Further Surgical Options in Children


Table 121-1 compares the success rates and different features of interventions for refractory pediatric glaucoma. To date, no treatment has shown reliable IOP lowering over long periods of follow-up in all patients. In selecting a treatment, the practitioner must consider the long-term risks and benefits. The infection-prone anterior bleb following a successful trabeculectomy with mitomycin C has deterred many surgeons from this procedure as second-line treatment. Drainage implants may have a lower risk of infection, though problems with tube migration and exposure frequently require surgical revision. Cyclodestructive procedures, particularly cyclophotocoagulation, have a role in refractory cases, though there is a risk of devastating complications, including retinal detachment and phthisis.

Table 121-1
Comparison of Interventions for Refractory Pediatric Glaucoma
Type of Intervention Success rates Complications Poorer Prognosis Comments
F/u <2 yrs. F/u > 2 yrs.
Trabeculectomy w MMC 50–95% 60–70% Hypotony 0–40%
Endophthalmitis 0–17%
Age <1 yr
thin cystic blebs assoc. w IOP control
may pose long-term infection risk
Glaucoma Drainage Implant 68–91% 40–79% Tube revision 0–42%
Retinal detachment 0–18%
Younger age;
Primary infantile glaucoma;
Less experienced surgeon
high rate of reoperation, poss. related to growth of eye, lower scleral rigidity
Cyclodestruction 17–75% 44–79% Retinal detachment 0–10%
Phthisis 0–10%
Aphakes (more complications) most eyes tx'ed had failed surgery; multiple treatments often required; may be difficult to titrate

Introduction and Indications

The pediatric glaucomas encompass a wide range of disorders with variations in epidemiology, pathophysiology, and anatomical considerations which affect the selection and prognosis of available treatment modalities. Angle surgery such as trabeculotomy or goniotomy typically offers the best initial treatment option, particularly in infants with developmental glaucoma, with 75–90% success and low complication rates. These procedures address the main site of pathology in infantile glaucoma. We typically recommend treating the angle in its entirety in these cases before moving on to other surgical options.

A considerable minority of patients requires intervention beyond angle surgery. Long-term follow-up for infantile glaucoma reveals that failure of initial angle surgery may occur years later. In India and the Middle East, infantile glaucoma may present at a more severe stage, and initial failure rates of angle surgery are higher. In children with secondary glaucomas, such as Sturge–Weber, aphakia, aniridia, and anterior segment dysgenesis, alternative treatment is more likely to be necessary. Patients with chronic synechial angle closure following congenital cataract surgery should not undergo angle surgery. The choice of surgical treatment depends on underlying diagnosis, urgency of intraocular pressure lowering, potential vision, follow-up concerns, and access to tertiary care and medical supplies (see Chapter 34 ).

Presently, surgical options for refractory pediatric glaucomas include: (1) glaucoma drainage device implantation (preferred); (2) filtering surgery (less desirable); and (3) cyclodestructive procedures (least desirable).

Anesthetic Considerations and the Exam Under Anesthesia

In all but the oldest, most cooperative children, general anesthesia will be required for the procedures in this chapter. General anesthesia in infants and young children carries a small but significant risk, including death. A complete preoperative systemic evaluation is essential. Children with some secondary glaucomas are predisposed to anesthetic complications, such as cardiac issues in homocystinuria, and tracheomalacia in Rubinstein–Taybi patients. Appropriate consent and equipment should be obtained for any anticipated procedures, as uncertainty may exist preoperatively as to which, if any, procedures will be performed. Discussion with the parents while the child is under anesthesia should be attempted when unexpected findings warrant intervention.

In these refractory cases, a primary diagnosis has often previously been made. Complete ocular examination is performed with attention to diagnosing progression of glaucoma, as well as factors that might impact surgical decision-making. Intraocular pressure readings should be taken immediately after induction of general anesthesia, to avoid artificial reduction in pressure by anesthetics. Alternatively, midazolam or ketamine may be used for sedation as they may not affect intraocular pressure. Pachymetry, axial length, corneal diameter, anterior segment exam, to include breaks in Descemet's membrane and corneal edema, optic nerve exam and photography may be helpful.

Filtering Surgery

Trabeculectomy is currently the most widely performed glaucoma filtration procedure for glaucoma in adults; however, this procedure has become less popular for infants and children due to high failure rates and long-term infection risk. The technique of trabeculectomy is covered in detail elsewhere in these volumes (see Chapter 77 ).

Special considerations apply to trabeculectomy in young children. A limbus-based conjunctival flap is commonly used in young children, probably because of decreased risk of early wound leak and less potential for the child to disrupt the wound. Postoperative interventions typically require general anesthesia. Both steroids and antifibrotic agents are used intraoperatively and postoperatively to inhibit healing; however, administration of eyedrops may be less reliable. Serial 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) injections have been replaced mainly by intraoperative mitomycin C (MMC). Examination may be limited in the clinic, and children may present with complications at a later stage than adults.

The following studies highlight important features of filtration surgery for refractory pediatric glaucomas ( Table 121-2 ).

Table 121-2
Studies of Filtering Surgery for Pediatric Glaucoma
Study Diagnosis Complications
# of pts/Eyes Study Design Avg F/U Avg Age Primary Infantile Aphakic MMC/5FU Success Criteria Success Rate Hypotony * Bleb Leak Infection Comments
Beauchamp and Parks 1978 16/22 ?Retrospective 18 mos ? 50% 23% no IOP ≤24 mmHg 50% 4% 0% 8% Adv glc, mult sx; Va 20/200
Vitreous loss: 12%
Zalish et al. 1992 2/4 Case series 16.5 mos 7 yrs 100% 0% 5FU (intra/postop) No (IOP under 16) 100% 0% 0% 0% general anaesthesia req'd for p/o 5FU
thin, cystic blebs
Snir et al. 1999 12/8 Prospective
23–27 mos 3 yrs 25%
MMC intra/5FU p/o: 8 eyes
5FU intra/postop: 4 eyes
IOP ≤20 mmHg
Stable nerves
same tx (MMC/5FU) used for fellow eyes
Rodrigues et al. 2004 91/91 Retrospective ~60 mos 45 mos
32 mos
100% 0% MMC: 30 eyes
No MMC: 61 eyes
IOP <22 (<15) ?60–70%
Prior sx: 54% w/o MMC, 80% w/ MMC
No difference in success rate
Mandal et al. 2003 19/19 Retrospective 18 mos 9 yrs
11 yrs
0% 91% MMC: 8 eyes
No MMC: 11 eyes
IOP 6–21 mmHg 58% overall 33%
MMC blebs more avascular
No difference in success rate
Tsai et al. 2003 36/44 Retrospective
? ~19 yrs 0% 0% MMC: 15 eyes
No MMC: 29 eyes
IOP ≤21 mmHg
No reops/revisions
(3 yrs) 73%
100% JOAG
MMC trabs all limbus-based
Ozkiris and Tamcelik 2005 37/48 Retrospective 51 mos 4.6 yrs 84%
MMC 0.2 mcg/mL: 23 eyes
MMC 0.4 mcg/mL: 25 eyes
IOP <18 mmHg(O.R.);
Stable clinically;
No loss of vision
Success rates equal for each MMC conc.
Trend: more complications for 0.4 mcg/mL
Mandal et al. 1997 13/19 Retrospective 20 mos 8 yrs 79% 5% MMC 0.4 mcg/mL ×3 min IOP <16 mmHg(O.R.) 95% 32% 0% 0% Indian population; 1 aphake
IOP <21 mmHg(clinic) One retinal detachment, 20/200 p/o
Mandal et al. 1999 29/38 Retrospective 20 mos 8.6 yrs 89% 11% MMC 0.4 mcg/mL ×3 min IOP <16 mmHg(O.R.)
IOP <21 mmHg(clinic)
65% 10.50% 0% 0% Aphakia: 2 RD's, low success
Pts. <1 y/o: low success
Freedman et al. 1999 17/21 Retrospective 16 mos 2.6 yrs 38% 19% MMC 0.4 mcg/mL ×3–5 min IOP 4–16 mmHg 52% 10% 23% 5% Aphakia, age <1 yr incr. risk of failure
Beck et al. 1998 49/60 Retrospective 20 mos 7.6 yrs 23% 33% MMC 0.25–0.5 mcg/mL ×5 min IOP <22 mmHg;
Stable clinically;
No loss of vision
(2 yrs) 59% 5% 2% 8% High risk of failure: aphakia, <1 y/o, ant. seg. dysgenesis, aniridia
Al-Hazmi et al. 1998 180/254 Retrospective >1 yr 6–12 yrs 98% 0% MMC (variable application) IOP 3–21 mmHg (trab) 39% <1% 2% <1% Saudi Arabian population
Pts. <2 y/o had combined -ectomy/-otomy
Younger pts: more comps., less success
Sidoti et al. 2000 29/29 Retrospective 23 mos 6.4 yrs 52% 10% MMC 0.5 mcg/mL ×3–5 min IOP 5–21 mmHg;
Va > NLP
(3 yrs) 59% 6% 7% 17% Trend: decreased success in secondary glaucomas
Wells et al. 2003 37/37 Retrospective 3 yrs 8.5 yrs 0% 0% MMC 0.4 mcg/mL limbus-based flap
fornix-based flap
IOP >4, no reop. 60%
100% JOAG
Trend- limbus-based group: cystic blebs, leaks, infection; similar success rate
Single surgeon

* Only persistent/clinically significant hypotony included when discernible from data.

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