
History of preceding pharyngitis, URI, or impetigo Acute postinfectious GN C3, C4 complement (low C3, normal C4)
Arthralgia, purpura, pedal edema, abdominal pain, hematochezia IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura) Skin biopsy
Arthritis, rash, fever, oral ulcers, weight loss, alopecia, weakness, central nervous system symptoms, other systemic symptoms Systemic lupus erythematosus C3, C4 (both low)
ANA, anti-dsDNA (both high)
Family history of renal failure, hearing loss, hematuria Familial nephritis—Alport syndrome Audiogram, slit-lamp exam, genetic testing
Recurrent, painless gross hematuria IgA nephropathy None (kidney biopsy)
Hemoptysis, cough, fevers Goodpasture syndrome Anti-GBM Ab
Rash, sinus disease, hemoptysis, systemic symptoms ANCA-associated vasculitis ANCA
Ab, antibody; ANA, antinuclear antibody; ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; anti-dsDNA, anti–double-stranded DNA antibody; anti-GBM, anti–glomerular basement membrane antibody; GN, glomerulonephritis; IgA, immunoglobulin A; URI, upper respiratory infection.

All patients: serum creatinine, electrolytes, CBC, random urine protein:creatinine ratio, 24-hr urine collection for protein.

TABLE 23.3
Causes of Gross Hematuria in Children
  • Acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis

  • IgA nephropathy

  • Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

  • Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

  • Familial nephritis (Alport syndrome)

  • Benign familial hematuria—thin basement membrane disease

  • Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

  • IgA vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura)

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Hemolytic uremic syndrome

  • ANCA-associated vasculitis

  • Goodpasture disease (rare in childhood)

  • Bacterial endocarditis

Interstitial Disease
  • Pyelonephritis

  • Acute interstitial nephritis

  • Polycystic kidney disease (autosomal dominant)

  • Trauma

  • Sickle cell disease and trait

  • Renal artery/vein thrombosis

  • Arteriovenous malformation

  • Nutcracker syndrome

  • Sports- and exercise-induced hematuria

  • Hemangioma/hamartoma

  • Wilms tumor

  • Renal cell carcinoma

  • Uroepithelial tumors

  • Rhabdoid tumors

  • Congenital mesoblastic nephroma

  • Angiomyolipoma

Urinary Tract
  • Cystitis

  • Bacterial

  • Viral (adenovirus)

  • Parasitic (schistosomiasis)

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cyclophosphamide

  • Urethritis

  • Urolithiasis

  • Idiopathic hypercalciuria without urolithiasis

  • Trauma

  • Hydronephrosis, severe

  • Foreign body

Bleeding Disorders
  • Hemophilia A or B

  • Platelet disorder

  • Thrombocytopenia

  • Coagulopathy, congenital or acquired

ANCA, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; IgA, immunoglobulin A.

Common cause of asymptomatic gross hematuria.

Fig. 23.1, Gross hematuria work-up. Abs, antibodies; ANCAs, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; GN, glomerulonephritis; HSP/SLE, Henoch-Schönlein purpura/systemic lupus erythematosus; IgA, immunoglobulin A; MPGN, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis; PT/PTT, prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time; RBC, red blood cell; TBMN, thin basement membrane disease; UPJ, ureteropelvic junction; UTI, urinary tract infection.


Development of pain with the onset of hematuria usually indicates a lower urinary tract source. Irritative symptoms, such as dysuria, urgency, or frequency, can be seen in bleeding from the bladder from a variety of causes. Although not a typical feature of urinary tract infection (UTI), the most common identifiable cause of gross hematuria is a UTI and is usually accompanied by significant dysuria or abdominal pain, and sometimes fever. Severe and episodic or colicky flank or abdominal pain should raise suspicion for urolithiasis, which may have accompanying dysuria as the stone is being passed. Urinary tract obstruction, such as posterior urethral valves in males or ureteropelvic junction obstruction in either gender, may remain occult until infection or trauma causes hematuria. In the former, the only preceding symptoms may be a male who voids only infrequently, commonly strains to void, or has ongoing urinary incontinence beyond the toddler years. Bleeding from renal tumors is an uncommon cause of gross hematuria in children but should be considered particularly in the setting of associated abdominal pain, a palpable mass, or passing of blood clots.

Gross hematuria due to glomerular disease is rarely accompanied by significant pain, though some may report mild abdominal pain or flank discomfort. An exception is immunoglobulin A (IgA) vasculitis (Henoch-Schönlein purpura [HSP]), a common pediatric systemic vasculitis, which can have variable, including severe, gastrointestinal disease. Clues to underlying glomerular disease may be a recent history of pharyngitis, streptococcal skin infection, or other febrile illnesses, indicating possible acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis. Patients with glomerulonephritis or renal insufficiency may report shortness of breath, edema, or weight gain from fluid retention. They may also have a headache or visual changes secondary to severe hypertension. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, hematochezia, rash, and arthralgias are symptoms indicative of a systemic vasculitis, such as IgA vasculitis (HSP). Recurrent, painless gross hematuria is often seen in young patients with IgA nephropathy in association with concurrent respiratory illness. Recurrent fever, weight loss, alopecia, mouth ulcers, chest pain, fatigue, and arthritis suggest systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Hemoptysis or cough is seen in pulmonary-renal syndromes caused by antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated disease, and on occasion in lupus and HSP.

The patient’s medical history may be most informative. Stressed neonates from birth asphyxia, infection, or volume depletion can develop renal vein thrombus that presents as gross hematuria. Patients with African ancestry should be queried for personal or family history of sickle cell hemoglobinopathy since gross hematuria from renal papillary necrosis can occur in those with sickle cell disease as well as in children with simple sickle cell trait. Medication history can uncover a cause of gross hematuria from drug-induced interstitial nephritis, seen with several antibiotics, anticonvulsants, or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; the latter can also cause papillary necrosis. Cyclophosphamide can cause a severe hemorrhagic cystitis, which usually has concomitant prominent bladder symptoms.

A history of frequent or severe bleeding from other sites, such as heavy menses, prolonged nosebleeds, hemarthroses, or significant bleeding associated with surgical procedures, suggests an undiagnosed bleeding disorder. Exposure history to tuberculosis should be obtained, as well as a travel history, as parasitic infections such as schistosomiasis of the bladder, uncommon in Western societies, is common in other parts of the world. Questions specific to other potential sources of blood in the urine include those directed at a foreign body from self-instrumentation of the urethra, trauma, sexual abuse, and menstruation. Extreme sports activities such as running a marathon or long-distance cycling can cause gross hematuria.

Review of the family history is important to uncover hereditary nephritis, hereditary cystic kidney disease, or potential benign familial hematuria. A family history of kidney disease leading to end-stage renal failure, especially if in men in multiple generations and if not clearly due to diabetes mellitus, would suggest Alport syndrome, the most common cause of hereditary nephritis. Alport syndrome is predominantly an X-linked recessive disorder that may cause gross hematuria in childhood, although more often it is microscopic. When gross hematuria occurs in Alport syndrome, it is often triggered by any infectious process such as a common cold. The gross hematuria then subsequently clears, but microscopic hematuria is a persistent finding. The early clinical features of hereditary nephritis can be exactly the same as benign familial hematuria but then evolve to develop other features. Early in the course of the disease, there is no associated proteinuria, but that feature develops later, often in childhood as the nephropathy progresses. Hearing loss is a common but variable feature of Alport syndrome that tends to run in affected families. Female family members who are carriers usually have persistent and isolated hematuria that does not progress, but on occasion may develop progressive nephritis.

Benign familial hematuria and familial thin basement membrane nephropathy are also responsible for both microhematuria and gross hematuria. The primary difference in family history that separates benign familial hematuria from progressive hereditary nephritis is that members of sequential generations of the family with benign familial hematuria, either male or female, have persistent isolated hematuria that never progresses to significant renal disease. The genetics of benign familial hematuria due to thin basement membrane nephropathy has been defined and includes gene variants that are identical to those seen in some patients with autosomal recessive forms of progressive hereditary nephritis. Patients with thin basement membrane nephropathy, or benign familial hematuria, may be carriers of genes that cause autosomal recessive Alport syndrome.

Patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) may present initially with gross hematuria from spontaneous bleeding into the macrocysts. Because the course of ADPKD can vary widely from one generation to the next, with some members having very mild disease with minimal clinical features until late adulthood, the family history of the disease may not be apparent on presentation. Early onset of hypertension, during youth or young adulthood in a parent of an affected child, may be the only clue to a family member being affected by ADPKD.

Gross hematuria is a presenting complaint in 15% of children with urolithiasis . Kidney stone disease can be familial, and in some cases related to specific genes, as in X-linked recessive nephrolithiasis (Dent disease) or primary hyperoxaluria. Therefore, family history of early-onset nephrolithiasis, especially in siblings, should be sought in children presenting with gross hematuria and symptoms or imaging that indicate kidney stone disease as the cause. A family history of a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or platelet disorders should be sought.

Physical Examination

The initial focus of the physical examination should be for evidence of systemic disease for which the hematuria is one manifestation, and for potential sequelae of renal disease. Accurate measurement and attention to blood pressure, recognizing age differences in blood pressure, is critical. Hypertension may be the sole feature on physical examination that indicates underlying acute glomerulonephritis, or chronic kidney disease from several causes. The finding of edema in this context is highly suggestive of underlying renal parenchymal disease, either acute or chronic, with likely accompanying renal insufficiency. Poor growth or failure to thrive may indicate chronic renal disease. Pallor, fever, rashes, or musculoskeletal findings suggest systemic vasculitis with renal involvement from diseases such as HSP, SLE, or, less often, ANCA-associated disease. Examination of the abdomen may reveal abdominal or flank masses that could be tumors, cystic kidneys, or urinary obstruction. The most common renal tumor in childhood, typically seen in young children (ages 1–4 years), is Wilms tumor, though other types occur. Hydronephrosis or enlarged cystic kidneys may be palpable. Suprapubic tenderness may indicate bladder infection, stone, or other less common causes of bladder pathology as the source of blood. The genitalia should be inspected for blood at the urethral meatus that suggests a urethral source, tears or lacerations due to abuse or accidents such as from straddle injuries, or to look for a foreign body.


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