Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
KEY POINTS Compression during early morphogenesis (the first trimester) can result in three types of defects: molded deformations, incomplete morphogenesis, and disruptions of morphogenesis. Experimental animal studies showed that early amniotic sac puncture caused defects similar to Pierre Robin sequence,…
KEY POINTS Ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants outside the uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tube. Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include tubal damage, prior ectopic pregnancy, use of intrauterine devices, tubal sterilization, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease,…
KEY POINTS Fetal movement is crucial for normal joint development, and lack of movement can lead to joint contractures. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal akinesia may reveal additional structural abnormalities such as cystic hygroma, increased nuchal translucency, and hydrops fetalis. Fetal…
KEY POINTS Amniotic fluid tends to decrease during the last trimester of pregnancy, and a serious deficiency can result in fetal constraint. Oligohydramnios may be caused by renal/urinary tract malformations or amniotic rupture, accompanied by constrictive amnion strands, which can…
KEY POINTS Various types of uterine malformations, such as bicornuate or myomatous uterus, can lead to small uterine cavity deformation, increasing the risk of fetal deformation and complications. Diagnostic procedures like hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy, and 3D ultrasonography are more accurate in…
KEY POINTS Factors contributing to face presentation include fetal anomalies, contracted pelvis, fetopelvic disproportion, or cord around the neck. Face presentation is more common in large infants (>4000 g), small infants (<2300 g), and cephalopelvic disproportion. Cesarean section is considered…
KEY POINTS Transverse lie is the second most common nonvertex presentation during delivery, occurring in 1.2–3 per 100 deliveries. Multiparity, prematurity, placenta previa, polyhydramnios, uterine anomalies, and uterine myomas are associated with transverse lie. Laxity of abdominal musculature in multiparous…
KEY POINTS Breech presentation is considered normal in premature fetuses before 32 weeks of gestation but is responsible for one-third of all deformations in term newborns. Factors leading to breech presentation include prematurity, twinning, chronic amniotic fluid leakage, uterine malformations,…
KEY POINTS Wormian bones are accessory bones found within cranial suture lines that vary in size and quantity, with few and small bones being common and many large bones being extremely rare. A majority of children with an excessive number…
KEY POINTS Cephalohematoma is a subperiosteal extracranial hemorrhage often from an injury to the cranial periosteum during labor or a traumatic delivery. Risk factors include vacuum extraction, forceps delivery, fetal scalp monitors, instrumentation, and increased birth weight. Complications of cephalohematoma…