Category Plastic Surgery

Micronutrient Homeostasis

Importance of Vitamins and Trace Elements Essential vitamins and trace elements, which are globally known as “micronutrients,” are fundamental to metabolism; they function as structures of enzymes or as their cofactors. Their requirements are influenced by the metabolic state and…

The Hepatic Response to Thermal Injury

Introduction The extreme hypermetabolic and hypercatabolic stress responses induced by a severe burn injury are characterized by increased proteolysis, lipolysis, and production of endogenous glucose via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. The critical organ controlling these processes is the liver. With major…

Biomarkers in Burn Patient Care

Introduction Each year, more than 8 million people are burned. Approximately 1 million sustain severe burn injuries covering more than 30% of the total body surface area (TBSA). Burns cause considerable morbidity and mortality; burn injuries are often complicated by…

The Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Introduction Burn patients, with or without inhalation injuries, commonly exhibit a clinical picture that is largely produced by systemic inflammation. The term systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) was introduced to designate the signs and symptoms of this condition. SIRS has…

Respiratory Care

Introduction The multitude of respiratory complications caused by smoke inhalation, flame burns, and their treatment epitomize the clinical challenges that confront health care workers. Smoke inhalation injury and its sequelae impose demands on the practitioners who play a central role…