Disorders of the Ankle and Foot: Forefoot


The foot can be divided into three compartments according to the bony anatomy: the forefoot (comprising the metatarsals and phalanges, the midfoot (the cuneiforms, cuboid and navicular) and the hindfoot (calcaneus and talus).

Midfoot pain and metatarsalgia are common clinical complaints. The aetiology of the symptoms is often difficult to establish clinically and imaging therefore plays an important role in the evaluation of patients. Although radiographs give a good overview of bony anatomy and allow the evaluation of bony lesions, they may be unhelpful in the assessment of soft tissue lesions and early bony abnormalities. With its superficial soft tissue structures, the midfoot and forefoot are ideally suited to evaluation with ultrasound.

This chapter covers the wide range of pathology that may give rise to midfoot and forefoot symptoms, including trauma, masses, synovitis, infection and tendinopathy.

Technical Aspects

High-frequency linear array probes (7.5 MHz or higher) should be used. Focal zones should be centred at the level of interest. Important artifacts to be aware of are anisotropy and beam edge artifact. Anisotropy occurs in structures that have fibres running in a single direction, such as tendons and ligaments. When the angle of insonation is not perpendicular to the structure there may be a dramatic drop-off in echogenicity, which may simulate an abnormality. Technology such as beam steering and compound imaging may help to minimize this artifact. Beam edge artifact occurs at the edge of tendons with loss of signal and distal acoustic shadowing that may obscure adjacent structures.

A copious layer of jelly is very helpful when evaluating superficial structures, particularly if skin contact cannot easily be achieved across the length of the probe. An interposed layer of gel can also help to minimize skin pressure and avoid compression of vessels when examining superficial structures with Doppler. Extended field of view imaging is useful in giving an overview of the anatomy and improves image presentation when demonstrating abnormalities to colleagues.

Doppler imaging has a crucial role in musculoskeletal ultrasound, allowing a real-time evaluation of regional blood flow, which may be altered in a variety of pathological conditions, including inflammation, infection and tumours. Doppler imaging also has an increasingly important role in the follow-up imaging, to assess therapeutic response. In general, power Doppler is preferred over colour Doppler for musculoskeletal ultrasound, as the former is subject to less background noise, is not affected by aliasing and is independent of the angle of insonation.


Foreign Body

Foreign bodies are commonly found in the sole of the foot and may present as localized masses. Often the patient will recall a penetrating injury.


Foreign bodies appear as hyperechoic fragments, usually with a linear configuration. Glass or metal often results in posterior acoustic shadowing but organic material such as splinters may not demonstrate this finding. Abscesses surrounding foreign bodies appear as heterogeneous, ill-defined, low-echogenicity collections with peripheral increased vascularity on Doppler.

Key Point

Granuloma formation may occur around foreign bodies with a hypoechoic halo surrounding the foreign body.

The position of the foreign body in relation to other structures should be assessed, as should its size and depth beneath the skin. If an organic foreign body such as a thorn enters a joint or tendon sheath this may elicit a foreign body synovitis or tenosynovitis. Ultrasound can be used to mark the position of a foreign body prior to surgical removal or to guide minimally invasive removal using microforceps ( Figs 28.1 and 28.2 ).

Figure 28.1, Wood splinter. Extended field of view image demonstrating a clearly defined linear echogenic foreign body in the sole of the foot with surrounding foreign body granuloma (arrowheads).

Figure 28.2, Wood splinter (same patient as in Figure 28.1 ). Power Doppler demonstrates marked increased vascularity within the foreign body granuloma.

Stress Fracture

Plain radiographs may be normal for several weeks before a periosteal reaction or fracture line appears in patients with stress fracture. The gold standard for the early detection of stress fractures is considered to be MRI. Ultrasound, however, does have a role. Moreover, the recognition of stress fractures on ultrasound is important, as this is a relatively frequent unexpected finding in patients presenting with metatarsalgia. The middle and distal portions of the second and third metatarsal shafts are most commonly affected.


On ultrasound an acute stress fracture appears as a focal area of cortical disruption with associated hypoechoic haematoma and periosteal elevation. There is usually increased Doppler signal around the periosteal lesion. If a suspected stress fracture is seen it is prudent to obtain plain radiographs to confirm the lesion and act as a baseline ( Fig. 28.3 ).

Figure 28.3, Stress fracture. Longitudinal scan showing focal periosteal reaction around the metatarsal shaft (short arrows) and a break in the cortex (long arrow). There is surrounding soft tissue swelling with increased vascularity on Doppler.

Plantar Plate Injury

Plantar plate injury or insufficiency may be the result of wearing high-heeled shoes, hypermobility, acute hyperextension trauma or overuse. Although overall the second metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) is most commonly involved, turf toe describes an acute hyperextension injury of the first MTPJ with rupture of the plantar plate. This condition is usually associated with playing sports on a hard surface such as artificial turf. The injury typically occurs at the distal insertion of the plantar plate. Running and push-off are usually compromised. In the long term, the injury may result in hallux rigidus and hallux valgus.

Anatomy and Imaging

The plantar plate is a fibrocartilaginous supporting structure that connects the base of the proximal phalanx to the metatarsal neck, blending in with the sesamoids and tendons of the flexor hallucis brevis. Its function is to resist hyperextension of the MTPJ.

Practice Tip
The plantar plate is best visualized in the longitudinal plane, and appears as a low-echogenicity band, curving over the metatarsal head to insert into the proximal phalanx.

The fibres of the plantar plate have a grainy homogeneous texture. Tears manifest as discontinuity of the plate or altered echogenicity ( Fig. 28.4 ). There may be associated synovitis of the MTPJ, flexor tenosynovitis and persistent hyperextension of the proximal phalanx. If MRI is performed bone oedema may be seen in the metatarsal head and proximal phalanx due to hyperextension of the joint ( Fig. 28.5 ).

Figure 28.4, Plantar plate insufficiency.

Figure 28.5, Turf toe. Longitudinal scan showing an avulsion of the base of the proximal phalanx (arrow) with discontinuity of the fibres of the plantar plate (arrowhead).

Most plantar plate injuries can be managed nonsurgically with insoles and strapping, with severe injuries requiring long-term immobilization in a boot or cast. If conservative treatment is unsuccessful, surgery is considered.


The term ‘sesamoiditis’ covers a spectrum of pathological conditions, including stress fractures, osteochondritis, chon­dromalacia and avascular necrosis of the sesamoid bones of the first hallux. Sesamoiditis is usually caused by repeated forefoot loading such as dancing and running. The onset may be acute or develop insidiously. Patients complain of pain beneath the first MTPJ, with restricted movement of the joint. The medial sesamoid is most affected and it is usually bipartite.


The hallux sesamoids are embedded within the medial and lateral slips of the flexor hallucis brevis tendon at the level of the first metatarsal head. A thick intersesamoid ligament connects the sesamoids, which in turn are attached to the base of the proximal phalanx by the sesamoid-phalangeal ligament. The anatomical arrangement forms part of a gliding mechanism that reduces friction and protects the tendon. A primary function of the hallux sesamoids is to absorb the weight-bearing force of the medial forefoot.

Plain radiographs should be obtained to assess for sclerosis or fragmentation of the sesamoids. In nearly all cases of sesamoiditis, the sesamoid bone is bi- or multipartite. On MRI there may be bony fragmentation with bone oedema on fluid-sensitive sequences. If there is avascular necrosis the affected sesamoid is of low signal on all sequences. Ultrasound may show fragmentation of the sesamoids, and in some cases there may be associated tendinopathy of the flexor hallucis longus tendon. Bipartite sesamoids can be difficult to differentiate from sesamoid fractures and most may even be fractures. Acute fractures have sharp, uncorticated margins, but this cannot usually be appreciated on ultrasound ( Fig. 28.6 ).

Figure 28.6, Sesamoiditis. Transverse scan showing a bipartite irregular medial sesamoid (arrows), with a normal appearance of the lateral sesamoid (arrowhead).

Patients are usually managed by offloading the sesamoid by activity modification and orthotics. Ultrasound-guided injection of steroid between the sesamoid and the metatarsal may also decrease pain. Surgery may alter the biomechanics of the forefoot and cause hallux valgus or claw toe deformity, and so should be undertaken with caution.

Freiberg's Infraction

Freiberg's infraction is characterized by collapse of the second or third metatarsal head, which is thought to be related to repetitive trauma, resulting in microfractures and avascular necrosis. It occurs more commonly in females and typically affects adolescents. The disease is more common when the first metatarsal is shorter than the second.


On radiographs there is initially sclerosis of the metatarsal head, followed by collapse and irregularity. On ultrasound the metatarsal head is flattened and irregular. There is often synovitis at the MTPJ, which may be associated with increased vascularity on Doppler ( Fig. 28.7 ).

Figure 28.7, Freiberg's infraction. Longitudinal scan showing irregularity of the second metatarsal head (arrows) with associated synovitis.

With most cases of Freiberg's infraction off-loading the metatarsal head may be sufficient. If synovitis is a major feature, steroid injection may give long-term pain relief. Surgery can be helpful in patients with on-going pain.

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