Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Functional Tractography

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a noninvasive technique that makes it possible to assess the integrity and location of subcortical white matter tracts in vivo. Its importance is underscored by the developing understanding that neurologic outcomes are more dependent on the integrity of the subcortical white matter tracts than specific cortical areas.

Indications for the clinical use of DTI are rapidly broadening. Although it is still confined mainly to the field of surgical neuro-oncology, it has also been found useful for planning treatment and predicting outcome in functional neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, epilepsy surgery, magnetic resonance–guided thermal ablative techniques, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders, and spinal pathology.

This chapter focuses on the science behind DTI, its practical considerations, and its application in the surgical management of intra-axial brain tumors and the planning of deep brain stimulation (DBS).

The Science of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography

The concepts of diffusion-weighted imaging and DTI are based on measuring the random (Brownian) movement of water molecules. Water molecules in different environments (e.g., intracellular vs. extracellular water) have different diffusivities that may be influenced by structural barriers (e.g., cell membranes) and the molecular densities of tissue. To measure this diffusivity, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners exploit the loss of signal between two gradient pulses (usually 20 to 50 ms apart) as water moves; therefore areas with high diffusion have low signal and areas of restricted diffusion have higher signal. Diffusivity can be described as isotropic ( Fig. 3.1A ) or anisotropic ( Fig. 3.1B ). Isotropic diffusion is the same in all directions, as would be the case in areas of fluid without a microstructure, such as cerebrospinal fluid. On the other hand, tubular structures, such as neurons, have anisotropic diffusion, where water diffuses more freely along the axis of the neuron than in the other two perpendicular axes.

FIGURE 3.1, Depiction of (A) isotropic and (B) anisotropic diffusion of water molecules. (C) In cases of anisotropic diffusion, key measures include fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and mean diffusivity.

DTI sequences are designed to measure the diffusivity of water molecules in each voxel in at least six different gradients (directions), which are amalgamated to build up a tensor describing the magnitude of diffusivity, termed eigenvalues, in each of three orthogonal dimensions, termed eigenvectors . Using these three eigenvalues and eigenvectors, a number of descriptive properties of the tissue can be described including the fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity, radial diffusivity, and mean diffusivity ( Fig. 3.1C ), properties that may serve as useful markers of tissue characteristics such as fiber diameter, fiber density and myelination. Of these, FA is probably the widely used. FA ranges between 0 (isotropic diffusion) and 1 (anisotropic diffusion), with high FA values associated with white matter tracts.

Mathematical algorithms can then be used to map these white matter tracts. These mathematical algorithms can be broadly split into two different techniques. The original methods (including FACT and TEND , ) used deterministic modelling, which assigns each voxel with a directional orientation and uses the orientations of nearby voxels to map tracts. Newer probabilistic methods consider an orientation distribution function for each voxel, thereby generating a statistical likelihood map for the location of white matter tracts. , , Although the deterministic method is more commonly used by commercial software and intraoperative neuronavigation systems, it is susceptible to areas of low FA, as can be the case with peritumoral edema or areas where there are intersecting fiber tracts in multiple directions. Probabilistic mapping is limited by its computational intensity, often taking days on traditional machines; the advent of graphic processing units has allowed probabilistic tractography to be sped up. Both methods require cautious interpretation as they may be susceptible to producing false-positive and false-negative tracts and do not have the ability to assign directionality (afferent vs. efferent) to the tracts.

Both types of mapping require a starting “seed” voxel that can either be performed by the user based upon anatomically preserved foci or be based on relevant areas of cortex identified through fMRI. For example, the corticospinal tract can be identified by selecting the cerebral peduncles as an anatomically preserved focus or by identifying areas of the primary motor cortex using an fMRI finger-tapping task.

The output of this processing, the estimation of the location of white matter tracts, can be presented via color-coded maps on two-dimensional slice MR projections or be integrated into three-dimensional reconstructions to portray fiber pathways ( Fig. 3.2 ).

FIGURE 3.2, Output of fiber-tracking algorithms can be viewed on (A) two-dimensional (2D) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slice projections or (B) as a three-dimensional (3D) map, which can be integrated into intraoperative neuronavigation systems. In the 2D projection (A), there is a color convention whereby red represents fibers in the x-axis (left-right), green represents fibers in the y-axis (anterior-posterior) and blue represents fibers in the z-axis (cranial-caudal).

Rationale for Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Surgical Neuro-oncology

The field of surgical neuro-oncology has placed significant focus on the so-called oncofunctional balance with the aim of maximizing the extent of resection (EoR) of intra-axial brain tumors while preserving neurologic function and quality of life. Although the importance of EoR has been established in numerous studies of high- and low-grade gliomas, it has also clearly been shown that causing a neurologic deficit affects outcome adversely. More recent developments have even advocated for supratotal resection of gliomas, switching from a paradigm of “image-guided” resection to “functionally guided” resection.

There are multiple techniques in a surgeon’s armamentarium that can be used in pursuit of this oncofunctional balance ( Table 3.1 ), but novel MRI modalities have undoubtedly been central to progress.

Table 3.1
Techniques Designed to Maximize the Extent of Resection While Preserving Neurologic Function and Quality of Life
Adjuncts That Help to Increase Extent of Resection Adjuncts That Help to Preserve Neurologic Function
Fluorsecence-guided resection (5-amino-levulinic acid [5-ALA]) Functional MRI (fMRI)
Intraoperative MRI (iMRI) Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
MRI , Magnetic resonance imaging.

Modern intraoperative neuronavigation systems enable the coregistration of tractographic maps to traditional structural imaging sequences, thus facilitating pre- and intraoperative visualization. A basic understanding of the location and function of main white matter tract systems is a prerequisite for the use of DTI in surgical neuro-oncology ( Table 3.2 ).

Table 3.2
Important White Matter Tracts and Their Role in Surgical Neuro-oncology
Adapted from Voets NL, Bartsch A, Plaha P. Brain white matter fibre tracts: a review of functional neuro-oncological relevance. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr . 2017;88(12):1017–1025. Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M. A diffusion tensor imaging tractography atlas for virtual in vivo dissections. Cortex . 2008;44(8):1105–1132.
Tract Function DTI Pointers
Corticospinal tract (CST) Primary motor output. Damage results in paresis. Amenable to DES but useful to gain understanding of relation of the tumor to CST prior to intervention. May also help to decide whether DES is necessary intraoperatively. Consistent tracing for medial CST fibers but more variable in lateral CST, improved by probabilistic tractography.
Arcuate fasciculus Fibers connect the inferior frontal lobe (pars opercularis) to the superior temporal gyrus. The right arcuate fasciculus is involved in language (repetition, speech production), the left is involved in visuospatial processing and language (prosody). Damage results in phonemic paraphasias, repetitions, and nonfluent “expressive” aphasia. Pre- and postoperative integrity has been shown to correlate well with lasting postoperative language deficits
Superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) Can be split into SLF-I, SLF-II, SLF-III and temporoparietal fibers (SLF-tp); these generally connect frontal and parietal association areas with roles in language and attention. SLF-III is best characterized, and damage causes dysarthrias. Pre- and postoperative integrity has been shown to correlate well with lasting postoperative language deficits
Middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF) Connects the superior temporal pole to the inferior parietal lobe but its functions remain unclear.
Inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) Temporo-occipital association fibers, involved in visual perception (including facial recognition), reading. Damage results in visual agnosias, alexias, prosopagnosia. High intersubject variability in cortical terminations.
Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) Connects the frontal operculum to a poorly defined region of occipital cortex that merges with the ILF in its course near the posterior temporal lobe. Damage causes visual semantic deficits. Commonly invaded by gliomas with good correlation between DTI tract reconstruction and intraoperative DES localization.
Frontal aslant tract Connects primary motor cortex and pars opercularis to SMA. Damage results in SMA syndrome (hemiparesis, difficulty with speech initiation), which is typically transient.
Uncinate fasciculus Ventral bundle connecting temporal pole to orbitofrontal cortex, involved in emotional processing.
Optic radiation Fibers connecting optic tracts to primary visual cortex. Split into temporal (Meyer) and parietal divisions. Damage results in visual field defects including scotomas and quadrantanopias. High-fidelity DTI of tracts means that surgery can be carried out under GA with mapping of radiation to prevent visual field defects.
Cingulum Medial associative bundle within the cingulate gyrus, involved in attention, memory, and emotion.
DES , Direct electrical stimulation; DTI , diffusion tensor imaging; GA , general anaesthesia; SMA , supplementary motor area.

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