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Chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP) is a growing area of study in pain medicine. An increasing number of patients undergoing surgery each year, multiplied by a variable reported incidence (5%–85%), produces an increased number of patients with new chronic pain. In recognition of CPSP as an important global health problem, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) named 2017 the Global Year Against Pain After Surgery. In the upcoming International Classification of Disease (ICD-11), which is expected to be implemented in January 2022 by the World Health Organization, CPSP is recognized as one of the seven major types of chronic pain (MG 30.XX) under distinct codes for “chronic postsurgical pain” (MG 30.21), “chronic postsurgical or posttraumatic pain, unspecified” (MG30.2Z), and “other specified chronic postsurgical or posttraumatic pain” (MG30.2Y). , CPSP is a distinct subset of chronic posttraumatic pain, the definition of which is “pain developing or increasing in intensity after a tissue injury (involving any trauma including.” The code for chronic posttraumatic pain also includes persistent pain after trauma, spinal cord injury, nerve injuries, and burn injury.
Publications regarding CPSP have grown exponentially over the last decade, from 178 publications by 2009 to 938 publications by 2019, providing a strong but heterogeneous and complex body of evidence. This chapter will cover the definition, incidence, and proposed pathophysiology of CPSP, summarize what is known about potential risk factors that may aid prediction, and outline strategies for preventive efforts.
The concept of CPSP is pain that lasts longer than the physiologic healing process after surgery. Simple diagnostic criteria for CPSP were proposed by Macrae in 2001 as pain developing after a surgical procedure of at least two months duration, with other causes for the pain having been excluded (e.g. continuing malignancy or chronic infection), including the possibility that the pain continues from a preexisting problem. However, there have been additions and modifications to this simple definition, including:
Many patients already experience pre-surgical pain. To define CPSP for patients who already had pre-surgical pain, post-surgical pain should have increased severity and/or be accompanied by a change in location or character.
The duration of two months may be too short to be considered as chronic pain in some cases, and thus the required duration of pain should be extended to at least three–six months.
Rather than simply categorizing pain as absence/presence, pain severity and impact should be considered, with CPSP defined as pain that the patient feels has at least a minimal impact on quality of life.
CPSP commonly develops immediately after surgery but may also develop after a pain-free period, possibly because of the delayed onset of neuropathic pain after nerve injuries (inguinal hernia repair, breast surgery with axillary dissection).
The CPSP may involve locations outside the surgical site. For example, patients suffering from persistent pain after breast cancer surgery report pain not only at the breast or axilla, both in the upper medial arm, likely because of intercostobrachial neuralgia from axillary node dissection.
IASP updated the definition of CPSP in 2017: “Chronic post-surgical pain is chronic pain developing or increasing in intensity after a surgical procedure and persisting beyond the healing process, i.e. at least three months after surgery.” The pain is either localized to the surgical field, projected to the innervation territory of a nerve situated in this area, or referred to a dermatome (after surgery/injury to deep somatic or visceral tissues). Other causes of pain, such as infection and malignancy, need to be excluded, and pain continuing from a preexisting pain problem. Depending on the type of surgery, CPSP often includes elements of neuropathic pain ( Table 24.1 ). These newly proposed criteria provide a more comprehensive picture of CPSP and may be used as diagnostic criteria in the ICD-11 coding system.
Macrae 2001 | Werner and Kongsgaard 2014 | IASP 2019 |
The pain that develops or increases in intensity after a surgical procedure or a tissue injury and persists beyond the healing process, i.e. at least three months after the initiating event. The pain has to be localized to the surgical field or area of injury, projected to the innervation territory of a nerve situated in this area, or referred to a dermatome or Head’s zone (after surgery/injury to deep somatic and visceral tissues). Other causes of pain, such as preexisting pain conditions or infections, or malignancy, have to be excluded in all cases of chronic posttraumatic and post-surgical pain. |
Having a well-developed definition and standard diagnostic criteria has assisted the visibility and recognition of CPSP, which had previously been underestimated. However, the diagnostic criteria for CPSP do not specify a clinically meaningful pain severity to define CPSP. Even with these more closely defined diagnostic criteria, variation in cut points for the severity constituting clinically significant pain and at timepoints chosen to study CPSP likely contributes to the wide range of reported incidence of CPSP in the literature. Studies have used different definitions to denote clinically meaningful CPSP, ranging from anything >0/10 on the pain scale to only considering pain >3 or >4/10 as significant. Frequency may be variable (constant vs. intermittent), and the quality of the pain may depend on its location and the exact mixture of its mechanistic basis. From mild to debilitating pain, this range of severity correspondingly results in varying degrees of negative impact on quality of life.
Thus the estimates for the incidence of CPSP vary substantially even among studies using the same procedure ( Table 24.2 ), , according to the methodologic differences in defining CPSP by pain intensity ( Table 24.2 ), and by time ( Fig. 24.1 ), and across study samples. The procedures with the highest reported incidence of CPSP include thoracotomy (5%–65%), mastectomy (11%–57%), and amputation (30%–85%). These procedures also have a higher prevalence of moderate to severe pain (5%–10%) than herniotomy (2%–4%) and seem to have more neuropathic characteristics (66%–68% for thoracotomy and mastectomy) than hip or knee arthroplasty (6%).
Type of Surgery | Incidence of All CPSP | Incidence of Severe CPSP (>5/10 of 10/10) | Proportion of neuropathic pain in CPSP |
Amputation | 30%–85% | 5%–10% | 80% |
Cesarean delivery | 6%–55% | 5%–10% | 50% |
Cholecystectomy | 3%–50% | Not reported | Not reported |
Coronary bypass | 30%–50% | 5%–10% | Not reported |
Craniotomy | 7%–30% | 25% | Not reported |
Dental surgery | 5%–13% | Not reported | Not reported |
Hip arthroplasty | 27% | 6% | Not reported |
Inguinal herniotomy | 5%–63% | 2%–4% | 80% |
Knee arthroplasty | 13%–44% | 15% | 6% |
Melanoma resection | 9% | Not reported | Not reported |
Mastectomy | 11%–57% | 5%–10% | 65% |
Sternotomy | 7%–17% | Not reported | Not reported |
Thoracotomy | 5%–65% | 10% | 45% |
Vasectomy | 0%–37% | Not reported | Not reported |
Although cross-sectional studies are the most common, some longitudinal studies have tracked the incidence of CPSP at later time points and generally show a decrease over time. For example, the incidence of CPSP after thoracotomy in the study by Montes et al. showed 38% at four months, 19% at 12 months, and 13% at 24 months. A similar mean trajectory of CPSP has been reported after hysterectomy and hernia repair ( Fig. 24.1 ). In contrast, other studies have suggested a relatively low but stable incidence beyond three months, as in the case of mastectomy, where both cross-sectional studies querying patients at six months to six years, and longitudinal studies out to 12 months, suggest a similar incidence of about 30% reporting pain of ≥3/10 or more. A more in-depth analysis, taking interpatient variability into account, suggests that there may be multiple pain trajectories within the first year after surgery, depending on severity, experienced by different subgroups of patients.
A large international study averaging across multiple surgical types showed an overall incidence of CPSP of 41% (95% CI 38–43) at six months and 35% (95% CI 32–39) at one year. However, patients with severe pain (NRS ≥6/10), who also reported greater pain interference with activities and mood than patients with more moderate pain, represented only 2% of patients in the same study (95% CI 1–3).
Surgical injury leads to acute postoperative pain that may be nociceptive, inflammatory, and/or neuropathic when viewed according to classic pain categorizations. However, the exact mechanism(s) involved in the pathophysiology leading to the maintenance or chronification of post-surgical pain is not well established and may vary according to nature of the injury and tissues involved. Three important mechanistic concepts that may be important for understanding the chronification of pain after surgery include neuroplasticity, nerve injury, and opioid-induced hyperalgesia.
Neuroplasticity is a term that describes the adaptability within the structure and function of the nervous system, a quality that fundamentally underlies several crucial tasks of the nervous system, such as learning and memory, and also includes self-preservation from noxious stimuli. The intense nociceptive and inflammatory stimuli from tissue injury that occurs during surgery is a message that the nervous system cannot evolutionarily afford to ignore. The nervous system response to tissue injury can be regarded as functional neuroplasticity. Increased pain immediately after surgery can drive adaptive behaviors that facilitate healing. However, these processes, when sustained or solidified into CPSP, represent a maladaptive change.
Surgical injury of tissues leads to a local release of inflammatory and other mediators and creates an acidic and often locally ischemic environment. These mediators activate peripheral nociceptors both directly through binding of mediators and by decreasing the threshold to activation by other stimuli, making normally painful stimuli more painful (hyperalgesia) and painful nonpainful stimuli (allodynia) at the site of injury (primary hyperalgesia and allodynia, limited to injury site). intense and maintained nociceptive input from the periphery also activates central nociceptive pathways, starting at the level of the dorsal horn, and modulating descending facilitation and inhibition from supraspinal centers, and cortex. This multi-level activation contributes to increased sensitivity at the primary site and sites distal to the injury (secondary hyperalgesia), otherwise known as central sensitization ( Fig. 24.2 ).
Changes in receptor and gene expression in the dorsal root ganglion contribute to this prolonged excitability of primary nociceptors (peripheral sensitization) and thus enhanced transmission of the nociceptive signal. Correspondingly, the continued transmission of this nociceptive input can cause transcriptional changes at the level of the spinal cord that underlie central sensitization. The N -methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor plays a pivotal role in the amplification of pain and central sensitization at the level of the spinal cord, as evidenced in pre-clinical and human models. The application of NMDA receptor antagonists to prevent hyperalgesia in experimental models provided hope for a similar outcome in humans. Some studies showed that NMDA receptor antagonism with agents such as ketamine might modify the incidence or intensity of CPSP in clinical application. Additionally, the response from surrounding immune, stromal, and glial cells in the periphery and spinal cord causally contributes to and sustains peripheral and central sensitization, influencing the extent and duration of pain and its transition to a more chronic state. In keeping with the idea of noxious nociceptive input from the periphery driving central sensitization, efforts to interrupt the intense nociceptive signal have long been viewed as a way to prevent pain amplification and nervous system plasticity (preventive analgesia, sometimes called preemptive analgesia).
The concept of preemptive analgesia was described in 1983 as an early analgesic intervention initiated before a nociceptive stimulus, which may “preempt” the development of persistent pain. However, clinical studies comparing analgesics given before vs. immediately following an injury failed to strongly confirm the idea of preemption. The subsequent concept of preventive analgesia recognized the need to extend the time window of intervention to cover not only the initial intense nociceptive stimulation (during injury or hours after injury) but also the ongoing inflammation and aberrant firing of injured nerves at later time points (days after injury), when ongoing nociception has not yet abated. , The impact of regional anesthesia (nerve blocks), and pharmacologic agents such as ketamine, and lidocaine, have been often studied, with mixed but promising results in preventing CPSP. The definitions of these concepts are summarized in Table 24.3 .
Term | Definition |
Preemptive analgesia | An intervention initiated before a nociceptive stimulus, aimed at significantly decreasing or eliminating the nociceptive stimulus to the point that it does not lead to central sensitization and prolonged pain. , |
Preventive analgesia | An intervention that is initiated before a nociceptive stimulus and continues until the majority of nociceptive stimuli have abated. , |
Peripheral sensitization | Changes in the peripheral nociceptor and its milieu that lower the pain threshold and lead to a greater response for any given stimulus. , |
Central sensitization | Changes in the central nervous system at the level of the spinal cord or higher that result in pain hypersensitivity. , |
Opioids have long been commonly used as potent analgesics. However, when used chronically and at high doses, analgesic efficacy may diminish, disappear, or even lead to increased pain. This paradoxical phenomenon, where opioids lead to a hyperalgesic state, is called opioid-induced hyperalgesia.
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) can be conceptualized as secondary hyperalgesia. The mechanism underlying OIH likely involves transcriptional changes leading to an imbalance between pro and antinociceptive pathways, including µ-opioid signaling, pronociceptive ion channel modulation, and microglial activation. Chronic exposure to opioids has been shown to result in µ-opioid receptor phosphorylation by G-protein coupled receptor kinases, which leads to β-arresting-2 recruitment, µ-opioid receptor endocytosis, and receptor unavailability. ,
A systematic review of clinical studies suggests that high intraoperative doses of remifentanil are associated with small but significant increases in acute pain after surgery. Even lower dose and briefer exposures to remifentanil (0.1 mcg/kg/min for 30 min) have been associated with OIH. In pre-clinical studies, the hyperalgesic effect of a single dose of fentanyl can last for three weeks. OIH may potentially augment hyperalgesia from tissue injuries itself, making opioid-sparing strategies such as multimodal analgesia especially important in treating both acute postoperative pain and CPSP. Ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist, has been shown to decrease β-arresting-2 transcription in mice and to clinically decrease punctate hyperalgesia in humans who received remifentanil. Within a clinical context, it may be challenging to distinguish OIH from opioid tolerance, inadequate analgesia, and changes in underlying disease pathology. However, it may be suggested by altered sensory processing such as allodynia and hyperalgesia and worsening pain with further doses of opioids. Assessing specifically for signs of OIH early after surgery may allow a better determination of the extent to which OIH contributes to CPSP.
Peripheral nerves are among the tissues that can be injured by surgery. Peripheral nerve injury is often considered a central contributor to the mechanistic basis of CPSP. As outlined in the neuroplasticity section above, peripheral nerves contribute fundamentally to carrying an augmented message of pain after any tissue injury, whether the nerves themselves have sustained structural damage. However, pre-clinical studies have shown that a variety of damage to peripheral nerves may cause increased and spontaneous firing of action potentials, changes in gene expression including up and downregulation of neurotransmitters, and immune system activation after injury. These changes occur at the dorsal root ganglion level but reverberate to the dorsal horn and higher centers.
Neuropathic pain in the context of CPSP can be defined in various ways, although typically utilizing questionnaires such as the DN4, S-LANSS, and painDETECT, or by including similar questions in a surgery specific questionnaire. The presence of pain features of a certain quality (e.g. burning, tingling, stabbing) are indicators of nerve injury. Based on these definitions, the prevalence of neuropathic pain in CPSP varies from 6% to 68% among various surgeries, although the highest reported ranges appear after thoracic and breast surgery and lowest after hip or knee replacement. While more extensive nerve damage is associated with a higher incidence of CPSP, higher pain severity, and functional impairment, nerves are rarely injured in isolation, and causation cannot be inferred from this correlation.
Many putative factors have been linked to the incidence of CPSP and its severity, impact, and related complications, such as persistent opioid use. These factors may allow further insight into the mechanism underlying CPSP and have been put to practical use to estimate the risk of CPSP in many predictive models.
Although surgical injury, by definition, is the inciting event for CPSP, the surgical extent is not always the best predictor of greater incidence and severity of CPSP. Chronic pain is a complex interaction between nociception and an individual’s life. Many factors beyond the degree of tissue injury are formative to the individual experience of pain after surgery, including genetic, psychological, and social factors. The biopsychosocial model of pain, which includes biophysical differences between individuals (genetic variation, baseline nociceptive sensitivity, opioid dependence), and differences in psychosocial factors known to be involved in the processing of pain (anxiety, depression, coping strategies, social support), provides a comprehensive picture of the risk and predictive model for CPSP ( Fig. 24.3 ).
Tissue and nerve injury in each procedure must also be considered as part of the biologic variation that occurs between individuals undergoing surgery. Certain procedures are associated with different ranges of CPSP incidence, , typically with procedures of greater extent associated with higher rates. Surgical factors associated with CPSP include longer duration of surgery, low (vs. high) volume of surgical center, open (vs. laparoscopic) approach for some operations such as inguinal hernia repair, and intraoperative nerve damage.
Tissue injury is not necessarily limited to the initial surgical injury. For example, patients who underwent repeated inguinal hernia repair were more likely to develop moderate or severe pain. Similarly, and patients who received radiotherapy after breast cancer surgery had a higher likelihood of CPSP in a meta-analysis (odds ratio [OR] = 1.35[1.16–1.57]), possibly because of the increased incidence of tissue fibrosis, neural entrapment, and impaired glenohumeral motion.
Younger age and female sex are associated with an increased risk of CPSP. , A multivariable analysis by Montes et al. found that, compared to older patients (>64 years), younger patients had a greater incidence of CPSP (OR 3.1 [2.4–4.0] for 18–50-year-olds, and OR 1.6 [1.2–2.1] for 51–64 patients). Similarly, in a meta-analysis of 30 studies involving 19,813 patients undergoing breast cancer surgery, the absolute risk of CPSP increased 7% [5%, 9%] for every ten years decreased from age 70.
Preexisting pain at the surgical site represents sensitization of nociceptors in the area, and further nociceptive input from surgical injury likely further augments this sensitization in an additive or supra-additive fashion. Chronic pain in nonsurgical areas is also an important risk factor, indicating a tendency toward amplification of the pain signal over endogenous pain inhibition, , or central sensitization. Other studies have associated longer duration and higher intensity of preoperative pain with the development and persistence of CPSP. , One study reported a slightly higher risk of CPSP for preoperative pain at the surgical site than preoperative pain at a remote site. However, both surgical site and generalized pain appear to be robust predictors of CPSP. A multivariable analysis from a large observational multinational study showed the presence of chronic preoperative pain at any site is the strongest predictor of CPSP at 12 months after surgery (OR 1.89 [1.12–3.18]). Preoperative pain, either at the surgical site or chronic pain at another site, are consistently included among the key predictors in most prediction models for CPSP. , , ,
Long term opioid use for the treatment of chronic pain may increase the risk of CPSP, either as a marker of preoperative chronic pain severity or OIH, or both. However, whether opioid use serves as a causal contributor to CPSP or is simply a common coincidental finding because of chronic pain is still unknown. In one cohort study, preoperative opioids were associated with CPSP on a simple univariable analysis (relative risk [RR] 2.0 [1.2–3.3]). However, when other factors, including preoperative pain status, were included in the multivariate analysis, preoperative opioid use was no longer a significant predictor (RR 1.3 [0.8–1.9]).
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