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The genus Bacillus includes several species that are closely related phylogenetically. The Bacillus cereus group includes Bacillus anthracis , which is the causative agent of anthrax; Bacillus cereus , which causes food poisoning as well as localized and systemic infections; and Bacillus thuringiensis , an insect pathogen that causes eye infections and infections in immunocompromised persons. Other Bacillus species that have caused infections in humans include circulans, licheniformis, megaterium, pumilus, sphaericus , and subtilis ( Table 272-1 ).
Blood stream | B. cereus B. circulans B. licheniformis B. megaterium B. pumilus B. sphaericus B. subtilis |
Bacteremia Catheter-related sepsis |
Bone/joints | B. cereus B. alvei |
Osteomyelitis Septic arthritis |
Brain/meninges | B. cereus B. circulans B. megaterium B. subtilis B. licheniformis B. pumilus B. sphaericus |
Meningoencephalitis Meningitis CSF shunt infections Meningitis post-CSF leak |
Eye | B. cereus B. circulans B. thuringiensis |
Endophthalmitis Keratitis Corneal ulcers |
Gastrointestinal | B. cereus B. licheniformis B. subtilis B. pumilus |
Emetic food poisoning Diarrheal food poisoning |
Heart | B. cereus B. circulans B. subtilis |
Endocarditis |
Ear | B. subtilis | Otitis Mastoiditis |
Lung | B. cereus B. subtilis B. sphaericus |
Pneumonia Empyema |
Soft tissue | B. cereus B. pumilus B. thuringiensis |
Cellulitis Necrotizing fasciitis Abscess |
Wound | B. cereus B. circulans B. subtilis B. thuringiensis |
Post-traumatic or post-surgical wound infections Infected burns |
Bacillus species are large, aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive bacilli ( Fig. 272-1 ). The major pathogenic species of the B. cereus group have plasmids that carry genes for toxin proteins.
Bacillus species are endemic in soil and water and are found worldwide. Their spores are extremely hardy and are resistant to heat and drying, so they can persist in a dormant state for prolonged periods of time. Spores may survive in soil for decades and may also survive for several years in the interior of buildings where they are protected from ultraviolet light. Spores have also been isolated from foodstuffs, insects, and plants. Persistence of spores in the soil is influenced by a variety of environmental conditions such as higher temperature, low soil moisture content, drought following a period of high annual rainfall, and alkaline pH.
Anthrax occurs most commonly in Africa, India, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and parts of Central and South America. Anthrax is enzootic in sub-Saharan Africa, where cases occur in wildlife and domestic animals that ingest or inhale B. anthracis spores from the soil while grazing. Cases may be sporadic or occur as part of an outbreak. Human cases in Africa outnumber human cases in most of the rest of the world. In Europe and North America, animal cases are sporadic and human cases are rare. Even a single case in a nonendemic area should generate concern for an act of bioterrorism ( Chapter 19 ).
Human cases of anthrax are usually associated with exposure to infected animals or their products. Cases can occur sporadically or be associated with outbreaks. Implicated products include meat, bone, wool (wool sorters disease), hair, hides, and items made from these materials. Transmission from flies has been reported to cause cutaneous infection.
Inhalational anthrax occurs from breathing in spores from contaminated animal products or after intentional release of spores during an act of bioterrorism. Gastrointestinal anthrax is acquired by ingesting spores or vegetative forms in the meat of infected animals or from contaminated water. Injectional anthrax infections have been reported in injection drug users who used heroin contaminated with anthrax spores.
Several outbreaks have been reported. In a 1979 outbreak in Sverdlovsk, Russia, 70 cases of confirmed inhalational anthrax occurred after an accidental release of spores from a military facility. In the largest human outbreak, approximately 10,000 cases, almost all of which were cutaneous, and 182 deaths occurred over a 6-year period from 1979 through 1985 in Zimbabwe. In 2001, letters containing anthrax spores were sent via the U.S. Postal Service to recipients in Florida, New York City, and Washington, D.C. Ultimately, 22 people were infected, with 11 cutaneous infections, 11 inhalational infections, and 5 deaths. Approximately 10,000 U.S. citizens received postexposure antibiotic prophylaxis to contain the outbreak.
The foods most commonly associated with B. cereus food poisoning include meats, vegetables, and sauces. The emetic form of B. cereus food poisoning is frequently associated with starchy foods such as rice, especially fried rice, and potato salad. Improper storage and handling of food is the most likely cause. Contaminated rice has often been stored at room temperature to preserve its texture and then been reheated. Reheating may eliminate the organism and the diarrheal toxin but not the emetic toxin.
B. cereus , which is the most frequent bacteria that contaminates breast milk, can cause severe infection in very low-birthweight newborns. B. cereus can contaminate the product during collection, storage, or delivery. Cases of keratitis have been linked to contamination of contact lenses.
Cutaneous anthrax occurs when B. anthracis spores are introduced through microscopic or gross breaks in the skin, and injectional anthrax occurs via direct injection through intact skin. In classic cutaneous anthrax, a pustule forms at the inoculation site and ulcerates as the result of coagulation necrosis. Extensive edema surrounds the lesion. The organism multiplies locally and may spread to the blood stream or other organs via the lymphatics. The site of injectional anthrax has extensive edema but lacks the other findings of cutaneous anthrax.
Upon inhalation, B. anthracis spores are transported by alveolar macrophages and dendritic cells to regional lymph nodes. The spores germinate in blood and tissue. Following germination, vegetative cells produce an antiphagocytic capsule and anthrax toxin proteins, which are important virulence factors. Anthrax toxin consists of three proteins: protective antigen, edema factor, and lethal factor. These toxins neutralize the innate and adaptive immune systems to cause fatal disease. The capsule not only prevents phagocytosis but also enhances cytotoxicity and induces production of cytokines. Pulmonary infiltrates, which are seen radiographically in approximately a third of cases, are areas of pulmonary edema and hyaline membrane formation, not bacterial pneumonia. Pleural effusions are caused by blockage of normal lymphatic flow in the mediastinum.
Gastrointestinal anthrax may be classified as primary or secondary. Primary gastrointestinal anthrax occurs after the ingestion of meat from an animal infected with anthrax, whereas secondary gastrointestinal anthrax results from B. anthracis bacteremia. Spores invade the gastrointestinal mucosa, where they cause necrosis and ulceration that may lead to hemorrhage. Spores are then transported to mesenteric lymph nodes where they replicate and cause bacteremia.
Meningitis, which may occur as a complication of any form of anthrax, results from hematogenous seeding of the meninges. The meninges are edematous and hemorrhagic. Diffuse cerebral arteritis may occur.
The pathogenic potential of B. cereus is highly variable and is based on a number of virulence factors. Enterotoxins ingested with contaminated foods cause diarrhea. These toxins are heat labile and may be removed by heating food to high temperatures that kill the organism and neutralize the toxin. In addition to ingestion of preformed toxin in food, the organism can produce toxin within the gastrointestinal tract. Emesis is caused by the toxin, cereulide, which is heat stable and preformed in food. Cereulide toxin genes are found only in certain strains of B. cereus , whereas enterotoxin genes are found more broadly. Some highly pathogenic strains of B. cereus, which possess B. anthracis virulence plasmids that express anthrax toxins and have a capsule, have been isolated from animals in sub-Saharan Africa and from human cases. These strains produce a large amount of sphingomyelinase, which contributes to the pathogenicity.
Anthrax manifests as four types of infection: cutaneous, inhalational, gastrointestinal, and injectional. Most common is the cutaneous form, which accounts for approximately 95% of cases. Two to five days after inoculation of spores into the skin, a pruritic lesion appears as a painless papule that evolves into a vesicular stage and then to a painless black eschar surrounded by edema and a ring of vesicles, described as a “pearly wreath” ( Fig. 272-2 ). Injectional anthrax is an unusual form of cutaneous anthrax that has been reported in injection drug users who injected heroin contaminated with B. anthracis into the skin or the blood stream. Skin lesions are not typical for cutaneous anthrax. Edema is prominent at the injection site.
For inhalational anthrax, the incubation period is usually 1 to 7 days but can be up to 60 days. The initial clinical presentation is nonspecific and consistent with an influenza-like illness with fever, malaise, dry cough, dyspnea, and chest pain. The hallmarks of inhalational anthrax are mediastinal lymphadenopathy, hemorrhagic mediastinitis, and pleural effusions. A chest radiograph or computed tomography (CT) scan reveals a widened mediastinum, as well as large, serosanguinous or hemorrhagic, usually bilateral pleural effusions ( Fig. 272-3 ). High levels of lethal factor toxin have been found in pleural fluid. If treatment is delayed, patients develop severe respiratory distress and septic shock.
Gastrointestinal anthrax, which is very uncommon and is responsible for only 1% of cases, may manifest as oropharyngeal or intestinal disease. Symptoms usually occur 1 to 5 days after ingestion of contaminated meat or drinking water. Symptoms of oropharyngeal anthrax include severe pharyngitis, dysphagia, odynophagia, and fever. Edema and lymphadenopathy may be so severe that they may cause respiratory distress. An ulcerative lesion may be seen in the mouth or pharyngeal area. Pseudomembranes may form over the lesion and may mimic diphtheria. Intestinal anthrax presents with nausea, vomiting, and fever followed by abdominal pain that may be so severe that it mimics an acute abdomen. Patients may have hematemesis, bloody diarrhea, and ascites. Secondary meningitis may occur. Gastrointestinal anthrax is likely to be associated with bacteremia/sepsis and seeding of other organs.
Anthrax meningitis occurs when bacteremia seeds the meninges during cases of inhalational or gastrointestinal anthrax. It occurs in up to 50% of inhalational cases. Symptoms and signs include severe headache, alteration of mental status, nuchal rigidity, other meningeal signs, and diffuse or focal neurologic findings. The course is frequently fulminant, with the development of delirium, seizures, and coma usually occurring within hours of initial presentation. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is hemorrhagic. Hemorrhage may also be found in the brain parenchyma and the subarachnoid space. Cerebral edema may be present.
B. cereus causes two types of food poisoning: a diarrheal syndrome and an emetic syndrome. Similar to other toxin-mediated food poisoning ( Chapter 262 ), the onset of symptoms with B. cereus occurs within 24 hours of eating the contaminated food item and usually within 8 to 16 hours. Cardinal symptoms of the diarrheal syndrome include profuse diarrhea and cramping abdominal discomfort. Fever and vomiting are rare. Onset of symptoms with the emetic form is very rapid and usually occurs within 1 to 5 hours, a time frame that is similar to food poisoning caused by Staphylococcus aureus ( Chapter 267 ). Symptoms include nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea has been reported in approximately one third of cases. Both syndromes are usually self-limited and resolve within 24 hours. Rarely, the Bacillus toxin may lead to acute liver failure. In addition to B. cereus , other Bacillus species have been linked to food poisoning and outbreaks.
Of the systemic infections caused by Bacillus species, bacteremia is the most common presentation, and B. cereus is the most common species isolated. B. cereus may also cause a variety of local and systemic infections such as endocarditis; pneumonia; central nervous system (CNS) infection ; and infections of the urinary tract, skin, soft tissue, muscle, and wounds. Many of these infections are health care–associated ( Chapter 261 ). Bacteremia can lead to dissemination to other body sites. Endocarditis may occur in prosthetic valves, and rare cases of native valve endocarditis are usually associated with bacteremia secondary to injection drug use. B. cereus can also cause eye infections, such as endophthalmitis and keratitis. CNS infections, including meningitis and brain abscess, tend to occur in immunocompromised hosts, especially when they are neutropenic. When the bone marrow recovers and neutropenia resolves, immune reconstitution syndrome can be associated with a transient exacerbation of symptoms of meningitis and brain abscess.
Bacillus species grow readily in the laboratory on standard culture media and at temperatures of 25 to 37° C. Automated blood culture systems routinely yield growth of B. anthracis . Culture is the gold standard for diagnosis of anthrax infection, but polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing can hasten the diagnosis.
Because of their ubiquitous nature in the environment and because spores can germinate rapidly on laboratory media, non-anthrax Bacillus species are frequent laboratory contaminants. Because Bacillus species rarely cause human disease and because they are such a common contaminant, identification to the species level is not commonly performed in most laboratories. However, B. anthracis should never be dismissed as a contaminant when it is isolated from a clinical specimen.
For cutaneous anthrax, a Gram stain of vesicular fluid, a scraping from the base of the lesion, or a skin biopsy may show the organism. Gram stain of vesicular fluid reveals bacilli but very few leukocytes. The direct fluorescent antibody test and PCR testing can provide a rapid diagnosis. Cultures are frequently positive.
In inhalational cases, the direct fluorescent antibody test and PCR should be performed on body fluids and tissues. A Gram stain of pleural fluid may also reveal the organism. Blood and pleural fluid cultures are positive.
For suspected gastrointestinal anthrax, PCR testing as well as blood and stool cultures should be obtained. A swab of the base of an oropharyngeal lesion may reveal gram-positive bacilli; culture is frequently positive. If ascites is present, fluid should be cultured and sent for PCR testing.
Both the diarrheal and emetic form of B. cereus food poisoning can be diagnosed by culturing the organism from food, stool, or vomitus. Bacillus species are easily cultured, but testing is not routinely performed when stool cultures are requested. PCR testing is also useful. Commercial assays for toxin testing are not widely available.
Differentiating Bacillus infection from contamination may be difficult. Repeated isolation from a normally sterile body fluid or site indicates infection. Most cases of true bacteremia occur in the presence of an intravascular catheter.
Serology plays a role in diagnosis and may be particularly useful when cultures and PCR are negative. Anti-protective antigen antibody is detectable approximately 1 week after the start of symptoms. Acute and convalescent samples for anti-protective antigen antibody response should be obtained in the first 7 days of illness and repeated at 14 to 28 days.
B. anthracis is susceptible to a broad range of antibiotics, including penicillins, first-generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, carbapenems, tetracyclines, macrolides, aminoglycosides, clindamycin, linezolid, rifampin, daptomycin, and dalfopristin-quinupristin. For bioterrorism-associated anthrax, strains are likely to be resistant β-lactams.
The timely administration of antibiotics is essential for all forms of anthrax. For naturally occurring cutaneous anthrax with no evidence of systemic symptoms, the current treatment of choice depending on antibiotic susceptibility testing is a fluoroquinolone (e.g., ciprofloxacin 500 mg orally twice daily) or doxycycline (100 mg orally twice a day) as monotherapy for 7 to 10 days. Alternatives for adults include levofloxacin (750 mg orally once daily), moxifloxacin (400 mg orally once daily), or clindamycin (600 mg orally three times a day). Penicillin VK (500 mg orally every 6 hours) or amoxicillin (1 gram orally every 8 hours) may be used once susceptibility is confirmed. For bioterrorism-related infection, the duration of therapy should be 60 days because of the risk of inhalation exposure.
All other forms of anthrax (inhalational, gastrointestinal, meningeal, injectional, and cutaneous with systemic symptoms) should be treated with two bactericidal antibiotics, a fluoroquinolone (e.g., ciprofloxacin 400 mg IV every 8 hours) plus a carbapenem (e.g., meropenem 2 g IV every 8 hours) if meningitis is suspected. If meningitis has been excluded, monotherapy with a fluoroquinolone or carbapenem should be used at the doses above. Ciprofloxacin is the preferred fluoroquinolone. For very severe or serious disease, an additional antibiotic such as linezolid (600 mg IV every 12 hours) or clindamycin (900 mg IV every 8 hours) is recommended to block protein synthesis and therefore toxin production; linezolid is preferred because of its improved CNS penetration. Penicillin G (4 million units IV every 4 hours) can be substituted for meropenem against penicillin-susceptible strains. Systemic anthrax infection should be treated with combination intravenous antibiotics for a minimum of 10 to 14 days or until clinical improvement, whichever is longer, followed by oral therapy for up to 60 days because of the long duration of viability of spores. Antitoxin therapies, such as anthrax immune globulin or one of the anti-protective antigen monoclonal antibodies (e.g., obiltoxaximab 16 mg/kg IV or raxibacumab 40 mg/kg IV [adult dosage] to 80 mg/kg IV [pediatric dose if weight is 15 kg or less]) may be administered along with antibiotics in severe infections, such as inhalational or systemic anthrax with signs of sepsis and in cases of serious inhalational exposures.
Serious forms of anthrax require intensive care unit management. Pleural effusions frequently require drainage. Surgical débridement may be necessary in cutaneous cases of injectional anthrax.
In the absence of controlled studies, corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone 10 mg intravenously then 4 mg every 6 hours until clinical improvement) may have a role in the treatment of cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure in anthrax meningitis. Corticosteroids also have been advocated when severe edema causes airway obstruction, large pleural effusions, or massive ascites.
Antimicrobial therapy is not indicated for the food poisoning syndromes caused by Bacillus species. For serious infections, the current treatments of choice are vancomycin, clindamycin, or fluoroquinolones, in consultation with an infectious disease specialist, with doses, routes, and durations varying with the type and extent of the specific infection. Dual therapy with one of these agents plus an aminoglycoside (e.g., gentamicin) may be beneficial. When Bacillus species bacteremia is associated with an intravascular catheter or an implanted device, removal is often necessary to effect a cure. Similarly, valve replacement is usually indicated for prosthetic valve endocarditis. Eye disease must be managed by an ophthalmologist. Keratitis can be treated with a topical fluoroquinolone, but intravitreal antibiotics and vitrectomy are indicated for endophthalmitis.
Anthrax vaccination is recommended for adults ages 18 to 65 years who may be at risk of coming into contact with anthrax because of occupation, including U.S. military personnel, laboratory personnel who work with B. anthracis , and workers such as veterinarians who handle animals or animal products. Vaccination is also recommended for individuals who have been exposed to anthrax in situations such as a bioterrorism attack. Anthrax vaccine adsorbed (BioThrax, licensed in the United States) may be administered as five doses intramuscularly over 18 months or as three doses over 6 months followed by an annual booster for those who continue to be at increased risk of exposure. Anthrax vaccine precipitated (licensed in the United Kingdom) is an alternative, administered as four doses over 32 weeks followed by annual boosters. A live spore vaccine is available for veterinary use. Immunity is short-lived, so revaccination is recommended on an annual basis.
Exposed persons should receive antibiotic prophylaxis with ciprofloxacin (500 mg orally twice daily) or doxycycline (100 mg orally twice daily) for 60 days, as well as anthrax vaccine at 0, 2, and 4 weeks. Anthrax vaccine is 90% effective in protecting most people from anthrax, including the most deadly form, inhalational anthrax. Vaccination is generally well tolerated. Mild local site reactions, including myalgia at the injection site, headache, and fatigue, are the most common side effects. Persons acutely exposed to anthrax, such as during an intentional release of B. anthracis spores, should be decontaminated using soap and water in addition to receiving antibiotic prophylaxis.
Prevention of B. cereus food poisoning is best accomplished by the safe preparation and handling of food items. Cooking food adequately kills vegetative organisms and destroys preformed diarrheal toxin but not emetic toxin. If food is not eaten in a timely fashion, it should be refrigerated as soon as possible since cold inhibits the metabolism and production of toxins.
Mortality is approximately 20% for untreated cutaneous anthrax and approximately 30% for untreated inhalational anthrax. Skin lesions heal over a period of 1 to 3 weeks; antibiotic therapy does not affect the evolution of the localized lesion but does prevent bacteremia and serious sequelae. If untreated, inhalational anthrax has a mortality rate of 100%. With earlier recognition and timely initiation of antibiotic therapy, the case fatality rate in the 2001 bioterrorism event was 45%. Without treatment, mortality for gastrointestinal anthrax is approximately 40%. Mortality is higher (95%) if meningoencephalitis develops as a complication.
For Bacillus species infections, the risk of poor outcomes usually reflects the patient’s underlying illness and the severity of the infection. Mortality for sepsis, meningitis, and endocarditis is higher than for catheter-related bacteremia. Endophthalmitis may lead to blindness.
The genus Corynebacterium encompasses a large group of bacteria that are typically characterized as irregularly shaped, non-spore-forming, aerobic, gram-positive rods. Corynebacterium diphtheriae is the causative organism for diphtheria, which is an acute illness that is mediated by toxin production and presents with a thick, adherent pseudomembrane at the site of infection. C. diphtheriae primarily infects the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract (e.g. nose, tonsils, pharynx, larynx), but it can also cause cutaneous disease. Corynebacterium species other than C. diphtheriae are ubiquitous in the environment (soil and water) and are commensals on skin and mucous membranes in humans. They frequently cause infection in immunocompromised hosts and in patients with indwelling devices.
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